(2008/05) May 2008

my boy is Javier =)

u are the one in blue right?
kinda match ur face with the facebook pictures and i remember ur boy look so much like ur hubby

xiao hua,
yup i was the one in the black tee

haiz just reach home from work, got to pump milk
cannot eat dinner, cannot bathe, cannot carry bb...

Hi Mummies,

Carrefour is having a warehouse sale@serangoon.
Those of us who have missed out during their previous warehouse sale, might want to drop by to check out the good bargains.

Check out this link:

Up to 70% OFF!!!
24 September to 1 October 2008
10am - 10pm

Anyone who will be gg there, can keep us updated by posting the good bargains?

I will be gg to the Isetan Sale on Thurs, don't know if got time to visit this warehouse sale...
might need to lobang one of you who might be gg...
Hi Kelcqi

This is the picture u wanted

Hi Xiao Hua

Ya.. weekend abit hard for me. Cis only time tat Megan can have daddy full attentions..
I brought the chicken wings. hehe.. the next potluck i bring again lor... =D
It's broiled chicken wings, healthier than fried. Then no oil added. Just marination and then broil it.. simple and nice! my family all times favourite.

this thurs cant join u gals liao leh... weijun got vaccination at 12pm. abit rush... if i go right? at most can meet like 1.5hrs from 830am to 10am, then i have to zoom home and fetch weijun then zoom back to yishun polyclinic.

i bought your milk powder liao. i deliver to your office tomorrow ok?
Hi everyone, the thread is running so fast. Hehe..

Wow.. You ladies going shopping on Thursday. So shiok right? But so many ppl go, all of you got Isetan card ar? What time you all going?

Alice, which part of India are you going? My hubby going Pune to work in Nov for about 10 days. Sian man..

Dolly, I'm interested to get the playmat too. Please help to get Discount!! Hehe..

Re: Maid
My new maid is in Singapore. Probably Fri go change maid. Hopefully don't have to change again. Haiz..
Ref : Playmat
The one that replied is Ailen, she is offering 5% discount for every 5 pieces of 2100*1400*15mm. So each playmat is $160 instead, only thing is that she dun have the carrying bag for it. I am still waiting SSW to reply. If by tomorrow i still didnt receive a reply, i will send him reminder again.

1. corryn
2. lynn
3. dolly
4. cheri

we need 1 more interested buyer ...

i checked out the carrerfour link, but the address is too small. Can you see it and post here ?

defintely i am not bringing Rayden along for the talk, and i want to make sure that i have prepare him and myself before letting him to try anything.

from the photos that Felval posted, bb Dylan looked so much like you.

i want to order "Itsy Bitsy Spider" , please help to include in, thanks.

i saw the blender at Isetan Parkway before. It is a good buy. I will check out on this coming Thur, if have, i think i will also buy, as i have saw their demo before.

Bb Damien looked so cute in the photo. you have done a good job in feeding him.

sure, so i will see you on Thur morning .. i also agree with you, i also dun like the idea of bb too close to maid, i will sure get jealous.

ooh thanks ... i have uploaded the photos into my blog, you can check out as i do identify the bb out.
xiao hua,
i not that thin, icebaby more thin, must ask for her "mi yue". I guess with 1 baby and 1 hyper active kid to chase around, it do help me keeps some of the fats away. Your gal sleeping position really cute.

RE: Playmat
Finally got hubby to nob his head liao, i keep complaining that the matress we put baby down during his play time is too small cos he keep rolling, pushing and flipping that keeps him out of mattress most of the time. Gonna buy thomas the train one to match my elder boy room.

Happy birthday! You are really slim, you are one hot mama!

my baby name is Keon.

the last time he took his weight which is last week is 6.5kg. during the gathering see all other babies then my baby like rather small in size. But so long that he is healthy then i am ok la.

so funny.. maybe Shaine want to play hide and seek with you.

haha your boy is so cute.

RE: Maid
Whether baby stick to maid or closer to maid, i think parents play a part too. If rely heavily on maid then of course the kid will be closer to the maid. Like previously my #1 was taken care by my in laws maid but he dun stick to her, in fact on the day she left my boy was so heartless lor like dun even care jus said good bye to her then he ran away and play with hubby younger cousins, then the next day, he asked "where's aunty?" told him auntie went back to her own home then he asked "new auntie coming?" I thought he will at least be a bit sad that she left since she took care of him for 4 years and have been his playmate but sad to say he dun feel sad at all.

are you still taking order on happy bellies? I want to buy one to try.
Felval, Thanks for updating the pic. Haha, erica so look so fierce. Dunno what is on her mind. Haha...

Damien look so cute leh. Hehe, The pic of him on his tummy so funny, as if he really playing with Dylan...

Try to go lah. Go there see see look look also shoik.

Thanks for the photo. My FIL got this leh. Hee, didn't know the brand was e one u toking abt. But everytime he blend fruit juice, very loud one. Is your blender very loud also?

I stare very hard at e screen. I think there's a free shuttle bus to the Carrerfour at AMK MRT station for both boarding n alighting. Interval is every 30 mins.

Ok, I add your order liao. Your book is also board book leh, u ok rite?

I can take in orders. But we need to see if can get another 5 more or not. Cos they only come in pack of 6. And need to order fast cos left 2 only.

Happy Birthday! Stay young and pretty ya~
nice meeting u too... yr sis really like her nephew, can babysit w/o complain...that's nice! thks, Ya my dream is to be able to wear something similar to my daughter... so happy to hv a girl

PM u the hp no. liao... u got it?

i might go for 1850mm x 12mm thick, parklon loh. My gal likes winnie the pooh le... so pooh & friends is a gd design for her =)
haha... that's funny tat u can't find Shaine! But be careful lei... think shdn't put too much bolster ard her... dun feel safe abt it

I will be starting Rachel too with rice cereal... this week maybe. So excited! Wonder what is her reaction....?
Wah... 95% of Megan things bought/QC by him... that's a bit extreme loh =) but look at the positive side, at least he bother hehe

Salute u le... 2 mths later u r pregnant again with #3... good man! Also better this way, it can be stressful in early stages but will be ok next time they grow up
then envy loh... r u closing shop already?

That's the thing, today went PD for 2nd Jabs and was asked to start rice cereal for Rachel till 6 mths...then brown rice =) sama sama... hey so u bought it from cold storage? ok will get it fast to start on bb liao...
Nic is super cute with his newly make friends, hehe

Winnedy found the organic rice cereal from Oz...
haha... me too also very excited... want to start Rachel on rice cereal this week... PD said go ahead! Yeah...
Wah... we must really exchange... how much is yrs?

FC got 60% say and User will have 40% ba... hehe
Me too... I will read a book once a day and it will become part of the routine for her next time... sometime repeat bb also dun know cos' they r interested in the words u pronounce and colourful pics =)

Re: Playmat
1. Corryn
2. dolly23
3. lynn
4. Alice

Re: Gathering
Looks like 1 Oct is a gd day... Ignore the first one I post... we shall stick to 1 Oct instead, shall we?

Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Foodwise: No issues (Will just order in, everyone okay to chip in abit?)
Timing: 12pm onwards

1. Jaime (ilyse)
2. Dearie_e
3. Alice

My hb is posted to Kolkata... Pune is near bombay i think... so i guess u wont join he there rite =)

ladies, today posts too much liao, read until cork eye... tired man... continue tml, gd nite!
Morning ladies..

The blender hor, is it the Ulike blender? How much does it cost?

Re : Playmat
It is bery useful cos i bot one Hello Kitty mat for my ger, bery useful. She will sleep and play there..she loves staring at the kitties cos bery colorful, its a good investment lor =)..

My ger now 4mths, can start her with cereal liao? or shd I start with porridge?
morning gals...

super tired.. i tink my boy gt nitemare last nite.. he slp half way cried very loud.. faint lor.. i so pek chek.. end up he cries n i was scolding him.. den my hubby juz carry him out to the living room.. n i went back to slp again.. haha.. bad mummy rite?? ;P
Hi Kelcqi

Most blender are loud... also depends on the stuffs you blending.

Hi Alice

I am sure Rachel will love it like Megan does.. Good luck and is a very good experiences.. BTW, you facial expression while feeding them is very important. Try to stay as plesant as possible... Cos while you feeding, sometimes they are realli funny eg. they will spill out the food etc, dun laugh ok... cos if you does, they will think you like that doing tat!! Also let her sit at a place that you want her to sit and eat.. so next time you dun hv to chase her around to feed. Is a habit. YES!! hb is abit extreme, but used to him le... just let him be. Like today he purposely took leave cos i say i want to get a bath chair for Megan... See!!! Megan reali King lor... dun tink i get these kind of treatment from him.

Hi Feifei

Yes is U-LIKE.. costed $69.90 when i bought them

I not so slim lah. Tracie better. I think she looks good! Xiao Hua too! Ah well, all the mummies here are great.




Yes, broiled chicken NICE..taste like the same as what my mum makes. What broiler/brand u use?


Yes, got the number.

If want potluck also can. Or you all prefer weekend?

So far only 3 persons coming?
you 'bao yang' much better than me wor. i always look untidy. the only time i'm neat is when i am in working clothes. hahaha. other than that, i cannot be bothered to make-up, do up nails etc.

i can't make it on 1st Oct cos my hubby jus return on 30th and will wanna be spending time with the kiddos.
winnedy, i got e jumperoo at $199 from robinsons... how much is taka selling? i use nursery voucher $50 off robinsons with spending of $200 to offset e jumperoo price... paid only $149 so very worth it... i got extra voucher to let go at jus $20 u need? valid until 19th Oct.

corynn, i also have an LG mickey mouse playmat for my gal... she loves it soo much can nap there in e daytime... now getting another one for my mil place
really good investment... but damn broke gotta buy 2pcs.

moony, my gal also refuses milk... always doesnt finish like wrestling with her lor hate it especially in e mornings when i rushing to get ready for work and have to fetch her to my mil place. My gal doesnt like to drink water already also dunno how to feed her water thou she loves it last time...

wah u gals make me tempted to go for e isetan private sale too but i dun have isetan card leh.
Any mommies feeding baby with Friso gold

My baby has cow's milk allergy and unable to take Formula milk. this tin of Friso gold 1 from 0 to 6 month is unopened. sealed intact. Expiry 2010. Selling it away at $20/-.

For me, if I meet pple sure wear makeup (I scared I scare people). The only time u saw me w/o makeup was when you came over to collect the stuff from me, rite?

RE: Rainy Day
Today is a rainy wet day. =(
annabelle, ya! my boy ah... really ARGH!!!! sometimes i lose my patient den i will put him down on the mattress n tell him to his face, 'dun drink dat your problem'.. den he will gif mi the ? look and den follow by cry.. -_-"
he always do dat when its nite time n i tell my hubby to feed him instead.. ;P

wah.. i oso wanna go isetan private sale~~~~~~~

icebaby, ya today is rainy day.. i so happy cos i like rainy days.. hehe.. my office juz ordered Subway for lunch.. lolx..
Tks for the infor...Wonder if tmr isetan has sales for this hor...

I also wan to go for e isetan sales but can't take leave lor =(..

Re : Playmat
i am still waiting for SSW to reply .. will keep you gals updated again. The only negative side of Ailen is that she dun provide us with carrying bag.

i can make it to your place, but will not be early as i have got a baby shower to attend first, earliest is also around 4plus.

Re : Semi-solid
i am surprised that afew of us are starting soon .. so excited lor ... i think i will try out everything before letting my boi try the food first.
Jane Wu/Tinkerbelle: Carrefour Sale
Hey Mummies, the address is 56 Serangoon North Ave 4.
FOC shuttle bus
AMK MRT station bus stop, interval, 30 mins. from 10 am to 10 pm
Can also take 159, alight at bus stop opposite blk 531, serangoon ave 5
I think there is a 159 from SK interchange
feifei, i guess we can only sit infront of the pc n wait for their postd.. ;(
mi too.. cant take leave le..

dolly, as much as i wish to.. but sianz.. mth end soon.. need to close the accounts.. cant take leave.. ;( I guessed i will b missing out alot of fun..
can share your broiled chix recipe?

i am interested in SSW one as well. do keep us updated.

yr PD say the same thing as mine... where is yr PD from? mine also say 6 mths then start brown rice and meat.. did yr PD say can start veg as well? like carrot, etc?

yes, i got it from cold storage (bugis) not easy to find though... NTUC dun carry this brand.. only heinz...

i think shd start with cereal first then porridge.. this is wat my PD say...

i bought it at $199 at take fair as well. Suppose to be like from $239 to $199.. so chey!! taka baby fair no big deal then... but u got yrself a very good deal! how u get the $50 voucher? i think robinson is good for baby big ticket items!

sorry i cant make it on that day as I have 1 baby full mth and 1 baby first bday party... some hot dates!
happy birthday or is it happy belated birthday

i can't make it on the 1st too.. hubby leaving tat evening so baby n me gotta spend some time with him...

If you gals are keen can come over my place on the 2nd or 3rd to my
Tks ger..hmm..so shd buy the Heniz cereal frm cold storage hor?

We add milk to e cereal? then when can we give bb fruits and vege puree?
tat's why i its light snacks for tea... just go to the bakery opp and buy
... btw i got a playmat so can leave the babies there
is yr bb on breastfeeding or formula?
i bought from bellamy


i could not find the organic one from heinz. Thus i bought the above.

2 teaspoon of rice cereal with 40ml of milk. This brand does not contain any milk. Thus, is highly recommended to go with breastmilk.

As days go by, u can put lesser milk to thicken the cereal. then u can slowly introduce veg into this cereal. one week introduce only 1 type of veg/fruit so that u can see if there is any allergy.
My bb on FM cos no more BM liao =D..

U tried the above cereal b4?it is organic one?

Tks for the advise...Me also getting excited liao..hee..But hor, for fruit, how do we prepare them? steam them and smashed it?

The toy rack u posted is bery practical but hor, no covers?
Jane, i'll see if i can take leave tmr... btw wat time u gals meeting? who is going?

moony, i cannot pass to hubby to feed cause he no patience de... gal cry he carry pat pat her feed again she still scream. milk cold already also haven drink. my gal will drink more at nite jus before bed at abt 10pm when she's already sleepy i'll jus slip e teat in and she'll drink all. If she's awake tats another story.

feifei, our gal born on e same day... i already started her on heinz first rice cereal.

winnedy, got e voucher when i bought $100 of stuff during their nursery fair sale lor... then i bought e jumperoo then get another $50 voucher so on hand now i have 1.
fei fei,
yes, my son is on that cereal now... so far he is ok.. we are still monitoring... next week we will thicken the cereal by putting less milk.. week after then introduce fruits or veg inside..

i got no dimension at all..
Ur ger also born on 23rd May? wow, which hospital? I gave birth at TMC =D.

Can get the rice cereal from Cold storage hor? Organic ones? so 1st time let her try 1 spoon onli hor?

I see...so how many times u feed ur boy cereal? Lunch and dinner onli? but how many spoonful?
hiya...think my name was accidentally left out
so there are 4 names on the list

Pls also let me know how many persons attending.
**Food wise <- If you all prefer potluck also can. If not, I can always order pizza, soon kueh, nasi lemak, self fry (nuggets, fish ball, chicken wings, puffs, etc) and others
**Playmet <-- Need pple to bring

Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Timing: 12pm onwards (Do have lunch together)

1. Jaime (ilyse - 6 Adults, 2 Kids + 1 baby)
2. Dearie_e
3. Ling (Riley)
4. Alice

I might pop by the Serangoon Carrefour later...anything you mummies wan me to look out for, let me know...
annabelle, haha.. cos i super impatient de.. when comes to slpin.. i lagi worse...
last nite i scolded my son for wakin mi up.. lolx.. so bo bian, my hubby take over..

wah seems like most of u gif ur bb cereal.. i tink only my son skip a step.. nv take cereal but taking porridge le.. ;( i tink i wanna buy some cereal for him..

So fast can start already? U nv ask for sample?
U were asking how much is the book I got? I paid 33 plus after the 10percent discount from Popular. But I found this link and now I very tiu. Cos free delivery and cheaper.

See I tiu or not lah. Spent 4 bucks extra for nothing. Can kick my own butt liao, for not being hardworking enough and do more research before I buy. Haha...

Ylyl, Later I finish up my excel sheet, u pay me loh. Each tin is 6.15SGD. Before shipping. I see if I can combine orders to ship back to sg together with the cubes or not. So cheaper. Cos Amazon screwed up! Shipped my cubes seperately. Now all in different packages n I have to pay more for shipping somemore. Angry~~~
