(2008/06) June 2008

Are you or hb the formal students? Too far so chances slimmer. PV do not guarrantee seats now cos many PV and the parents from China also joining the PV.

Xingnan is near 900++ blocks. Opp NTU.

No wor, not formal students. Church is affiliated but I must go study n join church as member 1st. Church member under phase 2b, same as pv. If cannot get into Fairfield, then prob one of the neighborhood school Liao. Stress.
ya, need to plan early. Furthermore, Jurong having young population and lots of foreigner thus v competitive.

Oh, do u have to do anything as church member?

Got any chinese enrichment class to reccomend?
My dear Reanne speaks like an "ang mo" speaking mandarin...and we hardly speak mandarin at home.
Any good ones around the west? TIA
Go read e kiasu parents forum n u will realize that there r so many more kiasu parents out there. No longer about getting into e choice pri school but also to prep them for pri school n all e different enrichment program comes in. I read liao so gan cheong. Haha.

Baptise with church. Must take course b4 can baptise de. But I will scout around jw area too cos ffmps is very far away. If phase 2b needs balloting, I prob cannot get in due to distance. Maybe have to b pv in one of the jw pri sch den decide which one to register.

I m looking at phonics now. Will look at Chinese enrichment after she master her English. Dd also speak mandarin airbag English slang. Lol.
I guess is more to practice.
They speak English in school and watch English cartoons.

We speak chinese to him so I can see he really improve a lot now. Last time the CC said his Chinese v bad,angmo slant.

Why don't u tried to speak Chinese to them.

You can try Berries/ Hua language..heard that not bad wor..Charlotte sama with Reanne cos speak english, then for her mandarin hor, onli can speak basic one, I am trying to get more chinese vcds for her to watch liao...Can you imagine when we call her by her chinese name, she duno we are calling HER!..faintz so now in sch, her teachers call her by her chinese name =).

How are u coping with 2 kids now?

Hows your boy now? Liked the sch?

hehe..i agreed lor...Realyl have to prepare them for Pri 1, if not, they will be the ones to suffer lor..
My girl refused to reply me when I speak to her in mandarin. Otw, she will reply me in English. Lol.
But she will try to speak to my mum in mandarin wor. So I asked my mum to speak to her more in mandarin then to use broken English. My dd picked up loads of werid prounication from my mum n purposely use them in front of us. When we correct her, she got the cheek to tell us it is cos popo speaks that way. Faint.
U wokeup at 4am+?

Haiz, char also like that lor, spoke broken english, mix cantonse plus hokkien...hiaz..

Hv u decided which enrichment sch to enrol shauna?
Yes, he had adapted to the school well. So will let him stay.

ur gal v smart. Still can tell u popo speak that way.

I was almost vomit blood when I ask my boy question. eg below but in mandarin.
Ask : school fun or not
Reply : School fun hao liao

ASk: what do u eat?
reply : Eat hao liao

Ask: Do u play water in school?
reply : play water hao liao

He just repeat wat I said and put "hao liao" behind. Not sure how to ask him question about school. Will ur gal tell u wat she sing or play in school?

My boy enjoy watching youtube on iphone now. CAn watch for 2 hrs or more. Very worried will affect his eye sight.

By the way how do people teach 我 & 你?

Thanks. Will check them out. My own mandarin is horrible. haha..anyway, just like Shuana...she will reply me in English only.

I am coping alright....just pretty numb about them getting sick lor. Hiaz.


I signed up for Zoophonics at Blk 502 Jurong west yesterday. Lets see how it goes....

My son also have the same problem as distinguish btw you and me in Chinese/English. I am trying to explain to him. He has grasp some but not all context.

At least yr son answer u. My son sometimes dun answer me and easily distraced by some other things. On Mon CC bring them to see the ugly duckling at DBS art centre. when he came back very happy and try to tell me things. I ask him

Q:Do you watch ugly ducking?

Q: do you enjoy the concert?
A: Yes

Yest i ask him whether he like grandma and he nod his head, ask him whether like hb and he also nod. ask him whether like mummy, he think very long and only nod after i repeat the question twice....

Teacher says his speech development slower than 3yr old devt. We making him tok more nowadays.
But when i ask him abt sch, he usu no reply.

Q: Do you like school?

Q: What do you learn in school?

Q: what do you eat in school?

Q: do you eat carrot?
My boy is the opposite. we speak so much Chinese at home, he can't understand/answer well in English now. Haiz...
Thought they talk to kids in English in CC? My boy understand instruction in english so we just talk to him in chinese. Hopes he can expose to 3 languages daily.
=)...Its like that hor, i also bery scare char falling sick kind...Hiaz but guess no choice cos its part and parcel of theor growing up ;p.

Zoophonics not bad, char been with them for more than 6 mths and i can see she is learning well =). When is your ger starting?

Yest char's teacher called me, told me char is abit slower in speech than soem of the kids of her age and so she is mixing char more to those who can already speak very well. I was like "uh?" Cos char been bery talkative to us, but of cos, spoke to us in english, sometimes, she still speaks in her own bb language..

Please dun let your boy watch youtube for long hrs on iphone cos recently i realise char been straining her eyes esp when she watches tv. So I will be bringing her for an eye test this sat, just hope that she is not getting shang guang cos I can't imagine her wearing specs so young =(..
My eye sight not good the next day after I used iphone at night. Not sure is it due to the screen protector or wat. If I nvr give him the iphone, he refuse to take dinner. Quite worried cause both parents wear specs and he can see youtube for 2hrs + till battery flat. Chances for them to wear r very high , hope not at this age.

Is it accurate to test eyes at this age? Heard at 4.

I went to the animal resort b4. Nonthing much and the horse will bite. My boy scared to touch the animals, end up left after 30 mins or lesser.

Ur case same as mine cos hb and I wear specs and my power bery high...thats y we are worried that char will wear specs now..hiaz..I became more worried aft I read this thread..


Yes, at least wan to hv a piece of my mind, i just wan to know whether is char having lazy eyes or really gana shang guang, detect early, try to cure early if can =D..

Horse WILL BIte?? OMg..but anyway, I will be go ing with my ger so not too bad..hehe.. =D..

I tink my ger will be facinated to see the animals but of cos, she bery timid one =D..

So far, I liked her sch alot because the teachers are responsible and e instructions I gave they really followed =D.
Wah, this thread suddenly alive.

My son torture me lor. Still wakes up once a night to latch leh. Recently worse, 2x bcos of e hot weather. He got baby eczema, woke up scratching n crying, then refused to all.

Shauna's speech is very much ok just that she's still very shy. Haiz.

Can update me how is zoophonics? I m thinking of signing up shauna too.

Re: iPhone
It is addictive. Shauna also loves iPhone! Can watch you tube for super long! Sometimes refused to sleep.
Calling for Connie and Roxy!
I know probably too early, but I am recently on the exploring of JW primary school and wanted to get some feedback. Have you all tot about which primary school to send your kids already?

Within 1 km from me = Jurong West, West Grove and Ju Ying. Xingnan is 1 to 2 km away.
JW and WG are very popular last year. Actually, academically wise, except for Rulang, which is super good, I think the rest of the primary schools in JW are all about the same wor. I am thinking if I should PV at WG but last year, many parents who PVed still get balloted out, even though staying < 1 km from school. XN no need to ballot base on history and makes me wonder why is it so unpopular. JW is not fantastic academically but very popular last year.

You mentioned that XN is not too bad. Why huh?
Heard JW and WG PSLE marks around 265-269. Subjective cause not sure is the student who score this mark is smart or afford by school. I was thinking if they can score this type of grade, school should be ok.

XN near NTU and heard some professor put their kids there so will it be better? Also subjective and ur kids are competiting with theirs.

If not wrong, Roxy looking at Rulang cos hb is ex-students. Under which pharse?

Will u b keen to join grass root? Think chances higher. I'm thinking of grass-root cos can have 2 choice. JW n WG. My friend don't bother to PV at WG since PV still ballot. PV under pharse 2B and within 1km also phrase 2B? What is the diff?
Just happen to read connie msg on P1 reg. If u do PV, u will b under Phase 2B. Within 2b, there will b <1km,>2km. If you dun do PV, u will b phase 2C. And as usual, it's sub divided into 3 categories based on distance from school.
There is this index in the kiasu parent forum (KSP) on academic results for many primary school. No doubt Rulang is one of the top notch ones. The rest of the primary school not much difference. WG is the best out of the neighbourhood schools and JW actually at the very bottom leh. JW and XN happen to publish their last year's PSLE top result on their website and I think about 10% of their cohort achieve PSLE scores about 250 (about 19 students for JW and 21 for XN). So I think the standard about the same bah. I also heard that actually WG and JW are very popular bcos of their location, surrounded by many HDB flats. Not sure how true.

Roxy looking at Rl and hb old boy ah. Sure get in liao, under p2a. No need to ballot at all lor. Haiz, that is the problem when hb and I both dun grow up in JW. My SIL is a Nan Hua old girl, so no problem for her kids too.

Not keen to join class root leh, cos I heard need alot of committment. Have to be active in order for them to give recognition and some letter for p2b wor. If not active, join also no use. I dun think I have time to attend their regular meeting + actively participate in their activities lor. I have 2 kids to look after leh.
Muffin is right about the segregation. If do PV, then have 2 chance lor, p2b and if cannot get, can try in the same school in p2c.

RL is definitely out for me. Too popular liao n I dun think I want to subject that kind of stress for DD.

Have you tot about which school you will be exploring for your boy? I think JW will be out for me. I am looking at WG or XN now. Then again, I duno for sure where they are located, I might change my mind later. ;p
Grass root also p2b. No different btw grass root and OV. Just that grass root can be in p2b for any school within that GRC but PV only with that particular school.
When it comes to p2b, if the number of vancancy is enuff to take all the applicants, then no need to ballot. However, if the not, then balloting will take place. The school will accept those <1km> 2km. For e.g, 40 vacancies under 2b and total applicants = 60. If 20 applicants are <1> 2 km, no chance at all for those > 2 km. The 30 who are 1 to 2 km will ballot for the 20 places.
Clear? Hehe. I have done my homework leh.
School selection is really an art and strategy game lor.
I mean during balloting, the school will accept those < 1km 1st.
So distance to school becomes important if demand more than supply.
@Connie: I think schools have separate space allotted to grass roots. As time commitment for grass roots is high, I think need to be v active and hold certain portfolio, few people qualify, so in that sense it is "easier"

Frankly, I think is wrong for school to accept so many PVs that PV still need to ballot. Dont the school know roughly how many space they have? Why accept more than those number of spaces?
I thot I recall your hb is ACS boy? No? If yes, just put him there...
I also read abit cos my gal this year doing her P1 reg.
So where are u putting your gal?

For the school, the more PV the better especially now no guarrantee secure seats. Especially in west where so many bb around.

I aiming for WG cos only 1 traffic light away only. location convenient so that they don have to wake up so early. If not, nvr think of others yet. XN need to take bus 99 to reach but morning v packed. JW need to walk n no bus there from my side. think behind pioneer mall ba.

My boss said min 2 yrs so if I join next yr will be ok. Not sure how active I will be, now still thinking. If I plan for a dragon, then will have issue in time management. Where to ask about what activity they have and wat do we need to do? My BIL seem v busy with the activity lor.
No wor, my hb same as me, from ulu, ulu primary sch de. :p
I read no specific space allocated for grassroots leh. All 2b, equal chance base on distance. Difficult for sch to accurately speculate how many spaces for pv, but I agreed they can roughly estimated n dun take so many pv as free labor.
I think need quite a lot of time wor. I read from one of e thread that how fast u get e "executive offr", which qualify u for p2b will b dependent on how active u r.
U hv to b promoted to an exective offr b4 u r eligible for p2b. I read tat a letter will b given when u attained that status. E promotion is dependent on how active u r n not e length of service tat u r an rc member wor. So join now also no use if u r not active. There is a thread in e kiasu forum, u can go find out more. I didn't read e entire thread cos I noe I no time to b active in rc.
Hi ladies,

I brot char to hv her eyes check on sat and
is cfm that she has to wear specs! . Haiz,
the person refer us to Gleneagles to look for Dr Pauline
for a further snd more acuurate check so that we
can get a proper and accurate specs for char.

So upset when I know abt it coz she is not even 3yr old
and need to suffer e hassel wif e specs . Haiz
Oh no... But at least find out early. She strain her eyes while watching YouTube on iPhone? Shauna loves iPhone. I was worried too that the constant playing of iPhone will affect her eyesight. Can only hope that she get my genes. I dun take special care of my eyes since young but somehow no need glasses.
Hope her degree only mild n no need glasses now.
Oh dear. Will it b accurate? Make me v worry for my boy. I better change e protector film tonight. He insist don wan Thomas cd , wan you tube. How?
Morning ladies..

Ya lor, at least hope to control frm increasing lor..Yes, she will strain her eyes on iphone and while watchign tv. Thats y we brot her for a check.. Ya lor, rem to let her take a break aft watching abt 30mins on e iphone ya..

Ya lor, at first e lady told me its 500+ degree!! I got a shock, then she told me their equipments has abt 200 degree diff so its 300+..hiaz.. U can try to tell ur boy, ur iphone spoil lor, u purposely off the phone so that the screen go black, tell him, spoil liao, buy tmr, ..if not hor, i worried might end up like Charlotte leh...
Hi to All Mummies,

Am looking for Enfagrow 1.8kg etc (Netherlands) bought from local stores, do let me know if you've any excess that you would like to clear off, would be keen to take all if the price's ok. =)

Pls PM me if you've any.
ya lor, needs to wear glasses liao but I will be bringing her to Gleneagles for a throughout check by Dr Pauline first to get e correct power for her specs..
Zu En

For yr son eczema, suggest tat u apply either QV cream or physiogel daily esp after bath, can reduce the scratching. My boy has eczema and we were advised by doc to apply these creams.
I attended a talk on myophia, the doc said young children nowadays v prone.. then they got methods to stop or reduce the increase of degree, best to start as early as discover.
connie and feifei

Yah in cc they teach English, but my boy also start expose to English at 20mths when he go in.. when he go in cc, he totally cannot understand wat the English teacher is saying. The English teacher v bei chey we didnt teach him English at home. The Chinese teacher v happy bec' she says most kids can't understand Chinese bec speak English at home. Cos my hb think that Chinese is harder to master, so he want to start with Chinese first. tats why my son English is not as good lor.
300+ is 1 eye..

I tink u can brign him to enrichment classes later on to brush up on his english wor =).
Tried QV, didnt work for Isaac. Haiz.

We try to stop Shauna from using iPhone recently and she threw tantrums every night!

hiaz,...mayb can still watch but a limit lor,..Yest went excursion with char's sch, saw that no kids in e prenursery wearing specs so she will be the one and only one,can't help feeling upset..
