(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Thanks, I hope RaeAnne gets well soon. Luckily she's still active but a bit grouchy and sticky to me and hubby. Hate to force med down her throat. She likes everything except Augmentin (pineapple flavour). Never sponge her yet cos her limbs feel quite cool just her neck is hot. She hates any kind of plaster on her even handyplast so Koolfever plaster no way lor. :p

Last night, I actually told Raelynn, "Cheh cheh sick leh, you don't come out first can or not?" ;P

Steph, I had short hair for no. 1 but not short enough. Very pek chek when the hair sticks to my neck and I can't switch on fan or shower. :p How long was your hair for no. 2? I think I need to cut until like a boy if I don't want to be so warm.

Krystle, I don't intend to keep my hair long cos I know my post natal hair loss is usually quite bad. :p
u saw my bloom pic right so that's how long my hair was! wont stick to my neck & b'cos it's layered, it's light & easy to wash & manage, no need to comb oso

talking abt post natal hair loss, me too
#1 i drop more hair. #2 still not so bad...my hair is thinning...gotta use my left over KLORANE QUINAFORT women Anti-Hair Loss treatment to salvage. My hairdresser ask me to reduce any chemical treatment to my hair scalp until next year.
Steph, saw but forgot about the hair liao. Is it still on your FB? Hehe. :p I got natural curls, if my hair is short & layered, will stick and curl all over the place. Sigh.
Aqua, my situation same as yours! Pay not bad but can go off on time.

Jess, go look for other jobs since now the job mkt has picked up. Since you have degree and working experience, your pay shd at least start with 3 leh.

Pixie, sure not a problem! I will just bring the non rusty books for you then.
Pixie, if you worry about ur boy’s clothes, why not rinse again? That should be fine one.
Oh yea, I think you should take the wedding album.

Kam, I think I will still need to go through lots of step hor. Renew passport, transfer permit, renew permit. And yes, I will see you this Sunday!
yes still in my FB & multiply blog

your natural curls are just curly ends i supposed then not so bad. In this case, i think tie up the back better?
u sure anot? start with 3? i suddenly hear alot of breaking sound.... (my heart is breaking).. hahahaa... i dun haf lei..... i am FAR FAR AWAY from 3.....

yeah.. go take the wedding shots and show us. u will be a pretty hot mummy!
I won't spend $100 on a cake leh...too ex. I prefer to buy from those cake/pastry shop (like our hubby...hahaha)...cheap and good! Those fondant cake i find very sweet so not to my liking. I'm a cheapskate mummy...hahaha!

This morning just went to register and pay up for my boy's playgroup starting next year. Hopefully he won't cry too much when classes start on 4 Jan. Anyway, was thinking whether should celebrate his birthday at the playgroup cos it's on 9 Jan, meaning must do it during the 1st week of school leh. Hubby was commenting don't make it into a habit but my sis was telling me everyone does it and if we don't, my boy will feel left out...how ah???
Jess, you got how many years of experience? Or maybe we are in different industry? I deduced 3 becos I supposed you have many years of working experience liao + you are degree holder ma.
Is it because you are currently holding an assistant/coordinator job? Coz you said got to work with sales executive... If so, then most co not willing to pay much for such posts. If pay you this much, might as well get you be an executive. Since you got degree and experience, go for a executive or senior executive role.
If you are going to renew your passport at the High Comm, DON'T GO on Monday (usually extremely crowded) or Friday (short working hours cos of the prayer and the officers tend to work slower, you know, the Malaysian style :)

In my opinion, it's ok if you don't celebrate Brien birthday with his classmates this year, since he is still new and don't think he will feel bad, next year then do for him. It's more meaningful to celebrate there when he gets to know more friends at the centre. Same for other kids, they need time to accept a new friend. Like HR, he recognises all his little friends and calls them by their names.
Steph, okie, I go there and see.

Jess, no need to be sad. Depends on your degree and what industry you are in also. I was also far far away from 3 when I was your age. Comms degree and working for govt. Sigh... :p

But looking at the bright side, since my base pay started so low and my last drawn pay is so low, easier to give up my job lar. Haha.
i got 4 years of working experience. but gotten my degree only in late 2008...

bingo. i am just a coordinator nw lor. tats y pay is lower. tat time i got retrenched mah, so i just took watever job that came along first. got income better than no income

ya lor... easier to give up job!.. hahaha....
how is RaeAnne now? better?
I know at you mean. Anyway, he will only be with this playgroup for 1 year cos I plan to enrol him in N1 of a kindergarten in 2011
tongtong, jess,
my mnc co hor...degree+working experience for exec position only 2.5K-3K, if sales engineer $3.5-4.5K, if mgr position is $5K & abv, snr mgr is abt $8K & abv...GM & director..$10K abv...WOW...

yea $100 very ex hor & i dun fancy fondant cake very much too. Will see how.
celebrate birthday in cc is very common nowadays. my niece also celebrated her 4YO birthday at the playgroup, a small cake & goodie bag for each of her playgroup mates to take home. Why yr hb say bad habit leh? is only once a year thing, not everyday affair wor.
Jess, same situation as my ex colleague who got his degree early this year. His pay is less than $2k. Company will not auto upgrade him to Exec cos his job grade is too low to be promoted to exec. He also very sian and looking for new job. :p

RaeAnne is at my ILs place now. Should be napping bah. She sleeps longer at my ILs place and my BH getting more frequent these 2 days. Hubby worried I can't look after her cos the maid can only help with certain duties. And when RaeAnne's sick, she's even more sticky to me. Everytime, want me to bao bao. :p
steph, i was underpaid too when i fisrt joined com in sg 5 yrs ago. i had 2 years+ experience but was paid 1.6 or 1.8k only. but that time i changed line la.
ya lor. it is about the range tat u quoted there lor... and u can imagine la.. coodinator only.. even lesser... hahaha.. but impt is happy and can knock off on the dote at the moment ba

gd... at least u have ILs to help u. do be careful and take care. ask ur hubby to stand by at his hp at all times ....
my sales engineers in my co very gd life, can MIA in office anytime...high pay, got car allowance $800/mth le. So they changed car like change clothes!
Are u in finance dept? handling accounts etc?
my lowest paid full time job was being a waitress in a chinese restaurant for $800/mth while waiting for my GCE O level results.
Actually those cake shops like Polar, Bengawan Solo, etc also have those Cartoon Characters cake...just not 3D lah. But still looks nice and tate nice

My hubby say it sorts of "cultivate" their materialistic trait lor...they will start to compare size of cake, goodie bags, etc and will demand for more extravagant celebration every year
Steph, wah, your engineers are having such good life! I’m not in the finance dept, in compliance dept now, can be challenging n bored at the same time.
Well, higher paid job got more responsibility and most prob cannot knock off on time. So got to give and take bah... If you are happy at this moment then just let it be loh. Hopefully soon you can kick that sales executive away and you take over her job! Hahahaha...

For me, it is so hard to quit this job. Pay not bad, knock off on the dote, env ok, colleagues good, benefits good... Haiz... But I might have new job scope after my maternity leave and that might change the whole story.
ya, just stay put since everything is in place nw. wait till u return from ML then see the situation lor

i agree... must give and take. i also hoping she will resign than i take over her. cos she is my junior in UNI... wat the shit rite? hahahaa... tats y i dun really respect her... cos she is nothing. somemore she in this industry 1 year... i in this industry for 4 years... and her character damn lousy. so i will not talk to her unless necessary
employment still freeze for my entity. They are going to employ project engineer but not sure when is the job opening...our HR very slow de. If got job vacancy, i pm u.
my co deal with marine engine, power generation, oil & gas sector. Your hb same industry?

sounds like not same industry hor. haha. my hubby grad with degree in mechantronics engineering...
but if have u PM me lor.. no harm trying... hehee
tongton, which line u in?
i tink engrg industry pay nt good, my hubby also got degree, mus his pay is lower than his peers in sales or mktg.
steph, wow, ur co pay engineers so well! got job opening tell me hor, i inform my hubby to try!
he been working v late till 8 or 9pm daily...heart pain for him coz his pay is consider lower than peers
The goodie bags HR got from his classmates' birthday, he never got to enjoy, cos I threw them away cos it's all junk food :p Don't think I will prepare goodie bag for his birthday, maybe get each of them the blow bubble thingy (what do you call that) or a small toy to bring home. I would never encourage kids to eat junk food (but then, I am actually not sure if HR has taken some at cc......)
sorry my figure not that nice. some mummies got even hotter body hor..............

thanks for the link. the capture only provide photography rite? i need one which provides bridal gown, makeup etc etc leh

i oso wont spend so much $$ on cake coz my boy see liao wont remember and it looks good on pictures nia. nothing more. not so worth it...

fringe can clip up, make the mini poof that is oh so trendy now lah. no need cut short. i regret cutting my hair before delivery, in the end cant tie up, so hot...
i have ordered Bengawan Solo cake for Z 1st birthday. It's a baby mickey design & taste nice too. So wanna try out other variety this time

Oh i see where yr hb coming from...he is overly panic (afraid) over this minor issue imo. Kids are afterall kids...we just gotta explain to them that everyone is unique & special to how they wanna celebrate their birthday. There are some kids who are not so fortunate to be able to have their own cake & celebration...must count our blessing

my side mostly major in shipbuilding offshore (marine), mechanical & electrical engineering. Will keep a look out for yr hb
For me, junk food = those packed food with lots of MSG, and those cake with super-duper long expiry date (and these are super sweet too).
i see.. cos i feel i give my boy alot of junk food lei. but luckily it doesnt fall into ur category. keke....
i give him poky biscuits, alot of dried cranberries (duno y he likes it so much), yogurt (meiji brand one, okie anot?), and abit of watever we are eating...
my hb also in finance industry.. their company pays $1.4K tpt allowance to manager lvls. Pretty crazy I think.. doubt they really need so much for tpt.. Perhaps sale get ard there too.

Previously I work for a SME. Just got a degree and then had 4-5 yrs experience, only earn 1.8K. So I quit go overseas with hb, right now now sure I had a pay rise if I go out and work, cos my last paid job is so little.
Aqua, I’m not doing finance work, I’m doing backoffice work in a broking firm.

Kam, so does HR start eating cakes?

Jess, dried cranberries if is natural without additives or sugar, should be alright n not junk
tongtong, oic. i used to do customer svc/ back office processing in merrill lynch... gd welfare and perks in this industry
aqua, merrill is mnc so the pay is very good. mine is not leh, local firm nia. welfare wise pretty lousy.

icy, be a sahm better!
Those you gave ok wor. The packet cranberry you read the label see if they add colouring etc.

yes, he ate lots of cake already, those from the bakery, but not those packet kinda cake, you know what I mean?

What's SME?
last time my brother works as a service engineer and need to go to various site to do service calls. He can claim >$1k for taxi leh. So the co actually said they can either claim taxi or buy a car and can get up to almost $1k of transportation allowance. So I think your $1.4k tpt allowance for managers ok leh.

tongtong, yes. the allowance in ml v gd, but basic pay is onli $2kplus nia. my previous pay was $3k plus and they couldnt match.

i feel underpaid, so i left them after a yr =p
