(2008/08) Aug 2008


Dongle helped us to order from pumpin' pal's in US but I could not wait and have got my supershield from mumsfairy. It has helped me a lot and reduced so much stress during pumping. If you are keen, I will let go the M size supershield that will be arriving in a week plus time at spree price that is USD10 plus shipping.


You can also get the handsfree strap that need to be used with supershield to get hands free effect for greater pumping experience.


twin stars
Are u doing better now? Dun pressurise urself, just express whatever u can, when u feel more rested k? If not the stress may also affect the supply level too..

Ur wound healing well?

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U try k? Then i can see ur princess's face too!!

U're veryvery fortunate to have the dissolve type.. I figure coz it's not visible, ie the scar is not exposed, tt's why my gynae didn't use the dissolve type
Anyone here Breastfeeding and drinking DOM?
My CL and MIL asked me to drink but cos breastfeeding so dun really dare to drink.
what pump are you using, i got both the handfree strap and super shield from mt a pharmacy but find that with the super shield, the suction is no good leh. or maybe i don't know how to use it.

Can drink a bit night time after last feeding. I am thinking of starting to drink DOM also. Maybe will start tonight...: )

I am using Ameda Dual electic pump. The supershields helped me relax and I can recline and no milk leaking out. Without the super shields, have to sit upright holding the pump with both hands...very tiring oh...
tink i oso gonna start on my 'bu yao' tonic tonite.

found the pumping pal not helpful leh. not a pal. must use wif super shield then can work huh?

dunno abt the pre-natal supplements, but i eating dha fish oil capsules as i'm bfding. might oso drink some milk to supplement bm but afraid put on weight...
hi babywise, i am using ameda dual electric pump too..also just got the pumpin pal from mumsfairy few days ago. dont know whether isnt because i dont know how to use or my nipples got problem. everytime, definitely one nipple cannot 'suck in' the funnel..and thus not secured to the breast while the other nipple works fine...thus i have to hold on to one bottle everytime when i pump even tho i got the pumpin pal. quite disappointed coz i tot really can relax n handfree! do u think i need to get the supershields to solve the problem? i am keen to get the supershield from u if krex is not getting. shld be cheaper than getting from mumfairy right? hee.. but i need to figure out if the size fits me..

hisstory, u are nursing ur gal well...

twinstar, dont stress urself ya and i must add that u have a very nice and doting hubby!

my gynae advised me to continue w the prenatal supplements esp fish oil and calcium. helpful esp if u are breastfeeding..
i got the m size super shield if you want, can let it go to you. i tried once and didn't work for me. pm me if you want.

I felt the same the first time using but after trying a couple of times, I just got the hang of it and it works fine. Maybe you want to give it another go.

Handfree strap alone not sufficient. It needs the supershield fixed to the funnel to get the handsfree effect coz they are made of silicone and have the 'sticking' effect.

You need to check and identify if it is always the same nipple. I simply think it could be the valve or the bellow of your pump not working properly causing no sucking effect for one of the pump. There was once my CL did not fix the silicon bellow properly causing one side of the pump no suction effect at all.

The spree price for supershield is definitely cheaper than mumsfairy. It is just that I was so desperate and can't wait any longer. So I ordered from mumsfairy 2 weeks ago. You can check your size at :-


OR measure nipple size according to mumfairy website as below :-

What size should I choose for Super Shields +Plus?
Use your approximate nipple diameter for determining size - If different on each side, use largest diameter:

Medium (Approx nipple size = 29mm or smaller)
Large (Approx nipple size = 29-35mm)
Extra Large (Approx nipple size = 35mm or larger)
pre-natal supplements

My gynae told me to continue having them especially when you are breastfeeding. The baby n you will need the supplements.

He even ask me take extra 1 bag each, just in case I deliver and wont visit him after that.
Hi babywise,

I also got the prob with Ameda Dual electic pump when expressing he milk out go to bend myself not to let the milk leak back.
Have check the pumpin pal website that per pair is $24.95 and shipping is $20 but why is it cheaper than mumfairy? Read that you're letting go the M size supershield, I'm interested, is it still available?
vone, have pm u already.

aurora, may consider the pumpin' pal. see first lah. i seem to be spending so much money buying pumping equip when i dun even know how long i'll last!

celyn, do u elevate your legs so that your thigh can press on the bottles? i find the system quite clumsy but maybe it needs getting used to. i'm only getting 90ml coz' i dun breast feed my bb (refuse to latch). i pump only 3-4 times a day, must wait about 5-6 hours before i can yield my 90ml leh. the rest of the time i give formula.
carrying bb to sleep
i also have this prob...my bb wont sleep unless i carry her to sleep...how to overcome this prob har? very tiring leh..
any mommies have problems with their bb regurgitating their milk? i feed mine from the bottle (EBM and formula). after burping he can still vomit out his milk when i lay him down after about half and hour later. end up having to change his clothes so many times a day, sigh.
hi all,
i'm so tired.. my baby refuse to sleep in the cot. After feeding, changing and rocking her to sleep, the min i put her down on the cot she will wriggle and wake up .. But the min i put her down on my bed she will knock out immediately. from 2am-5am, kept repeating the process of rocking, put on cot, pick up from cot, rocking, put in cot, pick up .. so tired, until i surrender and at 5am i put her in my bed and she knock out immediately. i think she is just as tired cos this morning after putting her on the bed she slept till 8am wake up feed and then knock out till almost 10am. normally after her morning feed she is very awake. haha

I will PM you about the M size supershield. Can collect directly from Dongle's place when it arrive in about a week's time.
yah, i do raise my thight to hold the bottle. i pump every 3 hour to get 80ml. day time when i latch, i will still pump for about 5 - 10 mins after that.

my boy also like that now. must carry then will sleep, once put down he starts to cry. so what i do is when i put him down, i will still be like carrying him kind. after 5-10mins then i back off to let him sleep. it works most of the time except when hubby is home. baby always bully hubby.
hey snow...so if zynn got phlegm what do u do har? thinking of bringing bb to pd tomorrow..cos he seems to fart with alot of gas...
but by carrying bb 2 sleep..issit a bad habit ar? im not sure aso..i dun wanna keep carrying my bb to sleep but it seems to be the only way 4 her 2 sleep leh...
i decided to latch my bb on to try after one month and i was surprised that he does know how to latch now, heehee. now i'm in a dilemma whether to latch him on and feed on dd or follow a 3-hr cycle to feed him so that we can get into some sort of routine...
i don't like the idea of carrying baby to sleep loh. to me, its a bad habit. if carrying for 5 mins, he can sleep and not fuss when i put him down, then i'm fine with it. but if possible, i won't carry him to sleep. now i let him sleep anywhere like sofa, my bed and his cot so that he will be able to sleep anywhere in future.
regarding baby poo for tbf it really depends. my girl on tbf n she only poo once a day. only the first wk she poo v often but after tat only once a day. sometimes even once in 1.5days. but when she poo will be a lot. i m amazed on how she can hold her poo. whereas for my boy, he pooed so many times a day. almost every time after feeding. tat time my MIL blamed me for not eating heaty enough. but i feel it all depends on bb. as long as they have enough urine output it is ok.

ur bb has breastmilk jaundice or is it other kind of jaundice? both my kids have breastmilk jaundice. last time my son's jaundice only go off completely when he was 5wks old. my girl still a bit of jaundice but it should be cleared in a few days time since she is going to be 5wks old. for both kids i dun use any photo light on them and i continue to bf them.

celylee, YLN
my girl also need to be carried to sleep at certain times of the day esp when she is fussy and not tat tired. usu she need to be carried to sleep abt twice a day. i also feel it is a bad habit but if i let her cry she will cry n cry till no voice.

what do u do with ur little ones when they dun really want to sleep after feeding? esp when they can stay wakeful for a few hrs yet fussing. usu my girl dun really want to nap in the morning (think coz she slept for quite long in the night) but she will cry for us if we just put her to lie down. i tried talking to her, singing etc but after a while she will fuss.

i aso hv tis prob. initially i tot it's coz of d cot as mine is a 2nd hand 1. so we bought a new 1. still d same prob. nw it's a white elephant in my rm. i tink it's coz our bb wan 2 b 'close' 2 us as our bed has our smell. nw i gave up oledi. thus, my bb is sleeping together wif us. tink i'll try 2 put her back in her cot later on.
hi celylee, just PM you...when i was using avent isis uno, i also used my thigh to support the bottle then another hand surf internet..haa

hi babywise, just saw your PM. replied you too..
i will also let him cry till whole face red and no voice then i carry him but when hubby at home, that is not possible. he will carry him immediately when he starts to cry. so i will always scold hubby. now he will look at me then ask can carry or not. i say ok then he carry. haha...
i have the same prob too...after feeding..esp in the day time both mornings and afternoons..she dun wanna sleep..sigh..talk, sing , etc to her also cannot..she just dun wanna sleep ..then carry her..for 5 min...she zzz ..then put her down..even if i stay close to her for a few min...she will still wake up after another 5 min of nap..and the cycle start again..damn tired leh...how..i aso dunno...
hi mummies,
So tired from all the late night feeds.
I slept like a log after my parents helped take over night feed and this morning, the maid took over.

Too many posts to keep track...

Anyway, it seems most of our babies here hv this habit of wanting somebody to rock them to sleep.
My bb has this habit too. Somemore, she's v smart, when she's lying snug in my cradle, she dun close eyes immediately, it's half open, or she will open and close again and open to see if anybody still carrying her.

Duno if it's unconscious but sometimes she will hv this secretive sideway grin like "yay i got somebody to carry me" look. Haiz...

I'm contemplating whether to get yaolan or not, so that less tiring for all the caregivers.

Any take on this?
i understand ur feeling abt the yaolan thing...my ILS keep nagging to buy the yaolan..say its easier for bb to sleep...but i dun want to buy leh..cuz if we buy one to put at ILs place (cuz they looking after bb when i return to work) then i have to buy another one for my own place..n if go out..mus have the rocking motion then will sleep..so, im still very reluctant to have the yaolan..hopefully bb will be good girl n learn to sleep without too much rocking soon...
the yaolan was thought of by me, cos I see my parents and myself so xin ku just to rock bb to sleep.
I duno if this is a phase, I certainly hope so.

In any case, if I do get one, will get the maid to rock her in daytime, night time prob me or my hubby when we get our own place.

BTW, I remember somebody mentioned a reason against using the yaolan. Anybody remember?
RE: Drugstore spree
In case I forget, can you PM me your mobile number for easy contacting? TIA!
I will confirm next wk w hubby what time we will be in the area for me to collect from you.
Catherine, my BB oso like dat! Put into her cot only she'll either wriggle and wakeup. See beh jialat rite! Must pacify her, rock her, pat her until she falls asleep and the moment she touches the cot she'll be awake! Can die leH! Sighs...Yesterday i kena wake up and do that process from 2-3+am, the 4+ she wake up again, this time till 7plus! By 7+ am i surrender liao, dun care and put her in her cot - and i fell asleep. Hahah.

Aurora, i oso wanna know which BB sling is good and where to get. Any mummies got recommendation? My MIL bot me one but it's the ulu type...so cannot adjust the strap one..or rather, there's isn't much allowance so when i tried it on, i'm so big, i dun think there's space for my BB so fit in la! Ahahaha...Mummies pls recommend k!
dongle, regarding the spree for my valves and milkbags, i will confirm w u again coz need to check w hubby if he is free to collect at ur place if not will go for normal postage.
BTW, anyone here feels that ur BM flow has gone down? I feel that mine has gone down quite a bit leh...like now i only pump every 4-5hrs, and can only get abt 100-120ml. When i tried one time after 3hrs to pump again, only got 50-60ml! So sad! Duno y leh...how ah? Any ways to increase BM? i Worry siah...
alarmak, i rally lost track of all those posts liao... -_-"
now then i noe there is an oversea spree going on....ha ha.....really blur liao, maybe due to lack of sleep bah.

twin stars
dun pressurise urself.
my supply not enough also, so i partial bf lor.
bf + fm, think my zynn got all the nutrient that are needed liao bah....ha ha....ks mother. =P

zynn fart alot also, and vomit partial of her milk most of the time.
u find it difficult to burp ur boy?
but my cl said this is normal leh. =(

Do u all carry ur bb since they were newborn? Maybe it becomes their habit liaoz..(carrying) My confinement lady discourage us to carry our bb, keep putting him on the bed to sleep. Only carry him when he is bathin or drinking milk..
<font color="0000ff">huichin</font>
i had the same problem too!
In the beginning i very diligent, pump every 3hrs and my yield is abt 170ml-180ml each time. Then abt a week plus back, i got lazy and only pump every 4-5hrs. sometimes even drag until 6hrs :p... coz too tired leh, i couldn't wake up at night. Because of that, my SS dropped to 100-120ml. I got so depressed!

my best fren told me i shouldn't pump less i.e. should continue to pump every 3hrs. Thus, now no choice, i try my best to pump every 3hrs...so force myself to wakeup at night every 3hrs....very shiong leh... Now seem to improve a bit, at least since few days ago i can get 140-150ml each time. Hopefully can continue to increase again *cross fingers*

btw, my gal is now drinking 120ml every 3hrs. So i feel quite pressurised to keep up with her demand lah...sigh...
huichin: eh how come? That time i rem u saying u can milk out 200ml (iirc)? It shld be demand and supply.. If u latchin/pumpin less, then the supply will be lesser for sure...
my supply seems to have stay at 80ml now. can't increase further liao. just nice for each feed only, if he increase intake, then can't meet his demand liao.

i still pump at 3 hourly to get 80ml. hopefully, after confinement i can drink more water to increase supply. another week to go.
Mulberry, whoa u can get 140-150 ah? For me only time is when i wake up in the morning the most i can get 120ml...that is 8hrs from the last pump. So i guess i should do like u say, but surely not much one..for now la. Sighs..initially i kept pumping cos feel the engorgement. After that slowly like ok liao then i had the hrs longer...see la, now like that. Bleahhh

Whoa 120ml is alot leh!

Our girls are born on the same day, my girl is still drinking only 60-70ml! LOL...but she'll wake up every 2hrs + loh..

Nini, haha...no la, my max i think was the full Medela single pump bottle. Hahaa..that's the highest so far. Aiyo..like so depressing loh..i worry my BM will diminish soon! Sob

- Pump as per normal
- After first letdown and flow stops or trickles, stop pumping
- massage breast and then twiddle the nipples at least 10-15 times
- Pump again == > instant letdown
- Can repeat for more letdowns
Hi, everyone. i am also a august mummy.

my 3 week old baby is sleeping so much in the day time that he can sleep for 4 hour and then wake up for the next feed. night time, he is pretty active and hardly sleep. is it normal?

day time, my boy will only take 70 to 90ml of EBM and sometimes i latch him on. he will suckled for 15 minutes and dozed off, then will awake 3 or 4 hours later for next feed.

Feeding amount
night time, i had a confinement lady to look after him, the problem is that i caught feeding my boy with 4 bottles of 100ml OF EBM from midnight to 6.30am. i was not pleased and auntie reply that becos my boy pooed and was easily hungry plus don't sleep. that y she think he is hungry.

enlightened me

I've read in sm books which recommend cuddling to create the bond needed.. But I've also heard what ur CL mentioned before. Hope ur bb is more of the 1st type..
I personally carry when feeding &amp; bathing only.. My back is too tired to carry at other times

I second what vone shared.. I've witnessed this happening to my niece, and the yaolan 'attachment' really restricted their lifestyles quite a lot

U're oredi using a bb carrier ah.. I'm contemplating using my sis's hand-me-down MIM's sling, but I wonder if it's too early.. Bb's only 8 days old
