(2008/06) June 2008

<font color="ff6000">yeah towards the later stage, u wil literally feel his/her head when u touch ur tummy..

Hi Felicia..

Don go unscheduled visits..i promise u ..u gonna wait for hours..tat day i went &amp; tis lady whom sat beside me told me she was the 1st to walk in the clinic..but ended up the last to leave..waitd for abt 3hrs+..

Next mon do hubbys blood test then see wat Doc Ang will say lor...
Glad to hear your visit went well. I can imagine how your bb was like cos mine was also hiding in a corner while the gynae showed me that there was actually lots of space at the other side.
Very funny right, they choose to squeeze in one corner. I also saw my bb's spine and ribs during my 17th week which was why my gynae emphasised that calcium intake is v impt now.

Btw, I used your method and took the fish oil this afternoon instead of mornign, abt 1 hr plus after lunch and it was better. I will continue to do that.

My hb left my name with TMC course 1 mth ago but to-date, they have not called us up. We have been waiting leh.. its v strange. Maybe on waiting list.

I dunno want to wait for Mrs Wong class or just go for any other instructor class bec' i dun want to end up going the course too late.
Tf - for mine, the bb head shows on left side of the scan monitor but is on right side in my tummy...so think next time u go scan, jus see which side the head appears on the monitor means bb is on the other side lor..
<font color="ff6000">nur atiqah~

ha ha ya ya.. i indeed miss all the kickings and movements inside me after my #1 was delivered!! amazing feelings!!</font>

It is working right? I experiment several methods to swallow the tablets/pills.


Unscheduled visits even those last min booked visits, u gonna wait for v long bec' u be of last priority.

There is 1 time i have to visit gynae due to emergency, clinic slot in for me but i waited longer than usual and is the 2nd last one to go in.
TF, i dunno how to tell if bb head is on left side or right side. Is gynae who tell me bb is sitting in the middle but a bit more to the left leaving more space at the right side. But gynae said still got a lot of space in water bag so dun have to worry abt no space.
anyone can feel bb movement yet? actually during these few days i started got bb movement already. it was so amazing... lol
Nur/ Ellysia,

Thats why i decide not to go coz i know the waiting time is terrible. I had to wait another 3 weeks before my next check up.

Btw, all mummies here, anyone working near orchard area? Is it raining now? Coz plan to bring my ger down there tonite.
<font color="ff6000">felicia~

sorry cant help u coz im in RP area but RP is not raining though but sky VERY dark!!</font>
Ellysia - I look at my scan hor, bb v stretched out and my water bag looks like jus nice for bb! My gynae says can kinda touch bb at the surface liao, ask me to be careful...that's y I totally freaked out the other day when my dog landed 1 leg by the side of my stomach...scary..

Just wait lor unless really need to visit.
I also worried for 1 mth dunno how is bb. Sometimes will feel a bit uncomfy but i ren and monitor then not prolong so i ignore.

Actually if today gynae didn't scheduled i also lazy to visit..

My bb still left space at top corner. So maybe tats why can't feel him yet.


Btw i checked with gynae on Clarins treatment oil for stretch marks. She said so far her patients who used clarins have no complaints, but its true she did have complaints on rashes for those who use palmers. So my gynae do not recommend palmer.
me started feel it quite sometimes ago. Some said if this is 2nd pregnancy and onwards, u'll be able to feel the movement earlier.
Later stage u can see the bb kick make ur tummy 'pop up'. Is really funny and amazing!

quite high chance tonite will rain loh. But i still hope wont lah. I had been delaying the trip to Orchard for my ger.

Recently rain is on and off, maybe better bring umbrella. Just now i came back frm TMC is drizzling.
same for me, esp now when MS is subsiding and like no obvious symptoms, dunno how bb is inside till a few weeks after? I counting down to 14th jan..

I forgot totally about the clarins oil.. you getting it? I forgot to email you my mobile no too...if you getting it over the wekend, can you get for me? cos I doubt I will go anywhere near SASA outlets this weekend:p
juliet, morraine and TF,
can add you to my MSN? but then can only log on from home cos office cannot access.

Long legs is good!

I tink my bb body shape seems to be quite long, maybe also tall gene. Hopefully can grow to 180cm and above in future
since he is a boy.
piyo(secret garden)

ya u are rite.. me also worry abt bb dunno how he is inside.. our comfort is the scan machine

esp my appetite is not a lot (as in i am not eating for 2 yet) so sometimes i worry abt his growth.

After checkup feel so much relieved that he is growing well and my wt gain is normal. I tot 2KG is quite low actually but gynae say is within normal range. Pre-preggy i am 56KG now only 58KG.

I tink maybe bec i skip fatty meat and tidbits as per my usual habit..

Hopefully will not gain too much wt during CNY cos tend to eat more during tat period.
<font color="ff6000">ellysia~

thanks for asking


aiyo den no choice wor.. u bringing her to town for anything in particular?


ok ok if i getting this weekend i get for u oso


Stretch marks tend to appear during 6-7mth, according to a website article.

Since we are now in 4.5 mths, maybe start to apply.

I know some people apply as early as 1st trim.
nothing in particular, jus wanna bring her to look at the lighting. An i had been telling her since many weeks ago, so i felt quite guilty keep break my promise.
<font color="ff6000">felicia~

oic.. but if its raining den its a bit difficult to move around wor.. moreover today is fri so its going to be packed..</font>
gam sia!

2kg is good enuf, you need to gif allowance for the last lap where some of us may boom very fast... i am hoping for as little wt gain as possible else later very dif to lose...

Go ahead n add... more merrier.. nw talking to Morraine in msn n trying to catch up in this forum too...keke.. too talkative..haha
<font color="ff6000">ha ha ya lor.. chat here not enuff.. still chatting at msn!!

ok ladies.. i got to log off to prepare to head home too.. take care everyone and walk slowly coz raining now
it's raining at my side as well.

what time do you knock off?

any plans for weekend? shopping? hehe. i have got a wedding dinner tmr, morning got the tea ceremony. sighz, cannot sleep late. :p

ellysia and juliet,
if your hubbies are quite tall, then most likely your boys should be too. I have 2 frens whose sons are born 1 week apart and their height difference is quite great (they are 2.5YO now) and correlates with their daddy's height. :p my gynae commented that my baby is quite long, it was 10.2cm at start of 17th week. Then again, they grow in spurts. So could be a temporary thing, guess will only know at birth bah.

have a good weekend all!
Dun worry please. Will keep you and bb in our prayers. Remember, above all else place your trust in Him and everything will be fine. He will take care of everything for us. Keep praying Psalm over your baby "We were fearfully and wonderfully made in Jesus's name in the womb" Pray for baby to be fearfully and wonderfully formed. And also Deutueromy (not sure spelling) "Blessed is the fruit of our womb" Baby will be fine!!
I understand how you feel as I went thru such situation before. EVERYTHING WILL BE OK, so dun worry too much. There are 2 alternative on tests. 1) You can get the result within 3 days (more exp) 2) Results in a week.

The nurses will not reveal so much as they are not in the position to advise you. Your gynae will give you the advise you needed. Hang in there, God Bless!
piyo(secret garden),

Actually i dun really bother until my MIL commented that i looks slimer and my mum also said i slim down so i worried.

U gain 2Kg liao ah? I haven gain any leh..Wonder izzit becoz nt eating enuff..?? Me nw 18+ wks liao..

2 wks ago, went for regular checkup..bb at 9.9cm..Then my tummy like nt obvious..My colleague say tummy shld b more obvious nw..

Any other MTBs haven gain wt oso??
zuen, dun worry first, listen to what your gynae has to say.

me also havent gained weight.. hehee but tummy big big
ellysia, u better call tmc again.. coz only left sunday slots for feb 20th class ... march 20th class still very empty.. i signed up for mar 20 class though reluctant coz by then already 7mths plus liao... if only can get feb class haiz
hows ur checkup? Just got to read ur posts now...Hope everything is getting on well =D..

Wow, ur bb so cute hor...good lor, at least now u know ur bb is a mickey and can start buying clothe sliao..envy leh, i hv to wait for another 2wks =(...

Can I add u all in my msn also? ;p...

I put on 4KG liao =(
Hi gers,
Picked up the test results from the doc last night. The triple test ratio shows 1:277. According to doc, that kind of ratio should belong to somebody aged 34-35. So, it is indication of down syndrome and spinal defects. At our request, doc scanned the bb yday and he said that there appeared to be no visible spine defects thru' the scan. Bb seems to be developing well.

The clinic will be scheduling me for amnio test on either next mon or tue. It is an invasive test with 90+% accuracy. However, it oso carries a small risk of miscarriage due to complications. The doc will also do a detail scan on the spine during teh amnio test. I will be given 3 days MC after the test. My doc says that the amnio test results will take 12-14 days!!! -.o" Looks like I will have many sleepless nights to come.

After hearing the news, I actually do feel a little better. Maybe it is bcos the worse stage passed liao. Numb liao, no tears liao. But there will be alot of worrying to do in the coming 2 weeks.

Havent told our parents yet. No point having them worrying for me. I think we will only tell them after the test bah.

Had been praying for protection from miscarriage and good results. It things dun turn out well, then oso bo bian. Have to think and ask and decide wat we want to do with the bb. Havent tink so far yet.
This morning, when I was touching my tummy, I feel so she bu de if I have to let go. I was telling hb last night that I havent even felt bb moved.. Haiz..
Hi Zuen,
Continue to stay postive! I strongly believe you will hear good news for the amnio test.Did you ask your gynae if you can get the amino results faster? I undertand my friend paid a bit more to get it within 1-2days.. that will help ease the period of worry?
Hi Zuen
I know it will be diff not to worry, but try to keep the worst situation out of your mind. Law of attraction, only think of the best beautiful things and that will attract these things to happen to you.
Zu En is God's Grace. And I believe He will bless you and baby.
Morning ladies..

*pat pat on ur shoulder*...I hv a fren who went for the amino test, turns out her result was gd, bb was ok, and she even got to know her bb's gender at e moment...So pls stay +ve ya, bb needs u to be strong now...Jiayou...

I agreed with piyo, mayb u can ask e gyane whether u can take e results earlier so that u dun hv to worry for so many days...

By the time u told me is raining ,i had gone home. Anyhow, we still go down, lucky it din rain but to our dissappointment, all the lighting had been tore down. So my ger only able to see the lighting on the building.

Then last nite i had leg cramp maybe due to too much walkin. We parked our car at Plaza Sin, then take mrt to orchard mrt and walk from there, shop around Taka and walk bak to Plaza Sin. Maybe tats too much for my leg. My poor leg...

Can i know what kind of class are you 2 talking about? Pre-natal course?

Be positive! Dont worry so much. I believe it'll turn out to be fine!
