(2008/05) May 2008

no no, daryl is not the smallest, rayden was only 2.68kg when borned. so can you imagine, this mummy put on 20kg and he was only tt small, like a little kitten when borned ! my gynae told me tt from the scan, he was around 3kg, but who knows, she is far way out.

My baby is average size ba..she was 3.28 kg. I also took epi...my threshold of pain not very high so i quickly asked for it!

Re teeth:
I am feeling quite bad lei. My baby always wakes up abt 3-4 times a nite crying..we tot was dream so nv do anything
Dan last Sunday I went Guardian, bot teething gel and applied for her at nite. It really helps lor, she only woke up once these nites..we din noe she was unconfortable due to the teething!

Wahhh GA!! The 1st time i hear for c-section. Hahahha
hi choc,

novena nike is also factory outlet?how much?c the way outgrow the shoes,i dun 1 to buy too ex 1,hehe,i prefer her to wear may janes,sweet sweet :p
wa, most of the babies seems to be heavy at birth hor.... mine was only 3.1kg and i had a hard time to push him out already, maybe coz he was facing upwards,haha... but luckily now become pui pui boy liao.

hang on, 2nd trimester will be better.. =)

same same, my boy also facing the wrong way... have to use vacumn...
huh... meaning u kanna cut down there and c-section somemore ah. Aiyo, must be painful... peifu u lei, can endure all these w/o epidural. Then u awake during c-section?

Mine is breech lar... plus big so bo bian, go choose date for c-section :>
haha... my gynae gave me the choice so i immediately opt for GA keke...! She even asked me how come i dun want to be awake to be the first to see baby so hb can join me. But i realli have no guts to be awake lar... so give up the idea :}
Lol.... we are like back to the past...those were the days... heheee...

chobits/diana...how come face wrong way need to vacumn? my gynae put her hand in leh..then turn raphael to correct position.... coz tt time i also super pain..then she say raphael duno facing up or down..(the wrong way...) thats why i pain...then she come say let me do it.. LOL...

in a moment no more pain and i can start to push lor... =)
my boy refuse to turn when my gyane try to turn him.. haha... so bo bian need to vacumn as very hard to push out. wa, your gyane very experience hor, my gyane din put his hand in to try to turn leh.
chobits... my gynae very very old liao..can be my ah ma liao leh.. LOL... but i trust her alot.. heheee..i still remember the stupid nurses...laughing behind me when i say i backside pain... ARRRRG....
hahaha. we cant never stop spreeing, can we? hehehe. just placed my order last nite but there are still some dress/clothes tt lingers in my mind aft i submitted the order. later go n see again. hehehe.
wahahah! u then funi la. even ask ur gynae to slap u to make sure u no response. so did ur gynae do tt eventually? hehehe.

hhahah. 2 pieces nia? order more la. hehehe.

hahaha. my hubby's colleagues call my delivery "Nic on the rock". just like drinking hard liquor by itself.
aiyo. u have to go thro both pain. when daryl grows up, u must tell him hw u went thro both pain to deliver him! hehehe

tho u put on 20kg and rayden weight 2.68kg, u still look v slim aft delivery lo. =)

hw cum backside pain? lie dwn for too long?
yeah, i put on 20kg during the pregnancy, damn scary hor ! although i did slim down, but i am not back to my pre-pregnancy weight, another 3kg to go. Was reading the woman's weekly magazine yest and is tempted to sign up slimming package with bioskin.
ooh ..for bunbun spree, this round, i only have 2 pieces in mind, now u are tempting me for more. Tell u, for the RL 35%, i am gg to place order after browsing thr the website yest, tempted to get another few pieces for rayden.
val...backside pain coz raphael was facing wrong direction..weighing on my nerve... my power gynae... walk in calmly..LOL...turn liao so good...

aiyo..i still keep asking more higher dosage of epi...TMD... lol
me also put on 20kg lo...my peak was 65kg! nv in my life did i exceed 50kg before the pregnancy lo. whahaha.

pls! dun go for slimming coz i feel u look gd in ur current figure le. if u slim dwn further will be skinny liao, nt nice le.

35%!!! now ur turn to tempt me liao lo. who u ordering frm? firefly or ??? for sure RL i have things to order! hqahaha.

oh. okok. i thot why backside pain. hahaha. me also backside pain but coz i lie dwn for too long with 1 big bump weighting on me. we all so kan jiong liao but our gynaes v calm n relax lo. my gynae also...still can joke with the nurses n midwife...kns...
Hi Girls!

Val, Dolly, Alice,

I also just placed my orders from Bun Bun. heehee


you still got 3kg to go meh? You look very slim the very first time I met u liao!

Dun go for those slimming salon..waste time and money that's what they say. Cos have to pay for the maintenance next time.


No worries. For my first, I put on around 19-20kg too.


Sorry but you haven't let me know about the books whether sorted out anot.

RE: Phuket
Just came back on Sunday. Wonderful...wish was there longer but I miss my girl. She still hasn't walk! My parents n hubby say yesterday she act "smart", stand up hold 2 balls and throw. Then fall flat on her face and cry. She always does funny things like that. Now enjoy climbing the stairs everyday and can wave BYE BYE when she goes up! *faint*
hi ladies,
not sure if you have missed out my posting before...but just let me be kaypoh one more time...

i found another ladies outfit spree which is almost the same, her price is much lower. I accidentally know it cos i ordered 2 exactly the same dress, one cost $15 and the other cost $9. The quality are of the same material.

Just my 2 cents worth to help you ladies save some money...
no lah, my weight was 60kg during pregnancy, now i am aiming for 45kg. But so still another 3kg to go....
oh no, the additional 10% discount is over liao for RL, how ?

yeah, we do know abt the other link tt u sent. we realised it during our last order, but for bunbun order, she has got designs tt the wholespree dun have

thanks for highlighting.
alice & val,

no lah, i nature, almost got to E C-sec leh....but heng managed to push him out lor....


dun noe, gynae tell me after daryl born that he is looking up, so i say my daryl is already so KPO even before he born liao...then after he is out, my sis caught him looking ard and smile some more.


i tink i put on abt 10kg during my pregnancy lor...but nw weight seem like nv gng to leave me leh....

btw, ladies, i hv booked a hkg trip during national day tat period....hurray...bringing daryl to disneyland....muiahahaha
hahaha. clothes frm bunbun nt bad n cheap, tts why cant resist rite? hehehe.
so u lost all the weight frm the 1st pregnancy thro the 2nd n 3rd pregnancy mah? coz u look v slim n dun look like a mother of 3 lo. hehehe.
Re: phuket
shiok rite? me looking fwd to my much awaited for holidays and NATAS fair =P

the wholesales spree is indeed cheaper for some of the items la. the cheaper one get frm her lo then some of the items like wat dolly mentioned only bunbun carries then will order frm bunbun. hehehe.

u def dun look like u got another 3kg to go lo. me now left with 3kg also..must have been feasting too much till i gain 1kg the past mth. hahaha. anyway, i feel la. u look gd now. =)

oh. okok. thot u went thro both pain. hehehe.
wah liew. so shiok go holiday. gd period to go coz of summer sales too. i am also planning to bring Damien to disneyland...but nxt yr. hahaha. talk of saving for my expenses for the trip...end up spree n spree. whahaha.
thats true...anyway, think bunbun also did put in effort in her website... convenient for those who dunno chinese... Ke, i will go take a look again...hee...
I enjoyed my pregnancy actually. So much so that I din wanna give birth. The week b4 i was due, I took leave le, everyday still go shopping quite alot.
On my due date, I still yaya papaya see gynea for check up wothout my hospital bag coz I tot no contractions anything mah. Who noes gynea said my water bag water leaking, must induce and admit immediately. BOO HOO

Any mummies went pap smear recently? Need to go mamogram or not? Or just the pap smear?

You know the dress example you gave. That's the same dress I wearing now!!! Haha. But haiz. Her service not bad. Guess take it as service charge. Rather than hassle or self order? But let me browse thru the rest.


Yes, I lost all my pregnancy weight. This 3rd pregnancy I lost everything liao and around 0.5-1kg back almost to my 1st pre-pregnancy weight.
bb08, dolly, jo
aiya, i missed this spree u gals talking abt... indeed cheaper wor!
Jo, i ordered a cargidan from bunbun at $10/- but saw yrs is so cheap!!! alamak *_* later we rec'd we compare the material okie, see same or not =) if same, maybe next time order from that lady liao.

no lar... haha, then i will wake up later with a $5 dollar on one side of my face =)

Re: Weight
Hmmm... actually i used to be 46kg during working days... then stop and went Sydney (1st posting) then eat and eat somemore not working so put on 5kg and become 51kg!!! So juz b4 preggie is fat liao... haha! I put on 13kg thru out my whole pregnancy.
Now, I'm 49kg... hiaz, so same same, have another 3kg to go =)

oic... nearly lar haha! okok not so bad =)

ya agreed with val... u look so slim, somemore mother of 3!!! can't believe it lor. So envy, how come u dun have stretch mark der =)
actually, my problem is toning cos' feel that my skin cannot strink back to the normal side lei.
paisei, i will email u soon abt the board bk, very slow in sorting cos' oni can do it when rachel slpzzz

Re: Board bk
hey ladies, juz to update... unfortunately, i dun have enough books to pass around so i will email to some of u soon to update u once i got it here again at the book stores oki =)
Val- dun remind me of the 1st pee aft delivery. Haha… din expect it to be so ‘tong ku’!!
I put on weight even faster aft stop bfg!! Darn sianz! Tryin to cut dwn on food intake nw.

Alice- I can shake hands w u. hahah… if I had to go thru csect. I wil opt for full concuss too. Cannot imagine hearing all the sounds as they prepare to cut me up =_=

Dolly- U look so slim nw le!! I am stil stuck w 5kg n gainin weight even faster aft I stop bfg. Darn sad!!!! =(

Diana- so shiok!! I am itchin to go for a hol too!!

Icebaby- can share ur mi jue on losin weight?
wah liew u all darn slim lor. i tink i was 40+kg durin my sec sch days! hahaha.... nw haiz........ dun hit 70kg, i happy liao

I have stretch marks and toning issues too. Just that photos I put up is selectively chosen. Hahaha


I cut carbo right after I give birth. I do take some amount lah. Once I reach a certain weight, I slowly take back carbo. So now when I eat, not much issues too. But again, I dun eat heavy or any breakfast and my dinner is rather light with little carbo. Only lunch is a very full meal. But now and then I also erm snack.
icebaby- i'm cuttin dwn on carbo nw. hope can see sm effects. but the thing is i gt gastric so once i feel hungry wil need to eat! n wrkin in ofce makes it worse cos i tend to snack n hv my kopi every mornin. at least at home, wil nt hv the tendency to keep eatin cos busy takin care of my boy!
wow.... memories recap...

I also missed the pregnant period when Royce kicking, rolling & hicups in my tummy.

Seem like many gyne like to induce. For my case, my edd is 19 may & when I went for the last few session check up on 29 apr, suddenly my gyne said I am 1 cm dilate, better induce the next day. But I told the gyne I can't because of my bro's wedding so he said if anything happen must quickly report to hospital. The whole event of my bro's wedding, I am so worry halfway need to check in. But until 8th May morning when I getting up to work, the water bag then burst. That very moment I dunno is waterbag burst or I urine... still thinking whether to go work or hospital.

I admit at 8.30am & they start induce at 12pm, until about 7.30pm, I am only 7cm dilate... gyne & nurses said I can still go for epi & its better so that I can save my energy for later part. I still want hold on to it but one of the nurse said... even though 3 more cm which is about 3hours but if bb head not ready, u still have to wait longer.. this terrific me & I really in pain then tears just roll down. In the end I choose epi but I'm sad that I am not firm enough til the whole process...

At 10.30pm, the nurses checked & said its fully dilate and ask me to rehearsal pushing. Gyne came at 10.45pm, within 20min he said need to forcep cos bb heart beat dropping.

Wow... its like so fast & its over type of feeling when holding Royce in my arms...

I still have 4 ~ 5 kg to go back to my original weight... sob sob

I think last time I mention before. Each person's body is different. For me, I figured out how to lose my weight...my method might not work for everyone. Just remember if you cut ur carbo and way of eating, once your body becomes comfortable to the way it is...you tend not to lose weight anymore.

Since you get gastric, maybe u can check to see anything u can eat inbetween to get used to the no carbo.

For me, I tend to be unable to eat breakfast everyday. If I eat, I gain weight. At night, if I eat heavy meal, I will also gain weight. But if at night, I eat bread or ice-cream, durian, fruit...I tend to be okay in terms of weight (weight not fats...fats somehow will gain as long no exercise). But if afternoon lunch I replace by eating bread, it doesn't help me lose weight. If I drink milk tea for breakfast everyday, that also wil gain.

**Sorry if I not typing incoherently cos I am in a meeting.
tt wholesales is indeed cheap la but some of the material cant make it la. then i order 1 dress too small for me altho the measurement stated on the web i go measure n suits me fine. but heng is 1 out of 4 cant make it nia so still ok and since its cheap nvm la. so i wld say see heng or suay =P
lol. think at most ur gynae shake u or try to talk to u u no response means u knock out liao. hahaah.

the 1st pee/poo aft delivery is literally putting salt on the wound! hahaha.
Alice ,

The short and small cardigan ya ya the material is OK . Should be the same as yours .

Like what val said depending on your luck loh ...out 6 of my new batch 1 cannot make it all . hahahah ....but cannot complain for the price sooo cheap loh
val, jo
ya lor... realli depends on luck. Cotton pretty safe but not chiffon lor, disppoint me most of the time. I like bunbun Ambercombie series... very nice, can't resist order some more haha.

u got a good deal on that small cardigan =) I alreadi ordered from bunbun and think trouble some to cancel... hope the material is as good :}
Re: Manners
haha ladies, teaching Rachel some manners now. I will only give the biscuit to her when she say "Please". Then she goes "Peeeee" hahaha! ok lar, passed!
Alice ,

Aiya i have been teaching Jorel PLease for very long ....aiya but he will go pon pon instead of open if he want us to open something for him hahaha passed too :p
haha... u can try to get yr mum to do it during weekday, then during weekend u can take over mah =)

hehe.. what is Pon Pon? is it in mandarin?
i just met up with Jo and see the difference on the dress tt u have posted, cos i have bought the same one from bunbun from the wholesale spree and bunbun spree. In term of the colour, length, and material, they are so different. Bunbun dress standard is so much better. And i also collected my order from Jo from the wholesale spree, omg ... the material cannot make it leh, abit disappointed with them.
ah.... Open! hahaha so funni...

haha... our bb so cute hor, they can't pronounce properly now so sounds so cute =)

realli ah... Heng ah, at least bunbun standard better. I like all the clothes i bought from her the last round. Except one chiffon one, a bit auntie lei, but the model wear ler so nice =<
thinking shld i give it away to my Aunt haha.
hey, u should can this one, wear liao very nice. Especially the black one suitable for work, the other colour more for casual. I got the black one and is pretty good =)


the standard that bad meh. But the items are exactly the same pictures leh.

Hmmm, I just ask bun bun to refund to try to order from the other site. But there are some which I ordering again cos I like them but different colour. Esp the pants...good to wear to office. Maybe I should pay her back again. Let me think and then tomolo decide.Hahaha
ooh i have got a similar design, but mine is from Southaven, and cost me almost $90 bucks for it, tt why when i see bunbun has got similar one, i heartpain.
yeah, after comparing bunbun and the wholesale spree, the standard is like .... OMG !. Hengz, i have not posted my order, as i have shortlisted another 3 more.

yeah, the standard is damn disappointing, as compared to Bunbun and Mayuki. I have received these 3 sprees at the same time, tt why i can see the difference. btw, i have got a few designs tt u ordered from bunbun, nice nice ....
i wore this today ...
haha... by now u shld be immune to the poisonous thread ler mah? =) How's work...?

ya southaven is ard that price lor, I have a suit from there and is collecting dust =)
Then I must compare the small cardigan with Jo ones ler next time... see any diff in material...!
hey, u have this design ah?? How is the cutting?? i wanted to buy but bcos scare of ordering chiffon now so hold back lor. Take a pix and show me lei hehe! Wat color u got?

haha.. ya lo, last time not working dun have much interest in buying ladies apparels now working, then like want to buy so many cos like no clothes to wear to work. work been busy lo, company just had a promotion event for those promoting agents, been busy organizing it, now that it is over, a bit free liao.
