(2008/09) Sep 2008

Bigtoes: applying anti-bacteria powder (the one PD gave for his belly button) in btw the folds? Can we? I still hv that powder but not sure if it's got expiry date...

Bigtoes... have you sent the details for the nov 13 to my email??? don't seem to receive anything when i check yesterday ... =)
Sarahmay - haha very clever idea using stickers! Just chanced upon a website that is selling your idea even! http://caterpillarhouse.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=303&osCsid=9c6d2dfbf051bd3e096bb8fcac79f26d gosh!

Flashcards - I bought the ones from Hua Xia (the swimming place) as the cards have big colourful pics and the words are small so doesn't clamour for attention. I've got a set of laminated GD dot cards (was a hand-me down!) hee... Just dug out my China buys when I was there last yr, realised I have a bilingual Dr Seuss! She loves it.. chuckles and gurgles with each sentence
Actually was also looking thru my hard-disk and realised I had saved alot of pretty nice flashcards (downloaded free when preggers) so just gotta print and laminate
Flos , saray may ,
GUG is "growing up gifted" .. a school training for gifted children in Novena ..
Gg to shanghai .. keke .. still thiking and thinking .. nw busy planning what to pack to mums place let them accomapany me .. cos my house will be too empty to stay once MIL and BIL migrate to Australia... end january ..have to shift bit by bit .Hmm .. might take a tour to shanghai for maybe one two months next year during my no pay when the weather is better .. too cold nw till march ..
<font color="119911">Flos (flos) - i think any nappy rash cream (Desitin etc) would work on the redness as well (since it acts as a barrier and dries out the water). My belly button powder expires in 2011 and K didn't use much of it at all, so I thought i'd apply since it says anti-bacteria.

Jeraldin (hppymom) - yes, i have mailed you on your gmail yesterday afternoon. Check again? If not, i can resend
Questions - How often do we flash? Just once a day? When u flash, what do u say? the word on the card? Are there instructions on those flashcard system? Clueless...
Dear mummies - I'm very excited!! Found a website that teaches how to use (i.e. how to flash) and make GD cards.. even has free downloads (but not all of it la)... it gives a good enough flavour then we can continue on our own.. the full GD books on how to use the cards/ method btw are avail in NLB and costs $30 each at the GD store in Sg.

Hi mummies!
How do you gals managed to take care of your baby and log on so consistently? I only have time to finish reading all the post then it's time to attend to my baby again haha..

Need some advice from mummies here.. Zoe will cry non-stop before her bed time, screaming away for my breast and won't stop until she has it.. We tried to be hard hearted and let her cry but lost the battle and gave in.. Actually I'm secretly pleased that she is so attach to me hee hee but I know this can't go on cos what if I need to be away? Any mummies have good ideas to counter this?..
<font color="119911">Jeraldin (hppymom) - okie, thanks
See you on 13th!

princessmum (princessmum) - I leave my laptop on and sit beside my son's rocker in the living room, so I check emails etc when he is asleep.

Today has also been particularly bad - he has also been crying and wants to be carried. Once I put him down, he bawls, once I pick him up, he stops. Big bully! Think he managed just 30 min of sleep the whole of today and only just fell asleep on the couch. Getting more clingy to me...I am also abit worried how my MIL will cope when I go back to work. She can't possibly entertain him the whole day and carry him to sleep....!

Btw, for Zoe's case - why don't you get hubby to do a bottle feed for the final feed of the day? Have to get her used to bottle feeding cos you can't always be there!</font>
springz:L u are v on. thanmks again....huh? someone selling the diy sticker dots? i shd go open a biz too.hahah

flos: stick randomly is ok i think. also most geniueses are right brainers tho, no?

bigtoes: apparently it is to train bb to learn hot to pee only when brot to potty....n not into diaper. haha....already training mine to poo n pee into disposable diaper on cue so time consuming...cannot imagine potty training fm this age.

chewy ring: go go...why the hesitation?

jaymickey: how much is j&amp;j in sg?

storeberry: do u find nepia's cuttin a bit small? nepia always leaks poo...s size. mamy poko still my fave. trying huggies ultra comfort now. a bit small their cutting.d
After reading about what you all have done with your babies I feel like such a lazy mum.. The most I did was to baby talk with her, totally no educational values haha..

Any mummies drinking coffee while still BF-ing?.. I feel so guilty every time but really can't get on without at least a cup a day sigh..
Haha.. That sounds like today's Zoe too.. Even when we carry her she'll 'cry' in her sleep so poor thing.. Lucky my MIL and hubby around today at least I can have some time for coffee break =P..
princessmum (princessmum) - today is bad for me! He cries the moment his head touches the couch/rocker, then stops the moment i carry him..haiyoh! Its just K and me during the day, so it can be tiring at times.

On caffeine - moderation is okie, same as when we were preggers. I am however, avoiding my tea cos I can still live without it, and caffeine can pass thru the BM and cause baby to be more cranky (which i don't need!)
Sarahmay, J&amp;J is having sales now at $9 for 3 packs, if not they are like $5 A PACK. I see bundle of 3 packs at around $12-$13..
princessmum: during the day, my bb sleeps/plays right next to me in his [1]bouncer/[2]on the playmat-tilam/[3]changing pad on the sofa in the living room. I save on aircon if all the activities are in the main hall

He sleeps in his [4]wooden cot in his own room, only when I'm cooking cos my kitchen is an open-concept one. And by 9pm, before I watch my Little Nyonya, I banish him to his [5]travel cot which is in my bedroom. Occasionally, he will fall asleep on his [6]changing pad on the maid's bed, which is in his room. On some rare occasions, he also sleeps in his [7]stroller or [8]carseat when we just got home...In general, I rotate him on 6 diff beds in my house. Hopefully, he doesn't bawl when we place him at my PILs' place next time.

sarahmay: correct! Einstein is right-brained I heard...anyway, such things cannot be forced. if u r creative, u r creative. if u r logical, u r logical :)

Was thinking drawing red apples randomly is nicer than sticking polka dots, yah?

chewyring: u mean GUG is at united square? Is it meant for those who got into GEP stream? Who determines whether your kid is eligible to be enrolled in GUG?

ur BIL also stays with u? why do u need to pack up since ur MIL is staying in your house? She just needs to pack up her barang and migrate to Australia with your BIL, that's all rite? Or, u r moving out of your own place to go to your own mom's place, in view of your MIL's migration?
Hey sarahmay - I'm on only for now la.. when I start work no time to research already.

Yay! Just bought 2 GD kits for $330 (normal price 900 plus) from the link lilboymum gave!
Also bot another short series of 2nd hand GD cards cum 6 Spot boardbooks (eric hill) for $20 (incl delivery) yay...
I also leave my laptop on the whole day (almost). My baconboy would be either on his rocker, playmat or his cot...I also rotate him ard. Once he is asleep or playing by himself, i will check my emails/chat/FB etc..

Agree with Bigtoes, it gets v tiring when the little one wont nap..mine nap 30mins, awake up, wants to be carried...by the end of the evening, i am really exhausted..but still i will find time to swim and watch my fav channel 55!

I will sms mommies (though i have their mobile) once i reach there. We can then decide which corner to meet. Be there 10ish...guard says it only starts at 10plus wor..but am sure there will be early birds.

Was just browsing through the Business section of the forum and came across this 'Mums who teach Right' advocating right brain education and claims to have sieved and fused a couple of methods like shichida, GD, kumon etc into a home-based program, sounds interesting to me (or the way they put it sounds pretty enticing).. anyone heard about them? They apparantly started off this program 6 years ago in Marine parade and now they are starting one in Toa Payoh...

Perhaps.. we, the sept mummies can start a home-based playgroup too? and we can share all the flashcards, books and toys!! yipee!!!...

Springz: which site did you buy ur GD math/english cards again?
that's cos in the PM i asked if i cld get the stuff at Big toe's place during the xmas party! U must have missed that out. hee hee

Btw, u and the other mummies enjoy the sale tmr!

Think i'll only go later in the afternoon, that is if i even go at all!
oooops! sorry!! really overlooked that message,

Hmm.. the stuff will only arrive week after nei! so need to post to you or you can collect at tampines or pasir ris
Enjoying my FREE Starbucks Java Chip Frappucino now!

No need to show anything, just join the Q and place your order, any drinks you want, in the small size of course!
Mattel sale: Sigh can't make it, cos I gotta attend a meeting tomorrow at raffles place. Not fated to enjoy the discounts
Enjoy shopping tomorrow, mommies!!!

kym: oh no, shichida+GD+kumon??? Sounds like a 'frankenstein' programme! post the thread here pls, if u dun mind. Btw, two nites ago, they were featuring GD on the 'Great Expectations' programme on CNA. I hope my kid will not give us too much stress wrt his studies, just like my DH and I didn't give our parents any. In a way, I do agree with Bigtoes &amp; dracwy that 60% of one's intelligence is attributed to your genes lah...

Gunibb: I dun like Starbucks ley...kekeke!! I like Illy and Lavazza only
Flos: I'm not particular about my coffee ... free one, just take lah! keke ... by the way, did u invest in Nespresso? GuniPapa so impressed with it even though he doesn't drink coffee, thinking of getting it for new office.
<font color="0077aa">Springz: The webby on how to make flashcards was posted by l'l cy a few mths back. I also refer to that sometimes!

Limay: Think our baby all mama drama! My smallberry will bawl when I am going to put him down on the bouncer, note: its only the action of putting him down... In the end have to carry him!

Sarah: Now abit small liao but it don't cut like Petpet at the sides so I am trying to finish the last few pieces...</font>
Hello all... mine also.. nap for 30mins, after that will wake up... then will be so cranky cos didnt sleep enough.. and cant get to sleep soundly even if I carry him in my arms to sleep! But luckily by 7plus / 8pm, he'll fall into a deep sleep and will only wake up for milk, and back to sleep automatically! That's when I'll try to catch up on the posts, but really dont have energy to post my comments...

Mummies going for the Mattel sale.. are you bringing your babies along? I really feel like going.. but have to tag baby along cos nobody is taking care of him for me.. Sigh.. will see how tomorrow..
Oh Shazz, I've received the Desitin today.. but it's squashed! 1/3 of the cream was all over the package! But I think it should still last for a few months..
Flos ,
ya , i am moving back to my mum place cos this house is too big / lonely for myself and maid. Also i cannot cook at all .. keke .. lousy mummy .. and think it will be better if more people are around to help me look after my kids .. so that i can "jalan jalan" whenever i like .. cos my mum place a lot of relatives close by , just drop kids and maid i can go off .. keke .. if not i still haev to chaffeur them to and fro if i want to escape out of house .. I have " flower legs" meaning haev to go out everyday ..keke
Flos ,
what is IIIy and Lavazza ..i am totally ignorant of this .. maybe i am not coffee addict .. i am a tea addict .. haev to drink two cups a day even BF ..

Sarah may ,
yes , i am thiking of buying the stickers only ... but like what flos suggested maybe can really draw on the cards provided we can draw as well as her .. me thinking of drawing stars instead but wonder if drawing objects vs dots will haev any difference in the children world

Crayonshin ,
i like the way u describe your little one ... michelin ...haha ...

Jaymicky ,
10 wipes ?? how expensive to clean off ... each box of wipes only 80 pieces lei .. each month u use how many boxes of wipes ?
gunibb: i nearly bought the NESPRESSO machine from china last yr!! But it's too expensive to maintain cos u need to buy the cartridges. The SA in China let me try many flavours. I must say they were yummy! Good buy for your office

chewyring: ahhh, u will hv no kopi but Illy, Lavazza &amp; Segafredo when u migrate to Shanghai! Lavazza is the No. 1 coffee in Italy, followed by Illy and Segafredo. OOHH, I'm a hopeless Espresso con Pannaaddict. tell u a little secret, i was so kopi-siao that i went on a holy grail quest all over shanghai to find the best Expresso con Panna, aka 康保蓝...

DRAWING DOTS vs OBJECTS: got difference in the children's world for sure, chewyring! i rem nicking my elder sis' kindergarten math worksheets to look at when I was 3. they used drawing of fruits to help kids rem better. E.g. Three is depicted by 3 strawberries. Incidentally, Eric Carle also presents numerals in that manner.

If u use dots, it's visually challenging for small kids to decipher rite? unless u stick them in the formation as those playing cards.

ehhh... I only draw better than Eric Carle lah! Worse than Picasso for sure...I'm sure all of us draw better than Eric Carle too

Oh no wonder, u don't cook, and ur maid doesn't cook either. I guess u shd move back. Hey, something "aunty" to recommend to u all...this Chng Kee's Yam Rice paste is really yummy. So easy to cook

Jaymickey: 10 wipes to clean poo? WOW, one pack can last u 8 poops then? U shd use tissue paper first to 'scoop' off the poo, followed by the wet wipes. Actually, if it even warrants 10 wipes, then u might as well use cotton bales soaked in warm water to clean off the poo? That's what I do when it's an atomic bomb.
Rachel_Lim: I'm so sorry to hear about the cream being squashed! I've sent a couple using the same method and no tragedy so far!

My MIL is stepping on my nerves again! Guess what she did this week? She got a little pail and tied ugly strings to store rubber bands (like those hawkers)! And I don't even use that many rubber bands! I used to just store them in a little container in one of the kitchen drawers. Let the picture speak for itself!

Flos: I'm beginning to experience what you're going thru with you CL and maid .... hee, always have funnie story to share! tell me if it's fugly or wat! *&amp;%#^

shazz! omg... brings back memories of the wet markets man... is your mil trying to collect enough to melt and make something? o dear... it's so ridiculous!

rachel, i'm going with baby to the mattel sale tom. no choice. nowhere to park her. hope the weather will be good.

mine sometimes poops one of these too, particularly after one or more days of inactivity. it'll be oozing out of her diaper in all directions and will even kena the armpit area. so messy. i just quickly clean off and scoop her off to rinse under the tap then dump into the bath tub. she's on 1/2ebm + 1/2fm and i find the poop v sticky. too dirty to just wipe. she hasn't bombed in 2 days liao so i'm expecting another tua zong one any time soon - hopefully not at the sale tomorrow!
Morning, Mommies..Expressing milk now.. multi tasking very much ever since become a mom.. :p

Hi, Shazz

Goodness! tat pic is so familiar... hahaha..

Hi, Jaymickey

10 wipes?? I tot only my jayden is using that much.. keke.. ours are "heavy duty" babies, polluting the environment!
lc, good morning! i just finished expressing also.

right after i posted abt her mega-poop last night, she decided to drop the bomb during her last night feed. heng ah, no need to worry abt a messy diaper change at the sale later anymore!
eeks! errr... but where's the respect? Isn't this YOUR house? Must ask permission, no?

strawberries r 'concrete', and so r animals, hats etc while using dots, discs etc to represent these r 'abstract'. If i'm not wrong , Sg uses these sort of 'concrete' representations in their math syllabus. Came out in the papers sometime ago. It was about US adopting our textbooks for this reason. Basically, if the book says a bird, show a bird in the picture, not try to use dots to represent it.
I wld have thot this was commonsense. It's strange that US textbook producers didn't get this simple logic till recently!

This school does not train gifted children. Any kid can attend, as long as u can pay! I find the name misleading... Cheeky girl was there for a while. It was boring...
SpingZ ,
be careful of fake buys .. keke .. cos china has a lot of these bb clothes that is almost exactly the same. cannot tell the difference.
where is the lok yang way ?
it is off pioneer road... near tuas already!

okies will be careful! just thot these look alot like the recent ON and Gap spree stuff which I bought too

see you there!
hi mommies - Can I join you ladies too? Was a Oct MTB but my baby came early at wk 35. So she is now a Sep baby born on 29 Sep. Today, she is 2mths, 5 days old and a joy to me. She has started to blow bubbles, and trying to reach out to items above her. Any of your babies going through the same?

Will be going to the Mattel Sale later. Anyone going?

Janelle always have explosive shits one.. if my MIL is at home, she will bring her to the sink to wash her butt.. so if for me, i have to wipe and wipe to make sure she is really clean!

There was once, she poo-ed without me knowing at great world city. when i discovered it, the BLs got it too and is a BIG BIG Patch..there after whenever i know she is poo-ing with BL on, i faster pull the BL down first..

Then another "malu" incident, she poo-ed at Fish&amp;Co one day.. so much until it came out from the back of her diapers, kana my hands, her pants, t-shirt and my shorts!!! lucky i have a brand new set of clothings, if not i really dun know how..
