(2008/05) May 2008

Me feel so sian for the first time here! The weather is getting colder when it is suppose to be getting warmer...! 19 degrees is probably all rite but when u have that temp w/o a heater at home and the marble floor is so cold, u will feel sick also -_-"

And me home sick ler...wanted to come back so badly and prepare myself for CNY hehe! Drooling over the steamboat liao =D

Alice ,

hmmm ...cold arggg 19degrees over in India . How Rachel over there must really keep her warm during the nite especially .

hahah ...maybe only yesterday cos he got the attention from all around him .
Yes talking about cutlery ...now Jorel like to self-feed always make the place till very messy loh ....dun allow him he will fuss and cry sigh

So when you be back for CNY ?
ya in fact... I let her wear her PJ thru out the day so that will keep her warm lor haha.
Me also very scare when she self-feed... end up i'm the one to clean up all the mess, but if dun let them, they will never learn too rite? Guess is the passing phase =p

Me can't decide on the date yet... that's the most sianz part cos' we are waiting for news from HQ on our new posting. Maybe this time will be the last time here liao *keeping fingers cross*... so I will need to pack up. So still waiting and waiting and waiting... Arghhhhh I hate to be kept in suspends lor *_*
Jo, wow u brought jorel to wedding dinner ah? and he's so good boy! i brought my gal once when she was 10mths oh my god very bad as she was cranky and wanted to sleep at 8pm even before e banquet started
don't u think e music are too loud for their ears during e yum seng and such?

alice, soo cold in india? can get those portable heater or wear bedroom slippers at least dun need to step on e cold marble flooring. eudora also likes to feed herself but very messy so i only let her self-feed fruits she'll try to poke with the fork to eat.

any toddlers already knows how to drink from normal cup without much spillage? as i went pd for 18mths assessment and she asked its one of e questions in e health booklet but i didnt train eudora on it as she drinks from straw cup while normal cup will spill more than wat she drinks.
morning ladies.

hope u will come soon =) wah, if packing up the stuffs for gd, i wonder hw much things u have sia. hahaha.

we have brought Damien to countless wedding dinners till date =P initially we were all worried that he will be scared of the loud sound during the yum seng n we tried to cover his ears but he is ok. he is nt scare n seems to like it too.

the music is actually nt tat loud as compared to the yum seng la...

i have tried letting Damien drink frm cup but still alot of spillage...is it one of the qns frm the health booklet? i didnt notice tt le...
jo- gd tat jorel is so well behaved at the dinner! aldan simply cant sit stil n kept wanting to run ard!! only thing to keep him seated is to keep feedin him n he like cant wait for the food to be served n wil scream. make us so paiseh lor! i realise he has to be kept occupied at all times if nt he wil be up to sm mischief.

alice- yesh! hv to make them noe tat nt easy to be sahm. my hb used to tink it's easy til he had to take care of aldan last mth when he was sick. n remarked tat he had no time to do his own things at all!
at least at wrk i can login forum n chat w u all. if at home, v difficult to unless he napped but usu i wil slp tog w him cos darn tired by thn!
tell me abt it! i gona go thru all over again in 2 mths time =_=

annabelle- i did let aldan drink frm cup too. nt much spillage but he wil tend to overturn the cup n spill water all over the flr.
ahaha. in another 2mths time u will have another little one to look aft to...altho tiring but i feel it will be such a blissful thing...esp when both of them slps n u look at them...=P
val, tats good damien so 'guai' leh... envy envy. but my gal sleeps very early before 9pm thus wedding dinners sure cranky

as for drinking from cup is one of e questions for 18mths assessment leh i saw in e book maybe u wana take another look at e health booklet?

ting, wow!!! aldan can drink without much spillage ah think i muz train eudora le think i'm too contented she can drink from e straw thus not looking forward to clearing up e spills when drinking from cup =P
val- tata the only time feel blissful. when both awake tink can pull hair kind. hahahah

annabelle- eudora slp so early! hw u train her? does she nap in the day? aldan nw earliest also 11pm thn KO
hahaha. he is guai initially la...but towards the end of the dinner he will wan to come dwn n run abt lo.

wah. ur gal slps so early! tat is gd le. sometimes damien will wan to slp halfway thro the dinner so we just make him slp when he starts to be cranky or rub his eyes.

ok. i will go hm n check again...i think its ok if they are drinking w much spillage now as we didnt expose them to this...

true. hahaha. think when its peace time then u will feel blissful but nt when both are in actions. hahaha.
val, very good le damien willing to sit until towards e end of dinner. my gal think e most only can last 20mins on e high chair.

ting, agree with wat val said... really blissful to look at a sleeping baby rite wat more with a sleeping tod. very fast can see ur princess le so envious... hmm me hoping to get a yr end baby hopefully can strike this mth or next 2 mths shower me with baby dust k

regarding sleeping, hmm didnt really train her as from young already set e timing for her to sleep at 8.30pm until now still sleeping at tat timing. maybe u could set a bedtime routine? for eudora is when we come home from mil place will bath her, give her milk and off to bed le so after bath when applying creams & wearing PJs she already got sleep mood becomes habit le. but not tat good actually as when we have night outings she usually wants to sleep ard tat time and is a cranky baby.

any todds still not holding their milk bottles? eudora is still not holding hers. When i told her to hold her bottle she'll shake her head fervently saying mommy hold. Will refuse her milk if i refuse to hold for her. *faintz* recent visit to e PD for 18mths booster jab said she's under-weight onli 9.5kg
Shaien also don't like to hold botter. If ask her to do so, she will just hold for a while and pass to us. They purposely do it. But i just let it lor, b'cos i saw my sis in law kid hold their own bottle but take longer time to finish the milk. They sometime can drink from one area to the other also.

Since she finish the milk fast enough, i rather do it for that 3 to 5 min.

8.30pm very early lor. Shaine used to sleep at 9.30pm. If we have outing, she can drag till 11pm. after that she will say bye bye to the group and ask us BACK! BACK!.
Corynn, ur shaine very cute leh will ask u go back. Eudora will jus keep rubbing her eyes and demand to be carried my mommy only no one else can carry her. Than she'll fall asleep on my shoulder. I also prefer to hold for her rather than she dun drink.

E shoes I bought from bata bubblegummers brand it's only $19.95
annabelle- hope to hear gd news frm u soon! hehe... gv u loads n loads of bb dust =D
we usu put aldan to slp like 10plus cos i'll be watchin tv til 10pm. haha =P but he wil be tossin n turnin n playin ard til like 11 thn reali slp, smtimes even later. the best thing is he noe hw to on our bedside lite n wil switch it on when the lights r off! wat time does eudora wake up in the mornin?
i like the 1st pic =)

Ok la. Must entertain him if nt he cant sit there for long too. hehehe.

Damien will hold his own bottle when drinking. When he doesnt hold, i will ask him to hold n he will do it.

hahaha. i need some baby dust too =P
I haven't start trying. 2nd half of the yr. Hehe. Thx for ur bags n bags of baby dusts! Hehe. However I v greedy, I wan a gal n another boy. Wahaha.

hahaha. Thx Ho. Hopefully can strike according to plans =)
hihi .. I come in to give baby dust !!!
hee hee .. i just got +ve sign 2 days back ! Hope everything goes smoothly, hoping for meimei !
I also not too sure, think might be 5wk now.
Any of you using a Gynae at TMC, can recommend ? Must get advise cos is actually first time for me to have bb in spore, also most gynae have 3D machine nowadays right ?

My current is at Mt.E who only deliver in Mt.E & Mt.A. but I am thinking of going TMC. Plus his charges is much higher than others from what I read. Last time during my trip back, I went for detailed scan, triple test bla bla .. and some supplement, 2 visits cost me $1,200 super heart pain.
Loomi, congrats!!! Shower us with more baby dusts!!!

Jus gotten iPhone surfing net is soo much more flexible now instead of depending on e company's lousy server and restricted surfing times.
i think ting, jo and doris had the same gynae from TMC. Mayb they can advise or recommend u better.

wah! $1.2k for 2 visits v ex le...mayb its costs of the tests???

hahaha. ya, its more convenient go anyway can suf net. enjoy exploring ur iphone. =)

Congrats! If u are ok with male gynae, mine is Dr Beh whose clinic is in TMC.



Err...we nt actively trying lah...nt for this mth coz i dun wan to gif birth in Oct coz my good fren's wedding is on 31st Oct lor....muahahaha...but we are ok to have another little one joining us this yr lor...
val, yah simply luv e iphone now... oh ya btw did u download any apps for damien to play? which apps are good for our todds?

diana, me also not actively trying wor as least not as active as when trying for eudora haahaa simply too tired everyday
ladies ,

Something to brighten the day hahah

One day, the boss of a MNC told his secretary, ‘Two days later, accompany me to Beijing.’

The secretary called her husband and said, ‘Two days later, I'll be going to Beijing for a meeting.’

The husband called his secret lover and said, ‘For the next few days, my wife will be out of town. Baby, come to my place. We’ve fun.’

The secret lover called her primary school student and said, ‘Ah boy, for the next two to four days, I’m busy. You may enjoy your holiday.’

The student called his grandfather and said, ‘Ah Kong, my tuition teacher took off and I’ve two days holiday. Can you come and play with me?’

The grandfather called his secretary and said, ‘Cancel the trip to Beijing. I’ve to play with my grandson.’

The secretary called his husband and said, ‘Beijing's meeting has cancelled.'

Her husband called his secret lover and said, ‘My wife’ business trip to Beijing has cancelled. You don't have to come to my place...’

The secret lover called his student and said, ‘Ah Boy. Class not cancel.’

The student called his grandpa, ‘Ah Kong, my teacher just called and she said class not cancel. So, you don’t have to come.’

The Grandfather called his secretary again and said, ‘I think it’s a wise idea to go Beijing…’

I love eudora's hair leh... so sweet and cute to put hair pin there... hehee..
she wear that dress also very suitable leh..simply cute!! hahaaa
nvm lar..she dun wan to hold bottle coz she wan to be pampered by u mah

there will be a time she dun even need us to help leh...so treasure it first lor =)

iphone apps... my boy love the bowling and the car game... always ask for "bowling..bowling"
Jo, Ting and myself shared the same female gynae. She is Dr Caroline Khi from ACJ clinic (level 3 at TMC). You can call 63532033 to check out. She is a nice and gentle lady.

Wow, alot of mummies are trying for 2nd one ... Jiayou !
u bet! i downloaded quite alot of apps for myself n him la...and Damien is in love with my iphone too...always bug me to give him the phone..n he knows hw to on the apps himself...

hmm..i dwnloaded those apps on nums, shapes n animals n phonics also. u go try those free apps first, if u like then buy the paid ones.

hahaha. i almost thot u have gd news to share too. hehehe.
congrats loomi! yup like wat dolly said, i am seein dr khi frm tmc. v nice lady =)

jo- so when reali gt good news for us? hehehehe
hahaha. i know how Jo will ans u. she will probably says wait till Jorel is older and she is still deciding whether to have #2 nt. hehehe.
Choc, thanks for e compliments! Heehee try for #2 also lar gal gal than can doll up nice nice
Dora drink milk alot of patterns muz choose where to drink milk and she dun wana drink milk when out. U still feed Raphael milk when out?

iPhone apps.. Ok will download e bowling game to let her try.. Have downloaded e phonics haven let her try.

Some todds here started on zoophonics rite? How u find e class? Eudora starting her zoophonics class this Sunday not sure if she will like.
hope dora will enjoys the zoophonics class. rem, u wldnt be able to see the results immediately but i am sure they are learning. =)

btw, sometimes when i says "m", Damien will make the sound mmmm.. n some of the actions for the other alphabets too.
which brand do you sign up with ? rayden is in the siglap branch, a bilingual class. the content of the lesson is very good and intensive, just tt his english teacher is quite junior, cannot really catch the attention of the kids, whereas his chinese teacher is very good.
after i feedback to the school, the english teacher is slightly better now, but this is only like the 2nd lesson, yet to see much result.

so good, at least damien is picking up. But i realised something, rayden dun like phonics pronunciation. when i go through tt with him, he will walk away. but when i go through the normal alphabet, he is okay with it, not sure why.
but now i am sacrificing my tv time for him. i will go through the wall chart and alphabets with him every nite and at least now he can recognise them and point to me, when i ask for it, and also most part of his body. I got to be more working in this area. Haiz
ya..finally he is picking up. when I says L he will look at the ceiling n try to look for lizard. hahaha!

slowly ba. mayb its still new n relative dry to him so he walked away. mayb once u collect ur lp fridge phonics magnet he will be attracted by it since it has music. frm there u go thro with him, the sounds n actions. can alt between the wall charts n the lp.

gd that rayden can recognise and point to u. i am sure he can do much more in time to come. jia you to u for spending more time going thro with him and jia you to rayden for picking up! hehehe.
wah val n dolly, so fast lettin ur boys learn phonics liao! me lazy aft wrk to coach aldan anythg. he simply sits in frnt of the tv w me. haha.. but nt for long lah, wil start gg to fridge n look for things to eat or create havoc!
loomi... Congratz
hoping for a meimei?

My iphone hor... 60% used by me, 40% used by Rachel hehe. Same as val, I download games like shapes, colour etc, flashcards, songs...
But i can only surf net in Sg, overseas the charges can kill me cos me using Singtel network mah =) Glad u bought iphone, very useful tools for mummy hehe.

As usual, me so envy everytime u gals talk about schools =< Always wanted so much to enrol rachel... see she can't even finished her classes in Kindermusik haiz -_-"
Can't wait to settle in one place soonest, so i can start to explore this part for her. The day she attn her first proper lesson will be a happi day for me :>

Re: Holding Bottle
Rachel too very lazy to hold her bottle so i have to hold it lor, if not she can let the bottle fall by itself *faint*
But sometime i need to take things, will ask her to hold, she can hold lei... but waiting for me to take over.

Haha... ladies, u know who is Rachel latest idol? "Michael Jackson" she will ask for the video to watch and KO... the father lor, introduce to her hmmmm......
So rachel can't pronounce the whole name and she called him "Sen Sen Sen" kekeke!
Val, dolly,
talking abt Alphabet... I just realised beside teaching them A, B, C from chart and thru play... Barney is helping too hehe! Before i teach her the last time, I was surprised she can recognise H, M, I ... becos' she picked it up in Barney video "Playing School" which i dun even notice =) Also counting from another barney video.
faintz, ur house got lizard ?? hahaha

yeah, in fact, i think he is progressing, cos i went through few letters within a week, and next week, he is able to pick up. and he know lah, his fav hand sign, when he can answer or point, he will do the hand sign ! "YEAH"

i agreed ... u know how to teach alphabets ?? i got the barney puzzle from giant, only $2.90 nia, and i used tt, it can really attract him, and he will sit there guai guai and listen to me ... i am still planning to go and get more of it, like shapes and colours, and counting !

from the Barney cd, Rayden likes all his dancing steps there, esp his "Sing that song" cd.

Barney is his favourite pal now !
