(2008/05) May 2008

let me go through the Amazon link and den tell u what i want, okay ? Please wait for me..

a few mummies here are meeting on Thur morning to go Isetan Pte Sales, so do join us once you are available.

hahaha babies do understand lor .... so you must carry on telling Jorel then one fine day, he can also sleep on his sleep and sleep early.

faith ,

What 4 times per night ...i really will go crazy .Some of the nites my boy will wake up once when i`m feeding ..i knocked off sleeping when he is on my lap
the feeling is very horrible something like never sleep enough !

Winnedy ,

hmmm ...the babyday out is so early in the morning .and how much is the trial for the gym classes that you mentioned?
Hi Winnedy,
Thank you for the calculation table. Very interesting guide. From the table, my boy should be drinking 110ML per feed. Which he is doing now leh.
I suspect he has this tendency of comfort nursing. Suckle and will fall asleep at my breast. If i put him down, he will cry. So got to carry him till he is deep in sleep then I can transfer him to the bed. *booo hooo*

Any mummies experienced "Comfort Nursing"?

Thurs morning I'm available. Will join you gals there.
mine is 6 panels. but if juz to play alone, can use 4panels enuf liao. then it b smaller, then u wil hv space to put liao. =)

my msn always on one. juz depends i at pc front or not... heee... wil look out if u online tmr. i no preference in games types. if i dun play, hubby also play.. actually the game that i most want to play is house of the dead. but it only in arcade... pc type funny lei.. like to hold the gun in hand more... lolx.
in this case, you let me know what titles you want to get, then i dun order the same.

Re : Playmat
Can i know who is keen in getting the playmat, i have wrote to SSW and asking for discount in event if i order at least 5 mat, and only 1 delivery location. He has replied asking me for the confirmation and design before committing on the discount.

So can i know who is keen to get the mat, and i will press for the discount :

1. Corryn
2. dolly23
3. lynn
Haha, Indeed we all very KS hor. I wanna prepare myself for her weaning stage cos I know this is the stage whereby we can help them to love food and not be picky eaters like my MIL.

Ok, got it. Jingle bells at Amazon cheaper. Only 8.99 only.

Your sons jealous of their mei mei?

I KS mah. Actually I've been reading to her on n off lah. Or picture talk with her loh. Sometimes I pass the book to her and for this taggies book, becos it's made of cloth, she liked it very much but she'll suck and suck on the tags leh. So no choice have to wash and rotate to let her read n play with it.
Yeah lor. I usually wake up to bodyaches. So trying different feeding position. Am trying out the one lying down to breast feed bb. :p

Envy you leh. Only wakes up once for feed. Maybe I should follow what Dolly did. Talk to bb.

RE: on Flipping
Asked my maid to carry Adam yesterday night while I was downstairs watching tv. Then she went up to her room while carrying Adam. After a while, I followed her up and saw Adam was on bed while she was in the toilet. That moment, Adam flipped and was happily looking ard, and trying to kick. I was shocked.
Things might happen if I did not go upstairs to her room to check.
Ai yoh... we treat her like a family but to them, they will never do their part wholeheartly.
faith ,

My boy used to be like that when he was few weeks . I try not to latch him on during nite feed ...i will latch him when he is awake and not cranky . For the last feed i will do bottle-feed !!Hahah our boys just want to suck for comfort but not hungry .

Now he is so much better now after i kick off the habit before i come back to work .

If not i will be even more like panda
Faith: Comfort Nursing
Hey, i am in the same shoes as u. In the day, my son will not nap unless he is in my arms. Or when he is sucking..at nite, sometime got to use my breast to make him sleepy. Until he reali deep sleep, then quietly transfer him into the cot. sigh.........
Dolly, Jo,
Ok, I'll wait for the 2 of u.

I can't go for the gathering this weekend cos Hubby cousin baby 1st Bday. Sian. Have to see his irritating relatives and my MIL. Urgh... I go show face awhile and quickly make my exit liao.

Dolly, Amazon got those 4 for 3 books. If u dun wan taggies book, u can get the normal 4-3 books.

Jo, If cloth book, not wise to share cos our babies will bite on the book and very unhygience. Unless those board books, den better.

My gal also. Alot of times she is on the breast, she KO. Once I unlatch her, she open her eyes. Haiz. I wondering how m i gonna stop bfing like tt. Or rather when she'll outgrow this stage.
RE: Flipping

You better not place Adam on the bed anymore. Prevent him from falling down. U can try to place him on the thin mattress on floor. My girl not on bed while she is alone b'cos she can flip from 1 end to the other end already. Keep roll on the mattress.
join us to get the bumper playmat for Adamn .... hahaha pysco you to spend $$.

please count me in for the gymboree if u have the headcount, okay !
it haenim play yard. got saw sell at the big bb store at imm for $130 for 4panels. else, if u dun mind preloved ones. forum WTS also hv... i bought $100 for the BNIB, $50 for preloved.

interested in the gymboree, but it 6mths n above leh.. our bb only 5mths, they allow?
i interested in gettin a 2nd bumper mat to put in livin room if price is attractive enuf. =p can help me ask if got sell the bag alone for parklon 2100mm dimension?? i bought from alien, bag was not included. =(
Kelcqi ,

I want this one .

My First Taggies Book: If You're Happy and You Know It.

dolly ,

the books not much titles also . get one and see how first .
maybe i shall try to bottle feed him at 9:30pm. Usually that's his last feed. Follow by 12:30am and every 2hrs subsequency. *gua... gua...*

RE: Comfort Nursing

C yeo,
same fate. Those days, I can't even step out of my room coz aft feeding, he will sleep. N if I move him, he will be a time ticking bomb. Will cry loudly and I have to sayang sayang him liao. Hand can break while carrying him man.
At night if I transfer him to bed before he falls into deep sleep, he will open his eyes big big... followed by pitiful cry.
Same Same! I also nurse him to make him sleepy. Esp in the car, out having dinner or in church. heee...

Yeah. BB KO... but cannot un-latch him till he is deep asleep. Once he fell into deep sleep and bite my nipple. Very the painful. I think he is begining to like this comfort nursing stage... hope he will outgrow it before he starts to teeth.

ha... your gal likes to roll ard ya. Adam flip where there is a hard surface. Day time I let him roll ard on the matress on floor. I'm upset as I've told my maid so many times that he can flip and dun place her on bed anymore but yesterday I caught her doing that. She place Adam on her bed in her room while she was in the toilet.
poky, okie.. ;) no wonder i always saw u online but nt there.. hehe..
ok.. i will send u the games tomolo.. ;) no problem..
I dun dare to play the hse of dead.. after giving birth i become timid le..

kelcqi, thanks! let mi noe hw much i need to pay u.. ;)

icebaby, i tink im the most KS one.. when my boy is 2mth old i already flash cards to him.. hehe.. n oso read to him A~Z.. let him listen to chinese pop songs.. lolx.. den nw i bought him the leap frog toys for him to play.. n oso im goin to start to flash the math dots card.. ;P KS rite??

fatih, since ur bb noe hw to flip.. its better to either place mattress all ard or put him on the ground, once i juz place my boy on our bed and turn ard to take tissue but when i turn back i nearly gt heart attack.. my boy flip and he is at the edge of the bed and almost half of his body is out of the bed le.. luckily he always likes to hold on to the bedsheets n his legs r high up if nt he would haf fall.. frm den onwards, i would carry him take things liao den put him on the bed.. faint lor.. cannot imagine he fell i sure kanna frm in laws, hubby n my parents!! ;P

last week we went to kiddy palace to get the walker for my boy, he is super excited and keeps playin wif the toys attached to it and surprisingly he noes hw to press the button for music once the song played finished.. but the thing is....... he doesnt walk... -_-" he only sit there n play.. dunno hw to get him walk..
faith ,

no no ..touch the wood !!

My boy now dun wake up for milk anymore ..he been sleeping throughtout when he is 3 weeks old

but sometime he will wake up cos day time dun drink enough .

Adam's first few flips when he was 2months plus. My hubby itchy hand always put him on his tummy and let him push his way up. Ever since, Adam finds it interesting and fun. He was so determined to flip now he flip like nobody's business and roll around on the matress. Cannot keep up with him ah.

my heart drop when I read your post on flipping. Luckily your precious was grabbing the matress. *Phew*

Eh...when I had my first son...I also KS. Also flash cards. What's worse, I self made those flash card. By the 2nd one, did partial. By 3rd...I hopeless liao.
wow.. you gals very happening today.. so many posts in the afternoon...

can't join you gals on thurs.. tim is going for his jabs..hopefully he will not develop a fever...

re:play yard
can get the 6 panel haenim play yard from cheong choon... they'll actually split it up for you.. so costs $195 include delivery...their no 65323855 (look for winnie).. i machiam like play yard/ mat promoter...must call them early cos sometimes gotta wait for a few mths..

i'll set it up once tim starts to crawl.. think its better than leaving him the play pen during the day and i can do my stuff without being worried about him...

you got quite a good deal..you can actually sell the other 2 panels away... so the other person can just get 4 panels from kiddy palace..

the 6 panels will fit the yellow bear design (the one selling for $170 from alien)
Faith ,

your boy look so chubby ...sigh mine one used to be chubby but now slim down alot .
And my boy will only flip when he is on tummy .
faith, hehe.. ya.. blur mi.. hopefully my hubby dun come in n c.. if nt he sure faint.. i nv tel anyone else except here... hehe..

icebaby, ^5 i oso self make the flash card... haha
but den bcos the math dots card need to do frm 1 dot all the way to 100 dots.. i lazy.. in the end my hubby do.. ;P
sorrie sorrie. *touch wood* Your precious so guai! Can sleep throughout the night. Envy envy. I forgot how it feels like to sleep throughout the night. Haa... well then again... these are the little little things that we will look back when bb grows up.

My bb's head is very hard. Sometimes when I carry him, he will knock here, knock there and kock my teeth. He will not cry even though my teeth is bleeding. He has an iron head.
So he uses his head to push then turn his body... and pop himself up.
These days, when i carry him I can feel his bones. Sometimes there's crak crak sound. Told my hubby that I'm afaid I might dislocate his arm if I don carry him properly.

I remember seeing your bb's photo. Very chubby too right. My friend's bb slim down after 4th month too. Think it's one of the growing up phrase.
No worries ab the pouch, u thinking of getting one? Thanks for the compliments. My complexion not good la, I would say thanks to the power of cosmetics. It’s been long time I never go facial, ever since Dylan is born. Us sis very nice, young and sweet. She some more can accompany u to the gathering, my sis wont do that, she said all mama’s talk, will make her feel sleepy.

I oso supplement my boy with NAN 1HA, but it is manufactured from Switzerland, right? Should be OK ba..

Xiao Hua,
Thanks for details explanation of the playmate, I think I will go for Parklon bumper mate. I tried using the pouch once only, Dylan dun really like it le, after 10 mins inside the pouch, he struggled and wriggle out of it. Haiz…

I am keen on the Gymboree, please count me in. thks

Thanks for writing to SSW for discount, I was about to do that actually but came back late as brought Dylan to PD since morning. Got the medicine for running nose and cough, hope he will be ok. I would like to get the Alpha Yellow Bear 2100 x 1400mm, 15mm thick, drawback is it has not silver nano technology. Since they said it only last for 6 months, then I will go for thickness to prevent knocking for bb.

I would like to try the slimming pants le, sorry, did u post how to order huh? Did I miss it?
Great to hear Adam is flipping… must be looking cute! Nowadays cannot rely on maids to take care of bb. I seldom let my maid handle him alone, except pumping time. I prefer to take care myself bounded by few reasons, First, for the bonding, second, I know they wont be taking care of him wholeheartly, third, I dun like she always make funny/ scary facial expression to show him, tat was 1 time she ever made him cried and lastly I dun want Dylan to look like her… i.e.1 of my staff, she let her maid taking care of her bb full time, even sleep with the maid at nite, end up everyone see her bb said look like her maid, she was rather sad and regret.

Jo and mommies attending the talk
I went to TMC and register for the “Introduction to Semi-Solid Food for Babies” talk, they said they will prepare some soild food for the bb to try, that’s y charge $8 per bb, if only adults are FOC. If u bring Jorel along, can let him try and learn how to feed.

U always tempt me to spend $$, now that I am interested in the books too.. can let me browse thro 1st then decide..
Re: Play mat
We got a reply from Alien that if we manage to consolidate 5 mat, and 1 delivery, can get off $50 for the total cost of mat in 2100x1400x15mm $170. Means $160 per mat

RE: Play yard
I thougth yours is 6 panels? U said the $135 is for 4 panels right? U bought BNIB $100 is 6 panels or 4 panels?
the classes are held in Singapore.

I called Gymboree. They told me to look at the syllabus in US website.

i am interested in the yellowbear $119. do u think the discount will be like 20% off?
The one u ordered is Board book not cloth book leh. Cloth book is actually nice to hold for the baby. My own opinion lah. Cos sometimes my gal can hold e book in e rocker, den KO n still holding the book.

My gal nv bite onto it but her mouth is close. So I still hav to put in my finger to unlatch her. And once I do that, her eyes open n suck suck suck. Sigh... Sometimes I put her on e bed to suck while I sleep.

Oh yah, my gal sometimes dunno why she latch, she fuss n bit me also. Heng she no teeth. I better stop bfing before she grows teeth. My gf's boy bite her nipple until bleed.

Haha... My hubby also say I spend money. Then I told him whatever I bot, I got calculate and check out price one. But I think once USD continue to shot up and if cross 1.55, I'll not buy from US anymore.
You can go ahead to organize the gathering at your place. I think most of the mummies stay near ur area. I host the next gathering after u move the new place, b'cos worried i couldn't come back to singapore on time as i will be away from 26 sept to 1st Oct due to long holiday. Worried can not reach home on time also.

Xiao Hua,
Don't worried for the transport. I can pick u up at the KOVAN mrt station.
i will give it a miss for alien one then... cos i stay quite far from all of u... quite difficult to make arrangement to collect...
Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Foodwise: No issues (Will just order in, everyone okay to chip in abit?)
Timing: 12pm onwards
**However need people to bring playmat. If not enough people, then I will cancel event. Those who have older kids, you can bring cos I got 2 older monsters (boys aged 6 + 4)

1. Jaime (ilyse)
2. Dearie_e
3. Ling (Riley)
Lynn Chang,
regret to let you know that spree closed. Will post it on thread when there is a next spree.
Howeve, Dolly found a site selling the same items. You might want to check with her.

As for maid. I totally agree with you. I never let her take care of Adam since birth. Which is why I'm over at my mum's plc during the day. Yesterday hubby went out golfing... and I was all alone with crying Adam. Asked her to carry him for once and this thing happen. Sigh. She is like having a vaccacion here instead. Her job is to do all the housework. That's all. Waiting for her contract to be up.
First 2month, I was very sad as I need to pump and feed bb. I was really exhaused. So asked her to feed bb while I pump. My heart breaks. So I din manage to bond with him at all. Untill I started to latch.
My maid also did funny faces and "boo" at Adam few times. Adam was scared and I told her not to do it again.

Comment abt bb looking like maid. Yes. I don wan him to look like her. initially my hubby suggested that Adam to sleep in her room as that i can rest. I told him no matter how tiring it is, I will still want to wake up to feed him.
Can't imagine if Adam is in her room crying for milk every 2hrs. She sure get fed up and will do something nasty to bb.
tell you hor. Last Sat very funnie drama. Adam was hungry so he quickly latch. Din latch properly and bit my nipple.
While burping, he threw up a mouthful of blood. I was so scared. His shirt was stained with a big patch of blood! Thought something happened. Rushed to East Shore A & E. Adam still played with doc. N he cannot explain asked us to observe.
Next morning. Feed Adam. Realised my nipple crack. When touched his lip, there was traces of blood. AI YAH... NIPPLE BLEED LAH!
Both my husband & I were so relived.
kelcqi ,

then how i know which is the cloth or board books ?

Lynn ,

Oh izit ? so i have check with hubby free that day to attend wif me so he can bring son down for me .

Ladies ,

so all of you bringing the little ones ?

faith ,

there are pros and cons having a maid !!
I was thinking to have a maid to take care of my boy ...but after so much considering ...my boy end up wif a nanny
he is well -taken care and seem like he is happy with her

Is a good choice tht you take care by yourself , some of my frez got their children take care by maid . The children seem to be closer to the maid and is a very sad thing to see like that .
yep. the one in photo is 6panels. i bought 2sets of 4panels in total. $100 for the BNIB 4 panels set n $50 for the preloved 4 panel set.

i surf the threads v often that period for play yards "offer", lucky manage to find gd buys with locations that is convenient for me to collect. b keepin the 2 panels. will wait til i confirm no longer need it, then sell off. cos thinkin to expand to 8panels in future if need to... =p
Pls also let me know how many persons attending.
**Food wise <- If you all prefer potluck also can. If not, I can always order pizza, soon kueh, nasi lemak, self fry (nuggets, fish ball, chicken wings, puffs, etc) and others
**Playmet <-- Need pple to bring

Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Timing: 12pm onwards (Do have lunch together)

1. Jaime (ilyse - 6 Adults, 2 Kids + 1 baby)
2. Dearie_e
3. Ling (Riley)

RE: Maid (no offense to anyone hor..just my own comment)

I guess maid depends person to person. So far I think my maid quite good hence I dun mind her taking care of the baby. I pretty senang mummy...those who went to Doris's place will know that. It's abit tough to make this decision but am not ashame as I went thru quite alot with my 1st and 2nd kids. Hence to have harmony at home was more important to me than anything else. =)
faith ,

wow ...what an encounter you have !!

Alamah ..ger your nipples not pain meh ...how come you dunno you are bleeding :p OMG

these days when I latch my boy also quite painful cos my SS dropping so sometime he suck very hard ...i cannot imagine if he got teeth how to tahang .

one of frenz BF his son still 2 yrs old and now he is 3 yrs old he need to sleep with hand on mother`s breast ... very hard to kick off . The most i think i will BF him until he 6mths or 1 yr.
Haa... yeah lor. One of those funnie moments. Coz it was night and we were on our way back from a wedding dinner. Fed him in the car. So dark.
When he vomited blood i did squeeze my nipple to check the milk. Then it was clear milk leh.
The suction must have trigger the blood flow n poor boy drank mama's blood.
Cannot imagine him with teeth. Sure bite till both nips bleed. He did that when he started learning of how to latch.
Also thinking to BF till 6mths or 1yr then I raise white flag liao.
count me in if you got enough headcount for the gymboree lesson. thanks

when u ordering?? need sometime to go home and browse through.

RE cloth book
anw bought the cloth book from babysoft in the bulk purchase? i bought two leh. think it's quite good at least can catch baby darren's attention for a while.

RE playmat
bought the alpha yellow bear from SSW for 170. just received the bag a few days ago. quite good leh as a designated play area for him.
Faith, your experience so funny but painful leh! The tot of bleeding nipples reminds me of my confinement days. Tt time I juz started to latch n also sore nipple. Bleed until my milk is pink in colour. Scary man. U need nipple cream let me know ok? I got 2 tubes of Medela unopen from TMC. Paid but nv use. Now collecting dust.



U click on the book u want and read the product description. They got state it's a board book or cloth one

Ok, Order captured. I placed order liao cos left 3 units only. Per tin is 6.15SGD before shipping.

If anyone still want to get the Happybellies cereal, let me know ok? We ship back together den will be cheaper.

U go home n browse loh. I place order this Fri? Should have enough time?

The babysoft book u toking abt is the one on sesame street issit? I nv get musical books for my gal cos I want to read with her and cultivate her to like books, also to understand that reading is a quiet activity. Hehe, I very perfectionist issit?

hmm...alot of posts lately..looks like i am going to be v outdated le...anyway, uploading more pics of the outing @ Doris's Place last sun...

Le Xuan &amp; Dylan

Kelcqi &amp; Erica

Damien &amp; Dylan holding hands???

my darling =)

the 2 boys fighting? lol. just kidding.
