(2008/06) June 2008

Ellysia, may I ask how was the experience at the clinic?

Thanks for the reply on the semi-solid feeds. Yours is very similar to wat I'm planning to do. At least I know I'm not the only mummy that's going to do it this way. ^_^
i didn't take the foto of the cauliflower puree i just made just now. find tat quite easy to do. i turn on blender highest power to blend into a smooth puree.
Babycupid, i know the Abbott website sells cheaper online. But must order $200 for free delivery. So hunting for shops 1st if there is. Yes the 1.8kg is wat i eye-ing too

Mag, ha, i tot was poo poo initially until i read your text. So hw u store it? freeze?
Jsmurf, any idea wat your wife prepared for your boi? I'm a very lazy SAHM so I dun remember taking so long to prepare 1 feed. Unless she's preparing for a few feeds at 1 go?

Ellysia, thanks for reassuring. Got no one to ask so have to seek help fr u & the rest of the mummies.

ok. hb say the clinic is quite good.

usu we go to TMC baby and child clinic see pd dr EK Ong but if got anyting urgent we go straight to amk since its nearer.

For the semi solid, u just plan tat yr solid feeding is in btw milk feeds, so yr milk feed duration is likely to be longer than normal.

i intend to develop the meal plan to breakfast:cereal with veg, lunch: fruit, dinner: porridge with veg and meat. currently doing breakfast and lunch only.
TF, Haha....I also find it looks like poo cos this is how my boi's poo look like now except that it's more yellowish. This is the quantity I'm giving for tomorrow. Currently in the fridge & i stored it in baby food containers(2 oz type).

i got take 45mins to prepare food, its sweet potato cos need time to peel and i not good with peeling. plus steaming 20mins and blending then storing the food. i tink i gonna give up cooking sweet pototo me lazy.
oh issit.. will check the website out.. kekeke..

currently for me is
breakfast: BR in milk
Lunch: rice cereal + puree
tbreak: pigeon biscuit half pc..
dinner: fruit puree

Hey Ellysia, good food planning u have. My boi drinks every 4hrly so I will give him 1 serving of semi-solid 2 hrs after milk so that it won't disrupt his milk schedule.

I'm very impatient when he can't seem to finish the cereal so I have to keep reminding myself that i'm just letting him try diff types of food & not making him eat until full. *Bad mummy*
mag, so qiao...today reanne also eat avacado for lunch...hehehe...
btw, she don't really like it ...but i still feed her...she will "make noise" but I will tell her..its good for your skin...you will thank me in the future!!..whahahaha
tinyfeet.. its 64.81 lor.. woo.. shld haf go to this website long ago.. i jus bot 1 at $69.35.. haiz.. but but.. website put currently unavail leh.. duh!
I'm planning to give porridge only when he finishes all his cereal(at least another 2mths). I think my mum will flip lor if I tell her I do 'angmoh' way, only cereal/fruits/veg. Hehe...
Have no comments because i have not learnt how to make food for baby yet.But i saw my wife scrubs the banana for the baby to eat just now after the brown rice "substance". To be honest, i am not sure how she prepared the food.Suspect it's brown rice (dried and powdered on her own).

Saw her bought some 四神粉 from Eu Yan Seng. What's that for? Maybe she wanted the baby to be some 神. *Rolling eyes*

Other than the two semi-food session (lunch + dinner), every two hours the boy will have about 150ml of EBM. He's about 8.4 Kg now.
your boy drinks every 2 hours??...that is good in some sense...since i have to "fight" with my gal to make her drink...maybe you can increase to 180-200ml...so that you or your wife can feed 3-4 hrly??
my gal more angmoh style in her eating..gave her porridge (fish & brocoli+carrot) and she is only eager for first 4 mouthful...then she shut her mouth tight...for cereal i can give until almost finish before she shut her mouth...
Just another note on avocado, it's a good fruit to have despite the price. According to Reader Digest, It is a rich source of vitamin E, potassium and monounsaturated fats.

Vitamins C and E are both antioxidants and can therefore help to prevent the free radical damage that might lead to certain cancers.

Potassium helps to control blood pressure and maintain a regular heartbeat and a healthy nervous system.

However it's also high in calories too. Moderation is the key.
hi Janiviy,

Noted. But the boy cannot finish (See:Impatience) at one go. He takes about 3-5 mins to complete on a good day. On a bad day, it can stretch to 30 mins.

However, there are times when we gave hime 180ml, but he cries for milk after 2 hours at times. I think he's as errantic as my ....ah nothing nothing.
Jsmurf, then that may explain y your wife takes so long to prepare a meal cos homemade brown rice must cook. The sishen is to strengthen bb's health(got 4 types of chinese herbs inside). Your boi's feeding is every 2hrs then how does your wife feed semisolid? Maybe can try to increase the milk volume so can stretch feeding to 3 or 4 hrly?
Babycupid, it's called threadfin. It's the best to give bb cos cooks easily, not too oily & very nutritious. That's y ex too.
realised something.. the price stated is excluding gst.. so once gst added is the same price as supermarkets lor! ............
Mag,the milk will come in after 1.5 hour after the semi-food. I would love to explain for her rationale after the silence war ended. As of now, this was what i remember.

What does the 四神contains that helps to strengthen the bb's health? I am sure there are other food that can do the same job. To me, these looks like supplement to me and i dont think we shld recommend it to baby. I dunno. . .Comments?
mag & jsmurf,
thanks for the quick response!! kekeke.. okok.. threadfin.. cos always hear frm mil,mum on ngor hwee but duno wat issit in english.. so is threadfin nor.. always see in ntuc..
I give threadfin ...to me it stinks..(I hate fish)...but sashimi i eat..kekekekeke
quite expensive lor..i ask my MIL to buy..she told me $22 bucks..but she never tell me how many kg/or gram it is...
maybe reanne like me,....don;t like fish...if she really don;t like fish,...how arh??
Avocado: Jsmurf, that's the reason y i started wif that as the 1st fruit for my boi & it's easily digestible too. Banana can cause constipation so mayb u want to highlight to your wife. A few mummies here already tried & tested.

Check out this website, I get most of my ideas fr here. http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/best-first-food-for-baby.html I'm planning to intro in this order avocado/butternut/pear/sweet potato/apple/carrots so 6 weeks of food is done then I'll mix wif cereal.
i also bought the EYS 四神brown rice....I hear that its good..so just buy lor..you know singaporean lah...people say good so also must cheong and buy...hahahaha...i have not tried it yet though...
Noted. But constipation is mainly caused byinsufficient intake of dietary fiber. Banana is a fruit that helps the faeces to be released easily,right?

I dunno, but i will sms my wife about the banana thingy.The key word is sms. Hahaha!
Janiviy, thats the problem of emulation. I took this chuck from my blog for sharing purposes:

Parent A: What your eldest son get for PSLE huh (In Singlish)?
Parent B: err...Paiseh lar, he got 4 A*.
Parent A: What kind of enrichment or training you give? Chicken essence too?
Parent B: Blar x 3. . . ..

Without much prompting, it's easy to deduce Parent A enrolling in similar enrichment programmes to emulate desired objectives. Whilst some parents mould their children into trophies for showcasing parental success, the less successful ones will attempt to do a copy-cat. This led to parents dictating the educational path, limiting opportunities to excel in potential areas such as sports and arts for examples.
can understand hw u feel..

I just quit my job after much considering BUT never in my life I gonna be a SAHM.. still actively looking out for a new job..

My hb had been very supportive.. He helps out on bb alot too.. but at times (sad to say, most of the times).. I'm unappreciative and at times could take things for granted..

I'm a perfectionist.. always the kind of person that all things need to be done in my way.. but if u see it in a different perspective, I got my own reasonings too..

For eg. My hb helped me to do laundry.. but i complain when he hang the clothes.. the sleeves will be one side up, the other side is still rolled up.. Then we collecting back those dried clothes.. he'll just anyhow throw the clothes back to the laundry basket.. I talked nicely to him.. cos if all the clothes were crumbled, it'll waste alot of time to fold and iron, etc.. things shd be done right at the right time.. then he'll talk back.. since u're always right.. then do all the house work..

After which, we'll go into cold war for a while..

Such things happen as regards to taking care of my 7mth old gal.. lots of arguments recently.. haizzz...

it's a matter of personal conception and also trying to adapt to each other way of thinking.. we're still struggling though..
I will only be "ks" when it comes to food. But in terms of education...that will be a whole different story. Of coz, which parent do not want to provide the best???...
Hi Warrior_angel,

The exact nail in the coffin.I was vindicated the same way i hung the clothes. I could never understand the way my wife does it. As long as the sun gets into the clothes, its seriously doesnt matter (Worst, we have a dryer at home, hardly used).

Totally concurred that its a matter of conception, but hey, there's always a first time in parenting. My parents always said,"The road is still long, why waste time and energy doing all this bo-leow stuff". *Rolling eyes*
Si Shen: Jsmurf, I can only remember got paosheng inside but can't remember the other 3 & it's main advantage is that baby will not b afraid of cold(no cold limbs). It's been proven in my family cos my cousin's kids took it when they were baby until 2yrs old & until today in their teens they r still not afraid of cold.

In my opinion, better to start si shen only after 7mths cos their digestive system will b stronger.

Bananas: According to the website I posted, it said unripe bananas will cause constipation but maybe the other mummies can enlighten u. Must get pang chio cos won't cough but dun know how true. I only intend to give banana after i complete my list.

Maybe u can ask her to intro other things 1st?
Same sendiments, but it also depends how well the kid can adapt to it.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Live and enjoy the moment.
Jsmurf, the emulation thingy cannot blame parents cos govt train us to be fast & strive to b at the top in watever we do so bo pian lor. That's y my hubby say Singaporean parents' $$ r the easiest to earn cost kiasu. :p

Dun mind me asking tho, did your wife volunteered to b a SAHM? Did she have a very active social life prior to baby?
Jan, i also same like u on food. Mu hubby initially cannot understand y must i spend >$10 on a small can of cereal & after I made my point, he finally agreed. For toys, currently I only buy educational ones & this one my hubby dun say anything cos he finds if can learn something then he dun mind paying more. Quality of Play more important than quality of Food?Contradicting hor?
sometimes i find expensive toys useless also...think she rather play with plastic bags, remote controls etc..so no new toys for now.
mag: maybe athan still used to having his 6am feed... hopefully few more days, he will shift to later timing?

or is it wit onli 1 dream feed he still hungry? =P
felicia: oic.. so your #1 won't noise when she dun get to sleep with daddy n mummy while her mei mei can? cos her fren's #1 will make noise de...
ellysia, soyabean, mag:

i jus went bukit panjang ntuc n bought 3 bottles of prune puree.. wohoohoo... finally found it man.. i actually wanted to buy more (since so difficult to find) but i thot what if sheryl dun like so i onli bought 3... will let sheryl try tmr n see..
angel, hopefully lor but now that he can sleep until 6am, I'm very happy liao cos i latch him for 10mins & he conk out again until 8am.
