(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

so long haven't been here! my boi's taking more of my time...now worse coz he's cutting his first tooth (or maybe teeth coz i saw 2 emerging,is it possible 2 at a time?)...i think it's uncomfortable for him ...mummies can gimme advice? what else can i do to help him besides giving cool teether? saw this 'dentinox' gel at guardian...is it good?

errr...sounds like everyone olredi in full swing feeding solids to bbs...

i suspect only 2 of us haven't started here heeheehee my PD also told me same thing to start end of this month...i think both our boys born on the same date,28 dec rite?
re: drinking water
At first my boy also refused to drink water.
so hard to make him drink one.
can even sometimes end up in tears cos he will be struggling with me trying to put the teat in his mouth and drinking.
so my mil suggested to mix a bit of glucose or delrosa in the water.
TADA!! finally, he drinks water now.
In a day he always drink 40ml of water 3 times.
i always give it to him when he wakes up from sleep.
half n hour after he drinks the water then i feed him.
if give him after that sure he doesn't want,
during feeding solids also i spoonfeed him with water after every 3 scoops of cereal/ puree.
hope that helps, ladies!
watch TV

any bb here watch tv?
i know not advisable for bb to watch tv at this young age but i still guilty of it lei...
i today subscribe BB channel from starhub...
anyone subscribe for it too?
Hi, tis my first time joining. Understand tat some of ur babies is on similac. Is it gd? Anyway, I knw of a clinic tat sells similac follow on for $204(7 cans).
so cheap?! that makes it less attractive to switch to d cheaper brands.
R u using similac too?
can give address of d clinic pls..
lynzi, ooo can add glucose ar? what's the ratio like? shawn's poos slightly drier now. he still give me the kiam chai look when i feed him water. then sometimes he just refuse to open his mouth when he realise that the spoon that i'm feeding him has water once he taste a bit of it.
steffie, i heard from frens who bf baby, its okie not to give them water. if u wan, can intro slowly. BUT dun introduce Delrosa or Glucose. Its too sweet for them. Too much sweet not very good for the babies.
Adam last time also refused water. Now he's okie. Just my tots! No offence yah Lynzi.

Oh by the way, agree w Lynzi, u one hot sexy momma! :p

sassybaby, give barley water straight after jab. It helps for me.
Zu, I will sure cook barley water for my gal tomorrow... Thanks for the tips...

Adding gripe water to water actually help my gal to drink water too... She just seems to love the gripe water. I tried tasting it, still blend... maybe is the gripe water smell that make her happy...

Mummies any tips to make the baby like avocado? I tried giving to her just now, she give me a face telling me "what the hell is that u giving me?" Wasted my $1.99 avocado from cold storage...
hhhmmm... okok, may be try gripe water. he ever tasted it ONCE, like when he's 2months old.

today i was supposed to try new food, but haven't yet. instead i tot may be finish up the carrot puree from the freezer 1st. then tomolo may be give sweet potato, coz my mum bought from the market. hopefully he'll accept it.. kekeee
keki, my bb on friso too, now in the midst of changing to friso 2. Though friso 2 is stated as 7-18mths, u can actually start to switch from stage 1 to stage 2 when bb is 6mth old, don have to die die only can switch to stage 2 when bb is 7mth old onwards. This is according to friso sales lady whom i always ordered FM from her.

yupyup, i also give gripe water to mix with the water to my boy when he rejects. Occasionally, i mixed a bit of heinz apple juice to his water, :p
btw, pretty, coco and lynzi, tmr on hor, meet at PS, want to meet for lunch or? if meet for lunch it's either 1130am or 130pm cos of the working crowd, hehee! i will sms/msn to u gals later.
Ermm, I agreed with Zu, best is to give plain water alone..Cos regardless its gripe water or glucose, both taste sweet. We adults might find it bland cos our taste buds already "seasoned" lai..but for babies, it is still verys ensitive, so a bit of sweet, they also can taste. So it will become a habit also...

As for me, I have been feeding my son with water ever since he is born even when he is on BM, thats why he is already used to drinking water. Maybe u can try feeding bb with water when he wakes up, cos normally thats the time they feel thirsty and will drink anything..

I tried the PIGEON mag mag cup on my boy, surprisingly, he knows how to hold and suck! But the most enjoyable thing he likes to do with the cup is pull it out and put in again..sigh..
anyone has experience of bb pooing in bath tube?
my bb did that just now!
i was happily bathing her, singing song when she startes fidgeting.
then i saw some strange objects in the water... i "took" ity up and smell... yuck! its her poo...
oh my my...

but actually her poo don smell that bad lah... hahaha
i wan to ask the same q too

beng's ma
how much is the friso 2 from that lady? is it cheaper than those medical hall?
in case u miss out the earlier post...
a mummy here have contact of a clinic selling similac at $204 for 7 tins.
since your bb is on similac, u may wan to find out more

HG clinic : 62807262
hi keki and steffi, i think friso still got the promo of 5+1 ie tat is buy 5 tins get 1 tin free, but nt sure when the promo ends. usually i and my sis will order a few tins as they do deliver the FM to our doorsteps foc, ehhe! next week i prob going to place order with them but will check if the promo is still on or nt.
beng'sma, on for me...we meet for lunch lah...i was busy with making sundresses...finally project completed. very pleased with my work...hhahah...

where do u order your friso from? how much per tin?

one thing i dun like abt friso is, no freebies one, unlike gain / similac which my #1 is on...always got vcds etc
Thanks keki,
i saw that....will call them up and check.
Thanks Evonne for the info.

Last night i just started mixing the stage 2 powder into his milk feed cause i 4get my stage 1 left only alittle. And he finished up. Hope he still like to drink as usual.

Anyone encounter if change formula from stage 1 to 2 of the same brand, baby don't like to drink?

Seriously, i tasted stage 2 and i find its slightly different that stage 1.
Stage 2 powder seems slightly mild & thin and not as rich as stage 1.
steffi, same price, but if their promo is on which means my friso 2 is cost abt $42.80 per 1.8kg tin, if nt it still $51.00 but at least i don have to lug all the fm back so heavy since they provide delivery. I feel freebies ok la cos sometime the freebies are quite useless lor.
no...no offence.
i only add very little glucose to it.
Half of the 5 ml spoon to 50ml of water.

beng ma,
tomoro my mil cannot take care of my boy ah.
if i go then have to bring him along...not shiok rite?
if not then i have to give it a miss...sigh.

aiyoh...making sundress??
gerls look so cute in sundress.
u very good with your fingers ah...reali admire u.

i have compared the composition of stage 1 and 2 fm.
i discovered that stage 2 is slighly milder than stage 1 cos by now baby would have started on solids so he's getting those minerals/ vitamins/ nutrients from the food we give them.
so far my boy seems ok with taking stage 2 fm.

yesterday gave my boy EB sweet potato in the afternoon.
he likes it.
finish the whole jar.
in the evening i gave him 1 and half tbsp of HT barley ceral...also he finished everything.
so relieved...
Hi Steffi n Gabby's mum,

Gabby's mum
So we just walk into their service center at Lorong 1 TPY to purchase?

Thanks in advance!
Waaa....wish i'm yr bb girl...kekekeke
so many nice and motherly made dress to wear.
u are so good at making these.
hi mummies, tks...i am just putting what i know into use...and being a temporary SAHM, might as well fully utilize my precious time at home...been very busy these few weeks, sewing, going shopping, playing with bb...

and now about to go shopping with bb soon...need to get her a swim suit...bikini type..hhaha...
hmmm... but then again, sumana looks weird in dresses. always looks as if she stole the dresses from someone. haha.
