(2008/07) July 2008

It everybody's hair!!!! My hb has the most advantage cuz his hair is short, and my Emma can only grab a little of it.

Wah lovely set of teeth. so fast hor!

Aiya my Emma is so lazy, dun want to crawl at all. Anyways, lately she doesn't even want to drink her morning milk. Normally at 6 am I just shove the bottle to her mouth and she'll drink. now she'll cry and refused to drink sigggghhh.

Talking about potty, we are training Emma to poo using the baby toilet seat adaptor. Now everytime she wants to poo, she'll have that eeeeehhh sound and we quickly let her sit there and she'll poo hahahahah..so cute lor.

hello mummies

my babysitter is planning to retire and i need to start looking for alternatives.

Any one knows of any babysitter that is available? and staying around Queenstown, Redhill or Tiong area?

If u know of anyone, can PM me? Thanks in advance!

Actually my CL quite good also..she helps to do all the housework like mopping the room and floor, washing mine and bb 's clothes, cooking..and also marketing...the thing i like about her is she is honest..i can let her hold the money and do the marketing..and she will write down the money that she spent in market. I recommended her to my friend and they are happy with her also...

So fast got teeth liao..yesterday doc check my son..he still 'bo ge' hehe...
thanks cin-bunny and rayna for replying me abt CL...

mummies, pls kindly PM me your recommended CL's contact... thanks sooooooo much! *muack

have been suffering from "night" sickness, day time still ok, just a bit tired. not much energy to play with xuan pei recently, i let her roll or sit on my bed while i lie there to watch / rescue her when she got stuck..
Congrats waiwai.

I have the same bolster.

I still latch Josh despite of his 6 teeth.

Josh also like to pull everyone's hair. If sb carries him, he will pull her/his hair first.

My boy like his bolster so much...and he likes to eat his bolster too!! His bolster is always so wet by his own saliva..I have no choice, have to ask my maid to change the bolster cover everyday
Yes, i asked my maid to keep the bumper mat everyday (end of the day) cos the mat occupied quite a big space. I dun want ppl to step on the mat as my boy sometimes will EAT or LICK the mat also...
Cedric will also eat or lick the mat, so every week, i get helper to clean it w bb bottle detergent and wet wipes... tis been a challenge keeping pple off e mat in the ILs' place. I jst tell HB tis his relatives, he better gao tiam them, or else he has to wipe the playmat!
star, josh has so many teeth already!! Does he bite when u bf him?
Mine still no teeth, though i guess they r coming out though.

bbp, how to view the video har?
cellow, you are rite...now, really got to watch out the bb especially when they know to crawl...anything they pick, straight will be in their mouth already...even nothing inside his mouth, he will still like munching something..i always ask my boy..u eating peanut har..?
Cellow, thanks for coordinating

Playyard buyers from Cheong Choon
1. Cellow )
2. Michelle ) share 3 sets, 6 panels each since our homes are so near to each other.
3. Batgirl - share w kiwichoc?
4. kiwichoc - share w batgirl? I'm ok to share with Batgirl. Will cheong choon split the panels for us and send to our place, or have to collect the 2 panels from one of us? btw, just to confirm its the haenim play yard? http://www.haenim.co.kr/haenim_english/product3.htm
if yes, batgirl, can u let me have the panel with the play thingy?
I would love to have Dani stretch her arms for me loh..
Yup, she's on the mat, leopard crawling lah, sitting on her own lah but without the play yard cos she simply hates it!

Dani too, not sure why but she's fussing alot these days. Crying and arching... haiz..
hehe Post this 1st. Guess what. I was suspecting jus today n tadah its true. (NO I AM NOT PREGNANT)....hahaha

I was wondering if Ember will learn to say Ember instead of Mama n Papa cos we keep calling her that ma. I've heard her making sounds like "ehh ber" recently n NOW she jus woke n crawl around the bed happliy so I bochap her lah.
BUT she keeps saying " Ehhhhh ber.....Ehhhh Ber"
WAH!!!! So many teeth.....hehe

Wah so clever Dani. N she's fast too . I only jus realised Ember is trying to situp on her own from tummy today when my mil saw n commented....hehe
Think you try staying inside the playyard with Dani before starting to leave her alone inside bah. Maybe suddenly cannot see you or ur hubby she scared.

I think to continue to BF or not depends on the mum's body too. Cos uterus will definately contract when Bfing so think depends how serious it is n the mum's body condition. But for me to be on the safe side I would stop n I did when I was preg with Ember.

Yap my pic is 4panels only so its in the middle of the mat. Think must ask CS take pic how the 6 panel size is liao since she open liao.....hehe
Wai wai! Congrats!!!!! Gong xi gong xi! Yes I had a rather OK experience with my CL but I am not sure if she would like to continue her CLship. I will ask her ok? Mind if I give her your contact no and she can call you if she’s keen?

Btw I think it is doggiebb who is in love with her CL? Doggiebb, can I have your CL contact. Just in case
no, I don’t have an urgent need like wai wai. Yet.

You know, coincidently I was asking my hubby yesterday. If I BF poppy until I give birth to #2 (HYPOTHETICALLY OK? NO CONGRATS ARE DUE YET), then continue to BF #2 and poppy when #2 is born (AGAIN, HYPOTHETICALLY), will #2 be getting mature milk? And that means no colustrum? hypothetically

Yes poppy is saying mamamamamma :D but I realized she means “MUM MUM” ie makan. But heck la, I’ll take it as “mama” :D little bit of self deception is ok la hor? Wow sounds like you had a good CNY and your hubby too! Hehe. Sigh mahjong. I was just telling hubby that I long time no play liao. I said that from BEFORE pregnancy. So see la, how long la.

Re jumperoo
Hub realized that the skin on bottom of poppy’s big toes are a bit ‘worn’ from all the jumping. We put a quilt under but sometimes she jumps and jumps and it keeps moving and for a while she is jumping on the floor. That could be the case. So whoever has the jumperoo, just take note la ok?

Now my turn to ask you – how did you print on your t-shirts?

Wow! 6 teeth!!!! And you very brave to still latch on. Does he bite?

On sale at guardian! I think $25 per tin.

What pear you give? The green colour one? Not the china type? Not bua lai. I gave poppy the green kind and she loves cos it’s very sweet. But very ex leh. $1 per pear. Wah. High class leh.

Lol about dani and her remote control and mirror licking!

Lol. Aunties unite indeed. Why sad? I’m happy to be auntie! Ok that came out wrong. I’m happy to find great bargains. It’s very fulfilling!!!

Dor dor
So cute, ember can say her own name!

Tell you girls something. At CNY dinner, I had 3 comments (and my replies in blue):
1) My auntie said “#2 on the way ah?”. Just when I thought my new dress was quite sexy
<font color="0000ff">“no, just haven’t lost the weight from #1 yet”</font>
2) My uncle said “so? You stay at home ah? What a waste of your talent. You should contribute to the economy instead”
<font color="0000ff">I think staying at home is the BEST use of my talent. And the economy can do without me but being with my daughter for her first few years is irreplaceable”</font>
3) My cousin said “so both you and your husband working?” (I said “no, just him”). He “oh so you HOUSEWIFE ah?” *add snigger*
<font color="0000ff"> I really bit my tongue for this one. I almost said something like “don’t you know the proper term is stay-home-mum? no wonder you’re such a cock up insurance agent.”. but in the spirit of CNY, I zipped up</font>

Funny though. I could be really pissed about the comments but I wasn’t. guess motherhood has matured me? hehe
Ember trying to say her name, so cute leh!! Next time see if she's willing to say let me hear..kekeke.

I've opened 1 set liao, which is 4 panels. The other set is still sealed cos hubby thinks 4 panels are good enough for a start and really loh, she hates them.
Oh, both hubby and myself decided to oblige to Dani's obession with the tv remote, we are going to buy her a brand new tv remote (w/o the tv of cos!) as her new toy. Silly but yes. hahahaha.
haha I had bad encounters with someone at my inlaws place too but I complained in another thread n felt so much better.....keke
But really motherhood changes us...ALOT.
Actually not, cos i already madeup my mind to tell her exactly wat I think if she dares comment on my kids again.

I wanna take video jus now cos tot good to let her hear it when she's all grownup. Then she kept staring at me n think bored liao cry wanna sleep......sigh
N no lah ur not silly. Cos Damien has a remote control as toy too!!.....hahaha
I got it from my parents when they wanna throw it away. N it really entertained him well esp when I drove him out alone.....keke
yup i gave the hu lu shaped one :D but when we buy from market/supermarket usually it is not riped yet. just leave it outside until it is a bit tender to touch. then cut, steam for 15 min, scrape away from flesh then blend. very sweet.

dor dor
ya lor i really think motherhood has changed me!

girls, poppy's teeth are really bothering her i think. this morning she woke up at 630, i nursed her then she bit me quite a bit. then continued biting on everything. i gave her teether and put dentinox and she was mildly happy. thought maybe she didn't get enough milk also, and cos i was hurting too much (plus miss bleb is back) so i gave her FM and now she's taking her morning nap.

experienced mums: when baby's temp goes up a little when teething, don't give fever med, right? just leave it alone?
PB... can PM me your CL's contact then i contact her directly? thanks

the t-shirts i have designed 2 types, one is to use fabric paint to write, another one is to use iron-on alphabets (got from Plaza Sing, a book shop next to food court) and iron them on t-shirts

xuan pei can put both hands together and do "gong xi gong xi"... then she eats both fists (-.-")
hi kiwichoc, I am fine sharing the panels with you. I stay in Bukit Batok. The toy one? you mean for the extra 4 panels you want the panel with the toy? Gosh I did not know there were toys on them..but it is fine, u can have it.


Ethan is not alone... Wu Feng is bo-gay and bo-tak...no signs of crawling yet, no signs of sitting unassisted, no signs of calling papa, mummy or anything yet. Now only know how to eh eh eh. heehee.. BTW, used your tub over CNY in Msia...he was so amazed by it. Kept looking at the cartoons and poking them...haha, something different for him...

RE: Baby swimming

Finally managed to bring wu feng swimming...he enjoys kicking in the water...BUT he POOED in the pool! so disgusting, luckily got him a swim diaper, else, dunno wat kind of mess it will be man.
star, how u prevent josh from biting u when latching on since he already has 6 teeth? I can't latch celeste on nowadays as she'll clamp her mouth real tight on my poor nipples. Then i held on to my dear breasts in desperation

And yes, celeste also eats her bolster, ha ha..

bbp, i still can't view the video leh. It says either it has been removed or has privacy settings.

Oh ya, i'm seriously considering getting the scootababy
bbp, RHS?, is this good for someone with back problems? It doesn't cause aches when carry for long period, say 2-3hrs? And when carried, will the legs spread out very wide? Coz when i sit celeste on the ergo, i find her legs like spread very wide, kind of scared she'll walk with legs open.

Hee, dor dor, for ONCE i thot u also expecting, ha ha!!!
good morning hannahi!

playyard admin
girls, original plan was to go bk to SG tmr (Sat) then i can go to cheong choon and be a real auntie abt negotiating discounts.... but my MIL's mum just passed away ystday [no need condolences - she was 95 and have 5 generations under her fm MIL's eldest bro!!!] so plans may need to change. I go Cheong Choon whenever I arrive back in SG can... will be smtime nx week I reckon.

Playyard buyers from Cheong Choon - yes buying the haemin playyard
1. Cellow )
2. Michelle ) share 3 sets, 6 panels ea
3. Batgirl )
4. kiwichoc ) share 3 sets, 6 panels ea, kiwichoc gets the panel w the toy

Dordor! haiya, i also thot u were expecting too. Ember so clever, can say her own name. Maybe SA-DRICK is too hard to say.... I shd have named him Mark. LOL.

eh michelle, dun be offended on the link i posted hor. the thot of sending 6 month old Cedric to gym class was v strange to me... i got sent for all sorts of classes when i was young, and most of them, i detested. so personal bias agst hothousing. *friend friend?*

I also wonder - doesnt Josh bite u when latching? or u told him no and he actually listens ah.... impressed.

cannot see the video leh.

Good good, motherhood has turned u thick skinned! hehe. BUT hor, relatives can comment abt me, they better not say anything bad abt my boy to my face now... [say onli la, no one has said anything other than he is cute and chubby this CNY period] that WILL change when he is an exploring toddler... octopus arms everywhere!

Serene, welcome!
I gave those pear that u mention lol..duno y my boy dun really like solid food leh...he likes water instead. When the spoon come near to his mouth, he will zip his mouth. But when we told him that 'water..water'. He will open his mouth big big...funny boy..likes water a lots...
My #1 ever had high fever once when she was teething. That really a nightmare for us. She was so grouchy, only wanted to be carried and cried almost for 2 days..ONce the teeth came out, she okie liao. I brought her to see doc and gave her paracetamol..also put the cooling pad on her forehead..
Heyy that's a good idea. May be I'll consider buying a tv remote too. Emma also loves the remote and as soon as she gets her hands on it she will straight away lick it. Read from somewhere that the things in a household with no#1 germs are the remote control and the door knob!

What kind of pear is it. is it the sugar pear? Emma likes the bosc pear and not so much on the packham pear.
Talking about pears, When I went to the US 2 years ago I bought "royal riviera pear" from Harry &amp; David (the also sell yummy chocolates!!!!) - 10 for $23 USD. but it was superb. so sweet and also juicy, you can just scoop the flesh with spoon.

Emma's temp revolves around 37.2-3 degrees when she's teething. I'll just leave it alone. But continue to monitor.

Same leh... my Emma also loves water, she would chup chup chup drink the water but when the cereal spoon come close, she would zip her mouth.
IF the temperature not too high, is okie. Can just leave it alone.

Yeah..yeah..peckham pear is very nice and sweet...

My maid just called me said that my boy finished 2 tbsp of cereal this morning..and he even open his mouth when the spoon near to him. Maybe he is hungry...the last feeding was this morning 2am...
oh cellow

i was just thinking. do you want to contact the distributor for haenim directly? I have been to their place at tagore lane and they sell all sorts of other things too. ooops! but i only know how to go there, don't know the address nor the exact name of the company...ooopsie ooopsie!
morning mummies.... Gong Xi Fa Cai.... I'm back from my trip... its been a hectic trip... shopping and eating non-stop lor...

Ernest behaved veri well during the flight to BKK... slept throughout ascent and descent... budden was cranky during ascent n descent on the flight back coz it was not as smooth a ascent/descent lor... budden on the whole, he's still a gd boi... heehee

Rianne taking so many semi-solid meals a day??? think i have to start increasing Ernest semi-solid intake too...

see ur pix on the playyard hor, me also gian to buy lor... muz tempt hubby liao... heehee...

really??? Ernest likes to say 'Mum Mum' budden dunno whether calling for me or his milk leh... heehee...

dor dor
Ember like sitting really zai liao lor... Ernest like bu dao woung like that lor... heehee...

confirmed that can check in lugguage and even issue boarding pass i think abt 24 hrs b4 flight... budden all must be present for issue of boarding pass... for us, boarding pass was not issued coz my IL and Ernest was not there... budden we checked in the luggage... lucky we did that coz our flight was on sat and it was packed lor...

dun feel tat way lah... bb sure will prefer mummy one lor...

congrats on #2... u veri fast leh... my CL not too bad... quite clean and polite too... PM me for her contact...

Dani is fast leh... Ernest also attempting to sit up from his tummy position... oni successful once last nite oni...

Josh got 6 teeth liao??? so many?? Ernest oni got 1 lor... haven seen it budden can feel it lor...
finally got a chance to log in..

congrats on #2....

me and jx now both sick. she passed to me. think she caught a cold and plus not enough sleep during CNY..

we realise something funny abt her. she really likes big houses. when we go visiting and it's a house, her behavior is better. when it's a flat, she will cry more. so we call her snobbish gal....silly theory.

re pear
do u need to cook the pear before giving?
Yes I cook the pear, via steaming. when it's soft, I'll blender it using hand blender and then mix with the cereal
long time no "see"

Happy Lunar New Year!

Am I missing some good news?

Just a quick update on my boi ...
Having 2 teeth now ... 4 more coming (i think)
Always wanna eat, and now eating at least 3 meals of semi-solid.
Still dun wan to sleep thru' the night and have to feed at 4am every nite.
Cannot crawl, just scream for help when he can't get any toy not within his reach.
Like to stand with support and can sit for a while with no support.

I considering to get the playmat, where can I get it the cheapest?
dor dor,
I think Ember can say her own name... very clever liao. Declan is still busy speaking gibberish. Everybody says he's a talkative boy that likes to answer or join in conversations, BUT.... nonsensical stuff la.

Yes yes, finding lobangs are super fulfilling. Guess that's why there are so many aunties... haha.
I managed to siam the stay-at-home-mom question this year cos I said I'm going back in March. Well, technically I am... but thinking of telling my boss I don't want to go back liao. The only thing holding me back is the MAY-HAVE bonus in March (yah, so sad, company give bonus in March one). But even thinking of hecking that as well.

Oops, ok, will upload to youtube later then. Will post the link again later.
About the Scootababy, I think it does open somewhat big cos Declan's legs can fit around my hips. Where do you live? If you live nearby, you can borrow my Scootababy and try first. Don't waste money cos you already got the Ergo. Not like RHS and me, Scootababy's our first carrier.

I was just thinking the exact same thing! That Declan's hard to pronounce. I mean even some adults have trouble with the name (cos hardly hear mah). Haha... should have named our boys Mark indeed. Or Tom.
Yah, will upload the video to youtube later. This Facebook video not viewer-friendly one, must be Facebook user then can see.

Liking water is good! I have so much trouble getting Declan to drink water. Give him bottle - he just chew on the teat. Give him sippy cup, he also just chew. Tried straw - he just transfer water from cup to mouth to shirt. Only way seems to be spoon feeding him the water.
dor dor
So Damien and Dani can shake hands liao loh... LOL!

My bbsitter said dont have to give fever medicine if baby feels feverish. She also said she watched this programe by a professor for babies, he said whenever babies's brain are developing for the next stage, they tend to feel feverish too. Having said that, I will still give medicine if she feels warm for too long of a time. I remember there was once Dani suddenly felt feverish when being prep for bedtime, hubby gave her 1 dose cos worried her temp will rise thru the night.
Thanks for the pear info!

lol on the octopus arms!

Welcome to the tv remote obsession club.. hahaha!
Wah, I didnt know that there are so many varieties of pear de.

Welcome back girl
Btw, I have just received my Ergo... hee hee *sheepish grin*

Got it cos I am beginning to feel real uncomfortable seeing Dani hanging by the crotch in Bjorn. Somewhat feels like kena kiap diao like that. Also I read off somewhere that its a strain on their spine to be hanging by the crotch. At least Ergo she gets to sit supported on her bum. Plus hubby likes Ergo too cos able to back-carry her at home. He says on days when she's being fussy, he can piggy-back her while still being able to get around the house.
Gd morning cellow!!!

SD, xiaoyang, can buy the packham pear in s'pore? What pear is that
I sua ku

xiaoyang, why from 2am still not fed leh?

SD, can we steam the pear/apples then mash with spoon? I dun have a blender

bbp, i live in hougang. Far bo?

cellow, bbp, where u got your boy's name from? Got meaning one bo? So many ppl commented celeste is so outdated
Which i agree, haha!!

bbp, i've an a/c with fb, but can't view the video leh.
CS, do u find when Dani is in the ergo, her legs got open big big? Like that ok or not?

JSP, i read that u like the sling. I still can't figure out how to use leh.. Is it becos i'm too short? Cos celeste like very low when placed inside, plus, i still can't manage the excess cloth
I'm selling it liao loh
talking about baby carrier... think i should buy one to carry xuan pei at my back, can no longer sling her in front when my tummy gets bigger

which brand u gals recommend? how much?

Batgirl, I stay in Sengkang. Thanks for letting me have the toy panel. From the haenim website, there are 2 colors. Blue and Orange. Let u choose the color if cheong choon/distributor has both colors.

Cellow, no problem, me not in a rush to get the playyards.
