(2008/05) May 2008

jovial ,

I thought i saw lynn posted that NAN sold in Spore is from switerland ?

Maybe you may want to check with NAN directly .

Cos as i`m using Friso called them ...they ensure us that their is produce in Netherland

I am panic...as so many products has been recalled so it a bit scary.. ya.. mayb I should called up to make sure
thanks ya ...
the item itself cost S$32.62. Shipping cost another S$45.87.

Total works out to be S$78.49 (abt 48% off)

Singapore retail at S$149
if you all are interested, i can help u all to order. I have 1 more mummy asking me to order.

Each shipment can only take abt 6 units.
mine delivered on 14th May 2 KKH, 10days earlier than urs =P

hahaha. so now u have 30 of the J&J wipes. i alt bewteen J&J & pigeon le. if nt last time J&J no offer per pack i got it @ 6.06 @ giant..so ex...then change to pigeon 3pack 10.50...taka fair 1 box 19.90 only so stock up more than 30packs...=P now J&J gt offer will sotck up again...hehhee...hubby says i siao =P hw cum ur hubby horrible? use alot alot? the 2nd 6-in-1 took on fri then no fever no nthing le. i asked the nurse of no fever can give first nt she says dun proactively give baby so i nv give...then mon went for the rotavirus oral med...the doc says sldnt cause any fever also...only this morning he developed fever i gave him his first spoon of paracetamol...till nw 3rd dose le...on the bottle of the med its says nt to give more than 4doses in 24hrs...so later bring him go see PD liao... my boy using huggies comfort & pampers comfort. wah! serious ah? i havent open pampers yet coz my boy has v bad nappy rash so put him on 100% cloth diapers. i wanna try out the pampers active...or the doc @ polyclinic suggest pull up pants better le...

i tempted to get the Brightlings Exploration Station BUT ex le...=(
havent let him try tt yet coz huggies comfort use halfway stop completely to allow his nappy rash to recover. currently only going out then let him use disposable one le. so duno if damien ok with pampers comfort nt.

recently i also spent alot...today altho physically i didnt go to the isetan sales but still manage to get kelcqi n dolly to help me get some items.hahaha. really nowadays no nd to step out of the hse also can spend $$ =P sprees is the hardest to control!
felval ,

hahah ...me too ..aiya you dun tell me earlier can collect for you and pass to you .

I collected mine just now !
Actually wanted to go to the sales after work ...who know i lost my card dunno where i misplace it
maybe god knows i have been spending alot recently ...hhaha

I still got three of spree haven collect?
argh...ya ho...i didnt think of it can ask u to help me get dresses frm kelcqi then i can wear immediately....i also got the high chair, they will deliver to kelcqi or dolly place then i pick up frm there coz too bulky...

aahahah. must be la! God wans u to give ur wallet a rest first. heehee. save up for more things later =P

wat u got frm the 3 sprees? clothes for jorel?

u getting the sunhat n sunglass from Baby Banz Inc mah? If yes, can help me get the following?

Combo - Gift Set Bucket Hat and Banz Sunglasses. Both the sunhat and sunglass I wan "Little Hunter" as the color.

Thanks inadvance =)
hi mummies! wah so many posts read until i blur! so sad tat i cant login to chat durin ofce hrs n missed out so much =(
ytd let aldan 'taste' apple n jus nw papaya. hehe... he gv a funny look. lolz.. but seem to be enjoyin it!
felval ,

I bought clothes from old navy and disney .

And ermm...sun glasses loh ..but the one i bought not as nice as muzicalgal intro .

You bought dresses huh ...not there to see still can kelly to buy for you ?? hahah you really very good leh
if can dahan...beta wait for your bonus b4 resigning...hee...so can buy more stuff for your baby! today i went shopping after depositing my boy with the infantcare, when i went back to fetch him...he apparently very happy to see mommy..so excited keep kicking his hands and legs and "talking" all the way....really warm my heart... =D

me went to the carrefour sale today too...the pampers active so bought 2 boxes ($59.90 for 2 boxes - 4 packs of 76 each). stood there with my phne, calculating the price...cheap so bought...saw 1 guy bought 4 boxes...

they aso selling huggies pull ups..think $30 for pack of 2 with a book included...
Hi Felval

Is TOTALLY true!!! Boy eill go wz wife/gf want.... Like my 2 brothers!! I remember my bro MIL told my mum that my bro is like his son. My mom went sad for weeks and keep mentions this to me and my sis... so we tell her.. girl beta right? bring you out for good food, holiday, shopping.. she say ya ya!! but deep inside i think all mommies loves their son more.

Hi Ant

Each new food/fruits do follow 3-4days rules... mean if u start apple.. try for 3-4days straight... so u know what he is alligies to (in case) Esp Aldan have ezcema.. have to be extra careful
dun mentioned, hope yr friend gets in =)
Wah u give cereal so early, glad yr boy love it... i'm also pretty excited over it, will give carrot next week =P

Ya slowly add on will be better, if not we will stress their little stomach too much =)
Btw, where can i find the Pigeon Weaning set? Think my spoon is a bit hard for her, want to try the one u got, see is it better... how much $$?

I bought mine from Spree and they juz arrived. Like it alot, material very soft. The legging is from Japan, a bit exp... ard $18/- one pair (think we r paying for the design as well). There are some cheaper ones but heard material not as gd lor...
Not sure abt those in Oz lei, is it gd? any pics?

Wah so exp... me thinking of getting the pooh one too (the smaller version) but from SSW bcos' of the bag that comes along, travelling with it will be easier. Does Alien one comes with a bag too?

oh no... hope damien will recover soon! what is the temp? Ya better see PD... cos' the last time my gal LS, first question asked by PD is does it comes with fever? He said not gd to have LS with fever or blood in stool... let me know the outcome k?
haha... we woman r really shopaholic man! Can u imagine if we stay there? haha... sure broke! My hb is so worried that we r posted there as well, hiaz! But also not true lei, the last time i went there, i always aim for those local brand... cheaper mah!
Ya... talking abt the jabs... i juz keep holding her and talk/sing to her also dare not look at it... but my PD damn fast loh, b4 i knew it, is over liao. =)

welcome to chat with us...! But warning hor, this thread can go as long as MRT track in one day, hehe!

At least yr hb clean yr boi poo... My hb juz watched lor... asked him to throw diapers, he hold it like a bomb, haha vomit blood! I'm so used to it till didn't treat it like shit anymore =) Oh for me, I prefer to wash her butt each time she poo if i'm at home loh. Cleaner =P
but in india, i wld rather use wipe liao, think cleaner than their water hehe. I even intend to bath her with Mineral Water, bo bian!
Oh someone told me not to feed bb with medicine unless got fever after jab lei, PD said not all will have fever, oni some. My gal took 2 doses liao including rotavirus, so far so gd lor (touch wood) =)
Jo, i used Pampers Active... so far is the oni one that can hold my gal pee at nitz... I tried the Pampers Comfort and dun like it too... the plastic had pretty sharp corner, very scary. Thinking of giving away too...

did u try out rice cereal as well? Or u give aldan the fruits straight away first? Cos' me still experimenting with rice cereal

Re: Isetan sales
Ladies, how is the sales? felval, u bought high chair from there ah... how much? Me searching for one now to feed Rachel properly lei.

Re: PlayMat
Dolly, Corynn, Lynn & Dearie, think i will order from the SSW Spree tonight le. Since there is no reply from them... btw, Thanks for chking with SSW abt the disc... =)
Lynn, I also got emailed to SSW but he didn't reply. Then I went to see what Alien and SSW provide, and since I'm looking at LG Prime, decided to get from Alien cos it is cheaper and comes with bag.

felval, you li hai leh. Didn't go shopping still can buy dress. hehe.. Oh ya. So fast going back to work liao hor. Good la can pump 3x at work. I also told myself to pump 3x at work lo but sometimes too busy and lazy then ended up only pump twice at work. Meaning 1 day pump 4 times only and I lazy to get up and pump in the middle of the night. Hopefully can maintain at least 1.2l per day, sometimes good will have 1.4l, bad times will have 1.1l. So don't worry about your supply, usually will maintain about the same one. So very soon, u will she bu de your boy liao. Whenever I pump at work, I will miss my boy badly and kept looking at his pictures in my phone. Think your boy's head is the same shape as my boy's one so the head very big. Haha.. You stock so much wipes ar? I bought alot of Pigeon ones (Think got another 15 packs) cos got Taka vouchers that time then bought alot. Then think won't be able to finish using one. Cos when baby is able to stand, usually wash is easier cos if want to wipe, they will flip here and there. So we didn't buy anymore though still have Taka vouchers. Your boy got nappy rash ar? What cream you using on his buttocks? When my boy not yet full month also got very bad nappy rash till like blisters like that. You said he LS, think maybe diarrhea is it? If not, how come LS so many times and got fever. Hope Damien will get well from his fever and rashes soon.

Re: Infant milk powder
Think as long as the milk powder is purchase in Singapore reputable stores or chains, it is safe. Cos logically, AVA would have check all milk powder first(since it's babies' main diet) before checking other stuff and anyway, AVA's website stated clearly that milk powder is safe in SG. So mummies feeding babies with FM, don't worry!

Re: Gathering
So when is the gathering and where ar?
glad to hear that yr boi can adapt to the infantcare, now u can fang xin le ba =)

ya... i ordered 4 boxes and asked them to deliver to my hse... then i was surprised to see the whole truck is full of Pampers Active (to be delivered to other pple as well) haha... really a gd buy!
Ladies... need yr attention here! Anyone can make it on children's day? Looks like the list is not growing longer lei... ;P

Venue: Icebaby's Hse
Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Timing: 12pm onwards (Do have lunch together)

1. Jaime (ilyse - 6 Adults, 2 Kids + 1 baby)
2. Dearie_e
3. Ling (Riley)
4. Alice
5. ??
i am back from shopping

can you imagine, i shop from 9am till 8pm in the evening ... hahaah .. after having lunch with Tinkerbelle, and Faith, both ladies left and i still continue my shopping at Paragon.. End up still dun want to go home, waited for my hubby to pick me up, and we went Isetan sales again, bought more VTech toys for Rayden, he was already sleepy when we fetched him, however when back, we opened up the new toys and let him play, till he got so excited, just slept not long ago ... hahaha

how is bb Damien, feeling better ?
dun chiong dong, now we have extra headcount to spend, so must dong and wait for bonus, even if you want to resign ...

thanks for helping me to post on the SSW, as i was out whole day ... Conclusion : please go ahead and order individual. I am in delimma now, wented the yellow bear from SSW as Ailen dun have, but dun feel good to order from SSW as he seem so dao, never reply at all.

looked like Rachel has got 1year of diapers stored up for her liao ..... hahaha

the photo is so cute, how come rayden is kissing your boy ??? can you email the photo to me when you are free, thanks ?
Hi all..
Been busy the whole day so din log in to say hi..
Anyone bot any goof buys from isetan today?

Me din go isetan sales cos was on course today..

Do u happen to see Mamy POko diapers at the Carrefour sales?

Where is NTUC FInest?

Ur bb is a day after my ger leh =D...
i saw your order posted to SSW, seem like he also never reply to the posting leh ... so dao lor, dun know if he wants business or not ..
Isetan Sale
Ref : Highchair
They are having promotion for the Jane Highchair which is able to convert to table and chair @ $199.... Not sure if this promo is still ongoing after the Private Sale.

Whoa! SO many posts. I read until very tired. Din hv time to log in. Got very bad clogged ducts and milk blisters. Busy pumping & latching, SS dropped. My poor gal is drinking more but gets hungry fast bcos selfish mummy is using her as pump. She usu. drinks abt 100ml with 2 teaspoons of rice cereal.

MIL is asking me to stop breastfeeding and buy FM to feed my gal. She has been telling me that for some time and now she's unhappy dat I'm nt doing anything abt it. MIL & SIL juz now came over & kept asking me to go back to work. My plan is to look after my gal till she turn 1YO, best is 18mths. Then I can leave her at childcare and go to work. Haiz... MIL dun stay with u oso can gv u hard time. Worse, she come over to stay overnight every Mon & Wed. We can tok abt TV shows & stuff. But she got FIL to ask my hb abt going to Genting tis Dec. In the end, my hb called from overseas to ask me. So farni lo. When she knew I dun intend to bring my bb go, she showed me a black face w/o saying anything. Then I told her abt my medical history and that doctor mentioned that it's hereditary. I have sensitive nose, skin & eyes, esp. sensitive to dust and cold weather. She knew it all along. She gave me tis ridiculous look. I din said anything and juz walked away.

Whenever MIL stayed over, she'll always try to cuddle my bb to slp and like to keep carrying her. She dun practise wat she preach, told my hb off for kept carrying my gal and yet she's doing it. ytd, she cuddled my gal to slp. upon placing my gal onto her mattress, she woke up and refused to slp. Then MIL start saying put her in yaolan easier to slp. I scold my ger instead, saying "everytime u slp in ur baby cot, why today u so naughty?" Tink she got my hint, then she tried to get my gal to slp by getting her to hug bolster. Tis time, I reali got fed-up and told her stop introducing these uncalled for habits to her. She can slp perfectly well w/o patting, yaolan, cuddling & bolster. My gal juz need to be fed in a quiet mode and she will slp.

Paiseh... Typed such a long one. Juz need a channel vent my frustration. I used to vent it out on multiply but my hb's cousin might read (even though she's not my contact) and inform SIL.
Morning ladies!
Finally its friday =D.

tks ya...Do they have wet wipes there?

No prob lor, I am sure the ladies here will lend a pair of "reading n listening eyes" to you =D..
Can understand lor, we are trying our best to BF here and yet was always gana "cold water"..Hiaz...So hows ur milk blisters ? painful?
too busy to post thread nowadays. just a short response to Gina's post:

Gina, your MIL y ask u to stop bfeeding.. The recent milk scare has cause the price of FM to shoot up & most imptly breastmilk is the best. Really tough on you to tahan her nonsense, you are a very patient person leh. Ignore her k, strive on, dun giv up on bfeeding
Juz ignore what ur MIL. I hv the same experience with you. They like to act differently when hubby around. I know it's hard as they like to disturb the way our bb used to be trained. Afterthat we are the one who suffer.
Dolly, Alice and Lynn,
I had ordered the mat from Alien. The SSW really very dao. I email few time also no response. I also scared after ordered, i still need to keep chance for delivery or keep guess whether by order capture and confirm. End up the price up, we are the one who suffer.

Regarding the bag, I juz get the box from Alien to roll up the mat instead of fold in the bag lor, since Angela told me the mat are not good to fold.
ladies ,

Sooo tired ...for the pass two nites we have been waking up three times which my boy has been sleeping throught the nite since he is 3 weeks old. First nite we thought he got not enough milk before going to bed . So last nite we sure we feed him enough before he KO but who know he wake up also
Really dunno know what happen...got no choice to latch him on to ensure you KO. I think he is he just need comfort sigh

Can you imagine my eyes getting more and more like panda
gina ,

After reading your story ...now i know how lucky me to have my MIL who is a understanding or maybe i dun get bother too much as she can handle my boy well in her own way ..i`m fine
My mil also act differently when my hubby is around. she always diam diam when my hubby is around and then will try to psycho me to do this and that. sian. ignore her, continue to bfeed as long as you can.

Do all your babyies can sleep on their own. My boy still need me to carry and pat him then he can go to bed. Tiring as he is getting heavier.
why does ur mil stay overnite one? no privacy at all...
i tink to stop bf anot is totally ur decision..nobody can stop u from bf... this is my stand on this..

who are they to ask us to stop..moreover u still have supply wat...chey...ur mil still can be unhappy tt u not listening to her...
*scratch head*

agree with corynn..they like to act differently when their sons not ard..sometimes i wished to install cctv on me... capture all differences..haahaaa

one last word...IGNORE such ridiculous request... remember that the decision to bf is solely urs.
coz we are the one waking up in middle of nite to pump..we are the one with engorgement and we are the one doing it willingly..

Ignore ignore...
OH YA! Raphael is teething..
i found 2 little tooth coming out..sharp sharp de when i put my fingers in to feel the texture...no wonder recently i feel abit weird when he latch on!
hey gals, morning~~

sianz big time.. was down wif super heavy flu n sorethroat.. ;( my boy n hubby slp in living rm..

oh ya, those of u who went for the isetan sale is there anything to buy?? haiz.. i was tinkin to go down to c if agnes b is on sale anot..
wanna get the big tote bag..

chobits, my son sometimes oso need mi to carry him n pat him to slp.. but alot of times i tell him im tired liao so i put him down on our bed n pat him.. did u sing to him? mayb try singing to him the same song will make him slp faster.. dats wat ive done.. hehe..
choc, ur boy teething liao ar??
i tink mine oso leh.. cos recently my mum tryin to clean his mouth den she feel dat its gt something at his gum.. but i din really bother to take a look haha
ya agreed all mummies here know how to "bao yang". I hope to go for the gathering on 1 Oct but is my mum's birthday. hmm.. will put my name down first while i arranged the timing so that i can go to the gathering.

i think its ok, maybe i go take a look at the brand that Winnedy intro cos now staying at my in laws place, can drop by thomson plaza ntuc finest to check the brand. Anyway thanks for offering

how you fatten Damien, i also want baby Keon to grow fatter, hehe..Why your hubby said dun buy high chair? I using my #1 high chair for Keon, the ikea one but i want to buy new one cos yellowish le, lucky hubby said ok for that as he keep saying i spend too much on Keon then unfair to my #1. How's Damien?

muzicgal, corynn
can help me buy some stuffs for my boy too when you are in the states.. hee hee..

Lynn Chang,
Basically for me, the maid help me a lot as back then i still studying but i make it a point to spend time with my boy alone everynight and make sure there is a lot of laughter involves. Like what icebaby said, have to be chin cai, close one eye on certain stuffs, so long as kid is happy healthy well taken care of then ok. If scold too much, they can simply pay back by doing something to your kid which we may not know lor. Of cause, cannot rely on them heavily too, we have to feed and bath baby too, not say everytime the maid do.


Venue: Icebaby's Hse
Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Timing: 12pm onwards (Do have lunch together)

1. Jaime (ilyse - 6 Adults, 2 Kids + 1 baby)
2. Dearie_e
3. Ling (Riley)
4. Alice
5. Jer

Just do what is best for your baby. Older ppl dun understand as they got used to formula milk. My own mum told me its time to give my boy formula milk but she never insist la cos she know i wont listen de.

same same, i also feel lucky my mil very understanding. She did say baby can start cereal at 4 mths then i told her now is recommended 6 mths then she said oh.. then never asked anymore le.
my ger needs us to pat her to sleep lor...when she keeps turning her head left n right, we know she wants to sleep liao, pat awhile and she will sleep =)..

Guess ur bb wans some security, thats y wans to be carried during sleeping..My ger used to do that too, tiring sia...

how old is ur bb?
Jer ,

Ya ...anything i told her she is ok ...and when she said anything to me ...i will be ok too.

oh ya dun talk to you that day at dolly`s place ..saw your son very cute and very well-behave
