(2008/07) July 2008

Qing, SY: me too! Love vinegar pig trotters and can eat them anytime! I have the recipe if you want to DIY! Otherwise, east ocean restaurant and imperial treasure have very yummy ones! There's also one shop at sembawang food centre off upper Thomson road that sells very yummy and cheap vinegar pig trotters!
go check them out! Shoo all the bad toxins out of the body!

PB: *hugs*.... the teacher ought to be spanked on her butt if not her mouth! How could she say such things? It goes to show how inexperience is she! Now I wonder if that boy us her kid! Go to the principal, pls inform her of what the teacher had mentioned. Meanwhile, don't let her spoil your date!

Ronnxer: you are really brave. All the best for your cvs test.

Dustee: freedom! Could sense your happy feeling! Enjoy your newfound love nest!

Cellow: have fun in London!
Hi mummies
Oh we had a lovely date. I surprised us by saying I rather liked it. Hub said he didn't so I asked why he bought ticks for a show he wasn't interested in. He said "you like wolverine what. And I knew there would be a little of him in it". So sweet
but back to wolverine (haha). There's like 5 seconds of him, barely enough to carry me thru till the next movie, if ever there is

Oh ladies, bodyshop has the super buy 2 get 1 free sale again!

Congrats to dordor's boobs on their regained freedom!!! And e is so clever to fall asleep by herself!

Talk with principal
It was a relatively good talk. We didn't name names (the boy nor teacher) but the principal knew who we were refering to. It was like having a voldermort conversation where we said "the boy in question". She was rational and agreed that biting, regardless of reason, should not be tolerated. The boy doesn't express himself well, but still that is not an option.

The teachers will not group the two together for any activities for a while and the boy's parents will be told of his actions and the principal will share ways on how to stop biting and anger control.

It was good until she said she witnessed the first bite and made the boy go to naughty corner. But I found that to be strange becos poppy's class has 2 teachers. One of them called me and asked if poppy had been biten by an insect. The other refused to admit it was a child's bite becos there were no teeth marks. So who to believe? I think principal, while trying to reassure us, went a step further by exergerating that bit

In any case, we just wanted to get it on record that we wanted the caseS to be taken seriously and ensure that our child is in a safe environment. I think we made our point.

We understand that kids fight and snatch and not want to share at times but it's the adults' (at home and school) to make sure they learn to handle situations through communication (be it verbal or non verbal, but certainly without involvement of teeth), no?
How do u define dependent? I would classify my hubby under lazy. Cos I cannot stand things being left where they shouldn't so I will clear them away. But seems he's getting lazier, leaving more things for me to clear. Doing hse things is 1 thing. Clearing after him is not lor n that's what irks me alot. Cos I feel I already have alot of things to do n clear in my forever messy hse. The least he could do is not add on to the list.
The min I find something he didn't do n I have to clear for him, it really spoils my day lor. Now even the kids know cos I will get fustrated n go "Arghhhh" n they will run to me asking "Papa never clear his things again is it?" haha
yes PM me the DIY recipe! easy to make one hor...

yeah dun think too much. sometimes it's all about timing. like what dor said they will come at the right time. u planning to study part-time from july onwards? will that be stressful for u?

i was reading a mag sometime back about this couple who were young and healthy but just couldn't have kids. they went to many doc and cannot explain why (anyway this happened overseas). finally after 7 years, they managed to have a kid. so sometimes must really learn to relax and not think abt it. then u will get your surprise.

the principal sounds reasonable and good that she got your point! at least must ensure that poppy won't be near him when playing. when kids are in the wrong, parents actually play a bigger part! so hopefully the parents will take the advice from the principal on how to handle their boy better.

wow going on a cruise! cruise to nowhere? i think they have a dining area right? are there more than 1 dining areas?

so he's lazy + dependent. maybe he knows that if he dun do, u will do it for him anyway, so the incentive or the push to do it gets even lesser! maybe take small steps. when he does something that is right, praise him lots! my hb always complain that the reason why he find it hard to change is the lack of praise and acknowledgement from me. no matter how hard he tries (or how little the step is) he finds that i dun acknowledge.

or maybe get the kids to push him? get them to ask him to clear.
Was doing this painfully on the iphone... reach office already still haven't complete. Now redoing this on the laptop.

Since more people can make it on this day and there are no violent objections, the July Babies Birthday Party will be held on....

23 July - 4 to 6pm
Potluck @ Botanic Gardens
1) Cin_bunny
2) cellow
3) PB
4) youpi
5) jace
6) Jo
7) smiggleprincess
8) SD
9) bbp (2 adults & 1 child bringing Beancurd Chicken)
10) Qing

Cake Coordination - just only for kids? Or do parents want cake as well?
I feel like doing a form to collate all this information. That is my obsession with spreadsheets. Haha.

Backup - I can offer my place but gotta check with my ILs first. Cos they may be apprehensive this time cos we are changing our helper.
Congrats on moving to your own place!!!

Glad you had a good talk with the principal. Remind Poppy to tell the teachers if anything happen.

*pat pat* Do go for a second opinion! I know how stressful it is when trying to conceive. I had Emma 7 years after Ashley and was about to give up if I didn't get pregnant that year. Finally successful after taking a friend's advise to drink cherry tomato juice for 3 months kekeke.

Birthday Bash
23 July - 4 to 6pm
Potluck @ Botanic Gardens
1) Cin_bunny
2) cellow
3) PB
4) youpi
5) jace
6) Jo
7) smiggleprincess
8) SD (mini chocolate banana cupcakes)
9) bbp (2 adults & 1 child bringing Beancurd Chicken)
10) Qing
Didn't realise it was your birthday too, so happy belated birthday cool mama Youpi!

How's is poor bitee poppy? Is she wary of the biter now or totally forgot abt it?

Couldn't help laughing when I tried picturing e-boy in huge baggy clown-like pants! The teachers must have no dress sense to not realise he looked ridiculous!
To think I've used the iPhone for years n still dunno how to scroll to top or bottom when space runs out on my screen! So pardon the multiple posts...

LOL on SY writing essay on good days to teacher. Mine is just a blank book with one word per day:

Mon 13/6: chinese
Tues 14/6: art

Back in early days, I'd write back asking 100 questions like: how Long did he cry for? Did he use the toilet? Soil his diaper? Etc and got one word replies...

Dunno if we r gonna get a space in sjck and when so wondering if I should switch him to mmi next year at same place..mmi is asking me to switch immediately so he is up to speed n settled down by beginning next year..but he Just settled down where he is now leh..

dustee: feels good to be in ur own home ah? Can run around stark naked and blast music without the dowager frowning down at you! Haha! Just kidding..u dun want your new neighbours n kaypoh guards to come peering thru ur windows

Cellow: another zen mama..have u tried talking to hb abt whether he's concerned abt how c1 sees him through his little boy eyes (blow up but no kiss n make up after dat)

Qing: the mummies are right..stay calm and don't Fret over it..God will provide at the right time. Maybe he wants to give u enough quality time with barbie first leh since u r still so young..how is she? Miss her coconut trees.

Train: I've never been there myself! Anyone wanna go together? But its not the olden charcoal and steam kinda train right? (think i know the answer myself..watch too much tv or Thomas the tank engine haha)
Big birthday bash
23 July 2011
Potluck @ Botanic Gardens
1) Cin_bunny
2) cellow
3) PB
4) youpi
5) jace
6) Jo
7) smiggleprincess
8) SD (mini chocolate banana cupcakes)
9) bbp (2 adults & 1 child bringing Beancurd Chicken)
10) Qing
11) bbG
sob sob i will have to give the big birthday bash a miss....

so can i drop off all the iherb stuff for distribution by bbp??
let me know so i can sort out for her distribution.
Hiya! How are you and your boys?

Just our family (me, hb, the boys) going so of course, can join us! We've never been there before but you have right? So you can be the tour guide, hehe.

Glad that the talk with Poppy's principal went well. You get some peace of mind.

Yup, went by myself with the boys. The train is definitely not clean, compared to the ones that we took in Norway. Those in Norway were 9.5/10, these trains are like 3/10. But the ride to JB is only about an hour, so it's bearable. Just don't touch anything and don't use the loos!

ONe interesting thing is that the train stopped at a Bukit Timah Train Station. I never even knew that such a place existed. It's really kampong style, just one building. You can watch the station master bring out the flag and some hanger-like thingy to signal the train driver when it's time to go.

The station and trains are full of SIngaporeans taking photos
ANd very kiasu too. They run to the immigration counters, run to the waiting area and stand right in front of the doors, run to the trains, run up the steps and run into the carriages. The boys and I just walk and stand at the back - more air there to breathe! Someone behind me mentioned that this is typical Singaporean behaviour and that they would not be Singaporeans if they did not do it, haha.

Hb was not too happy when I texted him and told him that I was bringing the kids on a joyride to JB. He said it was super not safe there. But it was fine. Must take a Nike attitude to all this lah - Just Do It
Dor Dor
Re: picking up after hb - totally understand as I have to do it too and it pisses me off big-time. He's a adult and he should be able to do it, right? I chuck his stuff into one specific area which he can clear as and when, and get #1 to nag at his daddy. Of course there is still a lot to clear up around the house so periodically there's still a lot of ranting and complaining. Did your hb's mum do everything for him? Hb's family is quite patriarchal, the women did everything, but that is no excuse right? He married a woman who never had to cook, clean, do the laundry or household chores until she got married to him and if I can adapt and learn, so can he. Oh dear, this became a rant, didn't it? Hehe.
finally, its worth the wait rite!!!

wow, u are so brave!!
how did u prevent the boys from touching anythin??
kayden would just roll on the floor lor...
happi belated bdae!

relax relax relax...
just have fun in the bed first

erm,when kayden gets bullied, he pays it back, not sure where he learns from.. but i accept it as part of his character liao.. no matter how i try to mold, so bits are just so stubborn..
Poppy is a nice little girl and sometimes can be pushover by other kids. But i would not wish to change her character. every human starts out good
I would speak the the parents of that kid instead. that is just my view la.. cos it happen to me when Kayden pushed a girl at his school.
Hey thanks everyone for your thoughts and advice re the biting incidents. Sweet poppy remembers what happened but doesn't see the need to stay away from the boy. I'll tell her to defend herself if anyone bullies her (by shouting HEY! And running to teacher, screaming all the way) and to stay away from bullies in general, and hope that she will.

We're actually going on a trip to "somewhere" but will be staying aboard and not disembarking, to enjoy the ship! Yes they have many dining options, just wanna find out before hand from anyone who's been, to know which are worth going and which can be skipped.

Dustee (mistress of fort dustee)
The GV mums and tots thing you posted, do you know if they have more? I can only find movies till may!

Messy men
Mine uses dining table as dumping ground. He gets home and dumps everything on it. Receipts, credit card bills, extra diapers, half opened packs of tissue, poppy's toys (those I ask him to pick off the floor), letters, envelopes from those letters, his wallet... Get the idea? Everything. Except groceries.

We often have to push everything to one side of dining table just to have a meal. That's the dining table. The kitchen cabinet is another story. Everything that is "homeless" and he's not sure where to put (sometimes migrated from dining table), goes on kitchen counter.

I don't like it but I've learnt to work around it. I make him clear our work table and chest of drawers. Those, somehow, he can.

I remember what Jo posted about hubby and leaving post it pads on his socks (lol). Mine takes laundry to the baskets but somehow walking those 10 steps really wears him out cos he is striped of strength and cannot open the plastic lids of the laundry baskets so leaves all our dirty clothes ON the bins

Men are so weird

aren't I lucky then? I am the one leaving everything everywhere and hubs is the neat and tidy one. he has never misplaced anything, never lost anything while i am constantly looking for my things.

it doesn't help that i have a super efficient helper who promptly pack everything away but has a lousy memory so can't remember where she has chucked everything to.

oh what fun it is in my household! hoho!
I want to pack too. Just haven't gotten strength to do it. One day, I will chase everybody out of the house and I will Pack!

One Day la.
I've tried superstar virgo. The international buffets are included in the tickets for breakfast/lunch/dinner. I dined at Bella Vista most of the time. Tried Mediteranean buffet but so so only. If not mistaken you could also go to the Pavillion room for chinese food. Depending on the cabin you choose you might also get $ credits in your card.

If you have UOB Card they have Star cruise promotion, ending heh.. TODAY.http://www2.uobgroup.com/uobtravel/cruises/cruises_index.html#tab1-bullet1
There are many restaurants in the ship but some of them are ala carte restaurant so must pay. Only the buffet ones are included. They also have chinese family restaurant which serves fixed meals (means every table will be the same food). This one is free also. Dunno whether they're still the same since I went 2 years ago.
hee sounds fun. think u will have a lot of fun enjoying the ship!!

it was a long long time since i went on cruise so can't help much.

re Gv thing with kids
i think it was a promo and ended in may or something. i remember seeing it at GV and thinking that i can make it for kungfu panda if i watch it when it first release...

u brought the boys alone? so brave!!! but how to make sure they dun touch anything? i think with the state of cleanliness, my hb would freak out!

i know there's a bukit timah railway station but not sure where. think my sis said she went there to take pic or something?
I brought my kids to take train to JB I think 3 weeks ago. Very convenient and fast clearance at the Woodlands customs too. We took the 1pm train there which took us about an hour to reach JB.

Then I think made a wrong choice to take the evening train back. The train stopped for so long just for the changing of duties, I think, at the bukit timah station.

The train is really old and dirty. But we are ok with this. My kids love the train ride, so we took another train ride yesterday, this time all the way to kluang. We went to UK farm which was really fantastic. They have a big goats farm there and my kids got to feed them grass and milk! Can even carry a baby goat to take pics. They saw how the goats were led to and fro the big farm together in a herd. And they fed veggies to the ostrich, went to mushroom farm. They even had a place where they house the tribal people. And a passion fruit and herbal farm. There is a mini zoo there too. Oh it was a really fun 1 day trip for all of us.
haha I so understand you. I have 'given' my hubby 1 of our spare room which is also our "storeroom" for his stuff. N the room is..........sigh
I will mop what ever area of open floor I can see kind. N he clears it like once a yr when I want to clean the hse. So he cleans his area in his room n that's it for the yr!!
I call his his the Imperial palace. Everybody jus listens to the emporor until they dun like to use their brain to think.
Oh I can't get D to nag at him cos he is at the rebellious stage. Yes I didn't write wrongly, he rebells just like a teenager. ASk him not to do this he purposely does it......sigh
N then he wants to be a father so when D says him, he rebels by not admitting and gives excuses. (N he wants D to admit his mistakes *Insert fake laugh*)
Sigh... see what a big headache I have created for myself by closing 1 eye n trusting he is an adult.

And you are the best, always bringing the kids on these trips that I would only go in my dreams....hehe (not brave and too lazy to do it in real life)

From what I understand, I think there is promo for GV tix for kids every week day before 2pm. Something like 2 adult tix kids go free kind.

I so agree MEN are weird.
My guy likes to leave things on the floor. Preferbly food. And we have a dog. So most times I get REALLY pissed off when I realise the dog has eaten some forbidden food. And everytime I ask him abt the things, he will say he left them on the table. Sigh..

Yes u are 1 lucky woman!!! I have a friend whose hubby is also a clean freak n will keep cleaning n clearing their storeroom every few weeks!!!
Lol on imperial palace!

Hi again and I like your grand entrance

Wow sounds like you had a lot of fun! We're intending to ponteng sch and bring poppy for train ride on mon. Sigh I'd always wanted to do this but somehow never. And somemore it's so near our house. And now we only have less than 2 weeks to do it.

I am on Superstar Virgo on the first weekend of July! heh! when are you going?


Take good care of your health. The body muyst be at optimum health in order to conceive. Eat well, sleep well and the mind must be relaxed. What studies are you going to do?

Birthday bash at BG

I have to KIV first. We got a company family day planned in July. Date is not fixed yet. So I will see if i will be able to attend.
Wow u! Just came back from hol and going again? Cool beans. Meimei also going? We are going 22 jul.

I feel it is my national duty to share... That the GSS has some really good bargains!! Bought things I've been putting off buying. Yay! If you don't know where to start, bugis junction has some pretty decent offers.
hello Holly
back from holiday???

Neat hubby
erm, mine is as bad.. just leave everything to the maid.. he wont even walk to the kitchen unless he wants food.
my wardrobe is in a mess, im giving out clothes..
anyone interested???

i have been on VIRGO so many times that i hate it liao..
for the free dining, the queue is so long.. unless u are a kiasu sporean, u can sometimes queue 30mins..
forget abt the kids pool,nobody goes there..
if its your first time then its fun.. for me, every yr twice, even its free i also dont enjoy it anymore.. Kayden can only run on the deck and play at arcade.. unless u have a stopover at redang or somewhere, then its really nice..

just to share something funny..
Kayden has been starting talking and can carry on a conversation now..
just the other nite, we were preparing for bed, kayden took 3 pillows for himself and i took 1 for myself.. that leaves none for my hubby..
so my hubby asked Kayden for 1pillow, Kayden said "NO", then my hubby begged and begged.. So Kayden quietly gave him one.. the moment my hubby turned his back and walked away.. Kayden grumbled one word to himself........"Selfish..."
Hehe the dhoby ghaut exchange kangtao lives on

Yikes must queue so long for food? Jialat. What's wrong with kids pool? Looks quite fun leh

Help help
Mummies, can help me keep magazine covers and pass to me on BG day? Just the front and back covers, not the inside pages please. Thanks so so so much!

hehe..i need a break after the holidays. The offer was good, 1 for 1. so we just say GO! We are going without the kids. Need to rest. wahahahahaha...*evil mummy* So I can feedback to you after i get back from the cruise on where is nice to makan. but for sure, I won't go for the buffet. the last time i went it was not nice. I go to the restaurants (that serve fixed menus) and they are free.
Mummies, need your advice.

Does this gash look bad enough for me to complain? the school din even say anything! we came home and we saw! how how how?

mich - it does look like it warrants an explanation..i think you should ask..i would. sayang e-boy !

Big birthday bash
23 July 2011
Potluck @ Botanic Gardens
1) Cin_bunny - Fruits
2) cellow
3) PB
4) youpi
5) jace
6) Jo
7) smiggleprincess
8) SD (mini chocolate banana cupcakes)
9) bbp (2 adults & 1 child bringing Beancurd Chicken)
10) Qing
11) bbG

bday cake - should we get a 1.5kg cake? I dont think it needs to be very big cos we have so much other food..
I think u should ask the teacher. Find out what happen first then complain. The teacher should know what's happening. How can they allow such things to happen to the kids without knowing and worse not inform the parents.

How did u girls buy the tickets? For the train ride
I tried to go to the website but it is so poorly design.

I think I might have a lot for you
Just front and back huh.
Soft kind or the hard ones like those I pass u previously?

Not much update
I have been drowning myself with work
But mense haven't stop at all. Haven call any gynae and haven't decide in the tcm too. Maybe will have a chat with hubby on this over the weekend
Tml is his bday. At least we get to relax a bit. Having a BBQ/chalet with his friends. Just like how we did it when we are teenage. Hope it helps a lot in de streesing.

Let me know if it's fun. I have never been on a cruise. Would love to try but hubby say it's very boring one
Mich: should just ask, no harm. *hugs* to eboy.

Big birthday bash
23 July 2011
Potluck @ Botanic Gardens
1) Cin_bunny - Fruits
2) cellow
3) PB
4) youpi
5) jace
6) Jo (homemade pizza)
7) smiggleprincess
8) SD (mini chocolate banana cupcakes)
9) bbp (2 adults & 1 child bringing Beancurd Chicken)
10) Qing
11) bbG
Holly: *big waves*... hi hi!! Saying hi to you here instead. How are you?

PB: what kind of magazine covers? You mean those transparent ones like exercise book covers? I'm not sure what I have is what you want.
I mean those Her World or Young Parents kind
I'm doing some crafts with them for a big group of kids so need all I can get

It'll be my first time too. Very excited!
yoohoo babes. yours truly was woken up by the singing birds at 4 bleeping am in the morning.
why do birds need to sound so cheerful at that hour?

got your message doggiebb but i m already in UK... thanks for the thought though
oh cellow

i forgot you were scooting off to the UK! have fun though!

don't forget to cart back cartons of playmobile from there. cheeeeap! and if you have a fixed address for shipping, order books from the bookpeople.com.uk cheeeeap too!
*Burp* from the chicken ramen soup. Slurp!

Who would thought Su Kitchen at boat quay will disappear!!!! Hmmph!

oh, I miss the kko kko!!!!!!!!

Anyway checked with the teachers, english teacher say din see the cut in the morning. Chinese teacher say when she took over, already saw the cut. So, they *one sing one dance* concluded that it must have happened during nap time, and eboy must have scratched himself, cos "eboy likes to scratch himself when he going to sleep".... win loh.
Qing, look at the website for the train schedule, then buy half an hour before that will do. They don't sell advance tix for short trips like JB I think. But sometimes tix will be sold out since nowadays many ppl seem to be trying to take train before end of this month. The other time, the tix were sold out juz when it was about my turn. Then they allow us to buy the tix but no seat number, so we hv to walk around to find empty seats or seat in the "canteen". But ok lah since distance not that long.

U can take a train to JB. There is a shopping centre just next to the train station. Two, in fact. Just cross the bridge will do. But nothing much to shop actually. So mainly is for train ride lah.

PB, hope poppy will enjoy the train ride!
thanks youpi. i hope we'll be able to get tickets!

anyone interested:

Who Wants To Be A Policeman?
Police Heritage Centre

24 May – 30 July

Pre-registration is required for programmes.
Visits are by appointment only.
Appointments to be made 5 days in advance.

Free Admission

An opportunity not to be missed by aspiring policemen! The guided tour of the Police Heritage Centre is just the icing on the cake - the next activity allows children to don several types of police uniforms of yesteryears and share their thoughts on what it must have like being a policeman in the past and present. Some uniforms include the iconic Traffic Police uniform, the grey and khaki ensemble dating from the pre-war years, and the current blue Darcon uniform that officers had been using since 1969! Through the tour and costume play, children can engage in some excitement while forming their personal perspective of police life.

Just bring a lot of wipes everywhere you go. They touch, I wipe. But sometimes let them be also, 'cos their bodies need to learn how to process dirt.

LOL Imperial Palace! Same same, I also vacuum and mop where the floor appears.

A friend got the tix for me. How much cheaper are those at Dhoby Ghaut Exchange? Where?

Clean freak hb - you lucky woman!

I just bought on the spot there.

You are the best! All the way to Kluang and to a farm somemore! Where did you find out about the farm? Was it clean? Easy to get to from the train station?

Did your two enjoy Playdome?

I remember you saying last time that Eboy would scratch his ears to sleep? L used to do that too. NOwadays he still scratches himself once in a while. His nails seem to be super sharp no matter how short I trim them and if he gets a mozzie bite, sure scratch until kena blood. He has scars from scratching his dried-out skin when we were in NW last year.
