(2008/06) June 2008

yes, lunch.. and icecream? keekke..

icic.. i oso expect la.. unless stay firm n untempted n dun buy! haha.. but i tink quite difficult.. haha..

wah.. ur bb can go without for 6hrs.. i tink mine max is 4hrs or so.. 1hrs + staying awake after feed and 2+ to 3hr slping..
and wah wah wah.. ur bb can play on her own! my bb wont one lor.. we mus entertain him.. haiz..
tks ya...tink I try to get frm Leng Leng ya =D...tks so much..Now I waiting for Leng Leng's reply lor =D.

Yup, going compasspoint for lunch gathering lor..hehe...u wan come join us? the more the merrier...

okie, then i get frm u hor...later i go check ur hp no and sms u, then we liaise frm there ya..hehe...I stay at compassvale Lane =D...so are we nearby? I might be able to go over to ur place on sat evening leh...will u be at home?

wow, so fast 2mths liao hor..time flies...

Anyone's bb has not taken milk 6hrs through the nite? cos sometimes my ger can sleep frm 10pm to 4am without waking up for milk, then i will wake her up cos scare she over hungry leh...hee...
iamsnow: my milk ss v. low liao, sometimes afte 6 - 10 hrs can only pump 100ml...if 4-5hrs, only 60-70ml...what's engorgement! haha...would be happy if can hv that lor...at least means got milk...bb now 7 wks liao, drinking 120ml per 3hrs...BF totally fail lor...
Fei fei, no problem. Most important is that its convenience for you lor. Today I bought a bag from one mummy selling her BN bag in forum, she so nice, gave me a tube as she has excess. Now I dun have to buy additional one to give nanny liao, this FOC one can give her use. 1 tube 4oz can use for very long time as we just need a little bit to use per time.
nss, i didnt know you stay in woodlands too!thought most of the ladies stay in north east.which part of woodlands are you in then?

the sarong sling if for 1 month old, can use cradle hold or lying down hold, think the youtube is kangaroo hold
hehe... try b4 this Thur evening,
this friday I'm out of confinement,
not sure if this bird out of cage knows how to return home or not... hahaha...
Anyway, do call/sms to check if we are at home.

Compassvale Lane is just next precinct only right?
Which block?
hi ladies, thanks for sharing tips on the usage of sling! The youtube one seems very easy to use wor. Actually I tried on my bb today earlier before my posting. He cried...after that he spit some milk out. think i shouldn't try right after his feed. Haiz... wanted to bring bb out tml shopping after his 1st month jab. See how... if bo pian then hand carry....
tink u same as me lor, me also trying to hang on, Most of e time, bb on FM...but i tell myself at least bb had BM for more than a month lor...I taking fenugreek, drinking papaya soup with fish, taking med frm gynae, but MS still little..

ya lor, i can use 1tube for more than a mth lor..Wanted to buy extra so that i can pass 1 tube to my mil lor...so nice of the mummy hor...u bot a diaper bag?
hehe..congrats, bery fast out of jail liao..hee
Blk 207B Compassvale Lane...Where is precinct??!

mylittleprince/ ladies,
so far, i wanted to bring my bb out but hor, if handcarry , bery tedious leh..Also duno hor leh...Her neck is quite strong but I still dun dare to put her in those carriers yet leh..Any advise?
feifei: me also started on fenugreek, but no increase also...my mum kept nagging me, say i nv latch on bb of coz no ss..but hor, when i latch on, bb cry for milk more often...then she'll say i got let bb drink enuff or not? wah lau...damn sian...
rem to burp BB after feed hor...

jail... hehe...
precinct is those "clusters" lor...
1 precinct will have 1 or 2 carparks...

207B is near the coffee shop (Blk 206) is it?
The precinct with child care center?
hehe..chim lor..hehe...

opp the coffee shop lor, mine are those pink blocks with the green metal at the windows de =D... its near to Rangung LRT station.
hmm.. for those who use desitin cream.. do u find it difficult to wash or wipe off ar? i always cant totally wipe it off..
I think I know where u stay.

BB usually dozed off much easily if we latch on directly,
cause very cosy, comfortable and warm.
Keep BB latched on, & try to make BB drinks while "sleeping",
tap tap your breast or BB's chin,
massage BB's palm... HTHs.
Fennie, I don't stay in WL, but in YewTee - 3 mrt stops away only

Sarong sling - I tried just now with cradle hold, bb Jaret got very hungry and angry
Hope he dont get hungry every time I try to sarong sling him

Leng Leng, u can tag along if go hols. My J&J can play with ur ABC. lOl
in fact , your bb sucking/latching can produce more milk then pumping, because pumping require skills & the type of pump also play a part,until now I also have problem latching bb on, but I am still trying, i know the feeling when mum or mil asked is it bcos not enough milk,or when bb cry, they will say milk time, hope you will not give up, perserve, jiayou!
hi veniz
i also have the free photograph at bishan. not sure if it's good. and of cos i believe they will want us to sign up some packages. i am actually quite keen to bring my boy for photoshots maybe when he starts to crawl...i quite like this studio dphotolio...something.
if got mummies interested, then we can get them to quote us better price.
hi aprilmum,
i will do my best to make it on that day. can u pm me your contact and give me a reminder too.
thanks so much.
I personally find that pumping milk is more tiring, bcos after every pump, need to wash n sterilise the pump for next use, i went thru 5 days of that bcos my bb had to be be FM due to jaundice n no weight gain since birth, it's been so tiring, feeing him FM, and then pump out milk,especially in the middle of the night

then what do you do when you go out with bb, if you give bb EBM?

I ever experienced my #1 scratched himself when he had no mittens on, and he cried, bcos bb's fingernails are very thin n therefore very sharp
BayCupid - Keep trying...jia yu! After awhile, you will find it so easy!!!

nss - Your #1 also 2 years old ah? So, how do you manage when 2 demands your 100% attention? Yes, you can use the sling for a NB. Can watch the vidz from youtube also.
u can try to drink papaya soup. in fact, take lots of fluid. i think it does help a bit. at least for me lah.... else, can take fenegreek.
hi ladies! im a MTB due in September. May I know if any of you gave birth via elective c-section at east shore? if so, can you share how much did your bill come up to be (with or without surgeon's fee), and how much did you pay in cash after medisave?
hi babycupid
i agree with u, i also read an article from i think huggies website or magazine, better not to let bb wear mitten after 6wk cos it will affect their growth. n the nerves is interlink to their brain.

think abt it, just like animals, if u keep restrict to them to a small cage or pond, they will only grow to that size e.g tortoise and fish. but if leave them in the sea, they can grow unlimited. likewise, in the olden days ladies tie their feet so that it will remain small cos no area to grow. but once they open up, their feet will grow.

hope the example is ok. not very good in expressing.

Hi Fennie,
me staying near the swimming pool, Blk 174 (Marsiling MRT). My bb is 6 wks old tml.

Hi Aprilmum,
Sengkang.. far leh.. i dun drive leh.. Haha.. When u all meeting, let me know so I can prepare in advance.

Hi Leng Leng,
Thks on the advise on the teat.
hi mummies

btw, i am consolidating orders for coach bags to save on shipping cost. Will be ordering from my friend staying in US. if you are keen, pls pm me. you may select from www.coach.com. thanks.

do let me know by next thur 24 july.
can be arranged,
do let Benson know when both of you have decided.

original have higher zinc oxide, more for serious nappy rash,
creamy is for daily usage.

have you been resting well?
drinking about 3L of water a day?

u r most welcome.
nss, you stay Yew Tee, near my mum's and aunt's house. I will be going back to mum's house tomorrow though of going Lot 1 to have lunch, a few new restaurants there since I went during preggie time.

Feifei, the mummy who gave me the creamy is nice. I bought a lesportsac diaper bag from her since she has no use so she very happy to get it off her hands thus I got my free creamy.

Jenny, for the studio photo packages, you can check with the business In Charge if you can arrange BP for more discount or value added services/items. I joined 1 BP organised by a MTB last few months in photo-shooting during our preggie period. Worth it and didn't buy extra prints coz kept telling myself very ex, just chose the nicest ones can liao. Waw, you so fast doing coach private spree liao, I was still thinking of asking you to help me buy next mth, coz this mth before 28th pockets already burnt with big holes. Will let you know before 24th Jul my order.

BabyCupid, dun apply too much. In fact, I always wipe twice before I can get the creamy off. I only use it during baby's bathing time and evening wipe down time, not everytime when I change diaper coz baby's genital area quite ok, not red.
cant put baby on carrier as its not very good for their spine... somebody told mi tat one...

bringing baby out without pram or sling maybe quite tedious as hand maybe tiring... if short hours shouldnt be a prob....
I dun think can make it liao.. going genting leh.. back on the 26....
Maybe next time... waiting for veniz to orgainse hi tea... :D
Hi Mummies
BB have pimple all over the face, already spread to the back. Tried 'xue hua kao' but no use.

I need Ameda Breast Pump Valve x4 & Ameda Breast Pump Silicone Diaphram x2. Would like to order Insulated Lunch-Style Tote also. Let me knw how much & i will tt to u. Thanks for organising..

How r u doing? Really admire ur courage of taking care of 3. I tik my main problem for BM supply could be not drinking enough water, will need to hav more water parade liao.
Maybe u can go Macau then fly over to bkk. Air ticket quite cheap lei & also very relaxing trip.
Did u submit online for ur bb passport application? Was thinking of taking the photo myself & getting it done by this week but dont know if i knw how to sort out on the resolution thingy...
Wow! u going Genting har? Really envy... My friend ask me to join him on 8th Aug but BB got 6 in 1 jab on that day, dun dare to take risk lor..
i dunno how to take baby photo cos she sleep the whole day leh... cant really take a pic of her...

Yep going to genting... jus a short getaway... ask your fren to either postphone or make it earlier if possible...
Your bb can entertain herself for so long? Envy.. My ger is oso starting to stare into the sky and lights, but 30 mins and I laugh liao. It felt so much like an achievement when she finally learn how to entertain herself. :p
My ger turns 2 months on 12 Jul. Currently 4.2kg. Weight increased from 2.55kg at 1 month, hehe.

Re: mittens
i still let my ger wear booties leh. This will keep her feet warm. I took out the mittens when she was almost 2 months. But realised that she will scatch herself esp when she's cranky. -.o"
Its really not easy taking photo of bb. Sometimes i hold on to my cam till my arm aches.
Maybe u might need ur hb to help u lor... one get really wif cam & the other opening bb diaper
