(2008/06) June 2008

these few days since he start full day cc me v tired.. got to rush back to cook his dinner while hb fetch him, so he ate his dinnner late then v soon sleep time leh. poor ting he at cc for 12hrs frm 7am to 7pm.

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,

Every kids is diff. Some can 'adapt' quite fast, so dont be scare off by my 1 year case.
Well, i think is quite common for kids to fall sick no matter they r in playgroup or CC.
We can only help to build up their immune system and practise hygiene all the times to reduce the frequency of falling sick.

U know now my #1 occassionally will still hv mild coughing case, or flu, but quite fast recover. But then my #2 will kena the virus and got sick for a longer period. So in comparison, my #1 immune system is getting stronger, but #2 is still building up her immune system.
Even heard about when one fall sick, their body is actually building up some good virus to attack bad virus, so they can be stronger.
But of course when the sickness is getting worst then is not a good news anymore coz that means ur body good virus is not able to defend the bad virus. Thats when normally doc will prescribe anti biotic. Thats wat i heard from a doc oso. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
If u still remember that when my #1 enrol into CC, i also always complain in here about her keep falling sick. I was a frequent KKH visitor since then. And is always a sure monthly visit.
My gers oso been diagnosed hvin mild bronchitis , so is quite common they hv cough, phelgm and flu. Coz all this is a result from weak lung.
From TCM view, chicken meat is a no no when one is coughing. Egg oso. So normally i'll avoid this food when my ger is hvin coughing.</font>
hi mommies, like to find out the types of medicine that your bb used to take. mine at 16mth old now, is given oral syrup of Klacid antibiotic, oral syrup of Ventolin, oral syrup of Actified and oral syrup of Rhinotiol Plains. The PD did not prescribe her nebuliser this round. If your bb is on this medication as indicated, can let me know the effectiveness and how long your bb takes to recover from the medication? does your bb has difficulty with breathing (with mouth open to breath and the "hehe" sound) as well as phlegmy chest even when on the oral syrup medication?

My bb previously at 3mth old was given nebuliser by dr ngiam at sbcc, but this round switch to another new pd at sbcc, she is given medication all on oral syrup form instead.
Although I knw its nt advisable. I got fed up n made her stand in e corner. Actually I dunno why standing at corner is a scary thing, but its a sure work method to punish kids for their mistakes. Haha. I think I better go buy the super nanny book soon.

Aiyoh, ur boy power leh. Like Lengleng suggest, insist he finish e meal before u change him. My gal if wet herself with water or soup nowadays, I let her soak in wetness for awhile to punish her so she knows. SOmetimes she play with water n wet herself, she knows she'll nt get change, so she dare nt tell me nowadays until I discover it. And she goes, "Wet wet. Notti." I dunno to luff or to be angry sometimes.

I know promethazine is commonly used for running nose n cough. So if your boy is taking tt, den should be fine. But if it's nt, better call e clinic n check.

The reason why I switch from Dr Ngiam to Dr Phuah or Dr Ong is becos Dr Ngiam like to prescribe nebuliser, which contains ventolin tt some drs claimed to affect growth in height in children. So the other time when he made my gal go for that, I rejected it n tell myself its the last time I'm there. I like Dr Ong n Dr Phuah frm SBCC, at least they dun prescribe nebuliser.
Your gal so cute. My boy ok wif wet wet lor. Last nite, let him drink water before sleep. He got the bed and his top wet. He was playing with the teats until tired and almost fall asleep. When he crawl to lie on me then I notice his cloths all wet. Change for him but the bedsheet, I don bother and let the aircon dry it.

Meal time
I do shout on him occassionally cos he is beyong my control. He want to play with food n soup nowaday. Can't get him sit properly to eat a meal. Yesterday, I give him a few soup of rice to feed himself but once he saw his soup, no rice liao. Want the self feed soup. Only start feeding him after he is enough of all the nonsence. So I told my maid, only take some soup will do. Balance leave to the end. It do works. At least I won't waste so much food n I don have a hungry boy lor.

My gal also want the soup.will shout if don give her. Only give her a few spoon cause she is only 7 mths. Some say infant can only take chinese herbs after 4 yrs old. So blurr...... liao.

As what felicia said. TCM don recommend chicken n egg. Some food to avoid as below :
Chicken : cough
Egg : Phegm
Rice :fever (same for adult)
Prawn : Not TCM said one, my maid said not good. forget why liao.
Fish : cough (u can see the EYS also state that in the baoyindan package)
Bocoli/onion/cucumber : Stomach wind (If I take, my ger will have stomach wind so I reduce intake. Not sure does it affect infant if they take)

Do add on if you know.
Hi Tinkerbelle, pls share with me what type of medication did Dr Phuah and Dr Ong prescribed for your bb? Now, since you mention about growth and height affected, i oso dun't know for how long i should let my bb takes the oral syrup ventolin prescribed? what kind of recovery signals that i should know to stop bb from the ventolin as this doctor never say when to return for follow-up? how long more to take the ventolin syrup? Please advise me. thanks.

my boy had brochitius and wheezing (the 'hehe' sound), presribed roughly the same med as yrs. it took him 2-3 days to recover but he oso had a neburaliser taken at kkh b4 the medicine.

the oral syrup for tis time is for 1 week dosage i tink. the last time is 5 days dosage.
felicia n connie

his cc cook chicken almost every meal how to avoid? so no choice still have to take chix lor.

ang moh articles say can eat chix though.
hi, steam apple and pear for bb to eat during flu and cough attack if fruits is a must to eat. nutrients may be gone, but at least there's still fibre to help bb pooh as medication can obstruct a bit of bowel movement.

hi ellysia,
you said your bb took 2-3 days to recovered with the "heehee" sound totally gone on the 3rd day itself? but, did your bb continue to finish the 1 week oral syrup of ventolin even after the "heehee" sound is gone? Did your bb also require to go back for follow-up after the 1 week or withing that 3rd day of attack? Please advise me.
My gal very whinny kind. Little bit she will whine n repeat wet wet all e way. Buay tahan her.

For all medication be it chinese or western, I always believe in limitation and dilution so that our body will nt learn to depend on it.

U try to let your boy feed himself loh. When I first started self feeding with my gal, I let her hold her spoon while i scoop up onto her spoon so she dun spill. Only lately she is more confident in scooping from bowl, den I let her do it herself. Of cos she still mess up, but i think its a learning process, so let her be.

Wah, so many med since young leh, I forgot the name liao cos usually I throw away the bottle after that. Only remember tt the latest cough med is Bambec. Usually I go for GP to get their med first, only if I see no recovery in process, then I'll see Dr Ong or Dr Phuah. And usually I'll bring the GP med with me when I see the PD so they don't ended up giving me the same medication as GP.

As for the growth and height issue, there are alot of arguements in regards to ventolin usage. If u google it, it is unlikely tt u can find reports on this also. But I obtained this information because my hb is also asthmatic since young and the doc in KKH did told him tt ventolin will affect height growth. And the arguement for this report on growth after I discussed wif several doctors is because Ventolin might leave some strange taste in the mouth, thus affecting the appetite, in which perhaps the appetite being affected is the reason for growth issue, but non of this had been officially reported as height issues also depends on the family genes.

Fo ventolin usage, it is usually upon demand. Once e wheezing stop, then u should stop ventolin because one of the reported side effect is the Unexpected narrowing of the airways (paradoxical bronchospasm) which might worsen the condition. So make sure u exercise caution when giving ventolin to your child.
MOrning ladies..

My ger has high fever on sat lor..hiaz..really freaked me out, most terrible thing is she refused to take e med, end up no choice, hv to force feed again..hiaz...Let her take Nurofen and she started sweating and then fever subsides instantly...Hiaz...so heartpain to see her fall sick every wk...I guess thats e -ve effect of cc + her last molar teeth lor..hiaz..

Ya lor, the EYS lady told me cannot let bbs eat egg, chicken,fruits and biscuits when they hv cough lor...

Really thanks so much for your help ya =)...
Is she better now? My boy not sure is it teething, HB commend that he have a lot of surliva.

My boy kanna bitten by a 18 mths boy las Friday. Infront of me somemore. the bite left a mark on his hand. He cry immdiately after the bite n I show the teacher, they ask me to apply cream after reach home. The 18 mths boy is teething. The reply a bit funny lor.
The head also got 3 mark, hb say cannot be bite cos noone will bite the head. haiz
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!

Yes, western and chinese always have diff view. So you'll be the best person to know what your kid is ok with and what is not.
Like my gers, when they r coughing especially with phelgm, i have to totally stop them from eating banana (especially Del Monte type). There's once my hubby gave YuJie banana when she's coughing, ended up that nite, her coughing got worsen. So now banana is a forbidden food when they r coughing. Even normal days, i'll limit their intake.

Hope that Char is much better now.</font>
hi ladies!

haha, the case u told me of the ah-ma bringing to school despite HFMD also very extreme. guess like u said, got to be prepared for more of these cases.

oh trip planning is something i usu ask my hubby to do, keke. cos he's teacher and used to planning. quite headache to plan esp when travelling in a big group, cos the itinerary got to try and accommodate everyone. :p

have a good trip! so exciting, am sure the 2 girls will be very excited too, esp your older one.
as for the plane, did u book the night flight? if not, maybe can ask ND girl how she did it, hehe. i saw from FB she brought her girl to europe and that's like a 12-14 hour flight. pei fu man,i think i will be half dead before the trip starts, haha.

aiyo, dun mention lah, also never help much except to ask how char is. hehe. i saw from FB that her fever has subsided so din follow up after that. so she's back in school or resting one more day.

i also think my boy is teething. keeps putting his finger into his mouth to scratch his gum and also tried to bite me and my helper.

did the teacher correct the boy who bit your boy?

my boy was also prescribed ventolin and his cough was not even the wheezing kind. the explanation given was that ventolin helps to open up the airways and prevent bronchitis. din know about the growth hindering part. hmm, maybe next time i ask more.
tks ger...fever no more liao but still hv some dry cough lor...

Ahyo, bitten by the boy?oh dear..they were fighting for toys?

Tks ger..I let her rest today so she is going bk to sch tmr lor...really so xintong that each time hv to force feed her..hiaz..Ahyo, maybe ur boy also having molars coming out?
hi, thanks for the ventolin infor. i'll check with pd the next time bring bb back for review. yesterday, sent bb to kk emergency to check as i don't know how to tell between a wheezing and a nose blocked with phlegm breathing. kk doc said no wheezing but sent bb for xray due to phlegmy chest. diagnosed mild pneumonia eg: chest infection. given a different types of antibiotic and oral ventolin with chloraphenaramine. seems to be working as bb can suck milk bottle better and sleep well compared to medication given by private bb pd.
No,the teacher did not.

They are wearing shoe after the nap to go for a walk. My boy and the other boy are standing at the gate, suddenly, that boy run over, grap my boy right hand and bite it.

Thought Del monte not advisable for children. So far, only give small banana but not del monte brand. They say pregnant also not advisable to take it.

Did u let yr baby take pneumonccal vaccine? Shd take it.

I check with my hb's doc fren, he say ventolin can be stop if wheezing stop. We stop the medicine after 3 days (let him took 1 more day in case).

Our next follow up visit is 1 month later. KKh didn't ask us to go back after 1 week. I rem when he had 1st bronchitis, doc says to go back only if his wheezing doesn't recover after 5 days of ventolin. But his wheezing recover around 4 days of ventolin tat time, so we didn't go back. But his cough still persisted for few weeks.


KKH says ventolin given is mild and has no side effects.. my boy also been given when he had bronchitis recently.

feifei &amp; Felicia

I only stop watermelon &amp; chicken. Egg no need to mention since he is allergic ored, so we won't be giving anyway. Told sch to stop chicken but i worried no meat for him to eat since sch only serve chix &amp; fish but fish is v seldom.
<font color="aa00aa">Connie,
I din know that del monte is not suitable for kids. Anyhow, last time, my hubby only give half of it to my gers. Now i totally forbid del monte for them.

No choice if chicken meat is making our kids cough more. I'm sure the teacher will give more oth food to YuZhe. Then at home, you can cook more pork meat for him. At long as he stop coughing, can resume back the chicken meat de.</font>
Sisen brown rice
Like to check, after we cook the rice, should be watery or like those we feed baby texture?I kept putting in the water but seem not enough.

Yesterday use the tiger jar to cook in the morning, by 8pm, it evolve a smell. Means the cereal cannot warm too long?
Morning ladies..

The brown rice should be sticky type and not watery type leh...hmm..I know brown rice cannot keep more than 6hrs lor, if not will hv a smell and it might be thicken de..

My mil just called me, told me char dun let her leave lor..I tink its becos during e wkends and yest she was at home lor...dats y she wants my mil to accompany her now lor..

Usu after a long break, there be separation anxiety again.

Usu on monday, my boy is most sticky to me. dun want to be put down, until teacher offer to carry him.

I get the ikan bilis si sen brown rice (rabbit brand) but he dun like it. whole bottle wasted.


It is sticky type.
I no keep it too long before.
But any food keep too long will have a smell and not nice to eat.


Yest nite he is wheezing again, i give ventolin..
then tis morn got phlegm, he cough but can't get it out. Haiz.
<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
Wanna check with you, for YuZhe's ezcema, you are seeing whick doctor? Is a skin specialist?
Coz it has been quite sometimes that YuJie having redness behind her ear. I try to applied Calendula cream, but the redness is like on and off. Sometimes she's very itchy and scratch it till got blood. So thinking to bring her to see skin specialist. Any recommend doc around AMK area?

<font color="aa00aa">Ellysia,
I just remember i ever heard someone mentioned before there's a kind of medicine that actually will help to dispel the phelgm via poo poo. Maybe u wanna check w the PD.
I realised our kids still not good in spit out the phelgm. Thats why take longer time to recover.</font>

I remember SBCC at AMK give a powder medicine which is v good for phelgm. But expensive to go there again leh.

KKh only give ventolin, didn't want to give any medicine for the phelgm. I am giving Rhinatoria at the moment, but dunno want to give Bambec or not..
Ya, it's quite common after long weekend for the kids to reject cc plus she's just started not long ago. After some time, they shld be ok even after a long break, at least my boy now is ok even after a long break.

Ellysia, Felicia,
the med that pd gave to dispel phlegm was flumicil. Orangey tasting fluid. Quite effective.

Is flumicil in a green colour box? i remember he also give a green colour box (besides the powder).. also good.
yes, flumucil helps to dispel phlegm. my gynae prescribed to me when trying to conceive (as it helps to increase lubrication) and also during pregnancy when i always have had cough &amp; phlegm.

maybe, i should ask bb doc to prescribe flumucil instead of rhinotiol plains.

i just don't know why bb docs doesn't believe in dispelling phlegms. i have asked 2 diff bb docs and they keep saying phlegm will goes off naturally, just let it be...but we feel so heart pain seeing bb keep swallow back the phlegm and her chest sound "kgroongkgroong or kgroowlkgroowl" filled full with phlegm.

when i asked bb doc about rhinotiol, she told me to use it with care, as it can induced cough while loosen phlegm. she said rhinotiol has to be used with caution for bb below 2 years old as it may decrease oxygen supply to brain. make me so frighten to use despite bb suffering from phlegm.

these bb doc say, antibiotic can kill infection and phlegm, which i called up kk pharmacy and a pharmacist over there reconfirms to me just now.

the action of rhinotiol that may be good or bad depends on how we mummies see it, is that it sometimes will make bb vomit phlegms after a few treatments.

I have also consulted the bb docs on pneumonccal vaccine. they say the vaccine only protects the strongest pneumonia virus type. it doesn't protect other types of pneumonia whicn can be caused by other strains of virus, bacteria or germs.

you may like to let your bb drink one sachet a morning of Neobiotics For Baby &amp; Children obtainable from pharmacy. It's a pre and probiotic powder that I have shown to bb doc and given go ahead to let bb have it, 1 hour prior to feeding antibiotic. this combination will minimise diarrhoe occurence. it works well wih bb this round. no diarrhoe even with amoxycillin right now. so , can continue with infant formula. last time, when bb was given antibiotic we have to feed her frisosoy as we never knew about this pro&amp;prebiotic usefullness.

I'm feeding my bb daily with the pre&amp;probiotic on normal days (for 2months already), after she had bad nappy rashes. It helps to boost recovery in addition to using a Rapaid brand Tea Tree Cream obtainable from pharmacy too. Effects is much, much faster than all steroids, fungicort, daktacort given by bb doc and bb skin doc. i told my discovery to many medical doctors but none of them believe the effectiveness of tea tree..my experience of 4-mth long treating my bb with steroids applications vs just a few dash of tea tree cream proves to me that the cream is effective than any medication. it's up to you, if you want to give it a try.

I can recommend you to a Dr Henry Loh (a visiting consultant at KKH) and his private clinic is at Paragon Medical Centre. He's gentle with bb and a skin specialist for bb and adults, at his private clinic. He was a bb doc before he moves on to specialise in skin. His number is 63338108.

Hi Ellysia,
may i know how many months old is your bb now and at what age was his first attack of flu and how many attacks of flu bout (bronchitis) so far already? What symptoms that triggers the doc to diagnose him as having bronchitis?

My bb has her first flu attack at 3mths old in which Dr Ngiam very alertly senses something is not right. Sent bb to have her mucus suck from nostril and throat for lab test. Diagnosed as contracted RSV, a common virus for kids and adults but life threatening for bb below 6mths old. Dr Ngiam immediately prescribe bb with amoxycillin and nebuliser of pulmicort and berodual. we quarantine bb from going out for 13 mths, until now. at 16mth old, we start to expose her to garden and quick shopping visits. at 16mth this round, it is her 2nd attack of flu which kk diagnosed her as having mild pneumonia. bb lung is weakened from the 3mth's old RSV attack..

My boy is now 23 months old. Flu i dunno..
but cough/bronchitis is just only recently few months ago when he started Child care. Started in Feb and then last week another one. The problem is he has food allergy, my hb had childhood asthma, myself has eczema and both me and hb has sinus. So all the allergies make him high risk.

My boy is v active, he won't be able to stay home for long.. always need to go out at least once. can't make him stay at home, even when he is sick he still wanna go out.

Btw, i give a probiotics from GNC (brand name is solaray), which is non-dairy as my boy is allergic to dairy.
Hi mummies,

sigh..hope all babies recover soon. =)

btw i was back from polyclinic checkup. had back spasm since birth. got worse last week so went for xray. report shows my spinal cord bend and also cells and muscles deteriote. doc says signs of ageing! haha i was so shock lo. have to go for physio next week. sianz.

Thanks. i feel like a old woman now... hehe

Diarr ah..umm try taking the probiotics? i tk almost every day now, to maintain gd immune system lo
Just called e CC, teacher say char bery sticky to her lor, everytime want her to carry, dun allow her to carryo ther kids lor..faintz...then teacher see her so kelian also dun bear to let her cry..
ya lor and plus she din go sch for 3days lor...I find char abit racist leh..hiaz..she is very scare of dark skin classmates leh...hmm...
did u give char vitamins to build up her immune.
if no, maybe can start giving her? can check w your pd. since shes started school. ive seen my friends giving their kids multi v then they recover faster as compared to other kids.
ah..maybe shes not expose to diff races bah. soon she will be fine liao!

ya must take more calcium. i only dink fresh milk maybe thats not enough. im only worried its slipped disc that may need op for severe cases. hope physio helps.

My boy is like tat for the first month also. Teacher also say v sticky. And he insist to sit on the teacher lap dun allow other kids to sit. Teacher say now he is better, i can see from fotos tat he got participate in activities lor. Dun worry it is a passing phrase.
Hi Feifei,

im not too sure the brand leh. i think u can ask Lengleng? hehe think she has lobang for vit.

oh shd be the one near my place bah. but havent bring him to look see yet. hehehe. still delaying. haiz. too bz with my work. i plan to send him there in june or july.

I just took my probiotics vit. Dunno is it due to me taking antibiotics tat cause diarreaa. but i having it before taking antibiotics.


I just started giving cod liver oil 2 days ago nia.. probiotics i put in school n ask teacher to feed in morn. Cordyceps i feed at night before sleep.
Actually the brown rice is very easy to cook, only need 5 mins, why u wanna keep warm? Cos I remembered last time when I tried keeping warm, the texture, smell seems to be abit weird so after that I always cook and serve straight away.

The growth hindering info was given to me from a friend who was astmatic since young and also from my hb when he was admitted to kkh for asthma attacks from young. I tried to search online cannot find reports on this also. So I confirmed it with my PD on this info and he told me it due be due to genes, poor appetite and any other factors. So for me, I just didnt wanna take any chance. But her PD is good, he knew I am kinda against Ventolin so he never gimme Ventolin since then. Was given something else but I forgot e name since I threw away e bottle. Only remember one med which was Bambec because I told the PD I had given her Prospan but her cough didnt subside. Next time when u find out more abt Ventolin from your PD, can share with me also. Am really curious why the past docs said e same thing.

Bambec is good. I like the med cos tt was e only med my gal took and didnt have cough during sleep.

Now I see u talk abt rhinotiol, I remember my gal was given this med also. She did vomitted out her phelgm. But the PD told me the phelgm also come out through their stools. Thats why sometimes they hav diahorroea when they had very bad flu. Its the body why of dispel virus to recover.

Seems like your gal case of flu is really quite bad. U really need to take care of her. Hav u thought of TCM?

U can try going to those medical halls and ask them what u can give to your gal to help her strenghten her lungs. Sometimes u can cook Snow Pear with White Fungus for your child to nourish her lungs also.

Aiyoh, I ask u ah, your back spasm develop after childbirth? Did u use epidural last time? Cos I had backaches frequently after childbirth also and the tuina person told me is becos of the Epi. Sigh...

Wanna ask u all if anyone knows anywhere sells Jap rice in small pack? Cos I only cook for my gal at home, e other time when we bot a 5kg pack rice, took awhile to finish den have those kukus in my whole rice tub, so disgusting and had to throw them away. Thats why now I only buy the umbrella brand 1kg rice n keep in fridge. Anyone knows where I can find small amount of jap rice?
I plan to put 1-2 soup in the milk everyday so plan to cook and leave there. Whenever we need it, will scoop and put it into the BM.

Vitakids has some rice in small packet, but dunno got jap rice or not.

I also always get those type of kuku in rice, so now i use a lock n lock box to keep my rice. I bot lunberg brown rice for my boy, small packet.

I have backache too but i dun tink is due to epidural. Bec i been having it before childbirth, and the pain is still at the same spot.

U can try to do pushups or swimming, it helps in backache. Or buy the Osim handheld massager, also good.

Btw bambec i check online is also for asthma too.
I dun tink Ventolin will inhabit growth but i tink being a steriod medicine, it may actually make the person fat. My hb took a lot of this medicine during his young days. He is 172cm tall.
I just read the news tat MOE is considering to reduce the weightage of chinese in PSLE. The article says is cos students feel demoralise when they r penalise due to Chinese score.

But i tink is ridiculous.. how about those chinese speaking families who may score no good for English? Then can also say feel demoralise wat..

maybe in future our children won't be able to write Chinese.. can only speak nia.


Yes im on epidural then. TCM will say the backache is due to epi and didnt do proper confinement. But westerm says its back spasm cause by carrying heavy load. in our case should be our babies bah. im only afraid mine is slipped disc then super sianz lo. must go for op. so now going for physio.
but then given another chance, i will still go for epi lo. i cant imagine without epi. think i will faint and surrender liao! haha =P

as for rice i also bought the 5kg one. but put in tupperware airtight container lo. but still got those kukus lah. hehe. so now i will mixed normal and BR together so we can fin the BR faster. then get new ones for my boy loh. anyway BR is good for us too.hehe
