(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="119911">Babies sleeping - wow, i really envy mommies like GuniBabe (gunibabe) and Lok with babies that sleep more during the day.

Baby K likes to fight his sleep during the day, even though he is clearly tired. Like yesterday, I left him to cry for abit, then he fell sleep during mid-cry (like "ehhkkk", then zzzzz.) So weird...slept for 20 minutes then work up again! He is very alert now, and needs to have visual and mental stimulation like all the time! Haiyoh, poor mommy!

Even at night, his sleep is more restless, and he whimpers/cries out suddenly. Sometimes, he cannot be pacified and i end up nursing, or daddy ends up bottle feeding. Do your babies still jolt awake crying - it wasn't the case when he was younger - i think the brain is too active and cannot 'switch off' properly during sleep?

The weird thing is, on the occasions where we left him at my in-laws for a couple of hours during the day to go run errands, he actually gets more sleep! Wonder why...

Ade (littlepea) - i used to close the curtains and turn the telly volume to low during the day when K slept, but recently have been leaving the radio etc on for some background noise. I find that this is better, as he doesn't jolt awake at the slightest noise, and i don't have to tiptoe around the house as much.</font>

My infantcare aunties are telling me the same thing. They ASKED me not to rock him to sleep cos rite now at IFC, they need to do the same. But how do u all achieve patting to sleep method!!?? U started to do since day 1 mah? So if bb start showing frustration and wailing, u all oso continue to PAT PAT PAT issit?

Have u tried to talk in high and low pitch tone to ur bb? I realized that when I do that, my bb start smiling at me.
<font color="119911">sasa (sasa_xie) - what made u decide to start on cereal early? I am planning on holding back till baby K is 6 months old, then starting on 1 rice cereal feed per day. K is still on TBF, but I would have to supplement with FM once i go back to work next week (hoping to achieve 70% BM, 30%FM mix based on what I can express at work the day before, cos i don't have any frozen EBM).

Dad vs Mum - don't feel sad okie
Maybe he just likes the goofy face ur hubby makes or something? Baby K is smiley with us and almost everyone else, depending on how tired he is. He is especially happy after he poops and after feeds. I am however, abit apprehensive for when i go back to work and he spends his days at my in-laws. Hopes he doesn't end up preferring my MIL to me
Thanks for your advise Big toes and Lok. Lok I the mothercare cot beds are slightly longer. The usual size is 70x 130cm and while theirs is 70 x140cm. My hubs is adamant on getting the mothercare one as her wants to use up the vouchers we received for her full month. I guess it won't be a problem if i am not using fitted sheets....

Baby Naps....for the 3rd month baby wasn't napping as much in the day and PD told me I should make environment conducive for her to nap. As she needs the sleep to grow and develop well. I make sure she is dressed comfortably according to weather and i play lullabyes and classical music to help lull her to sleep. She naps on average about 3 to 4 hours in the day now. And sleeps thru the night from 8 to 11pm then have her night feed and sleeps all the way to the next morning. She is quite a sleepyhead and loves to sleep in. Her record was waking up at 10:30 am! That leaves her not much time for play/tummytime.

Flipping... my little one has only flipped once (think its by fluke). I worried that its cos we dun spend enough time on the floor mat playing and tummy time. Any tips to help bb reach this milestone?

Frightened/startled bb.... I tot my bb was easily scared/startled too and went out to buy her the buckwheat pillow . But i read from the book "Asian Parenting today" that its actually their Moro reflex which indicates their nervous system developing. So now she just use the buckwheat pillow like a bolster to cuddle.
Stoberry, mine will sleep at 9+pm, wake up for feed at 2am, then falls back to sleep, wake up again at 5am, drink milk again and usually POO at this time!!! Sometimes, he'll fall back to sleep after I clean him up, but sometimes, he'll wake up and start looking around.. then I'll put him back to sleep in an hour. In the morning, he's usually up by 7am+!!! Tired mummy.. so I usually nap with him at around noon time, even if it's just 30mins!

Sigh.. i think i started rocking baby to sleep when he had his colic! From then on.. it's always rocking... dont know how to switch back to path only... cos I can't bear to let him cry out!
Sasa, my dd also like her daddy more... Cos i smack her when she's getting on my nerves. while daddy plays the good guy. She still smiles n talks to me but then when daddy talks or walk by, her head auto will turn n stare at daddy even when i am playin with her halfway! She can even stare at her daddy when he is watching tv and ignoring her. But i dun mind it as long as she show interest in me also. At least hubby v proud his dd likes him more and it makes him super happy abt it!

My dd can sleep either left/right side. Sometimes she prefer left then if turn her to right she keep struggling and ek ek ek, then turn her to her left side, she happy. A few times, we turn her left &amp; right so many times cos she cant 'make up her mind' which side she wants!! lol! Yeah, i think the bean pillow got smell. If i throw her the bean pillow without pacifier, she will start licking the pillow to make it wet with saliva! But she seldom lick her hands or other stuff. The pillow is her favorite and she can recognise it. when i dangle a toy infront of her, she won't grab it all the time. but her bean pillow she will reach out to grab everytime! hehe!

Bigtoes, a few times my dd also wake up (but eyes still closed) screaming. i think is bad dream or too stimulated before sleeping. cannot console her except to pat her and tell her to wake up look at mummy then she stop. or carry her up to make her open her eyes then she's ok.

Goldfish, i just pat her to sleep from the start. if she keep crying for long time then i give up, dun let her sleep lor. Then after awhile try again. i dun really care abt her crying etc one la. lazy mummy so dun carry her at home, except feeding and burping time. nowadays when she wake up, she will self entertain, then after a while then fake cry for attention. i usually only go talk to her after her fake cries get abit louder like 'baby, wake up already huh! Yes? looking for mummy? etc' but i dun pick her up. usually just lie down with her and switch on the tv to watch..
Lok, hahahah.. I leave it for my helper to wash too! But my helper ignored my bottles and pump! And that helper is my hb.. haaaaa..

I have zero tolerance when boy wakes up at 4-5am in the wee hrs to cry. He can be crying when eyes are closed! I'll be damn pissed cos i hate to be woken up from my sleep! hahaha...
I try not to carry bb so much and will wait a while b4 carrying him though he cries. However, sometimes he also needs to be "sayang" and carried b4 falling asleep. My hubby's aunt(caregiver) usually gives him the pacifier to soothe him to sleep as she says it just takes a short while to sleep. But for me, i dun give him the pacifier and will carry him and "dance" (shake my body) to rock him to sleep.
Most of the time at nite, he will fall asleep on his own after a while. I guess he's tired after kicking his legs up and down ( he loves doing tat , dunno why) or rolling here and there.

I forgot what time is the gathering ? I'm happy to get a ride from u
thank u...We keep in contact again via SMS when date is nearer to confirm wat time to meet u okie ?
BTW was that u whom i saw at the GIMILL sale (Tampines) ? I rem we smiled to each other, but was wondering if it was u cos u had ur hair permed ?
hi millie,
yes u saw me at the tampines sale. i did not perm my hair. i just cut my hair v short
and my hair has some natural waves, so when my hair is short, the waves are more obvious.
bbs wanting to be rocked to sleep
mine used to be like that but along the way she just grew out of it. she now dozes off on her own, thankfully.

mine sleeps through the usual background noises too, but will startle and wake up/cry at sudden loud noises (eg dog barking, door slamming, clumsy mommy dropping bottles on the floor). sometimes i go to this free white noise generator website and play their white noise. http://simplynoise.com/
D has been like that since he was 2 months old.. I am lucky if he ever takes a 30 min nap in the day. That's why I am kept busy all day. Like K, now he wants to play &amp; be talked to in the day. He gets bored when I leave him alone.
<font color="119911">the busy bee (thebusybee) - Not sure if the crying out suddenly during sleep is the Moro reflex, cos i think babies grow out of that by the time they are 3 months or earlier? Baby K's is a recent thing - maybe just over stimulated before sleep and cannot settle down properly.

He is also very fidgety, and i wonder if he feels trapped in a baby's body, and is frustrated that he cannot talk/walk/crawl yet. Mommy and baby will be so much happier once he starts crawling!
Sleeping Time:
She will be sleeping around 9pm to 10pm. But if were out, then she will sleep a bit late.
Nite Feeding:
sometime my ger will woke up at 5 to 6am for feeding. sometime can just pat her back to sleep or fed up with plain water. unless she really cry n fuss, then i fed her. most of the time, she will not finish 150ml, she will drink halfway fell alseep.
BB Flipping:
Yesterday when I fetch my ger from IFC, the caretaker told me she will be able to flip on mattress already. Arrgu.... never be the 1st to see her flip. sigh.... this is the bad thing for FTWM, u might be the 1st to see what ur child done.
yesterday while at my parent house, when i put k on his tummy, he was like was to flip one side. and my mum was there too on the bed, we manage to see he flip over. i though that was the bed too soft as me and my mum was sitting on. i tried again and he flip was so happy.

baby k wil always up for the 2nd feed then he will play for a while. then when i see him rubbing his eye i will carry and rock him to sleep. in the day he sleep around 10-11. 11-3pm, 6-12pm, 1-3am wake drink milk then play. around 4 or 5 goes to sleep till 7plus.
<font color="0077aa">Mei &amp; limay: Smallberry also needs to be entertained. I can't keep him on the bed or the bouncer for long. He wants to be carried &amp; play with. Sometimes I can't do my things at all! Today I was going to do my makeup &amp; change for work, I just placed him on the bed &amp; he started fusses &amp; crying.. Aiyoh.. End of the day I placed him in his cot &amp; on his cot mobile while I rushed to get changed!

Rachel: Same same!! My boy also wakes up at aropund 730am or sometimes I leave him to talk to himself while I snooze till 8plus. Super tired. Now going back to work is worse cos can't nap!

Crayon: Yah lo, irritated when we are woken from our in need beauty sleep right? And sometimes its not even real! Cos baby should be able to sleep thru the night now?

Sasa: Don't get so affected ok? He will definitely loves you as much!

My boy likes to smile &amp; laugh when I talk to him or when my helper is carrying him while I talk to him. His smile really brighten up my day!

Smallberry is back to his pacifier again after my MIL gave him. But also good cos he can self-soothe to sleep &amp; I don't need to pat him. Else he needs my breast to nurse to sleep.

Any mummies giving water to baby on TBF?

I got my Fitti diapers today &amp; its $60, I ordered on the last day. Millie, think you can asked them for the same price. </font>
Hi, qqq

Wow, envy envy.. going to the States.. Heard it is cheap to get baby stuffs there. When I resigned, I personally handed the resignation letter to my direct boss. She got a shock but still have to accept it. For your case, it is inevitable that you have to go before of your hubby, there should not be any hard feeling, I guess..
Flos, what’s sap sap water? As for the letter, can I say I go to USA due to partner relocation?

Dseptkon, The place is Idaho.. it's like those country place.. Btw think I’ll get one jacket for myself then buy the rest over there. As for C, her clothes are all purchased! :p Haha stocks from all the Fox and Cartel Sales *Nice &amp; cheap*..

Storeberry, Haha I’m also looking forward.. Just worry as I need to cook and take care of her (I’m not a good cook). Hope by the time we are back, she won’t be skinny.

Bigtoes, C also doesn’t zzz much recently. And she will scream and cry in the middle of the night.. Think must be the nightmares…

Xuan, till now my furthest also Bangkok…

Goldfish, thanks.. I’ll treasure it as when I come back, I'll b a FTWM. Sad!

LC, I'll pass the letter to him directly. Ya things are cheap over there. My hubby's colleague say the Jumperoo cost only abt 70++ USD and PIS freestyle is less than S$500. That's y I rent one now and will purchase from there..

I’m also rocking and singing songs to C everyday including her morning &amp; afternoon nap. Recently, when I sing, she’ll sing(sounds like mumbling) and doze off.. If I stop, her eyes will be wide open!!!

C also prefer daddy more than mummy.. So much different. Haha but I always tease my hubby as he needs to leave for USA right after CNY. By then C will love mummy more

C is on TBM, she is having constipation recently. Last week, 4 days never poo. It’s only after we fed her w gripe water then she poo(her stool is soft and watery like the normal BM baby). But till today(3rd days), no poo again. Dunno what’s wrong. Is it my BM?

These few days we trained C to sit on the “Ma Tong” as she is not pooing. She pee.. Tried it twice, she'll pee everytime. Then last saturday, my mum make her sit for 15min, she poo. So weird!
any mummies here wana go for the studio loft cny walk in photoshoot? me intending to go on the 12th at 10am..its at chinatown mrt..those living at NEL wana go?
Dad &amp; Mom
Baconboy would smile at me but chuckles loudly whenever his daddy plays with me. I secretly thinks he prefers his daddy to mommy. But thats ok with me.

Sleeping pattern
Baconboy doesnt sleep much in the day. But still ok for the nite. A bit tiring for my caregiver but still manageable cos he tends to be more sleepy towards the late afternoon..and i still have to rock him to sleep..but he likes to be cuddled in a upright position..v tiring but a good dumbbell for my arms!

Storeberry, i am still not giving water..maybe 6th mth onwards?

LC, i usually place baconboy in his bumbo for 30 mins or shorter..this is when it is his learning time.

Baconboy often gets disturbed by my furkid's barking..she would bark when the doorbell rings, whenever there is ppl outside the door...do u have the same problem? How to overcome? Recently she lies to suntan...ggrr...and comes back to the hse with a Ba Hoo smell...
The buffet per pax for the CNY gathering is $21.20 after the 10% discount and with GST 7%. I will send email soon..

Anyone else want to join us on 7 Feb 09 (2-5pm) @ tanah merah??
bacon&amp;eggs, my furkid barks at doorbell ringing/ppl/other dogs walking past our door too. and sometimes, i don't see anyone at all so i tell my dh that furkid also barks at every ant that crawls past her too! really not much i can do about it except to bring her into the room with me and shut the door so she won't get so excited with what's happening outside the house. mine's a terrier and very easily excited one.

baby was just napping next to me on the bed while i was replying to bacon&amp;eggs; she stirred and woke up and i closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep so she might feel wu2 liao2 and go back to sleep, but guess what she did – reached out and scratched me! and now she's somehow turned herself 90º and is kicking me! have to go entertain her liao. catch up with the posts later!
ENVY ENVY ... posting in US , a lot of cheap stuff for bb .. even teh educational leapfrog stuff u can buy there at a quarter of price ...

bb sleeping ...
Zen is a sleepy bb since birth .. only at certain times of day will he wake up 8 am , 11 am , 3pm -4pm , 7 pm ... once every 2-3 hrs nap, he will drink his milk and sleep again ...
Hi, Xuanting

So farnie when I read your posting about your baby.. hahaha.. mine also scratching me and seem like enjoying it..Last night he tried to squeeze his fingers into my mouth. wahhahaha..


30mins? My boy sits for 10mins and he will tend to lean backward.. is this normal?
Sasa: Don’t have to feel sad. Eventually, the bond between child and mother is still the strongest. I realized my son likes to play with daddy more, if there is daddy and me, he tends to focus on his dad more until he gets bored, he will turn to me. But for feeding, he doesn’t allow my hubby to feed, only MIL and me are allowed. And the other night, hubby tried putting the little one to sleep, but he will fuss and cry until mama came to the rescue! Felt so satisfied and happy that I am so important to baby, but at the same time, am worried what will happen when I am not around. Daddy feels sad though that he can only be our son’s playmate. Well, serves him right for not putting in the effort to take care of him in the 1st place.

Water: I gave my boy water whenever he wake up from his nap unless it is feeding time, I will give him milk instead of water.
Goldfish ,
can ask har , the promotion for the CNY photos , will they return all the raw photos ? or we can only save two photos ? hmm ...
Must be hard on u.... Would it help if your hub helps with feeding EBM at nite too so shar gets used to it? Was it the same exp with Stef &amp; sean too? Like I shared with crayon, I got scared after Josh's experience, so I introduced bottle from Day 1 to Jonas..

When he's super cranky, yes, we will still carry him and walk around a little to lull him back to sleep. When he comes back from IFC, we will lie him down on the mattress (meaning no carrying). He will be entertained by mummy or my maid or his korkor's antics and usually a few minutes of tummytime. After a while, he gets tired out and will usually sleep by himself after his feed (around 8pm). Wakes up again 9+ to get a wipedown and last feed...
qqq: sap sap shui (Cantonese for no big deal!)...

can indicate in the letter abt the reason for leaving...nothing to hide.

storeberry: my mil insists on giving my son water after each FM feed. we told her abt the dangers of feeding bbs of less than 6 mths water, but she just wouldn't listen. it doesn't help when my sil is parroting everything she says...

haizzzz...no choice if i'm gonna need her long term to look after my bb. she also uses the old method of sterilising my milk bottles with boiling water.

Springz: i provided so many sterlised bottles every morning but my mil is so stubborn. she only uses one bottle per day! but i must thk her for helping me to save Pampers. she carries my son up and trains him to pee.
Hi Angeline / Millie, I want to go too! The CNY promo is for which days? I thought it's walk in? Do you already have an appt??
normally how do you all entertain your baby with. mine i just 'throw' him to the rainforest playmat for him to play. he played fo 1/2 hr and feeling warm he wil cry for us to carry him up. then havent his nap time sometime we just leave him on the bed while we nap a while beside him lolz

haha...goldfish already did for me..
wana go on 12th? coz i miss the 6th as got things on..

i should be there ard 10am as wana be among the 1st few..coz need to go home n do housework..i be going there with carine alone..millie,u wana meet me there?

rachel lim

no need appt..its 1st come 1st serve..from 10-4pm...


where u bought your headbands &amp; the cheongsam?can i koe how much? maryann said tt below her shop got sell them.. is it 1 fitting only or can change 2 sets of clothes?
qqq : its ok to put down the reason. like flos says nothing to hide.

koras : the playmat is quite good. actually its from parklon. so good deal. but then only one side is usable, i understand the ssw ones are usable for both sides. so might be better?

flos : my PD said can give bb 30-40ml of water from 2 months onwards per day.
but not all the time lah, can get water intoxication.
momo: good to hear that! i heard young bbs need sodium and overfeeding them with water (which has no nutrtional value) will lower their sodium levels...sigh, i've to close one eye these days else 没完没了 with my mil...i'm soooo busy at work to even call to check on my lil prince!
oh my so many posts... i'm not in the right frame of mind to read and digest cos i'm feeling sleep deprived!!!!

my e has been getting up SO often in the night!!! SCREAM SCREAM!

he's napping better in the day and i m doing the same bedtime routines i've done before....but he can't slep thru the night yet! he d a while , like 5 hours a stretch but from 9 pm - 2am. then now, it;s like the first month al over again almost. last night he woke up at 3am...and didn't get back to sleep till 4 am!!!

today he is tired that he napped for like 1.5 hours in the afternoon (that's very long already). was awake for barely an hour. and now he's konked out. should i wake him up???? don't want his bedtime of 7pm to get disrupted.

i am feeling really frayed! HELP HELP HELP! i wonder what i'm doing rong...or if my BM is not nourishing enough to keep his tummy full at night. also concerned abt him not getting enough rest to grow!

QQQ - welcome to the SAHM club! you can do a search online for USA weather and how to dress bb for cold weather. Gen rule of thumb is one layer more for bb than you. Touch the back of baby;s neck to check if they are too warm or cold, not their fingers or toes. Make sure you get some saline nose spray (I got mine from SG pharmacy ) for bb's nose as it gets dry in winter, and breathing can be hard for them. Pack some meds for bb - consult your PD. Skin moisturisers are also impt as winter is harsh on bb's skin. My poor boy's skin's chapped by the dry winter air.

Gunibabe: Envious of your guniboy's sleep.

Bigtoes: Mine also needs lots of stimulation when he is awake! at least yours sleeps better at night. and, yes, my boy is rough too. can scratch himself but not care. he is also very sticky with drool.

bacon &amp; egg: mine also loves to be carried upright. i'm starting to train him to fall asleep by himself when he's tired. i cannot imgine stillcarrying him to sleep when he puts on more weight.

sasa: congrats on max fliping!don;t worry...max loves you too!

xuanting: she just learned to fall aslep on her own? i pray that for mine too. if i don't pick him up n he'stired, that's it! he will cry himself into a fit. now i'm trying to train him during day time naps to fall asleep on his own. but still have to pick n hug him intermittently.

koras: other than flashcards n storybooks, i have a playmat (not as exciting as the rainforest one) and the jumperoo. or i take him out for walks. walks are guaranteed to make him sleep.

lok: wow! bb j can sleep so well.

BABY SIGNALLING NEED FOR HUG: i realise that when my bb wants to be carried, he will start to stretch out his arms n bring them towards his chest with a "thump". any of your bbs do this too?
sarahmay- don't know if you believe a not. that time baby K is also like that. after i pray to the bed god everything is ok. My friends baby also the same. after praying her child is better

that time K cry straight 3-4 hrs. my parentsand i freak out after i went to pray wan shui ye, he stop crying

by the way how you train ur child to sleep by himself when he is tired. mine when tired stil fighting to open his eyes. But pass his bed time he will be very naughty and throw his temper
hi mummies!

many books I've read on sleep training recommends putting baby down BEFORE he's over tired! When your child is already very tired, they get frustrated and fuss alot more than usual.

what I do is ensure that GuniBoy's diapers are changed and he's full before putting him to bed.

don't envy me cos GuniBoy throws tantrums and fight sleep too! I just leave him to cry it out! *evil mummy* muarhaha
oh bigtoes: my e sleeps max of 3 hours for naps on most days. but he's alwys so alert when he's awake...just makes me wonder if some bb jus need less rest. he surbies on power naps i think. after 15 mins, he can keep going fo the next 2 hours a times.

koras: i put him in his cot when he is sleepy. he will fiss to be carried of cos. but i try o distract him w whote noise n i talk to hmtelling him how nice slep is, how good he is at sleeping...tt he is a genle, considerate bb etc... hehe. that is shichida's method of suggestion.
koras.. starting with nap time training only. i try to put him down when he is sleepy but not completely asleep. then i play the same white noise to indicate it is time to nap. i don't pick him up immediately when he fusses. only when his crying threatens to turn into angry tears. i pat him and talk to him. tell him how good he is at sleeping, how nice sleep feels...etc. that is shichida's method of suggestion. hehe.

bigtoes: oh! my e also naps q little during the day. max is on average 3 hrs. do u think there are just some babies who need less sleep?

And mummies who's going for the CNY walk in photo session , check the pic on the thumbdrive before u go off ... cause I did'nt check as baby was cranky and keep crying , wans to drink milk , wans to sleep , and got 2 of similar pics. And go earlier cause the crowd comes in veri fast after 12pm.

By Maryann studioloft
for the rest of you coming for the other 2 walk ins, please check that the photos you select is what you want. we will not entertain any disputes where you already took the photos home on your thumbdrive but say it's not selected by you. hope for your understanding as once you take the photo, it's considered as sold. thanks

But the photo taking session is quite enjoyable except the mummies and daddy got to keep calling out to the baby to attract their attention so they will focus on the camera, but quite fun lah

Enjoy ar , those going for the photo taking

and post up ur little prince and princess pic ok
