(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi Li(piggi)

Marcellus cake is chocolate flavour. The top tier is reduced sugar for the kids and the bottom tier for adult. The portion is good. There are some left over but we have pack it home for dessert next day.

Glad to get some encouragement from this thread.

Bigtoes, I send bb ethan to IFC and we look after him after work. It is getting easier nowadays since he dun wake up so often at night but he still require to be rocked to sleep. And he is not beri cooperative at the initial stage of sleep rocking. He will squirm and turn and his legs will start kicking abit. I know I cannot do this when my pregnancy progress…. But the patting method does not work loh….SIANZ. We are not pro-maid loh… tat is the problem :S

Rachel, yeap, cannot go jobless.. hope my boss dun gimme a dirty look when I tell him I preggy in a few months time. Dragged to tell him loh

Lok, so long never see u here liao! Yah… I remember u haf a toddler to handle as well! I tink most likely by then #1 will be in childcare and #2 in IFC. But as we do not have car, I wonder how next time I lag home 2 kids home by myself if hubby get held up at work. Sianz… My hubby dun like maid loh.. so no chance to get a maid at all.. bt part time maid will be an option to explore for us next time. How u cope wif 2 little ones at home? I imagine next time to bathe and feed and coax them to sleep…. Gosh.. it will suck away a HUGE part of my energy. Think I will be a withered flower by then….keke
<font color="aa00aa">li (piggi)- hah, i booked with aimummy so long back, i don't remember the flavor of K's cake - think there were only 2 choices...have to check my email trail with her to find out!

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - i think it is still doable without a live in maid, but get a part time one to help with the cleaning? We also value our privacy &amp; don't want a stranger in the house, but have a lady who come weekly/bi-weekly to clean up for about 4 hours. As for a car, that is more tricky - not easy if you have to drag 2 kiddos and a stroller, diaper bag etc...and catch a cab, especially when it rains. I think getting a car pretty much becomes a necessity when you have kids.</font>
Goldfish - hubby and i are also not use to a stranger in the house as its easier to pack and go out type. I've also got a part time helper who comes once a week, when she can.

On weeks she does not come, we actually split up the cleaning at home, one vacuum, one mop. Then with bathrooms when we bathe, we wash the bathroom too.
So when the helper comes, its a thorough clean up of the whole place.

Agree that a car helps in ferry the kids, but if finances are tight, then cab. I've friends who have a fixed cabby who is at their disposal type.
Bigtoes, I throw away my wedding cake after I delivered, no space!

Breadmum, I agree. My cousin also have a fixed cabby. They rather stay at apartment with no car, my hubby rather stay at HDB with car :p. Car expenses higher than have a maid. Maid can lighten a lot of housework man!
I believe everything will fall into place when the time comes. You may want to allow #1 to roll himself asleep coz tats wat i have been doing for my Anvelle. We will leave her on our bed with her milk. After she finishes, she will roll around and fall asleep when she is tired. No lullaby, only 2-3 mins of patting to tell her it's time to sleep liao.

Part-time help
Any mummies has good PT helpers to recommend? I am staying at Yishun. And what are the charges like? I need one to help me to clean the house. It's a mess.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mommies, we were talking about Polliwogs, and some other play areas for our kids the last time. We bought Kieran to check out Polliwogs at East Coast Parkway over the weekend
Photos on FB if you want to see how the place looks like.

K quite enjoyed it, but most of the activities are for bigger kids (2+ onwards) - e.g. winding slides, stuff to climb on, etc.. with what a 11-12 month old can do being more restricted to the ball pit &amp; area around it. K is walking steadily already, so more for him to explore, if not, then its pretty much just being at the ball pit area. Anyway, charges are $8 for 90 min on weekends, and $3 if u need to get socks (parents and kids have to be wearing socks).</font>
Hi Bigtoes.

I brought Anvelle to Polliwogs too. The toddlers area was quite boring so we ventured towards the other areas. She enjoyed crawling around everywhere, through the tunnels and over the obstacles. But I agree with you. Most of the time is spent at the ball pits as I am also worried that she will block other kids or get knocked over by some of the big angmoh kids.

I don't know of any couple who willingly hire a maid if there is no reason to. My hubby doesn't like the idea too but he doesn't have any other better suggestions. My maid waits for me at the childcare. Then we both cab home with the 2 kids in tow. Next year, J#1 will take school bus to his new school. So from my point of view, unless you get good family support (whether from parents, siblings, spouse etc), maid is necessary. Of cos, comes with another set of problems.
U can rest in mind to leave ur maid alone at home ?? I don't have a maid now, but wonder how it is possible to leave them at home ?? I don't like maid too, cos I used to have a maid to take care of my late grandma who lived wif me when i was not married yet. But she has 15 different maid over 2-3 yrs. Maids when new , are normally very obedient , but will show true colours after 1-2 mths. Very hard to find good maid who is clean, hygienic and follow ur way.
actually having a maid isnt so bad. most people think it will compromise privacy, but to me it is not more than what having a child at home will bring (eg hb cannot walk around wo shirt on, no wearing skimpy nightie outta the bedroom etc)....so it's really a matter of geting used to it

i have a maid but go out a lot w two kids sans maid...it isnt too bad coz kids do know when they should behave.i ergo/sling the younger one and the older one walks (you can use stroller).once they get used to the routine, it'll be ok and they will know when not to overstep the boundary.

of course there are occasional incidents like sudden meltdowns etc, but then w a maid, it happens too

what im saying is simply whatever your decision is, it will work out, w maid or wo maid, you'll survive. the key is not to worry too much and the two kids as much as possible :p

(o yes for one i do take public transport w two kids in tow. i never for once had to stand when i have two kids with me (Even one)...it's different from being preggy, having a todd or bb in real person actually makes people give up seats for you :p)
Neo Garden Catering :
I would like to enquire if anyone has used Neo Garden before. Do they have a lot of buffer food cos i'm thinking of ordering 45 pax though i have abt 55 guests and these 55 guests are inclusive of abt 20 kids ?
Hi Millie.

I always use Neo Gdn. The portions are fine but it all depends on your guests. Are they big eaters? Coz my cereal prawns, youtiao n choco eclairs finished before the rest. Left wif alot of beehoon and fried rice.
Den it's ok. Must try their choco eclairs... Fav among my family and frenz. We usually take some out before the party coz always gan-na snapped up real fast.
I think i calculated wrongly. I should have abt 60 adults. Are their portion juz nice or got surplus ?? I guess i might need to order 50 or 55 pax ??

I'm not ordering choco eclairs though i know it's one of the popular choices cos the BD cake has very thick dark chocolate and i dun wan pple to get too sick of chocolate.
Jojobar - thanks for recommending the vitamins...i went down to Paragon too yest to get the multi-vitamins for my gal...and also got the children's DHA for her too... I asked if can mix the vitamins n DHA in her milk or cereal ...they recommend that the DHA to give direct cos it's in liquid oil form...i've tried giving my gal direct last nite...n she's still ok with it...
Hi Mich,

You are welcome. Actually lots of places selling the brand... just check out the organic shop, you will see them. Hmm on the DHA, My son is not receptive to it....
Think order for 50pax enough liao. I think there is 15% for 1st bday and 20% if you order in advance. 1st time orders also get free delivery.

Mich, Jojobar,
The DHA is liquid ah? Den how do u feed them? Using syringe? Coz my gal always shuns away from the syringe, thinking tat it's medicine.
Thanks mummies for all ur concern on coping with 2 kids.
I agree with some mummies view that maid is still the better solution somehow. My hubby told me that he is going on 2 weeks reservist in March which I think I will be 8 months preggie yesterday. I cannot phantom how I bring my bb to school, bathe and pat him to sleep.

But later 2nite I am going to visit my gynea to confirm my pregnancy lo. Scully nothing inside.. ermm..

MummyNana, I oso plan to hire a PT maid also. I stay at Bishan instead. Let me know if u found someone good :p

Lok, wah.. u take cab home after childcare? Quite ‘xiong’ rite? Btw, I KPO abit, which sch u intend to enroll J#1?

BIgtoes, which brand of multivits u get from Vitakids? I was at Vitakids yesterday and wah.. not cheap hoh those multivits! Thinking of getting it via overseas spree but dunno which brand is reliable.. Anyone knows?

I bot the Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil from NTUC last week and yesterday pour one teaspoon into bb porridge. The smell is damned strong leh. OMG. Luckily my bb sotong-ly eat it.
<font color="aa00aa">Goldfish (goldfish1395), Mich (longmaonu) - i bought the liquid DHA and multivits from Paragon as well. Was just intending to get multivits, but figured i might as well get DHA as well cos i used to take fish oil capsules when i was BFing, and not that I have stopped, Kieran should take his supplement direct.

The lady told me to preferrably feed both seperately, but i am just mixing them both into his final nite feed at night - the multivit (berry flavor, can't remember the brand) smells quite cough-mixture-y to me, so i have been adding just 1/2 of the recommended daily dosage. He is okie with both actually cos everything gets diluted into the milk, and he can barely taste it

Goldfish (goldfish1395)- i don't remember the pricing, but i think these are quite reasonably priced. Our own adult multivits are more expensive!</font>
MIllie ,
My ex maid is good ...very very clean and hygenic ... and devoted christian ( she have to read bible every night before she sleep) when i left for shanghai, I left her with my mum for another two months till my cousin in law who gave birth in june requested for my maid to be transfered to their family... but unfortunately I really dunno what happen ( thk she does have post natal dep .. or maybe never employ maid before n cannot stand a stranger at home) she sacked my ex maid and send her home after one month with her she is lookg after her little one herself nw... hmm ... just heard from my mum abt the incident last week and hope that the maid can call me ... keke .. so that i can help her in a way but she never ... sighZ ... so sad to transfer her over to my cousin and cause her to lose her job ..
Staying at home with maid's help is necessary ... esp with two kids .. haha ... I cannot handle the amt of housework ( cook , wash , feed)and esp if we want quality time with the little ones ..and two can really make me go crazy.
yes i rem your last maid. she seems very good with zenneth i rem...

you are right about staying home and maid..haha...okok it was ok wo maid when there was only 1...but with two..gosh...i need a breather man! else i dun even have a lunch time or bath time for myself!!

for mummies who are thinking of giving multivits, can try something less processed and natural. coz the kiddoes are mostly below 1 (Thereabout..)...i give ch lecithin cum wheatgerm and flaxseed sometimes. just mix into porridge.it has loads of DHA and other vitamins. flaxseed is used as dha supplement for vegetarians... can get all of these from organic stores...
Afternoon Mummies
on CSL yesterday and today
Eleanor was having fever since sat, went to KKH on sunday when her fever shot up to 40 degrees while I'm out to buy something, rush home and bring her to KKH. This was the faster trip i went to KKH, less than half an hour, we finish seeing the doc. Since sat, she kept on crying till she lost her voice. Funny, she kept crying while we were in the in house, so i decided to bring her down for a walk, wrong move, she fell off from the slab while i pick up the pack of tissue she threw on the floor. she fell flat on her face, now her nose is cover is bruise. My mum said lucky she her up front teeth is not out yet, if not surely will hurt the teeth. feel so bad for holding holding onto her, or carry her while i picked up the tissue. already not feeling well since having fever, still have to bear the pain from the fall.
As for the crying, once we bring her out the house, she will happily screaming and shouting, if she is not having fever, i will think she is tricking us to bring her out.
Hi All,

Sorry for the intrusion, if any mummies here are looking for photographer for your child's birthday party, do drop me an PM


Jasmine, ouch.. my bb was experiencing hi-fever frm H1N1 2 weeks ago! I can understand the anxiety of hi-fever baby! SI BEI SIANZ ONE!

Mummies, what kind of interesting food have u all tried for bb so far? I am still feeding mashed-up food and puree. My BIL commented it looks ‘awful’ in appearance and praised my cousin’s wife who prepared nicer food for bb. She added salt loh so taste better mah. Pui!
Mummy Nana:
she is ok now, fever went down.
now got bruise on her nose.
can't use strength to press her forehead, she will scream her head off.

Bring her to KKH, the doc give her normal flu, on top of that, she give tamiflu also, plus 7 days mc, but she did not mention she is having H1n1, dare not to give her the medicial cos doc say there will be side effect, so now observe her. since she is having block nose.

For the food:
sometime my mum add a bit of salt to her food also, or a bit of soya sauce. I don't really mashed or puree her food, except for fruits like apple, pear etc... even payaya, i just feed her.
Feed her with bread also, caretaker at IFC say at her age, should let her expose more food and the taste. sometime we feed her mee suan also. we do feed her porridage we bought from outside also.
<font color="aa00aa">Goldfish (goldfish1395) - Kieran is pretty much eating most 'adult' food already. I am still making his staple porridge for everyday meals (fish/chicken/pork, with a variety of veggies - i don't add salt, but put salt-free herbs seasoning sometimes to mask the fishy smell from cod porridge.)

He also nibbles on our regular bread &amp; i feed him bites from our regular meals if he is feeling greedy &amp; want to share our food (i.e. rice, noodles, soups etc). Have also just introduced egg whites now that he is almost 1. He is also eating most of his fruits as it is (including harder fruits like apples - just cut to smaller pieces), &amp; i have even stopped peeling his grapes!
Since they are nearing 1, i think most items are okie, except maybe lay off the nuts/honey for a while longer.</font>
Re: Food
Maybe I am quite a bochap mummy. Been giving Velle all sorts of food tat seems ok to feed her.e.g. bee ta mak, mee sua, rice. Tried eggs liao. Thankfully no allergy to white or yolk.
Goldfish , im still giving mashy food to my bb coz she dun chew her food, just swallow..

if the food i gave is not mashy enough, she will pass out the food. e.g i will see carrot bits in her poo. i wonder is it normal?? or she has digestive prob? any bb experience this?

mummies, how do u encourage ur bb to chew their food?
I will be back in mid sept for 10 days ( i hope) keke .. we can meet up ... in the north .. keke ..

I am still feeding Zen staple food .. like puree apple , pears, banana , sweet potato , plain porridge , cod fish , pork ... hmm .. nothing else .. n he kena diarhoea for three days already cos i thought taiwan restaurant porridge is safe to consume and i fed him pork porridge .. so poor thing .. this time rd .. zac did not have diar even thou they ate the same porridge .. i guess zac last episode of diarhoea cause his stomach to grow stronger

Mammynana ,
egg white should wait till one ear old right ... i have not tried yet .. still waiting ..
I dun really follow the rules coz my gal is very greedy. Whenever she sees us eating, she will ask for some. So we juz give her. So far, she has tried eggs and even blue and cottage cheese and everything's ok. But my PD told me to stay off the gourmet cheese till after 1YO. I guess at the end of the day, we have to do try n error to find out what they are allergic to.
Me too like MummyNana, i dun really follow rules cos my boy is very greedy too.
Everything we eat he wants to have a share, if not he will not miss a opportunity to exercise his lung.

He is especially naughty now since i am with no. 2 now. That's what my MIL n Mum told me.
hi chewry ring! long time no see/talk/hear!

bigtoes: what do we do with DHA liquids? Pour and mix it with milk?

goldfish: r u preggers? congrats!
I'm sending J#1 to Mindchamps Preschool in Toa Payoh HDB Hub. J#2 is waitlisted. J#2 is still on all kinds of pureed food/yoghurt cos he is still toothless!
The lady told me it's better to feed the multivits during the day. I guess it has the same reasoning as vit c where it's better to consume during the day, otherwise if taken at nite, will just poo out the next day...
<font color="aa00aa">Millie (millie22) - i think the lady mentioned that as well, but we send him over to my MILs early in the morning before any meals. I know if i pass the multi vit to my MIL to feed, she would totally forget! So i thought i might as well just add to his nite feed. I am sure some would get absorbed into the body in anycase.

Flos (flos) - u can feed both on their own, but not the nicest tasting, so i just mix into the milk.
But note that these are not necessary as long as baby has a healthy diet! I just started Kieran on these a couple of days back, cos i am not sure if my porridge constitutes a balance diet!</font>
Agree with Bigtoes that IMO, is not necessary to buy supplements if bb has a healthy diet. I started yesterday only cos Alston refuses to eat porridge these days, so i'm afraid he is not getting enuff nutrients. However, I will recommend Cod Liver Oil.
Chewyrings &amp; MummyNana - i still give my gal those pureed pear n apple...n we don't put any salt or soy sauce in the porridge... we use pork,fish those small silver fish and wolfberries with veggies...my gal loves pumpkin... as for adult food...haha...my gal is just as greedy...she also want to try everything we eat...n we give her those we find that she can eat like kway teow, carrot cake...
Hi Hi FLos ,
I am not missing .. just silent reader and lazy to post anything .. keke .. it is very hot here still in shanghai thou it should be the start of autuum ... hmm .. think by sept will still be hot ..two years ago i was here in sept with 4 mth old zac and it is hot ... hmm .. Multi vit -- just feed together with porridge or milk ..but i dun mix in milk cos hard to wash the oil off ..

Here in china .. all the vit are in pills( capsule) form like the fish pills we have when we are preggy .. big and hard type...... shopkeeper just say i can squeeze or cut the capsule .. hmm .. i dun buy from here .. keke .. bought sever seas cod liver oil for zen from guardian pharmacy ..

Lok ,
how much is the cost for the preschool in mindchamps ??? can PM me .. i see if next year I am heading back i can send .. keke .. do they have PT ??
Hi mummies,
Sorry to disturb, I'm from Nov 08 thread. I'm organising a fast trial class (open yesterday) for Kindermusik this coming Sunday. Wondering any of you are keen..

Village engages all of your baby's senses through a unique blend of multi-level activities which include creative movement, vocal play, object and instrument exploration, and reading literature books, which aid the baby's visual tracking and language development.

Benefits to your Child and You
- Educates you about your baby's total development through Kindermusik Foundations of Learning - statements based on the most recent research.
- Encourages joyful participation in a music making community.
- Nurtures bonding between you and your child through intentional touch warm-up exercises, interactive dances and musical play.
- Provides natural connections between singing and reading out loud, listening and communication literature books.

More details, pls visit:

<u>Kindermusik Trial Class</u>
When: This Sunday (30/08, 10am), Tanglin (slot reserved)
Duration: 45 mins
Fee: $25.50, if gather 12 babies then free 1. => buy 12 get 1 free (around $23.40 each)

1. Can both parents go in?
-> No, one at any one time. However, you are allowed to do a 'swap' in between

2. My baby went for the trial class once, can go again?
-> Yes, one baby can go to their trial class @ the same price for max 2 times.

Max no of babies we can get is 12, I still have around <font size="+1">2</font> slots left. Trying to get another 2 by today afternoon.

If you are really keen, please PM me your name, contact no, baby name and baby DOB (first come first serve basis)

Kindly note that payment is required before the class, I'll email you for payment details v v soon.

Thank you !
we ordered balloons frm this wholesale shop near our place in serangoon. they have a website: www.adamevestyle.com It cost about $1 per ballooon for helium inflated latex and there is a range for the balloon bouquets.

my boy has also started refusing porridge. think i have "spoiled" his tastebuds by starting mouthfuls of adult food. he will point at my food at mealtimes and demand to taste now instead of guaiguai eating his purees and oats/barley/millet etc

no.2? congrats!

Millie - Hi...I've just ordered from Neo Garden too after hearing so many good reviews...but actually spoken to a guy there and he was saying they only provide abt 10% surplus...so i'm not sure if this info helps...
