(2008/06) June 2008

Hi Linda,
the lor mee not lorong wat ley. it's at Tiong Bahru Market, 2nd floor one. the stall got a lot of newspaper and award one hehee. sure u will not disappoint.

you saying the lor mee at near armana hotel? do u mean the tanjong pagar plaza market there? wow if really so, i must try the lor mee. i stay near there hehee
hi Kylene,

The medicine are precribe by the gynae. My aching reduce after taking them. As wat Cactus suggest, u need to ask ur gynae and they will precribe accordingly. It's not necessary for every1 to take, depend on ur body condition.

I read a book saying that not everyone should take zinc, iron pill. excessive not good for baby.

I extract calcium from milk and Protein from beef intake. I was told to talk 1 glass of milk b4 bed to have better sleep cos eversince I'm pregnant, I have sleeping problem at night.

Anyone have sleeping problem at night?
I have difficulty sleeping at night only when i feel like vomit, but cannot vomit but. the feeling in the chest really not good, until vomit out feels better.
Yup that's the famous one! hehee worth queuing for ley. but hor i eat liao, after few hours vomit out, wasted :p

haha, think wat go in will come out.
Are you having food craving?

touch wood. I didn't vomit yet. only strong feel.
I always talk to baby to ask him don let me vomit. Then will start to feel better.
Oscar scan do around 11-12 weeks. Normal gynae clinic dun have one ley. your gynae will recommend you to it elsewhere. my gynae recommend i go TMC or NUH do.
no ley i din request, the gynae auto suggest one. but if u dun wan to do also can. but i will do lah, since gynae already suggest. bcos paid so much for his expertise, if i din listen that might as well i dun pay so much in the first place for him hehee
Hi luz/ Connie
The tiong bahru market one I also didnt think very nice... Still miss the one in my old school. hahaha...

Later going to supper buffet at Quality Hotel. Very cheap $7.50 I think. hahaha...This round I sure put on lots of weight.

My gynae didnt recommend to do Oscar. He will monitor the thickeness of skin behind neck though. And the blood test at abt 5th mth will comprises of down's test as well as other disorders.
Linda, I see. I know the Medela PIS advanced do have a let down effect...so it will stimulates first then express out hence can get more milk.
sheepysheeps - Glad to hear that your DH was all excited. With regards to the heartbeat thingy, what did your obgyn say? Hang in there with regards to spotting. Rest, rest and more rest to help.

BabyCupid - My DH went in with me for the oscar scan for my #1. He and DS will go in this time.

Linda - Just went to Amoy St today and HB ate the lor mee. He said standard drop wor. With regards to the Sg Rd Laksa @ TP Central, there are 2 Zhu Jiang Roasted Meat stalls also which is at the same row as the Sg Rd Laksa. If walk at TP Central, you will come across the Giordano stall. Once you see that, you just walk inside the small lane. You can see the stalls liao.

luz - Yup, the one at the TPagar Mkt. Long queue leh.
hi sheepysheeps,

i went to see the gynae on wed. our baby shld be around the same age! Todat is the official 6th weeks. He/She measures 0.281 cm which is around 3mm only? is yr measurement inclusive of the sac?? coz my sac measured 4mm 10days ago b4 i saw the gynae on wed. i din ask how big is the sac now thou.
Morning ladies!

Really?hmm....my fren told me her gynae told her no need to take folic acid after 1st trim wor...tink i will check with my gynae..tks..

Draw blood only can go in alone? oh dear...so scare leh...cos tink i will need to draw alot of blood cos need to take some for thalessmia test as well =(..

Dun give up ya...I TTC for 2nd cycle then strike one the...
Morning ladies! I'm so glad it's friday!!!

Starmoon - I was also told folic acid only need to take up till end of 1st trimester cos it only helps prevent birth defects for baby. It doesn't help us at all. Baby develops major organs during 1st trimester. 2nd and 3rd trimester is just to "develop" more "detailed and complexed" structures within those major organs and to let baby increase in weight. You may want to check carefully on vitamins and supplements cos I do know there are some doctors who just prescribe excessive pills to "earn money" and of course, those excessive pills don't "harm our bodies".

Hi Corrine, try to relax and enjoy the process instead of focusing on TTC-ing. It may come to you earlier than you expect if you think this way.

the lab blood test de hb nvr follow in.. maybe can follow in... scanning is cfm hb can go in de..... btw u going tmc for the oscar rite?
Hi Danryan,

I dun think it's a MUST to go for oscar. It just gives you an idea if your baby is at risk of being abnormal. It is often advised to go for it, cos even if you don't contemplate abortion, it does help you and your hb be mentally prepared
hi gers, morning....not a gd one for me though...down wif fever since the nite before...very bad margraine till now n looking like a rein-deer...
now at wk n ve to attend a rom witnessing later in the afternoon...very tired....
Hi JP,

Gynae told me, "see you in 2 weeks, at 6 weeks, this is all we expect to see, don't worry. Give the bb a chance to grow. We'll see how in 2 weeks time"

With regards to the spotting, now i have a pill to sallow and also a pill to *yucks* insert thru vaginal. =(

tinyfeet: Yups.. I know. Our EDD is the same date. hahahaha... Er... I think shd be sac + BB = 10mm. Gynae did not specifically say which is which lei.
hey connie...i share the same sentiments...been having sleepless nights since i knew abt me being preggie.

Besides milk, what other stuff to curb sleepless nites?

Me in my 8th week...gynae measured the foetus @ 18mm. besides folic acid, what other vitamins are essential for the 1st trimester?

To all MTB...
How frequent are your checkups? is it usually once a month? sorry for asking cos me 1st time MTB. :p
Hi I also tink folic acid is for 1st trim, not 2nd and 3rd. In fact it has no use for 2nd trim onwards. It is also wat stated in pregnancy book.

As for iron and calcium tablets, normally gynae will give on 2nd trim. No need to eat so many on 1st trim bec' u may suffer from constipation due to too many vits (esp iron).

Watch on the multi-vitamins tablets, bec we are not suppose to eat too much vit A during 1st trim, it will cause harm to bb. Sometimes after u eat tablets, then u eat fruits etc, the cumulative vitamins u gotten can be far more than u tot so.

For me wat i do is, i took the eye vitamin bottle that i usu take to my gynae for her to recommend how much dosage i can take. She recommend me to take reduced dosage due to the vit A content.
Wish to share something about vit A which I recently clarified. Vit A in excess is bad cos may cause birth defects and blindness in baby. But the vit A in carrots, tomatos and papayas are okay cos they are in the form of beta carontene.. which is safe. It's the vitamin supplement form of vit A which we should take note.
feifei and babycupid,

My oscar scan is around 9am (or earlier) at TMC on 20 Nov. The nurse at our clinic remind that must tell the TMC nurse it is for package cos sometimes they forget.

So far i find Dr Jocelyn Wong quite nice
Tue when my hb called her to take extra medicine for spotting, she immediately called me personally. So nice of her.
thanks cactus

today is my 1st check-up....so if they ask me to go for oscar scan can i just say no...coz my 2nd pregancy on 2005 i didn't go for that...
Hey!! I think know where the Sungei Laksa liao!! Will go try this weekend.
Tried the supper buffet, reached there abt 2220hrs, not very crowded. Quite worth it, but the carrot cake is horrible.
Have you tried the dinner porridge buffet? Good? Thinking to bring my mum to try.

Hi babycupid
It is not exactly porridge buffet. It has plain/ sweet potato porridge, porridge condiments, curry chicken, plain rice, braised duck, braised eggs, braised peanuts, braised tau pok, fish cake, fried rice/ mee, mini sausages, chicken stew, chicken with bitter gourd, mutton stew, carrot cake, fried fish tofu, ice kachang, ice cream, hot dessert, orange juice. $7.80 nett per pax. Quite worth it lor.

On folic - supposed to eat when TTC-ing cos it is very essential during the VERY early weeks of pregnancy (during when you might not even know you are pregnant yet) for preventing spinal defects. After 1st trimester over, not as impt liao. The iron pill my gynae gives is folic-fortified so I just eat that from 2nd trimester onwards.

Hi corrine
TTC process for me was never smooth. I had tried for 6 mths before getting pregnant for 1st time, but m/c subsequently. but my girl came 1 mth after my m/c
Hi Dan,

If you are below 30 years old, u can opt out of Oscar. If you are 30 and above, gynae will strongly encourage u to take.

Hi Corrine,

I am not sure abt TTC bec i didn't purposely TTC, we just try more to hit a higher chance. My colleague recommend to try more during yr fertility period for higher chance of success.

For me, i married for 1 year before got preggy, but we only been trying for 6 mths (first 6 mths more relax).
hi feifei & cactus
i checked with my gynae last time cos i heard abt ladies saying their gynae said to take until 1st tri. My SIL also checked with her gynae when she was preggie and her gynae also said the same thing as mine...ie. to take all the way till delivery and till u stopped BF. I guess different gynae have different opinions on this bah. I like my gynae cos he dun like to presribe pills one...last time my frenz all taking this supplement and dat and then i asked my gynae do i need any and he said no lah....as long as u eat well, itz better u get it through natural resources than supplements. So now i am only taking folic acid and duphaston cos i had bleeding the other time. Best thing is to check with your own gynae on the folic acid to see their opinion lor.
Hi Dan,

Studies have shown a higher incidence of abnormal babies if mother is above 35 years old. There is a sharp spike upwards. At 30 years old, there is also a spike, but it's just much smaller one.

Some more careful doctors advise mothers older than 30 to go for the test. Others strongly advise only when mother is above 35.

But advice is ultimately still advice. You are the patient and if it is not a medical emergency, what you say counts.

You can say no to oscar test if you feel you won't abort and you and your hb won't mind "surprises". If you do go for the test, you must be mentally prepared for the wait for the results and maybe subsequent tests too.. this anxiety may not be good for your baby as babies can detect stress and may translate to hyperactivity and ADD when they are born. Finally, just a point to note, these tests don't tell you definately if your child will have down's syndrome. It only gives you a ratio. A high risk result does not mean your child will have it. It just means your child is likely to have it. But your child may fall within the minority and not have it.

Having shared what I know, I will probably go for the test although I'm under 30. Cos I think I would like hb and I to be mentally prepared. We don't believe in abortion.
I see...ya lor, going to TMC oscar test on 20th nov..

Oh dear...din see doc? poor ger...

my checkup is 3wks once...

wow, 3cm liao...hope my bb is growing well too...Package? u mean u sign the package with Dr Wong liao? I haven sign up anything yet...Tink 12wks then sign up lor...its almost $600 I tink...

Do u find ur tummy abit more hairy nowadays? I find my tummy grow alot of fine hair leh...
Just to add, Dan.
KKH's chart shows % of down's syndrome in live births. Some down's syndrome fetuses self abort during 1st trimester due to abnormal chromosome. Therefore the chart should be read "steeper" as the woman ages.. say.. after late 30s... cos there would have been some DS afflicted fetuses which had self aborted earlier and therefore won't be reflected in the chart.
Hi starmoon,

I think different doctors have different ways of managing their patients. It could also be due to the individuality of each patient. I think it's important that we all have good communication with our doctors.
i guessed prob i will fixed the appt more frequent once i signed up for the package..which can only be done after the 3rd mth.

i only started taking folic acid after i discover my pregnancy and that's like 6 mths into it!...i hope it doesn't affect much since i have my regular intake of veges and fruits...
Corrine - Pls don't be disheartened. If u don't succeed at first, try try again.

feifei - I think every obgyn is different. Just follow our obgyns lah..they know best.

BabyCupid - It more than a buffet porridge even though they do have lots of porridge side dishes. Its really nice lah

Danryan - Oscar: Not really but its advisable for MTBs above 30 lor.

Crystal - Take care & sending over lots of quick recovery vibes!

sheepysheeps - Hang in there ok? U will be surprise to see how your bb grow after 2 weeks more! MTBs are all wonder women...will do anything for bb.

janken - It depends on our boby and obgyn. For now, its every 2 weeks.

Linda - Shoik hor. The dinner spread has crab, prawns, etc. But it does depend on the chef coz once my cousin went and she had lala (seafood) but no crab. Hope you can find the laksa...apologies coz I am never good at directions.

Girls....may I know if there is any 2nd or 3rd time MTB? I am a mom of a 16 month old adorable boy. Sometimes when MS kena jailat-jialat, I really don't know how to cope as my boy is very clingy and just want to play and play.

Got to run now...
me 2nd time mum. now my MS also bad. i hide in my bedroom, scare to come out see my 1 year old son. once he caught sight of me, he wan me to play with him. but really no mood with that MS making me system down.
guess we are in same boat. i no choice now depend heavily on my maid, and sometimes hubby to play with my boy. u staying at home too?

luz - Yup, SAHM again. Actually wanted to work liao...then, stuck 4D...he!he! No maids for us...so everything had to do myself lor. My son is 16 months now. So, if all goes well, the 2nd one will be of a 2 year gap. MS sucks...me can vomit till everything comes out.
