(2008/07) July 2008


EDBI is EDB Investments. heard not so good stuff from mich. so dun think will discuss further. and another headhunter is trying to contact me. what's happening ah? last year when i needed them, where were they? tsk tsk!


ENJOY! but then i am sure you will miss the kiddos.

sch hols

bringing the kids over weekend to bintan. looking forward.

If arcade is not so good, then I guess we can go back to that place you went to previously? Since you said they have kiddy shoes and 6-pound balls, we should be ok. Cross fingers and hope they have small enough shoes for my peanut. Haha.

Yes, we will prob do lunch as well.

My brother just went last week or the week before! Which resort are you going?
i don't mind. we went to kallang leisure park the last time and yup got small shoes and 6 or 7 pound balls that the kids didn't have any trouble with.

if we go there, there's pasta mania that we can eat at.

ANOTHER OUTING! poppy and i will be going to tampines 1's new water play area on 13 mar, tues at 10am, if anyone wants to join us

it's a spanking new water play area which opens on 10 march! so hopefully that will mean it will be really really nice and clean when we go! there's also a toilet/wash area nearby for those of us who want to give the kids a quick rinse before heading back. it opens at 10am, so i suggest we meet there at 10, to 1) avoid the crowds and 2) avoid the sun. by the time we are able to use the excuse of "oh it's too hot", it will be time for lunch. come come, join us!

just google "Tampines 1 water play" for more info
cool ideas there! hehe we've got some of them on our list too. wow, i've already got the dates packed for next week. feel tired thinking of it hehe.

newborn photography: so regret not doing it for poppy. love how they are so wrinkly when they are newborns!

with poppy, i thought i would only have 1 child, so i decided to take preggie shots to remember the times. then with #2, i thought hey it'd be cute to have poppy in the pic too
then thought since i'll stop at two, heck la, just go for newborn pics too! haha. cos i so know i would regret it if i didn't :p
In that case, shall we settle for Kallang Leisure Park then? Then we'll already know where to go for lunch. Haha.

Nice list! I'm quite tempted to support the kiddo flea market at Sentosa!

kallang leisure bowl is booked for competitions on wed 14 and thurs 15. available on tues 13 morning BUT if we want to book the lanes, it's $23 per hour, with a min booking of 2 hours. we could simply try our luck and walk in on tues, and pay $2.50 per game per child (not incl shoes) BUT let's remember that it's the school hols, and it could get crowded and we might end up not being able to bowl at all cos they only have 2 lanes with the kiddy lane bumpers.


i can't seem to find any other kid friendly bowling alley... except orchid bowl and downtown east.
what do your kids eat for breakfast? i feel so bad for rotating poppy on the same few things. they're not bad things, just super boring! here's what she usually gets (any of the following; i mix and match)

- peanut butter on toast
- OHs with a bit of koko crunch
- yoghurt with fruit (mango or prune, or peach, or apricot)
- banana
- hard boiled egg
- or if we go out, fish porridge or plain bee tai mak with veg
- cereal bar

seriously, always the same few things. i also feel sian when i plan her meals! but where got time to cook in the mornings... like make french toast or muffins. no energy for anything!
eboys eats what we eat so we include;
1) chee cheong fun, buy from market, steam. he enjoys sprinkling the small sesame seeds..
2) bread with jam
3) scrambled egg with tomato
4) cheese and tomato
5) mee suah with brocolli
6) quaker oats
7) soon kueh (buy the day before)
8) chicken pie (buy the day before)
9) steam bao (buy the day before)
10) raisin bread
on weekends, helper fries bee hoon or kuay tiao for whole family....

add on to yours, thats a lot of variety right?

the arcade is at parkway level 5, the bowling alley is all the way inside the arcade. 6 lanes there, but only 2 lane has real pins, the other 4 are computer screens but they still get to roll the ball...
cellow, whoa, 3 weeks of me time.. wow.. but but but you sure you can tahan C-less for 3 whole weeks? scarly you also fly over after one week.. hee... but really enjoy your me time to the max ya!
Dunno leh. Declan hardly eats breakfast. He drinks his milk, declares he's full. Only sometimes, he will request for stuff when he sees other people eating it. These days, I'll just cut him a little fruit to have it on the way to school after he's had his milk at home. Then school has snack time at about 10am (I think).

Breakfast ideas:
1) Cheese sandwich
the other place that i went for bowling is at The Chevrons near IMM. but a bit far for u..it's also under orchid bowl...

do be careful when bringing poppy to crowded places. HFMD still quite a lot so be careful if it's crowded place ok? esp when u r preggy.

re breakfast
my kids are boring!
1. cereal - cornflakes, coco krunch, cheerios
2. biscuits
3. bread (once in a blue moon)
4. mac on weekends
5. old town white coffee!

yours are good! a lot of variety! mine dun like to try.
Just thought this is super funny.

SY says to Mich,
yours are good! a lot of variety! mine dun like to try.

bbp says to SY,
yours are good! a lot! mine dun like to eat.
Lol on the breakfast talk!

Thanks for the suggestions girls!

Cos poppy wakes me up, I don't have the time to go to the market in the morn, so everything has to be from home. Mee sua to me is more of a lunch thing! Hehe.

You're very lucky that dec likes sandwiches. They're so easy!!

So mornings for us are: milk upon waking then two of the breakfast choices then on way to school bus, she gets a fruit bar cos school's lunch is not substantial I think, and it's at 1pm.

BUT today I was super hardworking and made french toast and sprinkled with cinnamon, then cut into duck shapes and served with cheese (also cut into duck shapes and letter D - cos we're focusing on D this week!). She loved it!

Restoran pinkbunny should offer more variety la hehe

Oh the blueberry pancakes at KFC are nice too!
Disclaimer: I'm not lucky. He SELDOM eats breakfast and I figured if he ain't hungry, I'm not going to waste my own energy convincing him otherwise. Look, they ain't gonna starve themselves. Ok, I sound like a horrible mother.

mine is even lagi boring. after milk, he will either have a piece wholemeal bread with nutella or strawberry jam. Finito! Everyday! in this respect he is like me, i can eat the same thing everyday forever if i like it.


i think nirwana?
haha...jx eats little for breakfast, but eats more for lunch and dinner. she is not a breakfast person. jh is the other way round. so i guess it's about our kid's personality too!

so hardworking!!!

i like those bee hoon breakfast or porridge breakfast but too rushed in the morn to enjoy that....

i think as long as it's healthy can already lah....
hehe i need variety so i just assume that poppy would too. i suppose she's prob happy to have the same thing day in day out!

i love those fried beehoon too. with luncheon meat and hor bao dan. slurp. but i find that it's not so healthy for kids leh. like the beehoon is only MSG, MSG and more MSG!

oh yes scrambled egg with mushroom, tomato, onions, green peppers - a big hit in our house!!! mmm mmmmm. i could eat scrambled eggs/omelettes everyday!!! that's why i love those hotel breakfasts!!!

no la, not horrible mother. just practical mother! and you know that he gets a tea break in school anyway, right? some people are just not breakfast people. given the choice, i so wouldn't mind sleeping thru breakfast and going straight to brunch :D

for me it's cos poppy wakes early, about 730, and then lunch is at 1 in school (and sometimes she doesn't like what they serve) so the next time i get food in her tummy is at 230pm. so i make sure she has lots of food before she goes to school!

SY says to Mich,
yours are good! a lot of variety! mine dun like to try.

bbp says to SY,
yours are good! a lot! mine dun like to eat.

cellow says to bbp,
yours is good! limit the variety. mine always want to eat a lot and eat various things. cannot serve the same thing at breakfast for 2 continuous days.


I m like you la. I can eat the same thing everyday, bread w jam. C1 takes after Mr C... must have variety and his palate is tiao zui. too dry, wont eat. too sour, wont eat. fruits not sweet enough, wont eat.

aside but related: I just told Mr C off ystday for making faces at my dinner. He opened the dishes w anticipation... saw broccoli w carrots, fried black pomfret plus a vegetarian mock chicken, and he said 'how come every night the same few dishes'
wah, internally i flare untiiiilllll! work like dog in the office, still have to tahan this nonsense at home. managed to not show any of that fire, just told him to shop for groceries and plan meals himself if he is not happy with my choices.
men!!!!! worse than children. at least w children, i can reason w them and they listen after a while. the man's head is thick untilllllll.
hehe. definitely can think of lots of things to do over the weekends. spa! facial! manicure! pedicure! hair spa!
speaking of which.... batgirl oh batgirl... where is your oh-so-shiok hair spa place? eh mich, you also got a contact right. share share share.

youpi, pb, sy,
i just might take you up on the offers. if i miss my own boys enough.
This morning I did the ah soh thing, went to the Isetan sale and bought the Tiger magic thermal pot!

Yoghurt with bread and raisins
Cereal bar (like Uncle Toby's or some expensive organic brand if I'm feeling guilty)
Biscuits (when feeling lazy)
Cereal (usually cornflakes, sometimes honey stars or coco pops)
Bun or muffin (bought or baked the previous day)

My little one is still little and he does not eat much at all...

You still cook after getting home from work?! Yes you tell him, woman!
hi 5!!!

my hb will sometimes 'comment' on the dinner...he feels that it's not good enough after a long hard day at work.....

your kids can eat....i m always amaze at how much stuff u order at iherb!!!

i love omelettes too! but my kids are not omelette pple. anyway maid is new so i also dun bother to get her to prep anything.

sometimes will buy those bao and steam in the morn. but prob not very healthy also....but still better than biscuits!
I thought my boy is the only one that doesn't eat a proper brekkie! His daily brekkie - milk + 1 multi-vit + 2 Vit C tablets (cos I make him eat them, since he's such a horrible picky eater!). Hahaa... not like I don't offer him - I would try asking if he wants a peanut butter or even Nutella sandwich (yum!) but sometimes all he wants is milk + hello panda (??).

Erm I know it's terribly unhealthy to not have a proper brekkie but I can't force feed him. And second bbp on that - they aren't going to starve themselves. I'm horrible mother #2
Complain about food? Huh. You know ah, bluebunny's choice of giving up meat has made my cooking at home very challenging. Some days I have to prepare 3 different sets or variations of dinners - for him, me, and poppy. Most times it's 2 variations like a chicken stew for poppy and I, and something vegetarian for him. I support his choices but this particular one just makes it more ma fan for me and occasionally I remind him that he should be lucky that I don't say "you settle your own meals!". (Actually some days he does prepare his own) So if I had to make a choice, I'd say I'm more of a meanie wife than horrid mum haha. To give him credit, he's never dared to complain re food.

If it comes to super big tear-out-each-others'-hair fight (thankfully never happened before), my trump card is "I gave up my better paying, more promising job to stay home so that you can focus on YOUR career and pursue YOUR studies to advance in YOUR career". If it ever gets to that, it's "watch out here I come"! Roar!

Oh my gosh. I was so engrossed in finding activity idea for poppy that I was almost late to meet her at schoolbus! Haha
I have an alarm for that. To remind me that it's time to pick Dec up from school. Actually now that he's attending school, I have 4 alarms!
Ooh Cellow can go try out that shiok shiok hair wash soon!

And I used to be very uptight about food, but is learning To take it easy and jUst go with the flow (of his moods and palate haha)

We've got routine food too! Milk and bread as well (he's never liked mushy stuff like Oatmeal but this is really healthy) and he loves his Pasta with cheese n milk so he gets that almost every weekend!

And I think I got gastroenteritis from him arrghh! But hey nvm.. If I'm gonna be 5 kg slimmer after it? LOL but torture for now!

Oh..so bowling on thurs is out? Gotto check first If I can take tues off.. Let u girls know again

Have a good weekend everyone!
Youpi: ah soh meh? I was there too! But at the baby and toy section! :p only went to the ah soh dept fora thermos! :p

Breakfast: very much like mich's except minus the sauce for ccf. Made my own- steam minced pork with mushroom then add sesame oil and eat with it.
No soon kueh and Mee sua(lunch only) also.
There's also, prata, cereal, sandwiches, bread with nutella... I feed Gwyn a small portion only so she can go to school and eat with her friends too.
HELLO! I am a very tired bat. My little tigeress is sleeping past midnite... plus busy at work and the house renovations. Gosh things are so expensive nowadays!! tomorrow chionging to JB to buy ceiling fans and heaters and lights... and probably curtains too.... feel tired just thinking abt it! haha!

Cellow ah cellow...wah, I think i can hear you screaming out for a hair spa, that why decided to check in to forum today! haven't been checking in for a long time! My oh so comfy hair spa is at Wheelock Place. 5th floor, Phyto Hair Spa. go for the spa one, not the salon. Spa have massage chair and DVDs to watch. :D

ok..my little tigeress is calling out for "MAMMMIIIEEE" again... ;P
Pb: no no no... Steamed bao buy the day before. It's the chee Cheong fun sauce. I don't give them the sweet sauce. I use garlic, minced meat with mushroom, add a little sesame oil then steam it together with the chee Cheong fun. Sometimes I pan-fried lah then just pour over the chee Cheong fun. All the breakfast I feed are bought except for eggs, sandwiches. Sorry for the confusion.

Dd: if you loose 5kg, tell me how you got the virus! I have more reserves than you to loose!
Lol Jo on my mis-read!

Your words stuck to me so I gave up nap time (big deal for me hor) to go to isetan! Wah so empty leh. I almost had to ask someone "really got sale ah?". Managed to get some nice stuff

Next up: Lobinsons sale! Auntie alert, auntie alert: gonna buy containers to cook and freeze dinners for poppy for my confinement month! And jiejie can also choose a pressie for meimei. Apparently we're going to be looking for "a buzz lightyear tv" :S

March hol, march hol, march hol!
Poppy's schedule busier than queen of england sia!
Pb: last Friday was isetan private sale. Members get 20+10% off almost every item. Some brands give 20+3
only and yes, best time to but pot and thermos. Robinsons is having 20% off storewide but baby items they absorbed the gst 7%. so it's 20+7+5(rebate from card)%! Today is last day.
spongebob one also quite cute!

argh went to robinsons then realised the sale is really good.... only if you are a cardmember, which i am not. boohoo.

ended up crossing the road and going to OG and found a basket of.... FOX baby t-shirts at only $3 each! score!!! ding ding ding
Robinsons sale:
Really good for Mens shirts I think. Female clothes are still quite pricey cos seems like all branded stuff like Coast and all.

Why you didn't do the auntie thing? Ask someone at the counter whether you can tag along their membership card and pay them cash! Heehee.
hey mummies, anyone knows any bento making classes we can sign up for? mum only, no kiddos. hehe. i wouldn't be able to jaga poppy and learn anything!
you see me too up.
i write out a weekly menu for my maid to follow. she will cook at my aunt's place while C2 naps in the afternoon.

yes it is the little things that i must say out. i find that if i keep it inside of me, the resentment builds and builds.... and it must have an outlet to come out rite. so more likely to overreact and explode at Mr C for the smallest thing he does wrong in my eyes.
geez being a wife and mum is not easy..... i m reading 'partnership parenting' by K Pruett now during my lunch hour. http://www.amazon.com/Partnership-Parenting-Differently--Why-Strengthen-Marriage/dp/0738213268/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1331518796&sr=1-1
*crawling back to life SLOWLY*

My brain is FRIED from work.

Emma only drinks milk, and half boiled egg or porridge if she's in the mood. School snack - she hardly eat anything. Very very difficult to feed her snack/breakfast things cuz she doesn't like all sorts of sweet stuff like biscuits, bread, jam, cereal, fruits, etc.

PB - bento lessons. Can try little bit from here:

This one is so so cute:

and another one; http://justbento.com/category/filed-under/kids
re sale
yes robinsons and OG got cardmember sale this week!! so tempting...like what bbp said, the men's shirts are really cheap!

i m on leave tmr and wed afternoon.

wow u r a busy bat!!! how come she's sleeping so late nowadays?

my boy does that too! ask for hello panda for breakfast. of cos i stomp my foot down and now that he is older it is easier to get my way on things like these. he will give me a face of cos but who cares haha....
i want to buy more geomag for C1. can the sales-going folks scout around and let me know the prices at the places you have gone to? thanks a million!

PS. actually it is I who wants to play w the geomag *wink*
Er... Who cares about men's shirts?! Haha. I already got my hands full with breast pads and ABD laundry detergent!

Aiyah I'm back to asking same Q again: where to get sandals for girls? Not the open toe kind that feet can slip out from.

Think my boy's not very creative..like me.. He barely build things with his Lego and geomag.. Always pretend playing (car crashes and fights) with his cars and figurines sigh..

No idea why he's into these haha

Did I mention I just dont know how To play with him in this aspect? Hahaha
