(2008/05) May 2008

kelcqi ,

I think i will start letting my boy to take friso creame next month after his second jab as he is seeing Dr Ong on 30sep

But i won`t tell Dr ong that i`m starting semi -solid for him hahah ...he will sure scold like dolly kenna scolding from him :p

The ceacel that you going to purchase from us can keep how long ?

Winnedy ,

where you got the cearel from .

tell Eric dun get the retro mat lah, join us and get from SSW .. the playmat is for Jorel, and he will enjoy seeing cartoons, not retro graphic ... myself and corryn gg to order soon, hurry up and pysco him
Tinkerbelle, Le Xuan is back to her sleeping mode le.. hehe.. She sleeps long hours everyday.

Re: Gathering
I prefer weekday gathering coz weekends are usually family day. Weekdays at least I can apply leave to attend.
Oh ya, hopefully the gathering place is near MRT, for the benefit of mummy like me with no car, MRT is our savior.

Now a bit confusing lieo.. So is at Corynn house or Icebaby house? haha

Alice, ur Rachel stand out among her peers! Hehe, I was showing my colleague the group photos, the first one she pointed out was Rachel! “Her comment was “Wah! This one so big & pretty ah”

Lynn, u got put Dylan in the pouch still? Surprisingly Erica slept so soundly in your pouch that day.. hehe

Babylynn, no problem. You may want to do a bit of study at the following link. You may contact Juliet from Mumsfairy at [email protected]. She very helpful!


R u using electric pump at the moment? Dual or single pump?

Corynn, made up ur mind on the playmat? Hehe.. spoilt for choice right.. all design very lovely

Angela, ya la..me too.. wkend is family day hor.. hehe

Pooh.. okok.. no problem! Can u request off on 01 Oct for the gathering? But then Kovan or woodlands will be too far for u right? Sian la, me no transport, so everywhere we go must be near the MRT.. hehe Ur hubby driving? How’s ur driving lesson so far?

Winnedy, my baby likes her elmo.. but I kept away from her lah, cause quite fury, maybe when she older then I bring out again.. hehe

Icebubble, so the one in black shirt is u? we were asking around who is who but didn’t recognize u.

Jo, same same.. my xuan xuan only gong gong stare at the toys.. But she can jump a little bit lieo, I put her in the jumperoo everyday..
yes, i also only play cooking mama. Cooking mama 2 somehow not as "attractive" as the version 1. it did not hook me as much.

now that u remind me, yes! the last game i was playing all the while is sudoku from brain age.

trama i did not play since i was pregnant at that time and my hubby dun want me to play such games...

Can share with me your bleach game?

I buy the rice cereal from Cold Storage. I got it from Bugis Cold storage. It cost abt $6 plus i think.

I think white rice texture is nicer than brown rice. Imagine we adults also dun really like to eat brown rice due to its texture.

So fay my baby enjoy it. So should be ok.

Add 40ml of breastmilk to 2 mid level (not heap)teaspoon of the rice cereal.

think u try again 1 or 2 weeks later... how old is yr baby now?

I got the jumperoo as well. I read from somewhere can only let him sit inside for 10-15 mins only. Not longer than that. Is he able to reach the floor? You may want to put a cushion on the floor. That was what I did initially when his legs cant reach the bottom.

i am thinking to go for the Harbour Front branch. Yourself?
Dolly ,

Help me to see whther the starter kit which winnedy mention got good deal anot .

You ladies can meet me for lunch leh ... lunch at 12pm so you can pass me the stuffs . Anyway i will still be going with my colleague after work to buy my own things hahah
dolly, my MIL cook the porridge wif lean meat and sometimes dry scallop.. i tink.. haha.. but only feed him wif the porridge nt the meat..
haiz.. dats y my boy is 8.5kg @ 4mth plus..

actually i wanna feed him wif cereal but i dunno wat kind to feed him wif

kelly~~ eh.. i nv c u on MSN de?
its ok. I went thru that stage as well. feed him only when he hungry then. No pt forcing him. 2-3 days later, he will be back to normal.

maybe he has colic? did u apply some oil or give him infacol? This was what my PD told me over the phone...

Wah seh. The nurse hor...****** Hmm, but i guess as long as it's diluted enough, I think it's okay. Last time I more "patang"..only started semi-solid at 6mths. Now at least 4mths, i try. But then again, if you do go to the docs, just keep taking the samples. It's good esp if you go out, easier in satches. =P

Now waiting for the day that can buy those biscuit for them to hold.

RE: Milk (those with babies 5mths liao)
Have you started mixing with stage 2? I probably will start in 2 weeks time when Ilyse hits around 5.5mths.

Xiao Hua,

I trying to see if can host on 1st Oct (children's day). If not, probably the week after Corynn's bah. Cos I moving out in mid-Nov, after which house abit smaller liao. Now house big, take advantage of it! HAHAHA

My place is 1 bus stop from Kovan MRT.


Ilyse is hitting 5mths tomorrow. =)
I bought those books for my gal. Haiyo, She likes the books but she keeps sucking on the tags. Heng The book can be washed. Else very er xin loh.

Haha, I was asking my mum can I go facial that day. She went haiyo, why i so vain? Mummy liao still so vain. Then I told her of cos lah, later not pretty liao hubby see liao also sian, den go see other woman how?
Hehe, I'm thinking of ordering the All in one processor leh. http://www.terraillon.com/product.asp?idproduct=95
That time BP got this. But I happened to have a voucher, can get it for 149. I thinking of the Pigeon one also.

Felval might be joining us also. She tot of bringing her mum out but if bring, means baby damien will be there also. I advise her mayb ask her mum to wait somewhere loh, cos with Damien ard, hard for her to shop, plus the place confirm very stuffy, bad for baby Damien also.

Hehe, jio Muzicgal leh. Paging for Muzicgal~~~
Dolly told us abt the semi-solid class. Its organised by Parent Craft at TMC on 22 OCT.

u ald intro meat into his diet ald... then why want to go back to cereal? I tot cereal is the starting to semi-solid?

jo & dolly,
the pigeon starter kit shd have 20% off. Cos i went on Sunday to buy, not knowing abt the private sale (newsletter go to my mum place). Before discount i think cost abt $18.50? Plus minus there.

Where do u gals meet for lunch?
mooney ,

wow ..8.5kg at 4mths ..dunno my boy can hit 7kg by end of this mth . He should have double his weight cos his birth weight is 3.7kg .

But I feel that he is not drinking enough ... that why we are starting his semi-solid earlier
winnedy, mm.. no leh.. no colic.. i dunno is it bcos he eat porridge den he doesnt like to drink milk anymore.. faint lor.. feed him liked wrestling wif him.. -_-"
mm.. we din feed him the meat.. the meat is only use to cook wif the porridge to gif it more taste.. cereal is bcos sometimes if we lazy to cook can gif him cereal.. hehe.. furthermore, dec we will b bringing him to genting.. so no porridge.. tinkin if can gif him eat cereal will b better.. hehe..

Jorel, haha.. yup.. everyone c him cannot believe he is 4mths old.. they tot he is ard 7~8mths liao.. but very tiring for my arms..
which brand semi-solid food u gif your boy?

oh ya, kelcqi, i changed my hp, and all my contacts r gone, dat means ur hp #, muzicgal's n felval's de all gone le.. ;( can you send to me?
mayb i PM u my hp..
ladies ,

Cannot stand you ladies leh ... so nice can go shopping make me envy only
me cannot take leave ...me got not much leave left too
mooney ,

I will intro him to Friso Creame first before other things . Cos my boy is on partial friso FM.

And i`m getting the happybelly from kelcqi on her BP .

Dolly ,

You mean buy together can be cheaper huh ? how much is it now ? Must get him to approve if not i will get nag non-stop
hi... sorry missed out quite alot of posts as was on leave on friday and yesterday... friday on leave went shopping and got e FP jumperoo for my gal... took her for 2nd 6-in-1 jab on saturday. she didnt always finish her feeds of 4oz sometimes refuse to drink at all play ard with e bottle teat so pd suggest to start her on cereal... bought e heinz first cereal meant for 4mths tried on her think she doesnt like to mix with milk (doesnt finish) onli likes mix with water... (finish all) for 2 feeds per day... (lunch & dinner) Unfortunately she developed fever on sunday evening so took monday off to take care of her... whole day ok but this morning 2am fever again with cough and running nose... haiz... gotta work today so passed her to my mil to feed her fever medicine going to bring her to pd again after work.

sugar, ohh tim's head above e carrier already ar.. saturday jus tried carrying without e infant insert was ok but sitting abit lower. head not above carrier yet so muz unbuckle one side to let her view surroundings if not will complain...
how much did u pay for the jumperoo? just wondering if the price offered during taka baby fair is really attractive.
no wonder lah... when did you start the porridge on your boi ? Now i feel like starting my boi asap, so that he can also be chubby and mucho, just lke your boi and bb Damien. Although he is drinking alot, he is not putting on alot of weight leh, Dr Ong said that his all nutrients goes to his height, and his weight gain is fine, but still i feel that he is abit small size.

where did u get the books, i also want to buy leh. Now i also read books and sing songs to Rayden, he enjoys it.
Btw, i have already jieo Muzicgal liao, she is bringing Weijun for his 3rd jab in the afternoon, so still cannot confirm whether she can join us on Thur bo. Hey, i am also thinking of gg for facial on Thur as my friend has got a complimentary trial for me at AngelSky @ Novena Square. . . . Both of us are same same

we are gg for Scotts Isetan pte sales, so most likely the lunch will in town area. Do join us if you can.
dolly ,

gal , please come nearer to Paragon or taka is fine for me ...not too far pls cos i only got 1hr lunch hor ... thank alot .
i would love to join. But i cant leh.. my lunch only 1 hour.. and office is at Gateway. Traffic is bad here due to F1 race.

Anyone going??
The cereal should be able to last us 2wks to 1mth bah. Given the standard way of starting solids for babies, 1 time a day. So should be able to last us 2wks to 1mth like tt bah. But we buy to try first lah. If it's gd, mayb we can order every mth cos got discount like every mth supply.

I wun tell Dr Ong also. Else kanna scolding from him. I kanna once liao. My hubby said Dr Ong looks like he's got lotsa patience, and I can make him scold me, means I really very irritating n nv listen to instructions. Haha...

I got the books order from the website loh. U want? U want we can order again. I got 2 but I greedy, thinking of getting 1 or 2 more. I got Thank You prayers and I love you these 2 books. I tot of getting the princess and sweet dreams. And alternate the books. Think she read until sian liao...

Haha, I tell u hor, I got the DS 1 mth before I got pregnant. Then I very on mah, play n play, every game also try. The Bleach Game is stored at my hubby's PC. Or tell u wat, I try to get my Mirco SD card adaptor from my hubby n load the game in my laptop, den next time send to u on MSN.

Cold storage sell only? I was looking at the baby pasta. HAha... Looks yummy. Hehe, suddenly I'm getting more n more excited over my gal's weaning. But I think I'll regret what I said today cos by then means more trouble from her liao...

Xiao Hua,
U are so making me jealous. Haha... How I wish Erica is like Le Xuan. I think I name her wrong name liao lah. Her name so difficult to write, den now she so difficult to handle. If I have a gal next time, I'll name her Le Xin. Le as is happy. Xin as in Heart. Very easy to write, mayb easy to handle. LOL...

My internet siao siao one. I always kanna log out n log in one. Dunno issit the router or my laptop. I also very fed up. Waiting for my laptop to be fixed...

I MSN u my mobile no when I see u online lah...

I also I also. I waiting to try out the Gerber Puffs on my gal. Last time in childcare, a few of my kids got a bottle of that inside their bag. I asked them to treat me to a few. Very nice leh. I like the strawberry and apple one. Nvm, when our babies at that stage, I'll organise a spree on that. Cos Amazon have 12 bottles pack. We can buy n share. But provided USD is not shooting too high lah

Thks for ur advise do have any private LC to recommend ?? How much for a home service session ??


Yes, i will remember ur reminder not to scold my helper less that my bb ken payback from her later btw I have bought a LG prime mat recently good buy to consider ! My hubby nagged like nobody business but once he see our Amelys loves it he juz stop grumbling ! My Amelys lose out lei coz seldom bring her out to socialise if not we also got chance to screen potential bf for her ha ha !

Poky ,

how much u pay for the playard , may get it in future but isn't it quite bulky & space consuming ??

all the babies enjoyed themselves and i hope i can join u all too next time ! Nice pixs / captions !
Hi mummies,
So tired after all the night feeds...

Lynn Chang,
The slimming pants are pretty gd. can try. It's not too expensive too. Costing ard $20+ to $30+. Think the price stated in website is NT. ha.

What's the program for thurs? keke...
jorel, faint lor.. i tink my boy seems like skipping 1step.. haven eat cereal already having porridge le.. hope he wil nt reject cereal.. if nt i dunno wat to do when we r travelling..

annabelle, my boy had his 5-in-1 jab 2 sats ago.. he oso haf fever.. im soooo worried.. cos his fever lasted til the following monday.. i bo bian had to keep feeding him fever med every 6hrs.. luckily he like the taste of it.. den i every 1hr take temperature for him..
try to gif ur bb more water.. it might helps to cool down her body..

dolly, mm.. we only start him wif the porridge dis mth.. but previously he is on his FM,
and i oso dunno y he gain wt so fast.. mayb when he is born his wt is already more den the others ba.. anyway, dun worry la.. ur boy will catch up very fast de.. so long he is healthy can le..
wah, u gals goin for isetan private sale ar?? haiz.. i hope i can take leave and go.. ;(

kelcqi, when u all will b ordering the books? i oso wanna join.. wanna get some for my boy..

ok.. msn mi when u online ba.. ;)

both u n Winnedy oso into playin DS?? lolx.. mi too leh.. juz bought the DS.. i had PSP but den i realise the games PSP can games r nt very nice.. so when i c my sisters playin DS i gt hooked on.. hehe.. nw im playin Mystery Case File, very nice!! and also the phoneix wright..
winnedy ,

my hubby got 1 pair of grandstand pass from his clients hahah ... but he gave away to his frez cos i told him where got time during weekend to go . Must spend time with my boy

Anyway both of us not into cars .you going ??

I will make sure i dun go into cityhall area ..cos the news reported tth the taxi fare will charge additional $5 .

i cant find details on TMC website....may i ask, ware is the class held and ware to register and wat does the class teaches?

hi faith ,

Why dun you give more for your son so he can last throughout the nite .

Dolly ,

Oh ya ...jorel listen to you ahahah he KO at 10pm last nite and i wake him up at 1am for milk and he continue his sleep throughout till 6am .

ahahah ..last nite i was telling him that he promised aunty doris that you will sleep early ahahah he smile at me hhah and next min he ko haahah

Maybe your nagging works on him ahhaha

kelcqi ,

Count me in...if you are ordering again for the books ... thank alot .
i think ds lite games are more suitable for me... PSP abit hard to control.. haha... the mystery game is it something got to do with the hotel one?

wow! grandstand pass leh... at least $298 each ticket.. why not sell away? haha

yes, we are going for Day 3 only...

really??? there is surcharge of $5 for taxi?

anyway, ITS A HORRIBLE JAM this morning...

Info by Dolly:

Details :

Title : Introduction to Semi-Solid Food for Babies
Date : 22 Oct , Wed
Time : 3.30pm
Charge : $8.00 per baby (regardless of the no of adults) -- Will receive $40 worth of goodie bag
Registration : To call TMC Parentcraft @ 6251 4090.
winnedy, ya.. after playin DS den i realised DS is more for mi.. ;( so hehe.. evil mi pass my PSP to my hubby.. but its in pink.. ;P
oh the mystery case file games is liked finding those objects stated on the list within the picture.. mm.. i tink in PC we also gt play dis game.. its under the company called Big Fish.. quite nice game.. c if u r on msn tonite anot i can send u the game thru msn..
Jo, Moony,
I juz realized Amazon also have the books. Shall we order from Amazon. Since same price n they got free shipping?

Jo, Moony, U go to this link, see the titles u want and let me know. I order from Amazon itself, unless u all want the Combo pack.

I only want the Sweet dreams and Princess book. Each cost $12.99 USD.

U two let me know lah, if u juz want the book, I order from Amazon, If want combo pack, I order frm e website.
kelcqi, haha !! coz we all KS !! bb havent born yet already bought feeding accessories for him liao :p got sale buy lor, can save quite alot of $$ in the end, i particularly like the combi ones, coz they are simple and no prints, i like the spoon set coz got case...
kelcqi, im fine wif ordering @ Amazon.. cos im nt getting the combo pack.. ;)
i'm getting :
Jingle Bells
If You're Happy and You Know It.
I love you

Yah. Let's wait for them abit older.
My sons already say I very bad. I buy online clothes for mei mei but not for them. I say cos their clothes easier to find and also cheaper and alot of hand me down.

RE: Books
You all so fast get books liao!
Hi Jo,
juz took a nap. Am recharged. ha.. I tried offering him the other breast when he was feeding but he will fall asleep once he is done with one breast.
Am still waking up 4times per night for feed. Panda eyes liao.
In total, spent $150 for 2 sets of 4panels. $100 for a BNIB from a seller who bought a spare set, $50 for another prelove. i only used 6 of the panels. still keepin the last two panel for future if stil want to further expand it. Use it to combine enclosed playin area n bed. If buy toddler bed, at most bigger a bit more only.
why dun u get you baby to drink more during the day? then he wont wake up at nite.

weight (in pounds) x 2.67 = Amt he shd drink in one day (in oz)

then u take the amt divide by the number of feeds.

he shd not wake up in the nite ald....
winnedy, mm.. something like dat but nt finding the difference.. n gt 2 mode, 1 is story mode the other is no time limit de..
quite a nice game i muz say.. i mean if u like to search for something within a pic..

poky, wah!! i oso wanna buy this enclosed thingy for my boy.. but i dun tink my hse is big enuf to place it.. ;(
can.. u add mi in msn lor.. when i reach hm at nite den i transfer the games to u..
psp games u play which kind de.. those dat i haf r nt very girly de..
mayb when i reach hm u tel me wat r the psp games u wan.. ;)

Weaning talk
Hi mummies, based on experience from my first child, i know that the SK polyclinice provide such talk. Think is on saturday. Mayb u gers can call up and check it out. Is FOC.
