(2008/08) Aug 2008

oh no, i better start checking all the glass bottles... thanks for the alarm

i rem you mentioned the location of yr school... keke... sure got a lot of super duper rich parents ready to show off...

isit? i saw you were very tall & slim that day... yup, black is safest...

my HB oso mentioned that i look more "ba" than last time but i say i aledi below pre-preggie weight & can fit in almost all my clothes liao... i asked him isit my nnp bigger now but he say my arms now very strong cos can carry handbag & cayla, last time cannot even carry handbag... he always suan me one... kekeke...

you very funny, i got one ex colleague told me 2 years after giving birth, got pple give her seat & she blush until whole face red red...

my gal will drink very slowly & also with a yucky face, i tasted the fbm & it does taste yucky with a vv fishy taste compared to fresh ones... in the end, she still drink la, cos she hungry ma... mb you can try mixing with fresh bm, i did that & she drinks at her normal pace...

so you not bringing bb isit? can drop the number of pumps per day to maintain supply... depends on where you gg, if got shopping ctr with ok toilets or nursing place, just bring along a manual pump to pump out to prevent engorgment lor... i bot an avent manual pump just to bring overseas, i pump only twice a day, morning & night, rest of the day i will either bf baby or ren till i find a nursing room... bb was fed with fm or ebm. if cannot find nursing room...

not bringing baby. Most prob leave her with MIL. So you brought ur baby along? How old is your baby and where you go?
wa... so many postings, I see until blur liao.


RE: gathering

How are we going to meet? i.e. is there at the entrance?

Or shd I sms u when I reach there? Any complimentary parking? I must go dig out the email you sent on your mobile..hee
I need to make arrangements for somebody to be in the house w maid and baby, not sure if I still can make it leh...

snow / celyn,
I also duno whether to go by weeks or mths.

how many wks is Zynn alrdy? cos I knw she and Chevelle born same day :p

U got the Baby Einstein DVDs alrdy rite? Saw you commented that the DVDs u got are ok. Just want to check, is the whole thing in English or they mix with some language?
Cos when I played the first disc, it had some French and mb Spanish in it? Is that normal?
I am considering some CCs first in case there's long waiting time. Still undecided cos not sure if shd send bb to CC near my parents' place or near my place.

no prob abt sharing bb's sleep habits.
Think now Chevelle starting to sleep more... as in she shd be able to fall asleep by herself more easily.

RE: gathering with babies
I'm game for it!
Would love to see all the babies... Haha... but need some place that accomodate all people.
Was thinking is there any place like restaurant that we can book one whole room for all the mummies and their babies?
Venue 2: Holiday Inn Atrium @ 32++ per pax(2 persons) - 317 Outram Road, former Concord hotel. Take bus from Tiong Bahru Plaza, 3 bus stops from there.

30 Oct, Thu, 12-230pm)
1. Shint ---> confirmed attendance
2. Snow74 (might bring #1) -----> confirmed attendance
3. msapple (bringing #1 along) -----> confirmed attendance
4. aurora -----> confirmed attendance
5. valnsw -----> confirmed attendance
6. faeriekim (bringing #1 again) -----> confirmed
7. april ----->
8. Dongle?? -----> confirmed attendance

9. Megan?? ---> sorry, did u reply on this? haven't seen your post leh

yippie... HB changed his leave to 31oct instead... me also a diehard fan of buffet... kekeke...

cayla ever kena ezcema b4... it's also red & hard patch on her face, it started as some heat/milk rash which looks like pimples, then suddenly the pimples joined together to become a red & hard patch... brought to PD & was prescribed fucidin... after putting on cream, someone have to carry her with arms swaddled, if not, some cream will get eaten cos she eats her hand now... if not, we tried putting wen she is sleeping...

i brought bb to japan for 9 days when she is 11+ weeks old...
re: swimming
any mummies noticed a dropped in milk supply after swimming? i swam at 4.30pm just now & my 5.30pm pump dropped... could it be the cold swimming pool water ah?
i let my bb eheheh for abt a min..then she will scream already...i.e. if no one go and entertain her lar..usually she eheheh..then i will hide a corner and peep first...see what she doing..then i let her continue if she never scream..then when she scream...hah..thats when i go in..heehee..i very bad hor..but if everytime she eheheh then go and entertain her..very bo eng leh..

u where got ba ba..i see u so small and petite so nice..can fit in jeans somemore..my one ar..can go until the thighs only..then cannot pull up liao...damn depressing..so now i keep my jeans in a corner where i cannot see one..otherwise will remind me of my fatty fatty thighs and waist..

hee hee ur hubby so furni..actually becuz of breastfeeding..nnp bigger le..then ar..the t-shirts i wear ..all like shorter liao...heehee so furni..bigger surface area to cover..heehee

oh..i on the DVD with the theme of sounds..something like for the little ears..all english leh..havent tried the rest...got so many ..dunno which one to watch first also..maybe the one that says language something one is made up of different language issit?
oh dear .. i would send my maid back too if she did that !!

i very worry about her drooling .. wonder when it will stop.
Ya i still use the synergy but not very often. Ya i do get the backache sometimes, i think it's cos the carrier actually makes u straighten ur back totally, so it's aching from that. So far I still face Bernice in, cos her neck still will wobble abit after awhile. So I dont want her to "flop" down and cant see anything.

u stay Eden ah ? I go there quite often cos my cousin lives there. I go there to play with my niece and nephew.But now they come more often instead cos easier for me. I PM you my contact.
Mummies who offer their place for mum & babies gathering
Nick/ Place / Date
1) Ruixuan (Boon Lay- my house) 17th Nov to 23 Nov
2) msapple (Boon Tiong Rd - Near Tiong Bahru MRT) 8, 9, 15, 22, 29 Nov 08
3) catherine (condo function room - kembangan) - anytime
YLN: hehe u really very slim liao.. u mean before preggie u were slimmer? me also.. my pre-preggie jeans i cant fit in anymore. Cant even pull up to the thighs...very depressing and sad. I'm STILL wearing maternity clothes...sigh.. very very sad manz..
I hope i can keep them off soon!
Hi Mummies,

RE:- Gathering on 30 Oct 2008.

Venue 2: Holiday Inn Atrium @ 32++ per pax(2 persons) - 317 Outram Road, former Concord hotel. Take bus from Tiong Bahru Plaza, 3 bus stops from there.

30 Oct, Thu, 12-230pm)
1. Shint ---> confirmed attendance
2. Snow74 (might bring #1) -----> confirmed attendance
3. msapple (bringing #1 along) -----> confirmed attendance
4. aurora -----> confirmed attendance
5. valnsw -----> confirmed attendance
6. faeriekim (bringing #1 again) -----> confirmed
7. april -----> sorry, I might not be able to attend as my son just went for his jab today and he doesnt want anyone to carry except me. So not able to make it... Real sorry about that.... I will try to sneak out tomorrow if I can.. Can do I meet you guys???
8. Dongle?? -----> confirmed attendance

9. Megan?? ---> sorry, did u reply on this? haven't seen your post leh
val, yup i listen to the language one dunno wat they talking hahaha

m2b, my hubby not on leave on 3 nov is me alone too.

ruixuan, i dun mind ur place
Thanks for sharing! Misaki can stay awake really long! How many weeks is she now?

Thot of getting some Carter's stuff off the BP, but since bought ON & TCP fr spree, then i better restrain myself fr more gerger stuff..

I also hope Ashley's nap can be short & frequent, but hers are short & she gets so frustrated abt her disrupted sleep leh.. Okieokie, at least i know 1 hr after feed is normal

amabel's mummy
i rem u mentioning tt u train bb to sleep on her own.. How do u do it & when did u start? My ger had no prob during the 1st 4 weeks, but after tt, everything abt sleep went downhill. Whether day or night.. But she does sleep for longer hours at night

Do u rock/carry ur boy to sleep? Or does he fall asleep on his own?

phwa, the dinner so exp.. U must eat every bit of it, $1000 per head.. Madness! Thankfully u dun have to pay man..

u go ger! how did u train Chevelle to fall asleep on her own? Ashley still needs us leh.. I tried to let her cry it out, but my mum pressured me not to

sorry all!!
sorry to bother all of u abt sleep.. my ger's poor sleeping habits is driving me nuts. i can barely do anything much in the day.. i'm really qt desperate oredi
Re: Gathering
Sorry ladies! I cannot make it tomorrow already, cos tmrw aircon man coming to service the room downstairs that's to be converted to baby's room.

Venue 2: Holiday Inn Atrium @ 32++ per pax(2 persons) - 317 Outram Road, former Concord hotel. Take bus from Tiong Bahru Plaza, 3 bus stops from there.

30 Oct, Thu, 12-230pm)
1. Shint ---> confirmed attendance
2. Snow74 (might bring #1) -----> confirmed attendance
3. msapple (bringing #1 along) -----> confirmed attendance
4. aurora -----> confirmed attendance
5. valnsw -----> NOT coming
6. faeriekim (bringing #1 again) -----> confirmed
7. april -----> sorry, I might not be able to attend as my son just went for his jab today and he doesnt want anyone to carry except me. So not able to make it... Real sorry about that.... I will try to sneak out tomorrow if I can.. Can do I meet you guys???
8. Dongle?? -----> confirmed attendance

9. Megan?? ---> sorry, did u reply on this? haven't seen your post leh
my tops oso become shorter, i always try to pull down in case other pple see my stretchmarks

re:brushing teeth
i used 1st teeth toothpaste just now & cayla enjoyed it so much, at 1st, she din open her mouth widely so i just brush her front gums, think wen she tasted the banana flavour, she opened her mouth very wide so that i can brush her gums at the back... she kept smiling too... after i rinsed the brush, i told her "open your mouth", she opened her mouth very wide instantaneously... so funny... me & my mum got a gd laugh...

re:putting hand into mouth
any good recommendations to stop the habit? cayla cries whenever she gets "pek chek" cos we kept taking her hand away from her mouth... isit time for teeth soothers yet? read that it's gd wen they r teething but now too early right?

re: baby swimming or massage
i realised i got a Hwa Xia free baby swimming or massage voucher, i can pass to any of the mummies tomo but the T&amp;C is for bbs < 2 months... must bring BC somemore... who wants?
posting for shint

Those who are going for the gathering tomorrow, please meet inside &amp; go ahead with buffet - booking is under Cynthia &amp; June.
me finally got in!

No problem for mommies who cannot make it.
Better go hotel buffet kind or restaurant kind rite? cos if last min dun come, the organiser not too stress ma. If cater food then dun come - got alot of logistic issues.

Venue 2: Holiday Inn Atrium @ 32++ per pax(2 persons) - 317 Outram Road, former Concord hotel. Take bus from Tiong Bahru Plaza, 3 bus stops from there.

30 Oct, Thu, 12-230pm)
1. Shint ---> confirmed attendance
2. Snow74 (might bring #1) -----> confirmed attendance
3. msapple (bringing #1 along) -----> confirmed attendance
4. aurora -----> confirmed attendance
5. faeriekim (bringing #1 again) -----> confirmed
6. Dongle -----> confirmed attendance

Wah ... 6 only ah? hehee.
Good oso, 1-for-1 ... if got 7, then must pay extra.
oh no... that mean i cant join in the buffet... so sorry, i always last minute... just manage to get hubby to pay for my buffet
gathering for tomolo

then i got to give it a miss...
anyone last minute back out, pm me... (i will replace as r number 6)
Er... keeps fingers crossed after I say this hor..
Actually, since yday after bring her to swim, she KO for 3 hrs straight.
Today, I was not at home in the aftn but according to the sleep/feed records that my mum made, Chevelle slept 12.30pm - 2.30pm.
When I was home at 4+pm, her next feed at 5.30pm, she drank 90ml then after her milk abt 6.25pm she just suddenly became cranky and cried but the moment my dad rocked her awhile, she just fell asleep but slept only 30min.
Then she woke up, play abit start to eh for milk at 7.20pm, give her milk and after she had her fill, she start to be sleepy again..

So I guess, mb when ur bb is ready to fall asleep by herself, she will too?
if i am not wrong maybe that is the last stage of discharge from fresh blood, to brownish to light brownish then to yellowish...
re: gathering
Thanks and noted. Btw any contact I can call if i couldnt find it or any last minutes thing. Can PM thanks.

I nv really train her to sleep on her own. Just that i make sure no one attend to her when she just go eheheh. Only if she cry real loud then we carry her. If she fell asleep in our arm, we faster put her down on her bed, if then she cry we will just pat her. At night,i will clean her then nurse her and then at her sleeping time, we will not talk, pat or carry her anymore. we put her sleep with us on her mattress but day time at the playpen in another room, this is to train her that sleeping with us on her mattress mean she got to sleep longer, and we will dim the light. She will eheh for awhile, no one attend to her she sian liao will automatic fall asleep. Haha!
But sad thing is that recently she learn to suck her finger and then this few days she very good at sucking thumb for comfort. She dont like pacifier lor but is i forcing her to suck pacifier. Everytime drop she will cry and start putting her thumb into mouth, I wake up saw it, remove it and put pacifier in, she cry for awhile then suck the pacifier and i go bk to sleep, then dunno how long, it drop again and she cry and put her thumb in her mouth again, whole night like that lor. Yesterday nv sleep thru lor just becos i intro pacifier to her and it keep dropping. Last few day not yet give her pacifier, she suck her thumb siong siong liao will remove herself and if she need comfort again she will suck her thumb again, so i wont have to wake up to help her.

Just now every funny... cos i dun want her to suck her thumb so i put on mitten for her again. She cannot suck her thumb anymore but keep squeezing her whole hand into her mouth, searching for the thumb. I just dun care and give her paciier, she cry for awhile then suckle the pacifier, after afew minutes i go to her, dunno how she mangaged to remove her mitten and suck on her thumb and she sleep until very siong like that. Argh... i dunno how also. Dont let her suck thumb like is distrubing her sleep leh
wah you very capable leh, can bring ur baby to Japan...ur baby so young take plane liao..my baby not gg wif me, so a bit roublesome. guess i will have to reconsider gg holidays maybe after i stopped breastfeeding.

Re: Sucking Thumb/fist
my gal also started to suck her fist so i remove her mittens cos mittens got the clothe fibre scarced she will swallow them...read in a mah, this part of their social development.
morning mommies,
the 3am mommy is here ... kekekeke.

last evening finally managed to get into the forum and then later, cannot again. sianz.
Y so late(early?!) login? I am expressing milk just now, now still battle with my girl over the pacifier. lol~ Gonna catch some sleep soon
chey, why so last minute?
dun worry, I've got a solution for u ;)
just come along and join us, i'll bring my helper(and baby) and she can form the pax with u la.

Since she had been good help to me, i'll give her a treat before I go back to work and oso I can bring baby along.

So u come join us alright?
u mommies ok with her to join us at our table ya?
so long dun talk about maids alright? not vv nice if we start talking about maids, etc...
hee .... wa, got special treat for my sons ;)

me finished pumping liaoz ... my son still awake ... thanks to my hubby who did all the things that cannot be done ... talk to my son, pat him, carry him .. haha, now hubby hungry n making sandwiches and son with me WIDE awake .. kekekeke.

he ok with paci but it keeps falling off. He's not making noise yet la ... now i one hand holding paci, one hand typing, hee.
pm u the handicraft.
*FOC* treat for ur son cos u are the organisers and abit tolerating my last minutes... kekeee
shint (repost)
pm u the handicraft.
*FOC* treat for ur sons cos u are the organiser for the 2 gatherings and abit tolerating my last minute... kekeee
Thanks for the info! Yes! Charlotte has the same ting..started wif pimples first and now the red patch has become bigger..

Sigh..thot of bringing her to PD (Kidz Clinic) on Fri nite..looks like we gotta go later today liaos.
morning mummies

shint, ruixuan &amp; amabel's mommy,
actually, i'm also a 3am mum. hahah.... i wake up to pump just never log in.
good morning mummies..

want to ask u..when u brought bb go japan..how u bath bb ar? was thinking of bringing to a conference in jan..but dunno how to bath bb leh..can bath in bath tub anot?
mummies....try using calendula cream first on the ezcema cases...it can also work...no need steroid...

sorry cant come for today cos got conference call...

will organise a globetrotter one for sunday brunch okie? but that means weekend no set lunch hehee...but okie lah prices reasonable....
my hubby also cut my boy's flesh the other day when cutting his nails..that's why i ask abt what u mommies use to cut ur babies nails loh. he used the baby nail clipper...so i tot of changing to scissors..but when i cut for my boy, okie lei. haiz...think he careless ba..just like ur maid.. ?

does ur voucher also have "T&amp;C is for bbs < 2 months... must bring BC somemore" like dongle mentioned ? if so then i cannot use liao, cos baby more than 2mths liaoz.. ?

sometimes i put him in sarong, sometimes on his own on his cot, he very tired, he will sleep in whichever way. ytd nite i pat him to sleep. so everynite also diff pattern..kekeke.

my boy go eh eh eh when he want to sleep but he want pple to carry him/put him in sarong.
unless he very sleepy then he will slp on his own.
maybe ur baby want company lah..
Good Morning Mommies!

YLN &amp; Valnsw,
I oso got the DVDs but got 26pcs, how to finish testing them? I only on 1 pc yday to try...

I oso better stop buying clothes for Mae coz she seem to outgrow quite fast now...so wait awhile then start buying again...heehee

BB sleep - I sort of train my gal to fall asleep herself at night by leaving her in her playpen after milk...after some crying initially (and it gets shorter and shorter), now she wun cry even if she is still wide awake...she will entertain herself and then fall asleep liao...

You PM me your contact then I cfm again this weekend?

I'm fine with your place too...or we can meet at JP coffee bean since if weekdays shd be not as crowded right? =P
regarding fbm, try to give ur bb those tat are 1 mth old or lesser to see if bb react the same way. those that are less than 1 mth old should not have funny taste/smell. for my elder son, he rejected those fbm that are more than 1mth old. then i realised have funny taste. not sure why like tat though i store my bm well. this time for my girl the oldest fbm she drinks is only 1mth old. dun dare to store for too long else have to discard again.
morning mummies..
Red Patches
my gal also had it when she was 8-9weeks old, the pimples started appearing bit by bit on her cheeks, forehead and extend to the back of her neck...initially tot it was heat rash then slowly it develop into harsh red patches...so heartpain...then i bought her jin yin hua to wash her face a few times still cant work...
finally i try getting the candendula cream, it worked!! i just applied a thin layer on her face every nite until it clear off...
no harm trying..
i use this nick to address u cos shorter to type and no typo ... haha.
Pacifier. Initially my son rejects but my maid vv persistent ... keep putting into his mouth cos i mentioned i am ok for him to take but dun take unnecessarily ... haha, soon he got used to it. But he doesn't quite know how to take it, it keeps dropping out after few seconds, he will push it out. Now, he pro liaoz, can suck it for a while before he pushes it out and we had to push it back in again.

However, once he falls asleep or seemingly asleep, we take it away. he's ok la.

The only thing vv scary is sometimes he vv sleepy (Suddenly) ... and can turn red and purple ... wail so loud ... then suddenly, within few minutes, his eyes closed and he stopped and he KO! heng, he so quickly KO else i sure damn stress. I carry, pat, sing, paci oso no use. can't imagine those babies who cry for long time.
M2B, Rata, TwinStar

i try to arrange a weekend due to M2B and if anyone cant make it then we still go ahead if the head count is 75% which is 3 mummies.... haha.. :p

3 am look like a vital time for pumping milk
as least u manage to train her to sleep on her own. mine needs to be carried to sleep.. but last few nights i latch her on the bed until she fall asleep. seems faster than feeding from the bottle then carry..
I PM u already.

morning. =)

our bb exactly 12wks liao lor.

ai yo, u cannot make it today ah?
was still thinking of passing u ur serum, maybe next gathering liao lor.

sorry to ask last mins, u got idea which level is the restaurant?
2nd level?
