(2008/05) May 2008

re:jar food
My girl must be the wierd one :p Her fav is the heinz pumpkin,potato beef. If really need to get jar food, the brand Only is organic and actually taste and smell good. It is sold at NTUC finest and Carrefour.
I let my boy try those peach food jar when he is younger. hmm... think i better get those jar pasta food jar and see if he likes or not.

Corynn, ylyn
Those pigeon porridge need to cook one? or just add water can already. If really bo bian, then need to bring some for my trip. haha...
if i dun rem wrongly is i read till 1yo le. hmm..i go find out more again.

oh yes. i tell u ho. my hubby ever mention he wanna send damient to sg youth flying club....i told him ok but he pay for the sch fees himself. so ex! i dun have $$ to support that sia. hahaha.
The pigeon one is very easy, all packed up in two packs in a box. So just put the pack (sealed) in hot water and open up..and it is ready to eat. But you better try your boy first to see if he likes...haha..just incase you bring over then he rejects it.
Ylyn ,

You want i pass to you during the gymboree class this sat !!Very wasted to throw away...

I still a few jars and bottles!!

Let me know so i can bring
Val ,

hahaha ...flying club YEAH ...is my dream if cannot find a pilot husband hahaha get my boy be one next time :p

Or hahah my next one gal ...your boy be my gal `s boyfrez hahhaah ...weirdo Mummy here :p
yeah.. youth flying club.
my dream too. used to be crazy abt it in secondary school.. still remember they did a talk at my sec school and i really went to find out all the criteria to join. hahaha
and their place last time is at holland road where the now dempsey is.. always pass by when i took no.7 to orchard..
wahahahah! u also aiming pilot hubby. waahahaha. so my boy if bcum pilot u cfm marry ur gal to my damien ah? hehehe.

u wan fighter pilot or commerical pilot ah? hehhee.

hahahaha. now the new place is at seletar v near to my place lo. when we were still courting we always go to the cafe there and watch the sunset and the planes flying..mayb still start to bring my boy there liao. whahaha.
Val ,

Any pilot also can as long as is pilot hahaha provided my next one is girl which chances very slim hahahah and provided your Damien want my gal hahahah :p

Ya during younger days used to date one trainee pilot but hor very YAYA guy ...in the end haha it only last two weeks . hahah
Jo / val,
oh yeah .. we all really think alike. I was also sharing with my colleague tt i hope to send Rayden to the Youth Flying College, as they are my customer, once awhile, i will go there for meeting, the commercial pilot are very handsome, i also like ley..... that time i did tell their IT manager abt it, and told him tt in event once rayden reach the approriate age, i will get him a ring and get information ....

did you go to the cafe there at night, the one next to the flying club selling the "spicy" chicken wings which have level 1 - 10 ?
wahahaha. fighter pilot higher risk when war time le. coz must infiltra into enemy grounds 1st!

actually ho, nt easy to be spouse of pilots lo. or rather, nt easy to be spouse of any personel in the 3 armed forces!

trainee pilot already so yaya...their sal when on training v miserable rite?

wah! u also wan rayden to be pilot huh. hehehe. like tt u got discount when u enrol rayden nt? hehee.

yes. sometimes i stay till 8++pm. they sell the buffalo wings with diff levels of spicyness. suddenly dun rem the name of the cafe...
that is my thinking too. must start saving for damien's flying course. hehehe.

next time jorel, rayden and damien can be flyin mates liao. ahahaha
Val ,

I dunno leh ...why do i need to know their salary but of course better than NSF that time lah .

Hmmm actually true lah ...not easy to be army regular spouse . I know what you mean hahahah...i experience before too but not as spouse lah !!
training pilot with sia think abt $900/mth. damn miserable lo.

i think the worst is navy, follow by army...of coz la, air force the best coz everyday fly planes and higher pay. whahhaa.
yeah yeah, not long ago, i went with my colleagues to the cafe, we only tried level 2, damn spicy liao lor and also abit salty. My hubby dun really like it, instead, he prefers the original fried ones. But do u know tt if u can eat level 10, they will give u a cert for the achievement, but hor, siao lor, to eat level 10, sure to LS.

Val / Jo,
no lah, i didnt ask for the course fees, just tt we were talking casually abt rayden and i hope to mention to the IT manager. See how lah, at the rate tt we are talking abt sending them to this course, that school, sure broke liao .. now somemore go for flying course ... hahaha
for level 10 must finish all then will give cert? i only try till level 3 and i bo tahan liao lo. duno i have the stamina to go for level 4 now nt. hehehe.

there is also a cafe at semb called buckaroo that have spicy baffalo wings as well. there portions are all v big. free can go there and try too. cosy place.

i cant agree more with u lo...at the rate we talking abt sending them to the various sch, courses, we have to slog hard liao.
Val ,

Oh you mean commercial SIA pilot yes around that price .

Did you saw the tall india guy who help out my hubby during the birthday party ....my hubby`s good frez ...he is still a trainee pilot and their pay very miserable leh . Can understand the pay miserable cos SIA pay so much to train 1 pilot leh .

And I have couple of gal frez `s hubby are commercial pilot ....they very poor thing sometime dun see their hubby like a week ...and worry about affairs. But of course their earning power are high too !!
Val ,

huh ....where is it ...Sembawang where !!
My hubby is spicy eater ...alamah that ones he got second for some Mediacorp program ahahah !!

Choc ,

YEah ...choc going to xin ma soon :p
yeah, think u will need to finish the plate and they will award you with a cert. but siao lor, who can take it ... surely will burn ur tummy if u eat the whole plate.

hey, where is the semb called buckaroo, i dun mind to try, can jieo my colleagues to go there ..
hey my fren'z hubby is a trainee pilot..
and he always go traning in australia. tat time she gave birht to her 2nd daughter.. the hubby is not aroudn. and even full mth celebration also never come back.. very sad leh..
and she herself is an auditor..so imagine.. juggling work, 2 kids with the help of one maid only. lucky her maid is quite good. but still i really pei fu her for being super mommy.
and her hubby pay is only ard 1k per month. actully is more like allowance. so she said she still have to slog.. cannot be tai tai yet.
no le. dun rem the face liao. ya la. no wonder aft they pass and bcum pilots, they also have sal issue with SIA. hehehe.

ya la. commercial pilot consider gd 1 week nt ard le. fighter pilot always nt ard one coz need to stationed overseas for a few yrs for trging...just like zoe's tay hubby.

Re: Buckaroo
@ 12B Andrews Avenue. u know there is a bottle tree @ Sembawang? its at the mouth of the small rural road that leads to the bottle tree restaurant.

finish the plate? siao le...burn the tongue n tummy...next day go poo poo so hot! hahaha.
Jer ,

thank you for the information !!

Val ,

I asked my frez about whether will there be a bulk purchase coming up for the wooden piano , the supplier said will arranage another in Sept or Dec before the christmas . And the price will increase !!!
Ylyn- haha.. I also lazy mummy. Once or twice a wk wil gv cereal or food jar for dinner if no time to cook.

re: youth flyin club!
wah u all reali tink so far! hahahha...

Dolly- I tried b4 level 2 of the wings too. Also find it salty n nt reali nice leh. hahah.. maybe cos my hb n I nt fan of spicy food.
hmm...sept/dec v v far away...somemore increase the price...*gasps*

hahaha. think far plan far mah. then can calculate hw much $$ needed then save for it =)
tink too far liao..come back come back...

hahaaaaa... should plan how to make them happy now..hahahaa... those things too far.. kekeee

oh ya..nowadays i will bring raphael to playground..then if wan to go back home..he will cry n throw tantrum... =(
called the HQ for Geox shoes in sg, they DUN carry any baby shoes in sg anymore due to no demand. smallest size is 26 for 3yrs old. argh...only way to get is thro...online or overseas....
choc- ah pheal likes to play wat at the playgrd? my dad wil bring aldan dwn every tue n thu when we go over for dinner. he luv the slide. ytd hor i looked at him n realise he's a big boy le!!! like suddenly my lil boy grown up so fast! keke...
ting..ur boy is realli big boy leh... hahahaaaa

my dun like the slide..he like the yellow bars!!

ya ya... suddenly grow up hor.. hai... mine i found him sitting at corner of bed and aslp lar..apparently he tried to call me middle of nite..but piggy mummy too tired.. tink he sit there and fall aslp...morning was shock to find him not in the middle or side of bed...at one corner!! hahahaaaa

hai..make me guilty leh... must feed him well..this is my current aim and goal! hahahaaa
future one.. schools etx...when times come will find lor...
damien also likes the slide. i have a pic of him on the slide at the splash park @ the zoo and he was smiling. hehehe.

ya...suddenly realised that they grow up le. now while they still allow us to hug n kiss them must faster do..once they grow older will nt like us to do that to them le.

why feel guilty?? hw heavy is raphael now?
val...guilty coz i cant hear him calling me...sob...maybe hungry..hahaa

raphael ah... ard 10kg ba... last weigh was 9.8kg...
how heavy is commando now?
hahaha. if he hungry will call u again. hehehe.

haiz...my boy now left 9.9kg...lost 0.3kg coz of teething and actively moving abt! me like u, must make him gain weight. hahha.
choc- my sis also commented he like suddenly grown so much. hahaa..
aiyo rapheal like so dong shi! can sit n fall aslp w/o u wakin up! this aldan wil scream when he's awake in the middle of the nite n i had to pat him. or he wil jus crawl to my body n fall bk to slp. hahaha
aiyo i tink aldan is 12kg or more liao. carry him nw like feel he's heavier! tmr bring him for jab, shall c his actual wt!

val- ya! nxt time they grow up wil nt wan us to bring them out le esp for boys.
same la. if damien wakes up in the nite he will cry till u attend to him.

hahahaha. must let us know hw heavy aldan is ah. hehehe. i heartpain my damien lost 0.3kg in a mth lo...sld see if my efforts pays off at the end of this mth when i bring him for the chix pox jab. hopefully he will be at least 10.2kg by then!!!

and yes, pls fatten up ur boys while they are nt actively walking/running yet. coz v hard to make them put on weight when they can walk n run le.
ting! 12kg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aiyo.... nvm... mine lighter better...easier to carry...lalalaaaa

mine not dong shi lar ok..is i slp too "deep" cant hear

val...wa lau..urs also hit 10kg... mine seems like no luck
everytime near to 10kg..fall sick..tis time... close to 10kg..duno how heavy... hahaaaa
choc / ting /val ,

dunno how heavy is Jorel must be around almost 9kg !!!

Val ,

Ya loh now want hug must hug more ...later after they are older they will hug their girlfriends no more Mummy :p
