(2008/09) Sep 2008

Good morning mummies~

Have not post for a long time...

Congrats chewy_ring!

Just to check, any mummies still buying healthy times cereals? I'm going to order from them but need minimum orders. So just asking whether any mummies wanna join orders?
How many scallops u put for 1 meal ??

Yin Yin,
Hope CH will recover soon. I'm onz on next thurs/fri.

Just let nature takes its own course. Carine will be ready to pick up biscuits and eat by her own when she's ready to. No need to be too kan chiong.
I tried to add fruits to the cereal & she's starting to enjoy it once again...so lemme noe if u wanna order as i may want to continue to feed her that.
Millie, I added 2 pieces of scallops.. but find it a little too sweet actually.. so I'll probably just add 1 the next time. Lucikly, the next day when I didnt add any scallops at all, he still finished all the porridge

Dmbb, ok ok, let's consolidate our orders again!
Email me ok? But I dont think I'll be ordering that much as I used to, cos come 18months, the cc will have breakfast catered to all kids already...

Just went to view 3 cc centers... hmm.. a little disappointed...
Rach - I'v 2 more packs left..i pass u one?
I want to order too. your porridge must be more than a quater cup of rice to add 2. else if for one meal, only add one.
Storeberry ,
send my congrats to the two new mummies .. i cannot access the FB ... so exited for them.. Hubby not coming back with me .. he asked to stay here till before i deliver then fly back .. and i dun feel safe.. plus the weather will piss me off ..anyway safer in sin .. the only thing is i have to make lots of arrangemenst like maid, sourcing for CC for zac , looking for confinement lady .. alone .. sob sob .. last one .. this bb is my last hurdle ... not gg to suffer like that anymore
hey you sourcing for cc or playgroup for zac?the ccs here really nothing much. will you be in yishun or thomson huh?im nearly giving up the search liaoz,

ch has roseola...was still worried it's actually measles! but then phew...she is fine, no fever jsut rashes that makes her look like some character outta gory movies...

next thursday cookie bake? can put down your names so i see how many. if more mummies then i get function room better..

Event: Cookie bake
Location: Yishun
Time: 2pm
Date: Thursday, 05/11/2009
1. lilboymum, CY and CH
lil CH
phew. lucky its just roseola. but still the rashes are quite scary to look at. sam was always peppered with them after his fevers.

Event: Cookie bake
Location: Yishun
Time: 2pm
Date: Thursday, 05/11/2009
1. lilboymum, CY and CH
2. dseptkon, Jon and Sam
angeline, so your bb doesn't like the stars. mine is crazy over them. she can finish one bottle in a few days.

lilboymum, glad to hear ch is fine! is your place anywhere near the mrt?
no it isnt, but if you are on time there is a shuttle service form the mrt station, yishun mrt. the service ends at 2:30pm for the afternoon
<font color="aa00aa">dseptkon (dseptkon) - wow, Roseola is that common? K has it now as well, following a bout of low fever (cos of teething I think) - his canines are all coming out
And yes, looks kinda weird (yet cute in a funny way) with all the spots!

Stars - i think K kinda lost interest in these - and i still have 2-3 bottles! Haiyah, need to stop stocking up on stuff. Also have 2-3 boxes of HT which i don't feed him anymore. Wondering if i should just mix HT cereals into his porridge just to use these up!

Halloween - any celebrations for Halloween this weekend?? We usually get a pumpkin to carve, but haven't gotten around to doing that this year!

Rachel Lim (rac_lim) - which CC did you check out? How come not up to expectations? We are planning to enrol K in the NTUC one (First Skool), for 3 hours on wkdays after he turns 18 mths, cos that is the nearest to my MIL's place.

Meanwhile ur cookie bake gathering sounds yum!
too bad its gonna be on a weekday.</font>
i think CC .. Kick Zac in flexible hrs and then extend to full day if possible ..yishun really that bad ?? a friend of mine leaving his son in OCC next jan .. but i really dunno hpw long the Q is .. hmm . playgroups usually end ard 3 years old .. so time for him to adjust n re-adjust is short .. he is two plus nw ..

Li may ,
is teh NTUC one good .. u recee the area already ?
Chwey: Will send your regards to them! Oh, so you going to be in Sing alone? But you are very independent &amp; with family support should be ok! I want a gal next round too! Keke...

Sure, call me when u r back in dec.

lilboymum: I hope to join in too! But thurs not in sing, hope to join the next round!
hi mummies
I'm a mummy from the Aug thread, I recv this from a fren

<font color="0000ff">St. Hildas' Church is organising a food festival on 21st Nov (Sat) and it's in the morning. It's to raise funds for two local communities that the church supports through their community project. The project caters to Old folks and latch-key kid mainly. The church is located at Ceylon Road which is on East Coast Road, opposite Katong Mall.

In the spirit of good causes! I've tickets to sell for this fundraiser, one set of tickets goes for S$10.</font>

This is also a church kindy so mummies living in the east can check them out too.

Any mummies interested in going or getting tickets, do email me [email protected] I'll consolidate and get the tickets from my friend.

Storeberry ,
enjoy your trip yah .. I blow some bb dust to u .. quick cuick .. get one tiger bb ...

Limay ,
i threw away some boxes of HT too ... cos when I head back sin in sep .. i realised that they have expired .. keke .. cannot keep for too long esp HT .
Aiyah chewy, too bad I am going ith my collegues, my hub not going so no bb plans..keke.. But I can get some bb dust for S'pore though.. Haha

I am feeding Nestle cereals now cos HT not easily available..
Hi Mummies

Anyone try Ameda Dual electric pump?
Between Ameda, Medela dual pump, which is better?
Sourcing for my coming No.2 cos used Avent Manual Pump for my No.1.
Yin Yin,
Count me in !!!

Event: Cookie bake
Location: Yishun
Time: 2pm
Date: Thursday, 05/11/2009
1. lilboymum, CY and CH
2. dseptkon, Jon and Sam
3. Millie and Alston

Wow O finished 1 bottle within 3 days !!!! Tats fast. I dun give Alston Gerber stars anymore, instead i give him other biscuits which i bot from Yamahawa (dunno if i spelt correctly ). Alston ate quite a lot at Kym's place the other time (so paiseh) , so i bot him a few packs. I try not to give him too much biscuits cos i tink it's heaty.
Millie ,
"BLOW BLOW " bb dusts to you ... keke .. no gurantee a gal hor .. I want a gal from No 1 n still waiting for it to happen ... keke .
<font color="aa00aa">annteo (annteo) - Am a fan of Medela - i used the PIS and Medela electric (smaller version &amp; can operate on battery).

chewy_ring (chewy_ring) - CONGRATS!!! How many weeks now??
Millie (millie2
2) - me too - i want a girl next.
Can imagine how Kieran &amp; no. 2 would fight if no. 2 was a boy as well. Faint!

Btw, here is a weblink from a friend - Need to eat alkaline food for girls, acidic for boys. Mommies trying for kids now &amp; if u follow this &amp; get the gender u want - have to tell us all ok! http://alkaline-alkaline.com/ph_food_chart.html</font>
Hey mummies.. anyone have a good dog groomer to recommend? the pet shop that i used to go to has closed down. If possible, I would like a groomer that can come to my house..

Is PIS motor very loud n is the suction gd?
I hv a mini electric, but did not used it during ryan time cos i sotong forgot to insert the valve so the unit no suction i tot spoilt.

Anyone knw is Medela Mini electric Plus dual gd?
Is Medela Mini electric Plus dual noisy?
mummies who are trying for girls..
all the best!!!! pink dust to all!!!

i stand in front of ch's side of the wardrobe daily trying to determine what she will wear!!! hahaha, mama very vain ..and then my mom would comment, she has sooo many clothes and yet you take so long to decide!!!
Alston is a 'struggle' to me now cos he's super active and always wriggling around. He wants pple to carry him, but will wriggle here and there after pple carry him. Need a lot of strength to carry him due to his struggling and somemore he got bull power !!! I am hoping to have 2nd one soon, but really hope to have a gal. No energy for another wriggling spider!!!
Afternoon Mummies

Just now i was in the room packing, Eleanor drag a paper bag and say bye bye to me. Shout for Hb, see our daughter is running away from home.
Good monrning mummies ,
so quiet today.. keke .. I just have my bread for breakfast...yucks .. the flour in china is lousy .. i miss singapore bread .. kway chap .. western food.
Hi mummies, anyone interested in HT vanilla and mapel teethers, i have a box each (unopened). Its too hard for my bb and i want to give them away. I also have the arrowroot cookies.
Good morning mummies..

Bigtoes, I checked out 2 ccs so far near my place (Tampines), one of which is MMI, but dont quite like MMI cos it's very individualistic. Toddles take their own mat, and choose the activity and the teacher will guide them what to do on a 1on1 basis... The other center -- haha.. the principal dont know how to "sell"!!!

Haha.. most Sep mummies wants a baby gal!! Me too, but I think I'll just stick to 1, really can't imagine having 2 boys!!! So noisy!! :p

Cloud,I dont mind, you can pm me? My boy is currently taking HT vanilla and he loves it. Perhap you can break it into small pieces?
Afternoon Mummies:

Early this morning, 5 plus, Eleanor Fell from my bed... She woke up in the middle of the night crying, so i let her sleep beside me. out of sudden a loud sound woke me up, 1st thing i look for is Eleanor, and realise she is not on my bed, she fell off from the bed while she rolled n twisted in her sleep fm head of the bed to the end and end up on the floor.
seem like a lot baby here are already start to say byebye.
mine still doesnt like to talk.. only keep calling papa.. when his papa bullies him, he sometime will call out mama.. that all.
his speech isvery very slow
Jasmine - i emphatised. just check on her the next few days. mine now super "manja" after his fall, insists that i must carry him all the time.

Yesterday i gave him a fright, i put on my face mask and when he saw me, he thought it was halloween and started crying non-stop. So when i removed it, he still started looking around for the face masked person. haiz - how to do home facial like that. sigh.

Mine started with words like " Bus" " Star" "Car" "Go" " Oh" "Amen" "Book". He calls Hb " dad" and me " ah mi"
Breadmum, haha.. you celebrating halloween at the right time ah??

Mine calls hubby daddy (loud &amp; clear), and whenever I ask him to call me mummy, he just goes on and say daddy daddy daddy!!! Argg!! His first word is actually bye bye, haha.. always very eager to say bye bye...

Breadmum, take pneumococal jab will defintely have fever right?? Can take the jab late afternoon, say 4pm? Then fever through the night??
Yup, my bed quite high.
She got a bad sleeping post, like to twist like a worm, that y she hate her cot, no space for her to roll. Waiting for Hb to packed her room, n we will move over there.

will do. Morning when I sent to CC, told the teachers, asked them to have a look out on her behaviour.

I normal put on the mask when she is sleeping.

My ger will talk when she feel like to. If I teach her new word, she happy, she followed, else will never get to hear repeat.
Words from her mouth: bird, pa, ma ma, ma, ball, byebye. seem very little, but she understand what are the thing we say, ask her where is cat, she will look for it n point to us, tell her i want the book, she will pick up n pass to me, ask her to wear her shoes, she will go n take her shoes n try to wear... but think she is slow os speaking out the words. Her fav. word now, bye bye.

Bring her to attend wedding dinner on friday, the moment we place her in the high chair, she goes 'hum hum', then when the 1st course is up, she shouted even louder.

thanks, lilboymum. think i will pass the baking session. o kena flu over the weekend. now still has a bit of the sniffles, think i'd better not let her mingle with other kids the next few days.

millie, ya, o is crazy over the stars lor. tried giving her some cheerios but she still prefers the stars. what's yamahawa and where is it? girls can also have bull power one wor... my o is one example. small and skinny but mighty.

breadmum, i couldn't help laughing out loud when i read your post!!!

rachel, may/may not get fever after pneumococal jab. my bb didn't run a fever after taking it but kena after her chicken pox jab.

jasmine, i hope your bb is okay.
mine also keeps falling from the bed lately. like a monkey prancing around.

tinkerbell, my bb is drinking between 450ml and 600ml a day now. 3 milk feeds, sometimes plus one middle-of-night feed.
