(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

jeannie, feels good to receive spree items in the mail hor? Like receiving presents like that haha! I have 11 outstanding sprees waiting for me hee, but none have arrived! I think prob have to wait till end of next week then I will start receiving my 'presents'.

taiwan got lots of nice shoes too..

i bought 7 pairs last time i went there. :p
prepare to bring lots of 'liang2 cha2' sachets, cos lots of fried stuff to eat. i came back with pimples and ulcer in the mouth.

re: online spree
hehe.. i dare not let hb knows. only let him know about the necessary stuffs, e.g., clothes for bb (for new year), pouch sling

not sure if it's because they took nice pictures or the clothes are really that nice. but i really so tempted to buy liao. hehe.. planning clothes for bb's Chinese New Year Day1, 2, 3, Her birthday, Daddy's birthday, etc... HAHAHA....
hahahaha! i've also been receiving brown packages in e mail lately. a few days ago, i received one n i asked my husband, "wat's tis? fr who huh?" my husband went, "aiyo, u shopped online until u dun remember"
xiao yun
same here. i already bought a dress for my gal's 3rd birthday. and her birthday is only next jan!!! still hv 8 mths leh. crazy me hor? :p
same same. bet with you, your gal is going to have more than 1 dress for her 3rd birthday next Jan cos you will keep shopping for more. HAHA....
may I check with you all, why are there so many people buy clothes from JSHOPPERS.com? what's so special about their clothes?
ya, 12 weeks ML finish liao. i started on 11 feb, delivered on 15 feb.

some guys are really ignorant about breastfeeding. they duuno that we can pump out the milk.

cfm no need to rinse?

gotta mark many sets. sob...
bx, confirm no need to rinse.

xiaoyun, i like their designs. but now yen ex...my jshoppers just arrived!!

re:eek:nline shopping
i like the joy of opening presents!!! ya, still got quite a handful of sprees yet to rec.

luckily, now iam home to wait for postman!!the most bulky item i rec is a pair of adidas shoes for my gal..transfer until hand pain...
went to amk to collection my loots, fri went again, today also... hb just shook his head. told me :"enough already, hor."

re: new clothes. i have a drawers full of new clothes for G... from on/gap/disneystore/jshoppers/leapfrog/toyrus/amazon/...last but not least!!! LSS
hey gals...
noticed my boy keep chewing on his mittens until it's so wet.
i took the mittens out and he's licking his fingers until his saliva is all over his face.
any of you having the same prob?
i think what i did for ON for the billing address, they ask for US postal code, so i put in my SG address and then put the US postal code of the place that i'm shipping the things to, then can already.

my boy's hands and face all got saliva when he's had a good time sucking, haha! sometimes even when drinking from bottle he still want to put his fingers in! it's pretty normal lah, i read that they "feel" a lot with their mouth, i think something about the mouth having the most sensation to them at this stage, that's why babies always put a lot of things into their mouth. whereas when we're older we can explore things with our fingers/hands, they explore with their mouth
i think it will only be a problem if they keep sucking say the thumb or finger so much that it becomes ugly. i heard of such cases!
lucky G is boi boi, if ger ger you will have many times more than what you have bought LOL

thanks for the hospitality!! missed the last round and would like to catch up this time =)

Nice! Organize spree lah. Chope one place for me hor ke ke
hi kelly and mummies,
if u don't mind, i wld like to join the nxt gathering too. Been wanting to meet up wid all the mummies but no chance yet. Since now life wid ah boi more stable liao, wld like to join in the fun too.
mummies whose bbs are crying and not drinking well -

are your bbs napping well? my bb seems to be napping well these few days and also drinking well, much less crying.
i'm wondering if there's a relation. maybe not napping well = grouchy and cranky = not happy during mealtimes?
hmm. u might wan to remove his mittens? yr bb should be at least 2 mths old already? it is cleaner.
my boi these days drools a lot!

garfield, hahaha.... of course i din forget to shop for my big G.. was cracking my head abt her shoe size as i wan to buy her flip flop from disney.i super KS.. last gathering, i saw kelly's bois wearing ON rush guard. my hb loved it... so he pester me n i pester Happy to organise a ON spree... just rec the rush guard yest!!

xiaoyun, which website?

Kelly, when?
how abt potluck instead?
although we r both 2nd time mum, but i hv diff feeling abt returning to work. for my 1st ML, i was really reluctant to return to work.. But for tis round, i was kinda looking forward to returning to work. Partly becos tis time i took full 12 wks whereas the previous time i only took 8 weeks first..

ON required a US delivery address. I used Vpost, so got the US address from them.. As for credit card, any card will do as long as ON is able to do a verification on the card for 1st purchase.

re: kohls
hmm.. nt so worth to buy Carter's items from them cos some BP r selling the same items at lower prices.. for other brands, still ok..
wow, their base charge super exp.. $6.95 for 1st item and $1.50 for subsequent items..
how abt domestic shipping ? any idea hw much it cost roughly ?

Jshoppers clothings design are nice and their quality r good and also quite reasonably priced.. i love their boy's pants especially, so comfortable, my boi wears it to sleep every nite..

my gal oso start to suck her fingers/hands aft i removed her mittens.. yes, sometime suck until saliva all ard her face.. but nw, i realised she sucks lesser.. u can try to clean ur boi's face as often as possible lor, tats wat i do..

re: gathering
Yes, i want! Thanks for offering again..

U shopping again ? 10 items in your shopping bag oredi ? haha.. from which website ?

btw, do u hv anymore changes to the ON order ?
If not, i will be placing order soon after i received your payment and another mummy's paymt..
haha...you too? my hb chased me to bed after my last post.

what's rush guard? hee hee...must find out from experienced mummies what babies need!!

wanted to transfer last night but POSB site under maintenance. will try to transfer asap. sorry for the delay!

i'm shopping at the Kohl's site lor...kekeke....bought some stuff from pumpkin patch also.

there is a promo for Kohl's - $5 flat rate domestic shipping. up to today only.
do your babies wake up at the same time EVERY DAY?

A wakes up between 630am and 7am every day without fail. I haven't slept beyond 7am since she was born. Her bio clock super zhun one...then after she wakes up will not want to nap anymore. so my day starts very early even on PH or weekends. i miss sleeping in till 12noon!!!!!!!1
Hi Happy,
Have transferred to you liao

To Account POSB Savings
205-26144-3 Happymum2b
Amount S$26.78
Transaction Reference 1692145068

Many thanks again!
wake up times
Dd wakes up at 6.30am on the dot like clockwork every day. And she gets tired by 6.30 pm in the evening and expect to be bathed and fed and put to bed.

it'll be nice to meet cos i missed the last ikea one. we can all bring something kelly, so you dun have to do all the work.

at 4am???!! wah no need to sleep ah?
so no late mngs for you too? =P 6.30pm is very early...if you start work no chance to play with K when you come home? A's hrs are longer...630 am to 830pm. nowadays i cheong home after work. die die musts reach before 7pm. chase EL like mad everyday haha

shopping at 4am...hungry after pumping leh =P so eat and shop at the same time keke

re gathering,
ya potluck is better then kelly dun need to do all the work!
isn't it good that A have a bio clock ? I had to train my son to have that bio clock...now he has it and will wake up around 7-7.30 but then if the parents nvr attend to him and aircon still on he can doze off again... hahaha...
ya, thot if A has bio clock is gd wat...at least can expect what time A wakes up. My boi also has that bio clock thingy and wakes up ard 7 to 7.30 am but it depends on whether he sleeps at the same time at nite and whether the weather is nice enuf for him to 'nua' longer...hahaha!

re: gathering
If potluck, can i pleaaaaseeee be given the task to buy something instead of cooking something? Eh...my cooking...sad to say, not gd leh....
tute, leila,
ya, in a way her bio clock works for me since i can BF her before i go off to work in the mng. and in the evening, can BF her before she goes to bed.

this mummy wishing her bb will wake up later on weekends lor ... hahaha... so unrealistic right? bad bad mummy!! *slap hand*
re: gathering
i wanna join too. missed the last one. yes yes, i wanna bring something too. but not homecooked lah. make it next sun lah. "Mother's Day" mah... keke...

my hb also give tat enough already hor look.. :p
nvr seem to be enought... i also going to buy tmx elmo from another mummy, even though i have bought tmx cookie monster, lol
garfield, haha yar its quite unrealistic hee. Even my 3.5yo DD wakes at 7 daily! But why dont you take turns with your hubby to sleep in? Then at least one of you get some rest, instead of both not getting enough sleep.

kelly, waah so nice of you to offer to host one more gathering! I would love to make it if I can.

pinkie, both my kids dont wear mittens beyond the 1-2 weeks of their birth cause I prefer them to be able to feel and explore freely with their fingers.
i haven't put booties on for my son since he turn 1 month old...except only at night when he sleeps with air con or going out but going out most of the time he'll wear socks...
i've been offline for 2 days and so many posts!! i had my toenail removed due to terrible ingrown problem. and this is despite going for pedicures throughout my pregnancy. sigh. DAMN PAINFUL. worse than labour i find.

my bro bought a JUJUBE diaper bag for me from hk. i'm not sure how much he bought it but i was shocked to see the prices when i surfed for it today. It's very nice to use...but VERY HEAVY to carry around.

my girl hasn't worn mittens for the longest time.

As for booties, she wears only when going out or in aircon. But sleep at night, since she sleeps with me, i make sure she has blanket so no need bootie.

i also avoid wearing after bath...though old ppl say must wear to avoid 'wind', i think must NOT wear so that the gaps between fingers and toes can dry up or else got fungus or what then troublesome liao.

when my bb sleeps enough, she will eat enough and be very alert and playful thereafter. if not she will keep fussing.

new pic of my babe (my favourite so far) taken by my hubby the other day.

re:bio clock
garfield, yes!! my G will wakes up abt 7-8am. must bathe by 8-8.30am, if not he will fuss!!!

he must sleep by 7-8pm, if not, he will be super cranky!

cheryl, must wear if not feet cold cold. how abt letting V wear sock instead?

rush guard is a type of swimsuit.
this is what Kelly's princes werr wearing on that day! hb loves it n got the same for G


gal gal also have!!!
from disneystore!!!
beautiful eyes!!!

cheryl, haha
wait til all yr toys arrive, then u will have to smuggle them home w/o his notice!!

anyone interested in this?
got extra!
selling at $10 with normal postage
let me know.thanks
bx, happymum2b,
thanks. ya. i think she got my hubby's eyes. (his female students always giggle at him and say he got nice eyes. duh!)

i'm using my old CRUMPLER sling bag. It's abit small but if fold everything nicely and neatly, can squeeze in. Have also a cut-up changing mat in it. (the cut-up changing mat was given to me. i guess the owner before me found it too big and cut into half.)
I wanna buy the rush guard (for boys swimwear izit?) where do i buy that? and the bottom, what do the boys wear??? It's so suave looking.....i want....hahaha!
aiyo, the nike set is sooo cute!! lucky i have a boy, otherwise i thik i will go mad buying stuff too :D

re booties,
my bb also wear socks sometimes. i already decided that if i have bb no.2 i am NOT letting him wear booties because i think they're the most unfashionable things in the WORLD! heheh.. i will use socks straight away. i've even packed up all the booties people passed or gave to me so i don't have to see it in the drawers liao, haha..
yes....i'm abit slow to catch on the online shopping thing - but only becuz my hubby will kill me if buy too much. now totally engrossed since hubby is out!

berry and kelly.. actually quite shiok to receive gifts in the mailbox.. hehe.. like got surprise everytime.

Kelly.. same lor.. i also very shocked when i got another brown envelope.. i was thinking.. "har.. still have?"

Berry... wow.. u got more surprises to come!

Xiaoyun.. okie.. will go look out for shoes and eat more.. i just lost 1 kg.. still got 5 more to go.. but think after taiwan trip sure put back

Lezy.. ur ger got beautiful eyes.. i like!! And she so sexy... hehe.. "lu dian"

Ur hubby teaching also.. must be handsome lor.. since so many students ogle at him.

BX.. aiyoh u so sad.. can excuse or not..?
