(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

when u make sweet potato puree, is it dry n lumpy after putting the steamed sweet potato into the blender? must put water is it? i had hard time making it smooth when mix the blended portion into bm cos it's still lumpy after blending. don't know if my method is wrong

anyone gave yoghurt to baby already? bought the baby yopliat but not sure can give or not?

yr boy's expression really ultimate... so cute.

ur boy really drinks a lot. can give so much water? won't feel bloated?
is bellamy rice cereal or porridge really not nice ah? i was still thinking whether shld go cold storage to get one to try for bb...

jus login to niangjia and realised my total unread email reached 6k+!
sianz...hubby will be away for 2wks business trip starting from tmr!

Hmm, if blended liao shldn't be lumpy leh. Maybe you can try mashing it before blending. I tried carrot yesterday, steamed for 15mins, used my mashed potato masher yet still pretty lumpy. Then I use the Braun blender and ok leh, a perfect texture.

The biscuit is from Pigeon, went to Isetan Scotts and got it from the departmental store in B1. Wa, they got the Hokkaido fair, wanting to buy the squid and miso soup base but late for my hair cut. The biscuit is made up of seaweed, rice though there is added ingredients like salt and sugar, no choice, I cannot find anything without salt or sugar. Any mummy know of such cracker which has no added salt or sugar? Purely rice cracker? Please note some biscuit or crackers will have a "note" that there MIGHT be tracing of peanuts, egg, wheat etc while processing.
if u don't want to add water when blending, then steam it longer.
i did it for my carrots the other time and so easy to puree it.
won't need to add in any water at all if its soft to blend smoothly.
210ml of milk lah...not water...hehe.

your sumo got teeth oredi is it?
or even wif no teeth the biscuit is easy for them to bite?
How do u mummies start ur babies on solids? My son is now 5 mth plus? Still drinking only 130ml of milk. Now worse still, cause he is down with flu so only drink 20-90ml of milk. HELP!!!
evonne, high 5! my girl drinks the same amount and she's going to 7 months in a week. now also down with flu and drink about 80ml on the average. must dream feed. i dunno how the infant care teachers are going to feed her tomorrow.
how do u gals steam the veg ah? I jus read that not good to boil the veg as it will lose nutrients? thinkin of doing veg puree cuz din have a chance to do it for my elder one then...

tub, my bb also down with flu n cough since 3 wks back....his milk intake also drops and varies....think he drinks more frequently but lesser ml...

my mil jus told me not to send my elder one to childcare tmr since he is discharged from hospital yest, told her that he is alrady ok and also worried that he will catch flu n cough back from didi...she like not really happy....

haiz...then jus now kept saying to my didi that mummy have another baby girl then can stop liao!
eve & lynzi,

for me i have tried both sweet potato & carrot puree. somehow both r diff dunno y. carrot dun hv to add water the puree is smooth but for sweet potato even i add some water it s dry & not as smooth.
hi mummies,
can share with me which car seat is good for 6-12 months old bb? my girl refused to sit in maxi cosi anymore. she doesnt like to lie down and always try to sit 90 degrees upright. it's so dangerous. I wanna change and buy a new one. if any of u know of good brand and suitable ones, please let me know. thanks.

I bought the Safe and Sound (by Britax) [Galaxy model] at $200+ from IMM. That time, it was supposed to be on promo. The same car seat was on further promo during Taka Fair...at $199. (sianz...). So far, this car seat works for us.
Can use up to 4 yrs old or 18kg.

Gabby's mum,
perhaps it's the puree itself...did you puree the sweet potato yourself? The first time I did sweet potato puree, I experienced the same. Dry and not as smooth. Subsequently, when pureeing, I'll add some of the water that I boiled the potato into the blender and puree together. Puree until fine fine. That batch, dun need to add any water of BM. Just defrost, warm up...and it's smoooooth....

wow, not easy for you manz...you must have lots of rest too...

I tried pumpkin puree on Saturday. Wah, my gal gave me the "want to vomit" kind of look, including the sound effects. Hahahaha. Dun think she was too full that's why got that expression. Then I tried again on Sunday, same expression (minus sound effect). Shall try again today. heehee...
Hi missylan,

I bought the KAMEDA HI-HINE RICE CRACKER for my son. It's purely rice cracker but I think it still contained sugar or salt if I don't remember wrongly. However, that's the best I can find so far. I think it's available at Japanese supermarkets or Cold Storage. Another brand that you might wish to consider would be WAKODO biscuits (comes in different flavours).

I attached the link for an idea of what the biscuits look like. Hope the above helps...

hi all....

My bb finally discharged on Fri afternoon....However, he got a cough & running nose on Sat...
my bb couldnt sleep on Sat...unless he was sleeping upright. so I have to stand up and carry him upright to sleep...Walk here, walk there...
very siong...

I tried pumpkin porridge on Sun....He gave that yucks look but still eat...then my IL said he loves it....(which I doubt so)
I also bought the Pigeon biscuits....but haven try on bb...cos IL said now he sick..cant eat...must eat naturally...
morning mummies!!!

hen.. my girl is like ur bb!!! the feeding schedule in the night is so screwed up!

yesterday was like ur schedule.. wake up 12.30, 1 ,3, 5, 6 , 7am... can pengsan ah... now resort to letting her sleep by my side otherwise i'll faint if got to keep waking up to get her from her cot..


ur sumo's facial expressions really takes the cake i tell u!! so so so funny!!! hahahaha..


i gave her mash potatoes yesterday and she loved it!! hahaha.. she was so funny coz when i fed her too slow.. she start crying.. she cannot wait one.. must quickly feed if its something to her liking.. otherwise she'll spend half an hour on something she dun like.. so funny.. and u're right about the sound effects.. it can get quite funny at times. hahaha


the bilibo very fun to play leh!! haha.. my girl can't play with it yet but the mummy can.. hahahaha
she only can play with the small ones.. the large ones are too heavy and bulky for her to play with.. i think ur #1 and #2 will love it!
oh yah.. regarding teething biscuits and rice crackers ah..

what do u mummies do when ur bb takes a huge bite and it breaks off in their mouths? do u remove it or let ur bb eat it?
solid food:
all ur bb seems to enjoy solid foods .. my shirui hor.. last wkend, i tried HT brownrice + EBM .. she totally reject.. i fed her with a spoon.. den i gave up, pour them into bottle and she finished all.. any mummies with this problem?

my MIL was telling me over the wkend "my xxx's granddotter, 2weeks smaller dan shirui can finish ONE whole bowl of porridge le" .. .. .. .. tink she trying to hint i'm (or my mum who's taking care of bb) too slow in introducing solids..
i did dig it out.. but she screamed and cried..

it was the healthy times vanilla teether biscuit leh.. hard one also..

can faint siah..

actually its not good to feed cereal via bottle leh..

in the long run will lead to tooth problems.. i read somewhere lah.. but can't remember where already..

actually my girl rejected the spoon previously also.. but i think as long as u keep feeding her everyday.. she will get used to it.. another way was i gave her her own spoon to hold.. so somehow she feels like she's in control at times.. haha..
missylan/gabby's mum/ constance
thanks for your replies.

i tot if bb cannot tiptoes, then their knee will be bent? or must adjust till zun zun?
have not get walker for bb yet. don know which to get.
there's one type that is 2 in 1. walker cum rocker. any advise? or since your bbs already running in d walker liao, no point get the type w rocker?

your sumo reaaaaaaliiiiiii cuuuuute!
pet.. ya i noe.. not good... dat time pD told me not to .. say will result in colic .. haizz...
coz hor .. my mum is feeding her like dis in the wkdays.. she been nanny for ages and countless bb and uses bottle for cereals.. so she uses it for my girl
dat's y bb finds the spoon an alien .. (not kim..haa) haizzz..
seems like piggy babies all quite impatient
my girl also cannot wait, must feed her quickly or she'll start to make lots of noise.
recently she's starting to try crawling...hehe but can only crawl backwards. Sunday she managed to do one forward lunge and scared me! Thot she was going to knock her head. luckily she was near the top of the bed. If middle then kena already.
First day back at school...i miss my girls
i know wat u mean...
my mil also keep hinting me that i should start long ago. she keep hinting that my gal's motor skill not as goog as my my bro-in-law's son (10 days older than my gall and she is taking care) cos he started solid long ago.
she likes to look at my gal and said "....aiyo, kor kor already can finish a bowl of porridge liao, of coz can xxx lah.. tell your mummy to feed you lah.."
as if my gal knows!

Maybe u can try breaking the biscuits into small pieces first before giving to her. For my case, I "cut" the biscuits into small pieces before giving to my boy. Like that, he won't choke, also not so messy.. Else he always "bite" the biscuit until "Gor Gor" one..Yucky..
He is toothless. I gave him biscuit because he is such a glutton. When you eat in front of him, he will stare at you with the mouth open.


I saw those crackers you intro at Isetan Scotts too. All containing salt and sugar, somemore stating that there might be traces of nuts etc.
Mine dun have tooth, so basically his saliva melt the cracker. he can eat the biscuit very well. Usually gave him half... for my #1 teething biscuit is too hard, he rejected. Dun think my #2 is teething also... he just needs sth inside his mouth.
she's ok in it and she sits in it alone during weekdays when my hubby drops me off at sch. he has to drive with bb alone all the way to her infant care. she either falls asleep in it or talks to herself. :p
if u want to view combi at kaki bukit its at baby kingdom.
there is a bp going on for aprica care seat and ferrari ones lei.
go take a look in bp lah.

veggie like spinach i read has to be boil and not steam.
then use the water u boil it in to puree it so the vitamins won't be lost.
RE: Pureed food
My boy is almost 7 months, and here are some of his favourite foods: Carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, avocado, banana.

I always steam the vege before pureeing. Actually it is more like double-boiling. Coz I use a dish to contain the sliced vege, and add water till it covers the vege, then steam. When the vege is soft, I pour everything into the blender, and it comes out nice and smooth. If too watery, just add cereal before feeding.

So far so good. And I realise my boy gains weight very fast since starting solids. Or maybe this is due to the avocado. I mix every meal with some avocado. Tastes good, lots of fats. And healthy too!

Note: For carrots, it is not recommended to use the water for pureeing. It is said that nitrates from the carrots seep into the water, so it is better to discard.
finally my bb is ok le... she can drink milk, smile, laugh and play heehee... after spending 5 continous days with her, yesterday night have sent her back to my MIL's hse... when im about to leave there... she was like "frowning".. wanting to cry...wanting me to carry.. its like "mummy why dont u bring me home" soooo unbearable...heartache....

im missing her...
hhaaa...my bb also toothless...
He doesn't like carrot & spinach....
Fav is rice cereal & fish porridge...

He loves to eat...very "tan chi"...even before I gave him...

u mean the set? Heehee..ya v v cute rite? oh ya.. ur hubby v fit leh.. heehee...mus ask my hubby to go too..heehee..

oh ya, saw the set tt 'they" haf it in their shop.. wow expensive sia.. without the toys, just the cloth itself alreadi cos $92.. i was like wad!!!!!! Glad i got it at $40...

Saw the shoes set as well... cost bt $82.. so expensive sia..
talking bt eating.. my boy practically want to eat everything..

ytd no choice bring him out but forgot to bring his biscuits.. we gt to give him eat our biscuit, our bread and cookie... he jus happily eating... of cos we gave him small small pieces...
Thanks mummies for your advice. I tried to add cereal to her milk for last feed at 9pm, she doesn't finish the whole 150ml, left about 10-20ml. I tried to give her 150-180ml for 1am feed, she only drinks 90ml lor. She drinks abt 150ml for day feed while 90ml for the nite feed. Waste a lot of milk if I make 120ml or more for the nite feed.

Petrina, so me not alone lor. We got to hang in there for the little ones.

Never tot of it....

I only started his solids when he was in hosp...
So far its always fish/chicken porridge, carrot/brocolli/spinach puree, honeydew/watermelon puree, rice cereals
then Sun is pumpkin porridge
