(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hmmm hope to learn more about teat too, cos i use pigeon bottle for her, so just use the default pigeon teat....

May i know, anyone has to share, how much is your baby taking for EBM at 5th week??? cos CL says must take over 100+ml to keep her sleep longer at night, not sure if it is correct....

hi all.. its been a long time since i log on. been busy taking care of baby myself. yesterday maid just came. but i still feel worried handing baby to her. wonder wat will happen when i return to work.
so who will take care of ur kid when u all return to work? care to share? i feel like nw gt an extra person to take care of other than baby. haha.. so tiring...
welcome lezy, your hubby so nice, wrote a so detailed description of the delivery. very touching
, bb very cute
LV's Goat's Rue at USD19.44 excluding int'l shipping charges & domestic postage+envelope

1) winnie (postage)
2) winnie
3) sweetpea - OK wif tis price
4) tongtong PAID $57.12
5) tongtong
6) eileengoh (postage) PAID $28.56
7) Thankful PAID $28.56
8) yanyen (postage)
9) yanyen

winnie, will u still like 2 buy e 2bottles of goat's rue? if yes, it'll b at USD19.44, will u comfortable?

sweetpea, pls juz transfer SGD28.56 for my easy reference cos every1 who ordered 1bottle, paid tis price.
my bb in her 4th week too, i giving her 90ml, tried increasing to 100ml for her morning feed. normally if she's not settled after 90ml, i try giving her a little more. then maybe that's a guage that her feed needs to be increase? The Gina Ford routine mentioned if u wana increase her feed, try increasing it in the morning feeds (7am, 11am)
initially i also wanted to find a baby sitter. but my hubby say its more worth it getting a maid cos can do housework and its cheaper. i stay with my in laws, at least there are people around when i am working, i am still worried... maybe i am worrying too much. but afterall they are elderly also. so it is a concern.
hope things goes well.....
ya lor.. somemore recently so many maid abuse baby... ahh... its causing me so much stress. then at nite i want to look after myself, my hubby tell me dun stress myself... haiz.. i duno if shld insist anot. wat do u think?
Hi Jess & Vernon,

I m a SAHM, at first i didnt wan to employ a full time maid..but my hb insisted. (coz he is wrkg on board, seldom cm home most of the time)So we got our full time maid right after my confinement end. She is in her 4th day wrkg for me now.. so far still ok, but abit alow & blur.. hv to give her sometm. The biggest advantage of gettg this maid is that she can cook & her cookg is not bad. She has experience in takg care bb too, knw how to bath & feed bb. But i didnt let her handle my son at all. She is only in-charge of the hse wrks... At mid nite also i will change the diaper & feed bb by myself, coz me BF my him now.

So far she has not carry my son, coz me dare not trust her yet.
I hope this maid can last, otherwise will be headache to change a new one.
so gd. how i wish i can be a SAHM too, then i won't hire maid. today is her 2nd day. last nite my hubby already tell me to let baby slp with her. end up i went to slp with them cos i was worried.
noted on the millk intake, really worried that CL is giving her a bit too much....

Kelly, I think I will give it a pass this time round first, kindly drop my order.
hello bkkgal, i just started reading it only, i must say i don't really strictly follow it yet,becos its really not that easy. But i tried to follow its advise to keep to certain regular timings for bathing, sleeping, and normal feed times, so that baby will try to settle into a pattern which is easier for us. The trick that GF routine teaches is to keep your baby awake for at least 6-8 hrs between 7am to 7pm, so that they will sleep longer in the night. for the night feeds now, my bb has her last feed at 1130-12plus, will sleep thru to 4-5am for her next feed..for her midnight feed, we will not talk to her nor on too bright light, purpose is to not to stimulate her too much, so we will simply feed her n let her continue her sleep to the next morning feed which is around 8am. so far its been her regular pattern. GF's routine however is to start the day earlier (7am for her morning feed), however i haven't manage to follow that yet.. :p...still haven't really capture the essence of her book,i must say the book has many details, got to keep refering back to remember. hee..i am still not even halfway through..
Hi, Kitsune

Read your blog that you got "bamboo seat"(Zhu2 Yi3). We don't know where to buy it; May I know which shop you got from? Thanks!

I also had blocked ducts last three days;

My hubby hot-towel massaged for an hour on 1st day; then it cleared daytime after bb suckled.

But last night it became so blocked that even bb can't suckle it out, and she kept crying for no enough milk. After cuddling her to sleep, we hot massage for an hour and now cleared.

Maybe that I should hot massage breasts every night. Can't be lazy.
wow.. starry.. ur baby can sleep for so long.. how much u feed haer at night?? and how u keep her awake in the day time har??
jeannie, i feed her normal le..90ml for all feeds now..maybe she just sleepy head..she will sleep till 4-5am (from 1130-12 feed)
wow, wat a long list on the allergy free diets.. hope i never have to go on any of those..

thankful - eastshore never give any FM at all if we opt for total BF.. bb just survive on the colostrum..

girl - forgot to say for the 1st 2 days, body will produce colostrum, which is very good for bb.. so when bb cries for milk, just need to latch on.. at the time of discharge from hospital, bb's weight is lower than brith weight..

hi piglettail, i tried using latex teats, but too soft.. ended up the milk keeps flowing n dripping very badly..

jess/cheryl - getting maid to take care.. maid coming end of this week! wish me luck too!

winnie, my bb's intake range from 80 - 110ml.. sometimes force him to finish, but he won't drink anymore..

tubao, hope u get on the april class.. then we get to meet up!

anyways, i just went to shave my bb's hair @ taimao centre.. n made a brush..
girl...no i don't feed FM at all back home.

starry...thanks. ya i told him he has to be the one to remember everything cuz i'm too occupied dealing with the pain!!

jess...my mum probably quitting her job to look after my girl. at first i thought of getting maid but prefer mum to look after deinitely.
garfield, you are not alone!! mybb also passed some bloody mucus in his stool ye\sterday night at 8+pm.rushed to PD when it was around 9pm. doctor said 2 possibilities: allergy to cow's milk or infection. so ask me to monitor . if still got bloody mucus, then scoop the poo and get back to the clinic where they wil send for test. doctor asked me what i ate and i could only think of 2 things: chocolates and cheese. maybe that's the culprit! if not will be the formula milk i gave, but i only gave once thruout the day..

yesterday was really so scrared!!!
Starry, one thing i realised is that the gf routine does not make rm for growth spurts. Another thing is my baby fights sleep. She doesn't even sleep 3 hours in the day. As a result by nite, she is so over tired that she can't sleep. My nite routine is similar to yrs but day time i really can't put her to a pattern. Sigh.
<font color="ff6000">LV's Goat's Rue at USD19.44 excluding int'l shipping charges &amp; domestic postage+envelope</font>

1) sweetpea - OK wif tis price
2) tongtong PAID $57.12
3) tongtong
4) eileengoh (postage) PAID $28.56
5) Thankful PAID $28.56
6) yanyen (postage)
7) yanyen

mummies, sorry i'll hv to close tis spree at USD19.44. i cant b waiting for 5other slots 2 b filled up and 3mummies hv paid up. once yanyen &amp; sweetpea pay up, i'll place order at LV.

mummies in batch2, LV has only shipped out 5bottles instead of 13 which i ordered. i not too sure abt e shipping charges now cos it's my 1st time (and probably last time) ordering fr LV
Hi to whom thnking to get maid,
I also got a maid which initially ask her to take care baby, she was here more than 1 mth liao..baby all taken care by CL, she never take initiative to do it....i thnk i'll let baby sitter take care, still cant trust the maid.. all will pretend good in front of us only
U can have maid if u have elderly stay with u, else dun let maid take care baby alone..really dangerous...no idea whether i worried too much..really dunno how to trust them on handling baby.
tongtong/gar- how much cheese/chocolate/milk did u eat? i drank milk, ate a couple of chocolates, but didn't see anything in bb's poo.. now i'm worried too!!

re: maid
agree that definitely someone must be home to watch over the maid.. but the price u pay for babysitter vs maid.. at least maid still can do housework..

stephie, we chose the brush $188 w stamp.. actually the cheapest is $38.. but ended up.. aiya, once in a lifetime..
$38 is for the brush only? Why the price so much diff?

bb's hand &amp; feet print,
Thinking of doing this for my bb... anyone know where to do and how much it costs? Thanks.
re: MAID
think all depends on a few factors:

1. Are u control freak (like me) n need to know n control everything at hm?i know my cousin damn chin chye type, n also partly no choice since no one available to help "jagar". she can leave maid alone with baby n even go on date with hubby.

2. what are ur expectatios? maid do housework plus look after kid? think not many of us can do that...so is it reasonable to expect maid to do that?

3. your luck - not all maid meet "standards" we set. many come from diff background, do things differently n also at their own pace. gd is u get a gd maid...
u need to take notes, will LV re-shipped the remaining 7 bottles or not, usually they will. U might want to email them to check any back order involved. If yes, try to declare separately wth CGW. Eg. item 1 -> u indicate total price for the first 5 bottles shipped. item2 -> indicate the remaining 8 bottles shipped. In this case, u will be able to indicate multiple shipment aft u verify ur purchase. pls make sure the no. of shipment involved, u can only consolidate max 3 shipments and pls do nt consolidate total price > Sin$400, else u will hav to incur GST. By consolidate the shipments, the freight charges will be chaper. I cant advise u the freight charges yet cos it still depend on the volume/actual weight of the box LV used.
ya, i still have in laws at home. just that they are rather old too. but guess its better than no one at home.
luckily i managed to convince my hubby to let me take care at night and have baby sleep with us, not the maid. too bad not my own home, otherwise baby can have a room to himself....
Tubao, my colleague got for me from Bedok market near the Blk 85 food centre (with famous ba chor mee) but she said must order one, I also don't know which shop she order from. :p

Snowbelle, I did Hand &amp; footprints for RaeAnne, paid $400+ cos mine is a bifold design for 8R photo which I can change. If you choose hand + foot prints, will cost min $300+. http://www.bestimprezzione.com/ It's very expensive but I displayed it at her full month party, so many people saw it and commented on it so still worth it lar. Saves me the trouble of telling the guests her Chinese name, english name and dialect name again and again cos they can read it themselves. Hee. ;)
snowbelle, it's just different types of wood they use &amp; also different design.. However, haircut is free..

i bought washable ink to do hand &amp; foot print at home myself.. i also bought the clay set to do foot print for bb..

jess, u take care at night yrself? i don't know once i start work full swing, got energy anot.. it's really quite tiring.. i was thinking to let bb to sleep w maid, then put bb monitor &amp; cctv..
hugz...ya i was very scared too. is your bb ok now? anymore blood?

i also had cheese for the lunch that day bb had blood streaks in her stools. i think that's the culprit. i noticed it in 3 of her poos, but thankfully no more today.

not to worry - not all babies are allergic to diary products. just monitor bb's stools religiously (hb and i scrutinize every single of her dirty diapers). the blood streaks are like our adult mucus stained with abit of blood.
my bb at 5th wks drink about 120 ml - too much?

Maid - i have one at home. Hire to do both housework and look after baby. But she always carry the baby and leave the housework alone....?????
eliaw, i only took one piece of cheese and little bit of chocolate leh. maybe not allergic to this and might be other food. which i dont know what. anyway dont worry, not all bb will be alergy to dairy products one ma.
thanks for your tip on mom/mil going home, i tried to tell my mom 'this week tues dun come' but she was like super hurt. sigh. everyday after she go home, i spend 30min cleaning my kitchen cos i really dun like the oil/cooking smell. i think hv to approach slowly. maybe this week tell her dun come for 2 days, next week 3 days etc.

i gonna bathe my baby by myself for the first time today too! jia you. still trying to figure out what is a good time to bathe her. when do u bathe your bb?

i never avoid choc leh
i still eat but a little bit lah, but i stop drinking cow milk totally, switch to soy milk (with enriched calcium type). also never eat cheese, yoghurt, or eggs. i even stop coffee! did the PD tell u when can start eating..?
baby bath: is all baby bath no-rinse formula ? how we know whether we need to rinse or not as it's not stated in the direction?

oscar: ur bb got allergy to cow's milk?
thats wat my hubby told me too.. but i still hope i can do it. really cant bear to leave my baby day and night whole day with maid. hope i can go thru it all
my bb at 5wks drinks about 80ml per feed (2+ to 3 hr interval). only her last feed of the night then we load her up about 100-120ml so that she can tahan longer for about 4hrs.

based on my estimation, her demand is about
60ml - 1+ to 2 hr interval
80ml - 2+ to 3hr interval
100ml - 3+ to 4hr interval

but i think my bb's consumption is on the low side. refer to this article on how much EBM to feed.

hi i am new to this feb thread.

anyone has leap year baby ? my gal was born on 29/2 at TMC....

how long shall i burp my baby after feeding ? pat till the baby burp ? what if the baby never burp after 5 min then how ?
Cannot use Hot Compressed method for 1hr. This method to ease swelling of engorged breast but also stimulate more milk production. Your breast may be too painful after that. Only can do so a while like 5mins before pumping. If not like my friend, she kept doing this 1/2hr before pumping and have blocked duct every time. Thus doctor asked her to stop BF cos she's very painful.

That's why now KKH nurses only ask to use cold cabbage. But this method will reduce milk production thus can only use for 1day only. Nurses will asked you to ensure you pump out all the blocked duct if not it will always have blocked duct.

I also experience blocked duct and have been diligently pumping. Trying not to extend time for too long. So far I'm clear already.

Increasing milk feed
KKH nurses taught that to increase milk to bb, we should increase 5ml at every feed for a few days. Cos 5ml every feed will add up to alot in 1day. This is to monitor whether bb can take the increase milk. Maintain the increase for 1week, if you want to increase again, then do the same steps again. Its safer this way and not "siong" bb stomach which is very small size now.
Thankful, oic, I tried increasing BB's milk intake from 90 to 100/110ml so that can decrease no. of feeds, no wonder she doesn't want. Mummy too impatient. haha. Will try 5ml for 1 week first.

Today brought Jerome to PD. Doc said my suspected reflux could juz be too much wind so she gave me some wind drops to use first. Seeing my bb so xin ku after every feed makes me so heart pain. And the cause if actually too much wind from bfding!
She said as long as bb is pooing/peeing well and weight gain is well(Jerome gained 1.1kg in 5 weeks!), may not be as serious as GERD.

Do u all know how to reduce the sucking noise(prevent bb from taking in wind) while bfding? My bb somehow developed the habit for spitting out the areola and only suckling on the nipple and it's causing a lot of wind to enter his body!

bx, i think it's juz yr system clearing after u bf?

oscar, maybe u can say someting like u wish to cook on a certain day or u wish she get some rest on a certain day... put it in a more discreet way la. hehe

re: baby bath
i used mine for one whole month then i realised it's NOT no-rinse. lousy pigeon one... ok la my fault for not reading carefully, assumed all are no-rinse. now i have a problem, cos i dunno how to put the baby bath then rinse off with water. it's not as if the baby can sit under a shower like us!

re: tai mao bi
eliaw, i also did mine last week! i think i got the same one but without the stamp so mine was $178. the $38 one is crap la... some lousy bamboo material that will rot soon and there is no engraving at all. anyway i think they are overpriced, but they are the only ones so they can charge whatever ridiculous price they want. eliaw, did u get the box? i'm still considering cos it's like $25 and above just for a box!

belle mommy, welcome! wow u are the first leap bb mommy here!

re: SAHM
i get a lot of satisfaction from cleaning up the house, spending time with my bb and seeing my hb enjoy my cooking. hehe. was thinking of getting a maid to help out but then tink for now still surviving.
Someone once said to me that God made man to be productive... implying to me that being a SAHM is not contributing to society. Argh. I think that mindset is so wrong! I have to put up with a lot of objections, but I guess everyone is slowly accepting it already.
my relatives are so weird... don't seem to feel happy for me that I can be a "tai-tai" at home. haha.
