(2008/06) June 2008

I dun like avent teat, i find the milk flow is too fast. Actually for those who are bf, dun let yr bb take teat tat flow too fast or else he be impatient to suckle during latching. Its good to latch once or twice a day bec' then the bb has time to "send message" and milk can be adjusted to match bb requirements. according to some articles i read, BM will change according to the needs of bb and latching is the time when bb will "send msg" to breast and thus BM nutrients will change accordingly. this is why some articles said it is not good to depend totally pumping.


The glass bottle i got from hospital i didn't use in the end, too small quantity liao.


me and hb dun intend to go travel within 1 year cos bu fan xin bb le. won't u miss yr bb if u go overseas?


Milk bottles if sterilise too often shd be thrown away after some time cos its made of plastic.. i saw a TV program b4 suggesting to throw after few mths of use.
issit? which means we have to change the bottles after how long? wats the timeframe like?

like tat meaning got to buy new bottles?

PD clinic explain tat if want to take jab, recommend to take Hep B jab on 2nd mth then take 5-in-1 at 3rd mth cos 6-in-1 and 5-in-1 jabs both got fever risk. Then he said 3mth old take jabs will be safer, so tell us to let bb take hep B first then 3mth then take 5-in-1.

do yr MIL call u directly or talk through yr hb?

For me my MIL dun have my hp no i tink.. she always call my hb if need be. If i worry abt bb i will ask hb to call back to check.


i got a couple of bf problems during ML and sometimes in the middle of night i surf internet to find solution. tired n painful cos can't sit too long.
I took the rotavirus at GP. not PD. the GP I go is at sembawang mrt, beside 7-11. The clinic name is 7-11 sembswang station. something like that. Tel: 67557115. there are a few doc rotating duties. look for dr liau. he very good with kids. the rest of the doc not so good with kids. just like normal GP.

the GP ask me to give rotavirus during the 1st 6in1 jab liao. he say better. he himself got 3 young kids. I think he knows best... hee hee...

don't forget this sunday......
Felicia,Ellysia,Danryan...so i shld be taking 5 in 1 tis monday la...aiyo..too many liao..dono wat is wat..oni know they kp poking our bbs so often :x...
but te nurse told me to choose either 5in1 or 6in1 during the 3rd mth ..& ask me to take te 2nd dose HepB..?!!funny leh..duno she blur or i blur..theres jus so many types of jabs..pity te bb hor

yup but not in 1 - 2year, no cash and can't leave bb here too.


My bb got nipple confusion initially. Then my milk flow is also v slow but i tot is milk ss low. end up realise is milk flow slow. v pei chey at tat time. i almost want to give up bf then milk ss come in, but i gradually reduce FM until no need FM.
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, i suppose the milk bottle which need to be throw away after using for certain period is those non BPA bottles. If you're using BPA bottle, i think do not need to change so frequent, but for how long i'm not too sure.
Anyhow, my #1 is using Dr Brown which is BPA, i still change her bottle after she reach one year old when i found the bottle like bit yellowish.</font>

if u take 6-in-1, u no need to take Hep B jab cos its inside. if u take 5-in-1, have to take separate hep B jab. 6-in-1 is a new jab introduce to singapore (though not new world wide) while 5-in-1 has been introduced for some time ored.

I didn't check whether the feeding bottles are BPA or non BPA. But i will tink it safer to throw once few mths or 6mths.
Oic..hee...my ger was abit feverish last fri aft taking e 2nd dose of 6in1, then sun we brought her to amk hub, then mon she gana flu liao, took her to see PD that nite...then PD said she look like e precious moments bb dolls *faintz*..haha..

Really?means after using afew mths of the bottles, need to change new ones liao?
i basically just follow the health booklet immunisation schedule..hopefully i can book in advance the following months so tat i can plan my childcare leave...supposed to clear yr end.
yup, after she took e jab, when reach home, i imeediately let her drink liao...her 1st jab, she not feverish, this 2nd jab more li hai i guess..then she gana flu on sun, so poor thing...Her bi ti dripping, she also drooling...all wet wet lor..But heng flu okie liao...PD gave some cough n flu syrup, took liao she drowsy lor, slept within 15mins..
how to determine whether issit milkflow slow or ss low?

sometimes i wonder my bb got nipple confusion anot? haizz really dun know leh...
yesterday my bb gal have nose block, been crying non-stop for abt 1/2hr...after using KARVOL, she slept well then at 5am, she poo at last after 3 days......
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, i was looking back my previous posts, i think i'll make some mummies confuse. hehe...
I shl said bottle which is BPA free is safer to use.

Btw, i remember no long ago, Roxy had organise a spree in ordering BPA free milk bottle for storage purposes as it was the cheapest so far.
The brand is Evenflo. Can refer to below link:

the link doesn't mention pigeon and nuk.. me not sure. dunno need to change my feeding bottles or not. i got a lot a lot of pigeon storage bottles, dun intend to change if not v costly.
ellysia, pigeon has 2 types of bpa free bottles, one is glass &amp; the other one is yellow cap, can find in isetan &amp; taka. nuk dun have but gerber is under nuk &amp; they do have bpa free range. roxy did a spree for it.

shycloud, the common bottles we use are not bpa free. only specific ones
About the same wor. 100ml per 3 hourly. But the ss sometimes lesser, maybe bcos of stress. I sian by tinking of bringing bb for 2nd 6-in-1 jab. For her 1st jab, she was cranky the entire day and night. Keep crying lah and wants to be carried. Now, so much heavier liao. Siao liao.

1 year wor! I 6 mths happy liao, but bb already on partial FM since 3rd month onwards, about 2 feeds per day. My mum prefer to feed her FM cos easier to prepare. -.o" Then she claim that my bb likes FM better. Faint.
i think i can't make it to BF my gal till 6mths wor...coz now ms so little and she cannot latch anymore....she's crying when i try to give BF...

not like my #1, he BF till 14mths then expecting #2 have to stop liao...#2 only till he's 3mth old...my #1 till now still playing with my nipple hahahhaa...mayb he not enough Bf when his young hahahaha.....
I tink i better make a trip to robinsons to change of the bottles..

i read some forum postings tat pigeon storage bottles are BPA free.

NUK feeding bottles so far i find no confirmation whether is ok or not.

pigeon i understand got different types which i tink got 1 bottle at home is not safe. Recently i just bot 3 more pigeon bottles i am not sure if ok or not.
i just pumped out 150ml...hopefully 3 hrs later it still remain the same..

im also using pigeon storage bottles. but hor i still store milk in those feeding bottles leh can anot?
btw i also use the storage bottles to feed...safe?
<font color="aa00aa">ellysia, if i'm not wrong for pigeon with yellow cap is BPA free. Fyi, medela bottle is confirm BPA free but expensive lor.

shern, u r right! Lansinoh milkbags is BPA free. I just purchase not long ago and it was stated in the box.</font>
just to share, saw amazon selling lansinoh real cheap (someone doing spree) but packaging different so be careful wen buying, cos i think it might be old stock so dunno if bpa free

btw, pacifier &amp; sippy cups also have bpa free....

star, i every mth buy fr old navy, very addictive cos nice &amp; cheap heheh, jus closed 1 spree. sign up for email then can get $10 off if spend above $50
xris, it was great meeting u tat day, enjoy ur stay in japan
come in here often &amp; it'll seem like u're not away heheh
<font color="aa00aa">Shern, supposed the lansinoh u saw was BPA free. Coz just not long ago, i oso organise spree for Lansinoh milkbag from amazon. Though the picture does not stated BPA free, but the box i received had BPA free label. In fact quite cheap, coz each box cost around $9+ for 25pcs including shipping cost.</font>
just want to vent some frustrations here....

really buay tahan my senior manager. really angry. angry since yesterday. today she add oil to my fire. even more angry now!!!!!

my ms dropped yesterday. today also... i think ms affected by my mood....
tink its due to stress, dats y ms reduced lor..try to drink more water ya..Ya lor, guess bb dun feel well and feels more comfy if we carry them..U know wat, just now i call home, my MIL told me my bb SITTING on the sofa watching tv, i was like "huh, how can it be"?....hmm...SO i told her dun let her sit there cos her spine not strong enough yet wor..haiz..

cool down ger..DUn let them affect ur BM ya...

Hello Ladies
I'm back at work. Wow, still catching up wif my sleep after a Looooong Loooong rest. Finally settled.

Hmm... everything too new n they dun have Lactation Rm. Doing my milk squeezing in toilet. Luckily its clean. Usu able to have 250ml of milk at office. Initially tot my bb dun wnt to drink milk when i nt at hm. After reading, think could be due to thawed milk tat he's rejecting.

Ellysia, hi hi. We did just like wat soyabean describe, half hr b4 bathing, apply olive oil then after bath, took a narrow teeth comb to comb out the cradle caps.
