(2008/05) May 2008

nw is at the fun CUM headache stage! hahaha. aiyo, i tell u ho, Damien is a rough kisser! hahaha. ask him to kiss me he so rough de..hahaha.

no plans for that la. As u know my mum looks aft him in the day, I wan her to rest well over the nite n weekends lo coz its really nt easy looking aft an active kid. somemore, he has spend enuff time with my parents. aft work is spend time with us =)

u havent place order for Gap/ON?

hahaha. diff kids diff. mayb u try one day u be late and see hw ur boy reacts. hehehe.

hahaha. Jo told me last nite but i too tired to check it out. will check later (just back in office).

gd that u miss also coz u wldnt spend $. hahaha.
ah...cant sponge with icy water le...tap water is gd enuff...

re: adiddas shoes
wah! u all so fast! wait for me!!

go for the bigger one. =)

the boaster can be done at polyclinic.

at polyclinic those compulsory jabs are FOC. Can call the one nearest to ur place to verify.

the KS sales (they call it sample sales which is the super cheap sales) end today.
yeah, tt why if u gals want to place order, i got to do it soon, cos afternoon i got concall to attend.
btw, the design tt i wanted no more liao
the bag nt bad =)

u see the link Jo posted. u can consider =P
btw, just called alice. she is dropping u an email nw.
aiyo...so fast. i prefer the other bag u posted earlier to this.

the shoes bp by bunbun nt bad!!! i like the designs!
Val ,

But too bad no stock liao lah ...Doris also wanna that but she said OOS .

But dunno is fake ...but eric said just order and see how ???

I remember I was at Guangzhou alot of fake adidas look very real but cannot wear long ...but dunno whether comfy anot ??
ting, ya lo. that's why my hubby taking off next week.. also because he has too many off days.. but then this week, alot of his off days, he had to cancel cos too much work!!! lol.. so i told him.. maybe next week ones, u also cancel here and there..

yanling, actually i find it quite interesting to see how matthias going to adapt to the new life.. but ya.. my mum also said they all very ke lian, have to go school so early.. but that's why hubby and i insist on montessori lo..

dolly, u mean they prompt u during checkout that it's not successful? or they sent u an email?

jovial, i think will have mixed feelings one.. i think will be worse if they start crying/fussing when they knew they need to go there every morning.. see already sure heartpain so i'm hoping matthias will be fine lo.. cos some of my colleagues told me, very sim tia to see they cry and some of them in the end gave up and find nanny/go back to mum/mil's care instead.

alice, so u confirmed going to tokyo liao lo since rachel is ok? now just need to get her to adapt to your MIL. hehe..

wow.. didn't know the KS sales so fast run out of items one..

val, ya. i haven't order GAP/ON yet.. have to do it soon. i don't have time to shop these few days in office leh.. haiz.. alot of reports to do.. now got a bit of time to look through.. i just look through add to basket and add to basket.. later then select in the basket lo.. haiz.. then always got things OOS.
true...fake one looks v real...rem i told u yest to look for the label on the inner of the flap?? real and fake got difference...fake one nt v clear one.
i think i belongs to the grp of see them cry i will be so heart pain i will send him back hm. hahahaa.

oops. so late havent order gap/on later oos ah. ya. when they have massive discounts they items fly like mad. hahaha.
no, when i was keying in the particulars of the cc and billing, it prompt me the error.

yeah, i am not aiming for adidas, too common in sgp. i am aiming for Model: LCS001 (red colour)
nt design nt bad (i like the brown one) but i still like the one u got frm isetan best. =P

let me go think if i sld or sldnt buy =P
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Christmas Party For Our MAY Toddlers

Date : 19 December 09 / Saturday
**Please mark your calendar***
Venue :Chong Pang Community Centre /Rooftop Shelter Compound / Free of Charge

1. Jo / Eric / Jorel
2. Val / Hubby/ Damien
3. dolly/ Hubby/ Rayden
4. Choc / Hubby/ Raphael
5. ting/ hubby/ aldan
6. Buttercup/Hubby/Randall
7. Yanling/Hubby/Darren
8. Jer/Keon/Kiern
9. Alice/Hubby/Rachel
10. Diana/Hubby/Daryl
11. Jovial/Hubby/ Lucas/ clarissa
12. Linda/Hubby/Benjamin
13. Cheri/Hubby/Matthias
14. Annabelle/Hubby/Eudora
15. Corynn/Hubby/ Shaine
16. FeiLing/ Hubby / Ashley who is 20mths
17. Gillia / Hubby / Leann who is 26mths
18. Jennifer/Hubby/Jerard/Choel is 19mths</font></font>
hihi ladies,
long time never post liao... have always been reading and not posting.

Re: fake measles
My boy also had fever for the past few days and today the rashes are out... Was so worrying for me these few nights as one night the fever even shoot up to 39 degrees.

Re:jabs in polyclinic
I also bring my boy for jabs in polyclinic. Need to pay for those 5-in-1/6-in-1. But those stated in the book which are compulsory jabs are free. The only free one which i got so far is MMR.
really ? the design tt i chose from the isetan sales is nicer huh ??
i cannot decide on the design yet, still thinking ....
Yup.. they sure cry for the 1st fews daes.. and all up to individual kids.. I gt see some kids cry for 1 whole mth one..and gt worse ones.. 6 mths in the sch.. but every morining still fuss... For my gal..she was sent to sch when she is 20mths old... i used to work in kinderland academy.. so i just bring her there every morning with mi... knock off with mi...hehehe and my colleagues will handle her .. I'll stay downstairs in my own class and she be at the 2nd level.. I heard her cries... cos really loud...super heart pain.. but my colleague all stop mi from going up... but true enough .. once i heart pain pain let go..e fastest she adapt to the school..actually last time more fang xin cos i'm in the school.. and i'm very sure my colleagues take gd care of her...but now diff case liao.. i gt to drop lucas and off for work.. so a bit bu fang xin.. :p
my boi still having stuffy nose after so many days of medicines...so xin tong to watch him flip here and there to find a "good" postion to sleep the past nites...hope his blocked nose will clear quickly.
luckily lucas boi lar... so can fang xin a bit.

side way will be better if nose block. Hope he recover fast fast!
today the mucus still greenish leh...he likes to sleep face down, i flip him over (face upward) or to his side in no time he flip face down himself again...aiyo..dun know how..just hope he quickly recover.

can understand how u feel...although my boi started attending the childcare since he was 4 months old, every morning he still cling on to me..when i make a move, he'll cry loud loud...super heart pain and also quite worry that his teachers will just leave him to cry until he stops/no voice...haiz...hope the teachers caring for our precious little ones will be loving and patient to our little ones when entrusted to their care.

should be still on... 2pm

So sad... Rachel can't join the group. Have to wait till the next gathering ler. U gals enjoy oki
take lots of pix!
Linda, my boy opposite ! after crying for 1 week, now when i pick him after school, once in the car.. he cry wanting to go back to school. in the morning, drop him off, never say bye bye to me wor ... immediately go to look for his friends liaoz !!!

good luck to mummies sending their kids to school, it will be fun, they will learn at a much faster rate, but also get ready for them to be sick more often.

My boy got concert performance this Sat .. I am so excited .. wondering what he can perform, when he cant even walk properly !! haha...
morning ladies.

hws ur boy? hope he is better. did the doc give any nose drop? its suppose to clear the blocked airway.

re: polliwogs
still on but nt much ppl i think...angela, dolly, jer and me. Jo mayb, depends on Jorel if he still having flu or nt.

wah! sounds interesting. must take pic or video and show us ya =)
Good Morning Mummies!

Concert performance? Whaha... so young? That's should be fun. Update us about it.

I never go p plaza over the weekend. QUite a few shopping to be done. Anyway, me maybe will buy from link... try 1 pair out... keke...
morning ladies,

re: polliwogs
still on right? Kiern will skip school today to go and play

haha.. concert? sure very funny. I went for my elder boy school concert and the youngest performer group is 3 years old. they are so cute and funny, the teacher got to stand right in front of the stage to guide them.
wow...your boy so indep, how u trained him huh? me headache..today my little prince cry so chiam when we drop him at school..so heart pain
he's beta today...thanks! Doc Ong didn't give any nose drop leh..but at last his mucus cleared after 4 days of medicines. but this morning saw quite a few of his cc friends still having bad running nose (greenish mucus)...aiyo...so many kids sick..still they got 2 HFMD cases last week..FAINTZ!
erhhh..since day 1, i use johnson &amp; johnson or kodomo leh...so far so good....hmmm...u mean got special bathe for infants? oh dear....
my boy has been using johnson &amp; johnson since i duno when. ahhahaa. been soooo long we stick to this brand le.

glad to hear ur boy is better =) wah! no wonder cc is a bed of virus as so many kids sick still can go sch? the sch nv stops them?
I used only water to wash my boi after birth. After 3 months or so, i started to use Lactacyd till now. BUt i feel it is too mild for my boi liao cos he sweat alot and esp. after swimming, he will start to scratch alot. So thinking of changing brand.
after swimming, i bath my boy like nothing...ha ha...wash his hairs with shampoo, face and body with soap, scrub his feet...ha ha....me ks want to wash away the clorine as much as possible... :D
Hi Val/Doris

Will see you gals there then... cos all yr Gmart stuffs are here already. Just received this morning and my sis instructed me to pack for you. Dun understand any koreans... irritating... hahahaha!!
so far johnson n johnson serving Damien well. I use shampoo (orange lotion) and body wash (green lotion) for him.

huh..but if bad running nose sld stop them frm coming in le..imagine if the muscus drip onto the flr or they clean with their hands n touch the toys or watsoever, v unhygiene and will spread virus ard le...

great!!! hippie!!! cant wait to see my stuffs. hehehehe. see u ladies later =)
