(2008/06) June 2008

my boy was a bit feverish when I fetch him just now. The teacher help me take the reading and it was 37 degree. They say ok, not consider fever but 37 for me is on the high side lor.
Give him baoyingdan and BM. Hope he will not go above 37.5 tonight.

Waking up at night
My boy is still waking up at 2am for milk. aren't they suppose to sleep thru the nite? anyone have sme problem?

My boy taking 5x 200ml daily. think consider a lot at his age.
connie oh dear dats bad.. i heard he was a good boy n slept well... i forgot to check isaiah temp, later i go check... i ask teacher to feed him more today, she claims he is full already...

zuen.. 653 is super near my house! too bad its far from my parents place...

tera... dun worry, isaiah is scared of sun n butterflies too.. tink its worst than wipers.. im sure lucas will outgrow also.. my maid just finished 1 yr n ask me to give her 14days home leave first though she havent finish contract... i can refuse and only give her half right? and can i make her pay for my foreign worker levy when she is away as by right home leave is when we have cancelled her WP and no need to pay levy.. now she go back halfway i still need to pay her levy...
over weekend we took some shots from fot*u... tink cannot make it..not artistic and natural enuf... haiz waste time n money even mkj who is cheaper is much nicer

here are some of the shots we like out of the few pathetic ones

Morning ladies..

Oh dear..ur company ban this forum?haiz...will miss u..

really huh?Haiz, nowadays kids hor, bery haoming..hee

wow call everyone dada? Char calls me baba cos we learnt it during e class...almost fainted when she call me that...Lucky yest we cook her favourite egg soup with vege, she ate quite abit lor, but milk intake reduce to 160ml lor...

Dats a good receipe...tks alot ger...Will do it this wkend =)... Tink its really a phase hor?So ur boy's appetite return?

How much u paid for their pkg?Wow, Isaiah is a big and handsome boy now =)...U remind me to keep a lookout for PGs pkg cos intending to bring char for her 2nd PS during her 2nd BD.
Lucky his fever never go beyong 37 degree. Now back to normal.
Envy lor, ur gal got so much hair. Mine don have much hair and now botak.

Will you allow your maid to go back now? If she go back, you will need to take leave?
Hi Mummies,

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<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!

I have few encounter with my #1 when she's back from CC and her temp show around 37 oso. But nvr go above that. And we hold her hand is warm warm type, make us all panicking. I was thinking maybe the environment and oso the activities in the CC make them feel more warm.
But anyhow now is the peak period of HFMD, so we need to be more careful oso. Now i oso keep checking my ger temp.

still thinking to go or not leh. Coz if wanna go, ned to take leave tmr leh. Not sure worth or not.

Anyone go to crocs sale before? Many varieties? Cheap?</font>
Temperature if low grade may be due to teething or heaty, may not be viral fever.


Are u latching or formula milk? Cos i tink my colleagues, they say v hard to stop night feed if kid is addicted to latching in order to go to sleep. I give my boy water if he wake up for night feed.


The fotos look nice leh. Actually i quite like foto-u style. who is the photographer?
FM, Bottle feed
I give him water, he finish the bottle and continue make noise. Give him milk and he finish n cont. sleeping.

The teacher is surprise that my boy after 1 week break can adapt in short period. He seem to be able to settle for nap on Monday so we start him on full day again. Maybe he miss the class last week so this week adapt well.haa gaaa

Maid say that your boy cry in the morning. You might want to ask ur maid to send instead. Maybe that will help.

so he is adapting better now? Tats good. Tat time my boy long break during cny, come back got cry for 1-2 days then improve.

Now my boy doesn't seem to nap in school morn during activities leh.. tink he has adapted to the schedule there.
thats good. at least he can get himself tired in the morining with all the cc activities.

my boy has being crying daily since mon after school,he can lie on the flr immediately once i refuse to give him something. cry till neck all wet. yst make me piss off, i put. him outside my bedrm door n he cry n call mama. funny. Everyday ask him to call, he just refuse. All the sudden he kept calling while crying. Can see the way he cry is purposely one lor, Is this e start of terrible 2?
At least u feed back to the center n let them know what is upsetting u, so I think it's nt so bad. Hopefully they can really do something to improve e situation.

My gal also chiong to playground whenever we are outside, those fancy rides oso. And somemore she remembers the way there. When we release our hold on her, she will run back to the playground even we are far away.

I bot those black flashcards intending to do up my own flashcards for my gal. But really very lazy, so the blank cards still collecting dust in e cupboard. :p

U're nt alone, I also never make any materials for my gal also. Lately been going out, the montessori set I bot from BP haven got a chance to work it out wif my gal yet.

I agree, everything must work in moderation. My gal is becoming more of a TV addict nowadays. Yesterday my mum showed me a pic of my gal watching TV and snacking on a piece of chacker somemore. Sigh. I feel so guilty cos I was e one who intro her e TV hoping tt she'll pick up words from Your Baby Can Read.

Thanks for the info. I go n try n type it out tml nite. Sigh. This wk super busy. Hope my gal dun get fever after her today's jab else my weekend plans burn liao...

My gal nt scare of wipers but she scare of car wash. Everytime we enter the car wash area, she'll cry n cry, n since I intro her to hold my hands during car wash, now we enter the washing area she'll ask for my hands.

Tell u something very funny, my gal gt a liking for ants lately. She'll sit on e floor or lie on e floor to watch e ants. And she'll even wave bye bye n blew them flying kisses somemore. I almost flip when I caught her doing that.

I lv the shots of your boy and baby. So innocent n sweet. Esp e sleeping baby pic. So endearing...
My girl gets super excited over ants too. She will scream "kaka" and chase after them. Just that she will squash them subsequently and tell me "no more". -.o"
Great to hear that u've shortlisted a cc which is within walking distance from your place. ;) I have not heard of Aces before but i just went to see their website, looks good! Dun worry too much for now. Let's see how spenser takes to it, got to give it time ok? Cannot rush one, must be hard-hearted and be prepared for some heartache..
u never know, maybe spenser can adapt very fast leh? Lucas took a month to adapt, not very fast lah.

Personally, i still feel cc has been good for Lucas except for the frequent falling sick which in a way is building up his immunity. Just to share with you that nowadays he is very eager to go school and will even wave bye bye to us.

keep us posted on spenser's progress ya?

wanted to ask u. did charlotte enjoy disney on ice?

haha, scared of butterflies? that's cute! and lovely photos of your 2 kiddos!
isaiah is a handsome boy and ariel's a sweet lil' angel. ;)

as for maid going on leave before contract is up, i haven't really heard before and i think u can reject it or request to shorten in your case. maybe can check with agent? and u are right about the levy as in u will be paying for it while she's on leave. sorry can't advise much cos not much experience.

high-5! my boy is also scared of car wash! i wasn't around when it happened but hubby told me he was very scared and kept crying. must be the whole water splashing and strangers cleaning car??? hehe.

my boy also loves playground, guess all kids do bah? every morning when we reach school, he will walk towards the school's playground then got to tell him he can only play it later.

LOL on shauna's reaction to ants. very cute!
i also agree with tera tat cc is quite good. Yest my boy surprised me by reciting 1 to 10. He also say sorry to a person he bump in lift, and say "coming". He also sing the first part of a song


my boy is also scared of car wash. he will cry n insist i carry him until the wash is over.


yes i tink its the start of terrible 2.
OMG, tonight bring him out, not sure will he do anything bad or not. hope not to lie on flr to cry. yesterday at SIL place, he kept throwing things on the flr. toys bus, toy car n a bulb which scattered.

My boy will wave bye bye to go cc in the morning too. today, he make a bit noise when maid ask him to wear shoe , thought he will cry as I was there but he still sit over to wear shoe then happily hang the water bottle over himself n bye bye. Although see his eyes a bit wATERY. he seem to enjoy CC.
Muahahaha.... Your gal's reaction to ants is so funny! I was really luffing out loud when I read your post. She had the same reaction as my friend's daughter, except my friend's daughter will step on it n say bye bye to them.

Yes yes, it's the water splashing part! She'll scream and say "Bu Yao" n kept shaking her head. And everytime the guy open the door n saw her crying, they tried to comfort her but ended up making her cry even more.

I think it's hard for them to control their urge n run to playground, but actually I'm kinda scare of public playground cos the playground below my mum's blk will hav indians drinking beer over there, I m worried abt broken bottles or dangerous stuff like nails etc. So till now I try to minimise the frequency of her going there in case anything happen n i still hav to answer to her daddy.

U mean carry him out of the car seat onto your lap when they wash e car? Is he willing to go back in after the wash? My gal once out of the car seat will refuse to go back in.

Good to hear your boy enjoying CC. He can wear his shoes already? So clever!
Just now during dinner at Ajisen, let my boy tried some noodles, fish etc. Then he got hives on his face after some time. Have to give him the Zyrtec allergy medicine cos he look v uncomfortable and 1 eye swollen. Dunno is what food cause, hubby suspect is his chopstick accidentally dip the mayonise which contain dairy so cross-contamination.


When i put him back to car seat he is ok.

Same, the guys see him cry will try to comfort him but he will cry even louder.


He stop throwing things around after he start CC. but will still throw tantrum, roll on floor etc. Got one time v jiat lat, he roll on the floor at the passageway at junction 8, a lot of people walk by and i have to drag him up but failed.. v jiat lat lor.
understand the embrassment. haha. v scare he will do tt if I'm alone.

Today, hubby carry him in OG. He don't want carry nor hold hand. happy happy lie on floor. lucky I'm not there.

not open yet. 4/4/10 open house. there is 1 RC center at the void deck, they will occcupy that room.
Morning ladies...

Re : Disney on ice..

Yup, char love it wor..I was so worried that she will not sit there for the full 2hrs, surprisingly, she did..Initially she was scared when all the lights go off, then when saw and heard Mickey mouse, donald duck's voice, her eyes like open up..Then kept on clap her hands and say "yeah!"...then to keep her entertain, we bot the candy floss and ice cream for her to eat lor..Heng, I brought some of her favourite snacks and drinks along lor...

It was my first time watching too, I find it rather nice and all the kids there love it so much =)....Mayb next yr you should bring lucas there too =).
Anyone can advise me?

Char been rejecting milk since last wk..Now breakfast hor, she rather just eat the matou go with plain water than drinking milk leh...I have no chioce but to dreamfeed her when she is asleep at nite lor..haiz..I bot those packet uht milk and let her try, she also dun wan, cos tink its quite dilute and e taste is diff leh..

Any kiddos used to be like that too?
HI Feifei!

Brought my boy to disney on ice too! The same as char, he was super happy and keep clapping his hands and shouted yeah! haha.. bought poky biskuits and ribena to keep him entertain.haha
U mean every year theres disney ice huh? or diff year different theme de? maybe we can organise to go together next year hor?

Umm...spenser also doesnt like milk leh. think its fine if they are taking other diary stuffs like cheese, yogurt,etc?
rencently hes drinking magnolia fresh milk loh. then i make milk shake for him...sometimes berries, strawberries, today will be trying kiwi..hehe. he loves it lor.
Dont worry too much bah. maybe coz char used to love drinking milk bah.. i rem her huge intake of milk ! hehe coz my boy isnt a milk baby.hehhe
so i not too worry.
yeah!..Thats a good idea leh..i tink we should all go together wor, cos was really nice leh =)...hee

ya lor, she used to drink 260ml of FM + BR leh..cos BR bery imrpotant for her lor..thats y now i so worried...U mean u give ur boy cold fresh milk huh? is it ok?cos i tot mayb char likes it cold but scare will make her cough..One of my fren told me , she could be "duan nai' lor..dats y rejecting milk..She dun like cheese leh..but takes 1 small bottl eof yogurt everyday..

How u make milk shake huh?hee

Now sometimes she also dun wan her dinner wor, but she loves cornflakes, biscuits and those food she can chew on one..recently she love peas leh....hiaz...

wow 260 is alot leh. my boy only drinks 150ml and soemtimes cant even finish. maybe char sian of milk now liao.hehe. shes really a milk baby hoh. BR=brown rice? my boy only takes Fm+br during his night feed loh. i dont give cold milk immediately. maybe 5mins out fr the fridge? 1 bottle of yogurt everyday should be good. hee. i try giving my boy alt days. coz scared he sian of the same food then reject again. ohya he loves cod liver oil? did u give it to char?

milk shake ah.. i use the hand held blender then put in the fruits then milk ...sometimes carnation (for myself) then my boy will drink abit. hehe. he used to reject most fruits till i introduce milkshake for him =)

dont worry too much feifei, as long as shes taking moderately should be fine.. they will auto ask for food when they are hungry de. maybe just sian of the routine food loh..just a phase bah. =)
thanks for the feedback.
glad to hear char enjoyed it. yeah, I was wondering if Lucas will enjoy it. I brought my niece there several years back and she was around 2 year plus and she enjoyed it too. ;) oki, will bring Lucas there next year.

Re milk take
how about fresh milk? My coll is giving her 1 year old son fresh milk. I guess the good thing like eve said is that char has been taking quite a lot of milk the past 2 years. Imagine my coll's 3 month old son is rejecting milk now.

if i am not wrong, I think there's Disney on ice every year.

Btw, I just got back from Bintan yesterday and wanted to tell u that Lucas had a great time. We brought him to the pool and the beach and he had great fun! He was happy to just walk around the resort also. From this trip, we found that his energy is limited cos every night he will KO very fast, haha.

U will be going in may right?

Shall we go together to disney on ice next year? hehe =)

Woah! Glad to hear tt Lucas enjoy his trip! =) went for 2d 1 n? Which resort did ur go?
Yes im supposed to go Bintan this May. But just rec news from boss that I may not be able to take leave on May. sigh... maybe June or July bah.. my trip always not materialise de.
hehe, milk baby..hehe..cos one day she onli drink twice of milk now, now reduce qty and reduce the no of times..hiaz... Yup, i gave her the original taste cod liver oil lor, then follow by fei zai shui diluted in water lor =)..

Tks alot ger...So u mean the milk shake hor, just blend the fruits and the fresh milk together? Need to put in fridge aft blend?

Ya lor, i hv a fren whose daughter also like char last time, so she added the choc FM to her original FM and her ger takes it well lor, even for now..Quite tempted to try that leh...

Wow, Bintan..I loved the place..been there afew times with hb but not with char yet wor..can lucas sit throughout the whole ferry ride? U stated in which resort leh?

Maybe we shd really organise to go disney on Ice together lor =).
<font color="aa00aa">hi ladies,
LONG LONG time no "See"!
i'd been lazy so hasnt been coming in as frequently as i should. hopefully i havent been forgotten?

RE: Disney on Ice
gwen saw the advert on tv a while back and express interest she wans to watch but daddy says it is going to be a waste of $$ bringing her tis yr cos she prob wun sit still enf to watch the show from beginning to end. perhaps next year? sigh, if reai next yr can bring her, then #2 has to stay home liao...

saw yur bintan pics on FB, so envious...but i could hardly waddle anywhere now. so next trip will ve to wait till i m done BF-ing #2 loh, though my dad has been tempting me to go langkawi with him...m till thinking hard...</font>

I remember reading on magazine tat babies wean milk around 2-3 years old.

My boy has also recently show less and less interest in milk. But he doesn't drink that much, only 150ml x 2 times per day. My night latching usually doesn't have much milk so he may sometimes eat a piece of bread before he sleep.

I blend the fruits 1st then lastly put in the milk. =) he will drink imm when the juice is ready lor. and finish up in less than 5mins. hehe. usually i dont make alot and dont keep in frige coz i feel more fresh lor.
hihi..how are u doing? Long time no see le...
I tink ur ger will like Disney on Ice cos its nice and hv lots of songs wor..

really huh? So means charlotte might wan to wean milk now? hmm..

I see..need to add ice?
Feifei, Eve,
sure, let's try to bring our kiddos to Disney on ice tog next year!

we stayed at angsana. Lovely place with lots of walking paths and scenic spots. Only thing was L was quite picky with food on the cafe menu. So we gave him more snacks like cheese and biscuits. Also asked for fish porridge from room service which he liked.

Hubby and I took turns to go massage. Very proud of hub cos he brought my boy to swim alone and then shower him and brought him to have lunch at cafe. However, L had a meltdown during lunch, he swept the cutlery off the table, luckily they were pastic ones, hee. The nice resort ppl offered to pack the lunch and send to our room. In the midst of the commotion, he fell asleep after he had his milk. I had an easier time cos while hub had massage, I brought L to the beach. We played with the sand play set and walked along the beach. Found out he's scared of the waves, haha.

won't forget u lah! Well, your turn will come soon, once #2 is out, then can u can plan ur getaway. And like I said, it is a happy problem.
so any name for #2 yet?
Maybe it is normal for some tobble to stop milk intake at an early stage. My niece stop taking milk at 3yrs old but she take milo.

Can they drink a bottle a day? I usually give him half.
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
i know u r rite abt the part of gwen liking the characters and songs but i m still hesitating abt the part of getting her to sit thru the show.
char is quieter than gwen, more guai ley...

luckily i m still not "forgotten" hahahahha!!!
thank you...hopefully i can get to plan my getaway before my boss plan me my biz trip again.
#2's name is GENEVIEVE.

RE: Disney on ICE
remember to choi me also for next yr yeah...</font>
i never add ice. same as you, dont wanna make it too cold for him lor.

yeah. maybe we can organise for such trips. dont really need to be disney on ice... =)

wwow, sounds good. so many gd comments on the resort.will consider bringing my boy to angsana soon! =)
so nice. u can still go for spa despite bringing lucas along. i was thinking of asking my parents along for the trip. we can take turns going to spa. hehehe. dont think my hb can manage my boy alone lor. think before stepping out of the room, my hb already give up.
I see..angsana resort bery nice lor =)...Wow, sounds fun wor...Wonder hows trip with char like?..kee..

hmm...true lor, some kids wean milk early but i prefer her to stay with milk til even older lor, cos will be good for her bones lor...

hehe..at first me also worried how to keep char down for e whole of 2hrs, so i brought alot of her favourite snacks, then hope she will be behave lor..Heng when she is there, she behaves lor...Can't help feeling she has grown up leh..next challenge wil be to bring her for a movie next time..hehe..

Ahyo, where got guai le..recently her "tail" all come out liao, keikei cry and peek with her eyes, see if anyone to her rescue, will scream for things etc..faintz...gwen is like a big jiejie lor =)..Hows ur pregnancy for #2 now? Any difference when compare to #1?

Err...the name how to pronunce huh?
i rem asking my tcm doc if can drink 1 bottle per day. she mentioned yes but dont give too often if the kid is prone to cough or phelgm. but if ask pd usually they will say its not a problem, just moderate. =)
I think my hubby was half dead when I got back from my massage. the room was in a mess, hahha. We did ask my parents to go but they were not keen so bo bian. I really liked their spa, super relaxing...if only the ferry tix was cheaper, I might consider going there just for spa, keke. Actually if ur parents are ok with Spenser alone, can consider going tog with hubby for spa cos they've got those couple room, can spend some time together.

my boy also very naughty. Keep screaming for things and when not happy will either lie down or throw things. The terrible 2 is coming!!!! Sigh.

nice name!! ;) so childcare arrangment is sorted out? MIL is looking after both?

my boy's cc gives them 1 Yakult a day wor but it's optional. I have asked them to stop giving cos recently he has a lot of phelgm.
im thinking of going for the couple room too. wah..the thought of spa makes me feel relax! how i wish i can go soon. but have to depends on my parents schedule too. everyone seems bz leh.

my boy is also super naughty recently. he got a fav game to play i.e to hide under blanket for the longest period of time and wait for anyone of us to catch him =P he super duper happy when he sees any blanket. but i super tired loh. i always wonder why kids are so active and never feel tired... im like a old auntie loh.
<font color="aa00aa">feifei,
u make me burst out lafing abt the "tail coming out" part. LOL!!! think all our big bbs / toddlers are all like tat now, so char isnt alone.
the pronunction u may wan to try - "Gen-ni-v"


yes, childcare is sorted out.
have to unfortunately continue with hiring a maid, so on lookout for new maid as the current maid's contract will expire when #2 is out. So happened tat Gwen has already been enrolled for playground last year for 3YO, so when #2 is here, Gwen will go full day PG while maid &amp; #2 will go MIL's plc. after wk, will pick one from PG, one from MIL's place then head home lor...</font>
haha Spenser prob likes the peek a boo thrill? so cute! think our kids all have their own pattern. mine loves going up and down stairs. in the room, he keeps walking around touching things here and there, also play with the phone and end up calling operator, so pai seh. I also feel like an old aunty, very exhausted from looking after him.

Did u pay for the yakult? I didn't subcript but wonder when other kids drink, my boy sure v gian. I let him drink at night after his dinner.

Just think back, how you got energy to stay up late during teen times then u know why they so energetic. We are growing older
