(2008/05) May 2008

LInda, choc

I give my boy the emulsion original favour one. I heard the orange one that very good lei, might caused phglem.

lol.....ya boy...u r rite! me so happy that neh neh smaller now when i cut down to 1 feed per day...

bingo, the one my mum use to feed me with...erhhh...come to think of it, feeding on it has not make me a smarter person leh (if not, i should b CEO or somewhere near tat position now)! lol......
oh is it!! erh...but the original a little fishy smell rite? aiyo....headache....like tat how...think i go get the original and let my boi try, if he ok then i stick with original. if he dun like than give him the orange flavour one.

yes it is fishy but my boy likes it lei, always lick his lips after eating.
You can go n buy the small bottle one first and try.
got small bottle?! didn't see leh...ok will go ntuc & search for the small bottle to try out first. thanks for the infor!
Re:Emulsion original favour
My boi also likes it. In fact, i notice that he is stronger after i fed him with it. He is seldm sick now. Even if he is sick, he usually recovers within a day or so.
hi gals.. me on mc for 3 days cos pukin every mornin n nite nw =( wanted to go wrk this mornin but once again puked out my bfast n felt terrible. haiz. so scared to eat nw but hungry n cant eat darn miserable!

Alice- tats the thing abt being a sahm n facin Rachel 24/7! It's normal de =)

Choc- I reali duno hw I gona handle 2! Hahahha. Maybe ask my hb to stop givin tuition at nite so he can help me if nt I sure peng san to handle 2 alone!

Re: talking
Recently taught aldan hw to say pls n he ended sayin BEAR. Lolz.oh he finally can say mum BUT nt to me direct but my photo! He wil look at our weddin photo n say dad n mum. hahah
oh i see...i always tot it must be at least 2 years old...and hor i also notice they have the vit c in jelly sweets form...anyone tried that before..?
my boy also taking the emulsion original since he's 12 months old.. he loves it and everytime after his morning bath, he will run out to the kitchen and said,"zuo zuo" and wait for my mum to get that and feed him. haha..

linda, initially they probably don't like it.. but as day goes by, they will probably accept the taste.. hehe..

re: colostrum
i'm also giving my boy colostrum powder in his milk at night.

re: teething
just as i was saying matthias' appetite is back. last evening till now, he didn't drink alot of milk. seems like teething big time lo.. he didn't drink as much and kept on putting his finger into his mouth to bite and get his saliva all over him.. buay tahan..
colostrum... i never buy this lar.. but seems good ah.. soluble in milk?

for me i add the happy bellies brown rice cereal to his milk..each feed 2 teaspoon..LOL...abit exp but subconsciously i feel like it does help him... hahaaa...

cheri..i tink matthias teething big time lar...bo bian one... try feedin him bread etc lor... as long as eat...can liao...

emulsion so good meh!!! HAHAHA...dun tempt me... i wan go buy !!! hahaaa
Ladies.. are u all still sterilising the milk bottles?

also..are u all using the baby dishwashing liquid? if not using...wat are u using? UIC??? LOL

abit lazy recently...just bring home 4 pkt of pigeon dish washing ytd...sian...si bei exp
hi gals.. me on mc for 3 days cos pukin every mornin n nite nw =( wanted to go wrk this mornin but once again puked out my bfast n felt terrible. haiz. so scared to eat nw but hungry n cant eat darn miserable!

Alice- tats the thing abt being a sahm n facin Rachel 24/7! It's normal de =)

Choc- I reali duno hw I gona handle 2! Hahahha. Maybe ask my hb to stop givin tuition at nite so he can help me if nt I sure peng san to handle 2 alone!

Re: talking
Recently taught aldan hw to say pls n he ended sayin BEAR. Lolz.oh he finally can say mum BUT nt to me direct but my photo! He wil look at our weddin photo n say dad n mum. hahah
choc/beebee, ya.. i never give matthias vitamins cos think he should be getting enough from his milk and food. but colostrum with probiotics seems good as i have read, probiotics are good bacteria that will help fight the bad bacteria. so only give him that in his milk at night(only 1/4 teaspoon, i use my measuring spoon), it seems to dissolve well in the milk and smells really good. initially he didn't like it but after a while got used to the taste and when he didn't want to take the milk, i will say orange(cos the colostrum is in orange/pineapple flavour) haha.. then he will finish the milk.

choc, i've been using pigeon dishwashing liquid since day 1 and still sterilising bottles and pacifier lo. agree it's more expensive but bo bian leh.. if not use that then use what? haha.. i used it to soak the bottles then washed off.
ting...take care wor!! u try eating in smaller portion can? or u find out which food cause u to vomit... maybe got a trigger point... or anything u eat u vomit?

wah...Aldan also can say Bear!!! hahaaa...

mine most jialat... now still baby talk..happy happy will call me mama..mama...

then he will call my hb ah pa...ah pa...

anyway he more into pointing (he thought by pointing at u..u noe he is calling u...omg)
cheri...same lar..pigeon since day 1... now tinking the normal one we use to wash plates..maybe abit strong hor..and smell also... hmmmm

ok... idea shelved off till further notice
Choc: I've stopped sterilising bottle since last mth.. and just chgn my pigeon dishwashing liquid to tollyjoy..cos it cheaper.. hahah.. but tollyjoy gt one banana smell.. actually i still prefer pigeon!
Hi Ladies,
Ya today is indeed quite quiet cos' not too many posts to read =D

Juz as i was worried i pass my sorethroat to rachel.... she is down today with fever. Whole day refused to eat only drink milk. Probably is due to the jab, cos' i remember reading abt after one week will have fever rite? This jab quite powerful wor... can cause fever after a week somemore! Me also headache dun know what to feed her... she refused to open her mouth to porridge or cereal. Guess will try bread tomorrow ler.

ya they juz like to taste our food rite. But how come yr boi reject chicken and pork?? Hmm... maybe can try beef or fish liao. My gal hates beef... so far tried twice she dun like it at all. Her fav is chicken and fish (threadfin).

Re:Emulsion original favour
Wah... din know they can take this ler. One of my childhood favourite too
I will buy one too and try giving rachel, if she dun like i take lor hehe.

Re: colostrum
Can this be found in the Milk powder session in NTUC? Wanna read more abt it lei =)

Take care ya... soon will be 4th mth and honeymoon period ler, hang on!! My gynae once told me the more jialat yr MS the more healthy yr bb will be... so think on the bright side k!

me too... also got refund from BP organiser after waiting for so long, sianz!
Oh i just switched to Pureen orange flavour for the milk bottle detergent. Cheaper mah... last time used pigeon so exp but safer for when bb are young. But since they are over 1 YO, i dare to try other brand. So far, pureen quite ok lei, bigger bottle plus cheaper =)
But i'm still sterilising bottle, once a while will wash and rinse with hot water lor, depending on my mood hehe.

Re: NiteNite
Recently started teaching rachel to say "Nite Nite" to everyone before her bedtime. So she is used to saying nite nite to all her bears and soft toys on her bed too plus a goodnite kiss, so cute
haha...i hate the banana smell makes me wanna puke ...tats why i still faithful to my pigeon wash..
after seeing all your posts... i feel so guilty cos i never really sterilise my bottles cos by the time tim was bottle fed he was coming 1 yr old liao...

just started tim in a playgroup near my place... cheap cheap...only $150 3x a week (2hrs per lesson)... but this one must leave the kid in the class... he just started today and was crying everytime i disappeared so no choice... gotta sit in a couple more days
Wow... your ms is so serious ar? Sometimes, i will take "self-declare" MC too if i feel unwell. (Luckily my boss's wife got a bad preggie experience so he is quite understanding towards such matters.) You take care, k? drink more fluid esp after vomiting... Jia you Jia you Jia you Jia you!!!
me taking fish pill and mutli vits every morning. used to take glocosamine as well...
u give raphael fish oil is those scotts oil or pill type? i let Damien take scotts yu gan you he took abit then gives me that digusted face and run away. hahahaa.
i rec the $9 dress. gd! ahahaha.
me still sterilising milk bottles and use pigeon dish detergent also...

the original one is nt only abit fishy is VERY fishy lo. yucks! i only feed Damien once and he dun one then i stop. hahaha.

hw is rachel today? better? try giving boiled rice water n plain watery porridge???
dun know why my boi dun like pork/chicken, but he is ok with fish...but hor, his taste change very frequent recently leh...one day like this next day dun want already...faintzzz..erhh...i have not bring my boi for his MMR jab..scare of the fever thingy lor. thought of giving him the jab when he turns 16 months (2 weeks time)...

tots are like tat...my boi attends infantcare since he's 4 months old, till now some days morning he still "cry cry" when i say bye bye to him..then i walk to side door to peek at him, he stops crying already and busy playing with his friends..
huh??!! Val, is that so.....then i beta let my boi try the orange flavour one...cos he's quite choosy wat goes into his mouth....one try dun like then won't take that food when u try to offer him again....
Sugar: actually i hate the banana smell also.. but to save $$ nv mind la.. Saw Alice post that pureen gt orange smell.. mayb will chgn to tat when i finished my tollyjoy!

hahaha...yesterdae my mum taught Lucas to say "Xie Xie" (thank YOu).. and he really nod how to say.. hahah.. so happi.. at last he can say something tat i can understand
val ,

I just give Jorel the Scott Vitamin C the raspberry gummy hahaah he love it .

But MIL restrict me to give the fish oil she said cannot till 2 yrs old . Dunno why also !!

I was having horrible migrant yesterday again cos think not enough sleep these few nites cos Jorel tend to sleep late and wakes up often .
This morning even worst he cried non-stop see liao heart pain ...I hope he is oki from the MMR jab .

And moreover PIL both down with flu and cough .
This morning he also have abit of running nose . Sigh .....
Jovial / Alice ,

I have been using pureen peppermint or orange flavour washing detergen since he is young loh .
Aiya no problem one la .... but we are still sterilise his bottles .
to me i find it very fishy la...

its chewable rubbery type isit?
till date u nv ask ur MIL why cant give? my mum and doc say ok le.
5th day since Jorel took the mmrt jab rite? if no rashes till date i think unlikely he will be dwn with it.
i am going to fall sick too...actually wanted to take mc n rest at hm who knows my colleage sms me yest NITE to tell me he working frm hm today i bo bian come into office. haiz.
val ,

Yes . The chewable one !!

He is still having heat rash but think not due to MMR ...cos it subside liao .

But I read from Alice post that Rachel is down with fever .

And now both my PIL are sick so scared they will pass the virus to him . BObian ...Jorel always like to sticky to my FIL when he is home .

FIL sick stay inside his room ...Jorel will keep banging the door like going to tore down the whole house ...spoilt brat .

I was soo tired and luckily my mum is off yesterday brought Jorel to Bishan for the day .
But cos Eric got meetings the whole day , dun want to stay home ...in the end went out with him sit at Coffee beans for hours :p doing nothing. But at least get to relax my mind .
Hi ladies,
long time never log in liao... hows everyone?

RE:washing detergent
I never buy those baby detergent leh... I use mama lemon lor. Remember from the maternity class, it was mention its safe to use those, just made sure to rinse properly.

I taking the caltrate brand.. think quite okay for me leh.
Choc- its anythg I eat also wan to puke. Haiz.. esp aft bfast n dinner. nw I jus eat to fill my stomach cos the feelin of hunger but wan to puke is terrible =(
Hahha.. tats the few words he can say. Nw bring him to shoppin ctr n when he sees teddy bears on the shelf, he goes bear bear bear, hahhaha
At least raphael calls u mama direct leh! ytd aldan darn funny.. we went to hv dinner at this restau thn he was sittin in his high chair thn suddenly he held my hand thn my hb's thn turned to me called mum thn to my hb called dad n put our hands tog! Hahahhahah..

Alice- I heard abt tat too but din expect this bad cos my 1st preg was reali smooth. rachel so cute! Hahah

Von- sighz.. My gynae is rite, ms wil peak b/t this period! But I reali din expect this bad. Even the vomit pills dun help either.
heat rash n mmr's rashes v diff le. anyway, these 2 days v hot!
hahaha.Jorel enjoys the attention from his yeye =P
wah. u alone sit in coffee beans while he attends his mgting there?
yest went for my gf ROM at bishan park 2 and brought Damien along. wah liew...i sooo sooo tired lo coz he running ard the whole place!
my friends commented he v busy, even more busy than my gf who is getting married. hahaha. Gd thing i brought him also la coz i think he did enjoy himself alot =)

nv ask the why suspend ur acc? there must be a reason rite? cant be too long nv login then will auto suspend ba.

i asked the moderator liao. they said i posted at restriction section.
but i still din understand lei..
i posted wts: puri rose tea
i got buy in bulk 15boxes. and want to let it go

i think somebody who hv sell it on bp, go n complain me, cos i sell to cheap or what.. then they go n suspended my account.

Anyway i din post n sell it, i share with my coll. i asked moderator to release my acct.
they wont release my acct lor. sigh sigh...

create new account so troublesome, cos the post number so little..i dunno can i buy/post on bp or spree or not...
val- wat time u at bishan prk ytd? we went there too for dinner. hahha.. n this aldan also happily walkin ard, pickin up leaves n grass.
darn funny rite.. hahah! as if tellin us sth.. tat he's happy to hv a happy family? hahaa
huh? i thot WTS section is for selling so why u cant post there?

anyway, since Bee Lee dun wan to release also nthing u can do...make do with the name nick ba..
u can post on bp but nt overseas sprees and WTS sections already...

i was there like 12++ till 4++pm. which place were u at for dinner? the one beside the spa ah? hahaha. ya. mayb aldan is just telling u both he is happy to have u 2 as parents! hehehehe.
val- ohhh.. yup we went to the restau near the spa there. got 1 for 1 but the main cos super ex! hahah... n need to order 1 soup/salad for each diner to qualify for the 1 for 1. end up spendin $60+ for the dinner =_=
where was ur fren's rom held? my sis hvg her rom nxt sun (20092009) at botanic grdns.
same i was at the restaurant next to the spa =) the things there are ex but nice le. I attended the ROM at that restaurant yest =P

hahaha. ur sis chose a nice date for ROM. my friend attended another ROM yest nite at 9pm on the dot. hahaha. i was asking my friend hw cum nt 9.09pm =P

now new userid cant post on wts.
o yha they got mention wts section, is not business area..what is the meaning business? earning money rite.. then they all sell ting, not earning money mah ?
aiyah... until now still din understand (angry)
yueling..no choice one... wat to do..u got to abide by their rules..

calcium: end up i buy back the calcium tablet my gynae prescribed me... 11.45 nia...for 60tablets!! hahahaaaa cheaper than that Caltrate...

this brand is Calcidan! yeah...
<font color="0000ff">hello mummies, please remember the trial this saturday. it's ok not to wear socks for the kids on(i think no socks better cos with socks may be slippery when they walk on certain mats, parents also no need to wear socks.)

JWT Kids Gym Trial - Kallang Leisure Park
Jo - Sat, 12 Sep 1pm
Choc - Sat, 12 Sep 1pm
Alice - Sat, 12 Sep 1pm
Jer - Sat, 12 Sep 1pm
dolly - Sat, 12 Sep 1pm
ting - Sat, 12 Sep 1pm

diana, i will pass u the voucher next sat.
1) Diana - Sat, 19th Sept 1pm
2) Val - Sun when back from HK</font>

choc, i took caltrate before. it's quite good.

alice, the colostrum i bought can be found in GNC but it's very ex there, buy from US cheaper.

jo, jorel so sticky to your FIL.. quite rare hor.. i thgt normally it's MIL or mother. for my case, my father loves to play with matthias but he prefers my mother. haha..

ting, your ms so jialat ar.. take care hor.. must eat something even if u puke lo if not your baby no food. hehe.. aldan is so cute hor..

today is the 10th day le and matthias still no rashes or fever. i hope that's it and nothing will happen cos his daddy going to india next monday. haha..

val, u should be more persistent, try to feed damien the scotts emulsion till he is willing to take one day. haha.. that's what i did to matthias. but really i also cannot tahan the smell. yucks. once it kena my finger then i tried to wash off with detergent but still got that smell! just like the desitin diaper cream. -_-"

re: childcare
have decided to put matthias for half day childcare come mid-nov till we are back from HK in jan then start him for full day. already registered and paid liao.. hopefully he will be co-operative. quite interesting to see how he's going to be independent, toilet-trained and no more pacifier. keke..
