(2008/07) July 2008

wow..really so unsingapore! my friend was just complaining abt commuters who pretended to sleep, played their hps on the train..nobody offered seat to a preggie lady at all. she even took a pic of it! haha

i saw some frens' postings, realised that i looked forward to what they had to put up everyday and decided then tt my FB account would b a force for good too

it is ok and only human to lose it with the kids. i did this morning too with C1.

YAY to PB's courtesy campaign train ride!
i think those old ladies' toes are used to it. years and years of wearing bad shoes, i reckon. *mental note to self to wear only comfortable shoes* my toes are too precious to be twisted up like that.
This is just to say that Ikea has pre-fabricated gingerbread houses that you can just put together and then have fun decorating. That's it. Good night!
if on some day we should feel like we want to pull our hair out from being with our kids, check this out: local mum to 5 on single income AND all kids are being homeschooled, AND she's pregnant now. respect.


oh yes youpi! every year also got but always run out very fast. this year, finally i see them on the shelves.... but keep standing there with my hand on one and thinking "buy ah? then do what? throw ah? we won't eat what.". so after years of griping about how ikea never brings in enough of these gorgeous things, i finally can buy but don't haha
good morning mommies!

i have a question - how do u mommies stop your toddler from crying when he insists to buy toys? J had a major meltdown last nite. he saw some toy cars at caltex and insisted to buy. we said no and he cried all the way in the car and continued when we reached home. i believe he cried for 1 hr! hubby finally made him sleep and at about 12ish, he woke up and continued to say "i want to buy the car!!!" he went on for about 30min or so. i was so tired and annoyed. tear hair!
So mich..tell us all abt ur biz venture!

MissyZ: can Emphatise with u as bbG has a super stubborn Streak in him which I've not figured how to tackle.. Distraction is all I can do for now and pray he forgets haha. Lately he's been insisting on opening his Xmas preSents now!!
i think most important is to be consistent. once we say know, we don't ever retract and give in. after a few times they will know that it doesn't work. sometimes it may be a phase. i think birth order also matters. i find my older boy tends to be like that. when he wants something and we say no, he really will sulk and complain. but with jx we give some reason and she will take it. she used to be more stubborn about it and will throw tantrums but nowadays she's negotiable about things and won't be that difficult.

gals may be more mature as well? i dunno... but i see a huge difference among the 2 kids of mine in this aspect.

or trade something with him? if he wants to get something new, he must give something else up?
Good news: we're having a girl!

Better news: everything looks good.

Best news: no visible signs of DS!!!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!! Now I can enjoy bkk with the load off my shoulders and enjoy my licence to GO PINK!!!
Nope. This is the normal detailed scan. I asked and asked again re the markers for DS (apparently there are more than the usual "bridge of nose" and "skin fold of neck" to look out for) and she said nope, nothing to worry about. Baby was yawning like she was super bored :D
Congrats! Yay!

For me, I will put Dec on the naughty step and tell him to finish up his tantrums there. He may scream which I will not condone. How to get him to stop screaming? I usually start with nice, go up to threatening with that I-am-going-to-explode voice, then go up to shout, then go up to threaten to smack. Number 1 mostly doesn't work, the rest work to some degree (which I think depends on how tired they are).
Oh, and I think I started young because ever since he started the I-want-this-and-that phase, I told him I have no money. For some strange reason, he never asks anybody else... not his dad or his grandparents.

Awesome news!
congrats!!! hee now u can go shopping in peace!!!

this morn jx threw huge tantrums. first dun wan to brush teeth so i told her i will go down and she can stay in the room. of cos she cried but i din turn back. got the father to go and brush her teeth instead cos i cannot retract my words right.

then she ate breakfast and refused her vitamins. i told her if she dun finish she will stay behind. got my things etc and made a huge show of leaving. of cos she cried but after that told her what she did wrong and she cannot do again etc. maybe need to do this a few times but it will get across.

one thing is that whatever we say we will do, we must do. someone told me this story about his fren who stays in england. their houses are the kind with the nice huge lawn right? so one day the boy was really naughty and the parent told him if he dun stop he will throw him out of the window. the boy continued to be naughty so the parent literally threw him out of the window. but it was those low window and the garden was right outside. after the boy came in, he din try to be naughty again....funny story but illustrate the point that whatever we say is the punishment, it must be carried out so that they know we are serious
congrats PB! great news indeed, shop till your heart's content in BKK!
what is poppy's lil sis name?

thanks DoubleDee, SY, bbp for your advice. i hope the i-want-to-buy-new-toys episode would not happen too often. to give him some credits, he does listen to us when we tell him specifically before we enter the toy shops that "we are going to see toys and not buying anything". he understands most of the time. but that night was super scary. he just changed and cried so badly! and happy to announce that he woke up the next morning not asking for it anymore but i am sure he would when he see it again!
Toy buying
I remember one time when S was about 3 years old. We were in Isetan and he wanted to buy a toy. Both hb and I said no. As we were going down the escalator, he started to cry, but they were silent tears, no sound, just tears brimming big in his eyes, then rolling down his cheeks. Hb and I looked at each other, turned around, went back up, and bought the toy. Tofu-hearted lah! But now both boys don't ask to buy things, hehe.
Im sure Poppy would love her lil sista!!!
congrats on the dragon girl!

SAHM with a maid?

Toy buying
Kayden has the ability to tear at any instance..
He cries so pitifully..
My trick is to introduce new toys to him..
as we walk along toysrus, i would have change his toys like 5times!
in the end he may or may not go back with a toy, depending if i bribe him with a cake or sweet..
I think going onto year 4, he understands more.. I just have to do the words exchange repeatedly and more firmly..
Not sure yet but poppy says meimei's name is also poppy haha. Thatd be confusing!

Lol re the throw out the window thing! Me too I will make a big show of leaving if she doesn't want to brush teeth, get dressed etc. I'll say "you can't come if you're still in your PJs" and along the way will give her updates like "I'm almost ready", are you? And when I finally open the door she'll jump up and say WAIT FOR ME! Then rush to do everything

great great news! YEAH!!!

yeah I also relied on the detained scan to confirm because there are a lot of markers to look out for.
I remember reading somewhere that it's quite mean for us to bring them to toy shops and saying "just look, no buying". It's equivalent to us being brought to say a shoe shop for me, seeing stuff I really like and then being told I can't get it.

I thought there's some truth in there so we try not to bring poppy to toy depts! And actually we hardly even go to dept stores.

Or I'll tell her "you can play here, and we'll stay for 10 minutes (to which she'll bargain for 100) and then we have to leave the toy and go home ok?". She understands the concept of "not hers", like toys belonging to schools. So I just tell her it belongs to the shop and we can't bring it out without buying because that's stealing and we can't buy it because mummy has no money.

Wow re S' super silent blackmail tears! And lol on tofu parents comment. Hope your household is on the mend

That's what I thought too. Felt this huge weight lift off my shoulders (or maybe that's just cos I had a lovely pre natal massage before?). But today saw gynae and he repeated that "ultrasounds are not accurate at picking up DS". But I think he's just being overly cautious la.

Man, had curry chicken and my tongue was on FIRE!!!
S is good boy! actually i am same like u sometimes.

thanks for sharing! will try your method next time
we also tell him that we dont have money and he says "go work to earn $ ok?" kua kua kua...so i had to tell him that we work to send him to school and buy food for him! haha!
yeah i also try not to bring them to toy shops or avoid walking past toy depts. why put myself in a situation that i have to reject later right? so the best way is to avoid the envt that causes the situation. but of cos i think it is also godo to let them learn that they can't have everything.

that day jh was upset over something n i tot of buying him soemthing to make up for it but my hb said no. so he was quite upset cos he wanted to buy the angry bird plush toy. since my hb said no, i din wan to buy for him and go the opp way. so i keep telling him that it is a waste of money to buy it and that other children dun even have any toy etc. that $10 can do a lot for these children in poor places. dunno whether he got the message or not.

then the father offered to buy them shoes. but he din like what we picked and we din like what he picked. so in the end din buy. only jx bought hers. in fact jx very smart. when my hb offered to buy her shoes, she told him she has shoes at home already so dun need to buy! so the father's hearted melted and decided to buy for her......
Wah! Silent tears and reverse psychology! Works on tofu me too!!

Brought bbg for his measles jab today and I was getting all queasy looking at the needle and he didn't even flinch! Amazing!
wah he's so brave.

i need to bring the kids for flu vaccinations....and already headache on how to get them to go!!

anyone keen for a quick outing to LTA gallery this fri? prob join the 3pm tour....let me know if keen...
I'll be slurping on my 3rd helping of river prawns at central chit lom on friday at 3pm :D bangkok here I come!!!

Wow bbG so brave!!
"The most effective form of birth control I know is spending the day with my kids." -- Jill Bensley

Saw this on a friend's blog and LOL-ed.
morning everyone! it has been a really busy and tense period at work. last night i nearly wanted to scream at Mr C when he complained abt dinner. was so tired out when calls ended at midnight on Tue that i wrote incoherent cooking instructions for maid, so dinner was .. frankly... it was inedible.

anyway i think i would be quite tofu hearted if the tears were silent. fortunately or unfortunately for C1, his tears are normally noisy, which grates on my already tender nerves even more... so the tofu heart quickly hardens into fried taukwa heart *grin* and C1 def would NOT get what he wants.
come to think of it... i can barely rem a time when he has cried silently.
i try not to go into toy stores too much. why tempt them? tis really like PB says, too cruel to let me into a shoe or handbag shop and say can only look, cannot buy. haaaiiiiiyooor.

a truly scary thing happened to my UK boss' adopted 3yo son over Mon/Tue. the child had a viral infection which made his knee and hip joints swell causing a lot of pain and he suddnely couldnt move his legs. turns out due to a perforated ear drum
once they diagnosed that at the hosp, they were able to give him some strong painkillers. had to stay overnight in hosp. luckily doctors say no long term effects on joints once the antibiotics clear the infection he is on the mend now
.... it was a very tense Tue night for my boss.

hearing this story ah, i give thanks everyday that C1 and C2 have rude good health and have never been in hosp since their birth. may they stay out of hospitals till i m no longer around!!! that is the wish of this mummy.

LOL at youpi's comment. so true. i get really cranky myself when i m sleepless or otherwise too many things to think about or do. i rem you said before we can always sleep when we are dead.... but now... smtimes i truly wish for just one 24h block where i do not have to think! abt anything at all!
sayang sayang....

can the maid cook without instructions? i leave it maid to decide what to cook usually. sometimes i do get the complaints from hb but i told him i not so free to go and plan dinner all the time.

this morn jx saw the toys r us brochure and she said she wanted to see. afraid that she will tell me what she wants from the catalog, i told her look only. she said she wanted to look at the gal stuff so i flipped over to the page. after that she returned to me and told she looked only. phew...

omg sounds terrible. lucky the boy is ok. but scary that a viral infection can cause such an effect!!!
I need help ... we have 3 highly active kids + 1 highly active toddler at home during sch hols now. Unfortunately i have used up a large portion of my leave ... so can only take a few days in dec... anyone has any idea what we can do? my mum is going crazy and all of us are stressed up... lucky the 3yos are both gg to full day cc next year *phew*

are there any kids' classes near your place? last year what i did was i signed the 2 kids up for holiday half day classes at a nearby montesorri school and gave my mil and helper a one-week respite from the WW3 at home.
you call those montesorri schs near to ur hse (cos you want ur mum to be able to send easily right?) and ask them got holiday programs or not?
there are a lot of holiday programs out there. some childcare also do accept kids during hol.

haiz this gal of mine is a big headache next time. she acts sensible but at the same time turn unreasonable the next moment!
transferred to you for iherb liao!
Transaction Reference 7246922895

in 12 hours i will be on the plane! woooooot!!! haven't packed yet :S also haven't packed poppy's day bag cos she'll be at my parents' place :S

why not write down a couple of tried and tested recipes then put in a folder, and then pick out 3-4 each time you want her to prepare a meal? then you don't have to keep writing and telling her
I almost stayed home today cos I couldn't bear to force peel a crying kid off me who keeps saying he wants me to stay home cos he loves me n would give up tv n toys so that I stay...melt

How I wish I didn't have to go to work!

Enjoy and have a safe trip! I am also going to be on the plane in 24hrs.. but no woo hoo..going on business to Dubai. Going to miss my kiddos... boohoo.
Wow batgirl, dubai! So exotic
take care ya?

Sheesh you'd think people would give way to pregnant mother with luggage?!

I also couldn't peel myself from a little girl who said "I want to come too!" When I left her at my parents' place. Sigh.
batgirl and pb,
enjoy your trips!

wow G really knows how to tug at your heartstrings. my straightforwardly blunt engineer C1 doesnt even know how to sweet talk me. only knows how to declare what he wants and throw noisy tantrums if he gets NO for an answer.
... ohoh got got! last night, as i was putting him to sleep, he looked into my eyes for a loooong time, then declared that he looks at mama bcz "i love you, mama!" such a rare proclaimation. i should go and buy 4D. LOL

haha. that's a good response... that JX tells you i look only...
ahhhhhh. iherb..... i just responded to your 22 Nov email. paiseh.

shouldnt be THAT expensive... at USD30 for 4oz... might as well buy at the SG retail price of SGD 52 here. I tompang batgirl to buy 6 tubs last month and it wasnt that expensive... I stay in the east... if you want, I can let go one or 2 tubs to you at cost. how? let me know?

gawk my silly phelgmy cough is back!
it's selling at US$16.48 at iherb but no stock currently. i still have a small bit left..thanks so much for your offer but i stay and work in the West leh

Its gg to be christmas soon! And for dunno whatever reason, my shopping mood is back *yeah for my mood as retail therapy works well but BOO HOO for my broken pocket!!*

Can someone pls stop me??! I am like buying every single item i see -_-"""
