(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i also like the somerset and spa!! i wan to join the pikkolo club too

Linda, okie dokie.. i will check out the website and place the order asap!
nanz, i hope we can hv it these 2 days!! **finger crossed**

jovan ma, think i'll drop the JET liao. dun wan to think so much. I've spent a lot lately. Dunno when hub is going to kill mi! jialat... :p
coco, becos pikkolo can face front, my beng is a super kpo bb, like to see see hehee! And after talking with the expert botanist, i decided on pikkolo.
past 2 days shawn has been waking up earli in the morning, crying for milk. yesterday morning he woke up at 3.30am. today he woke up at 5.30am. so i latched him on. then he has his regular breakie at 730-8am. i had increased his feed to 220ml * 5times a day. Not sure why is he waking in wee hrs of the morning.. anyone has any experience as such b4?

as for plain water, i think i would start to give him a bit starting this wkend. how much u ladies give? give in between feeds?
for me i do give my bb water since she s abt 1 mth old cos wanna train her to drink water. now she s very clever only choose water with grip water.
Hi all mummies,

I would like to get 1no. sarong sling carrier for my gal. Any recommedations where to buy? Is it too complicate to use? Hee i scared wait i didnt tied properly my gal will fall.
joanne, sarong sling not complicated to use. Just follow the instructions lor. u wan sometg easier, maybe can try the pouch sling. Just put baby inside no need to adjust. But the sling can tahan a while only lei. When baby becomes heavier, then put a strain on the shoulder. Used to carry my son in tt till he's abt 19mths!! Its very good to use when bb still young and light! When he was a baby, pop him inside then he'll sleep thru out the day.
Something to share to all mummies staying around SK/Hougang or took NEL train, please BE CAREFUL:

On tue night, around 11pm+, when my sis has alight from Kovan MRT (at Simon road exit), she was grabbed by a man and dragged to the grassland beside the station, she could not scream cos her mouth was covered by his hand and he struggled my sis's neck with such force that she almost could not breath! She couldn't recognise him cos it was dark and he's wearing a cap, neither did he say anything so we dunno if he's a local or foreign worker working ard the vicinity
Luckily a lady walking behind my sis saw what happened and initially thought they knew each other but she sensed something wrong. Another couple walked by and they all shouted at the man and chased him away!! Cant imagine what will happened if there is no passerby!! My sis was traumatised, her neck, face and arms are covered with red marks and fingernails mark, otherwise she is fine. They went to file report @ police station after that and my mum was asked to return to collect my sis clothes. The passerbys left after asking if my sis is all right so there is no witness at the moment.

So if you happened to take the same route, please be alert or even when you are staying elsewhere, do not be complacement when you are walking alone! cos the place where it happens, its not isolated, there is condo (Kovan Melody) and coffee shops at each end of the grassland and beside the MRT station, there's the bus stop and main road!! thats why we suspect that the man in not local as it does not make sense to take such risk to try rape someone there!!
Wats a pikkolo? like sling??

Re holding a teether:
Chloe also cannot hold it properly for long, n tend to 'overshot' her mouth n hit on her nose. so funny to watch her trying to put the teether into her mouth. When I help her to put it into her mouth, she bite bite 'yin siew' me, then use her fingers liao..

fUnny u.. I juz started using Ba Wang, stil drop alot of hair leh. hopefully it will show its true power soon!

For a moment, I thot u r posting my love story.. My dating hist similar to yrs except I got md in Yr05.

My mom fed Chloe with water a few times when she was hungry n making noise when I was rushing home. actually, need not feed bb with water cos our BM acts as water too.. sufficient for them as fluid intake.
Hehe.. juz found out wat pikkolo is. Mummies, y choose pikkolo over BB Bj carrier? Is using Pikkolo not as straining?

Dun worry abt Shawn's waking up in the wee hrs at times. I experience tt too. How come u know how much he drinks? U express out n feed him with bottle?

I m using MomsInMind sling. Has instruction manual. U can consider. It sells pouch too. http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/buysarongsling.html
U can check if there is any BP for sarong slings.

thanks for sharing! Luckily yr sis is alright..

Rem to update your meetup list with my name =)
wow cocoangel,
that is very scary! oh dear... Thank goodness your sis is alright.

wah, 220ml ah...your supply must be very good... *envy*...
yah very scary... i was shocked when my father called me at mid-night. really really lucky my sis is well and alive.

Your baby is drinking alot hor..
you on TBF?

So our meet up is confirmed on 24 May is it? Have we decided on the caterer? I recommend Neo garden

ref: On baby drinking water
My boy refused to drink water leh.. will shut his mouth or cry ... like we are trying to poison him ahaha... now he has not been passing bowel for 3days, is it ok? tummy abit bloated but he dun seem in any discomfort wor~ is there anything we can do to help him?
my god. So scary. I am going to Kovan heartland mall tonite also...

I am using my luckybb sling. love it!!!
Mayb when my little shrimp gets bigger then i will use my beco.

mine also still drinking 100-120ml only.
My hubby and I also marathon date for 8 years before we got married and baby only came 5 years after that. I do miss the couplehood days cos we were so carefree ... but baby does bring us lot of joy too. I think after being together for so long, we are very happy to have this new addition to our twosome lifestyle. Next week, we're taking leave to go pak-toh (more like running errands). Oh well, at least it's 'alone time'.

Dylans' Mummy + BBnGG
I'm the other one with Quinny Buzz. At first, very enthusiastic about it. These days, it's been left to rot. We prefer using the baby bjorn when we go out. Better take it out to use soon or else waste money.
Maybe that man thought its late so the traffic flow will be low.. taking his chance or really desperate liao! Anyway we thought he might be a foreigner...
I hope so too.. if only the passerby can come out, at least they might have seen his face or skin colour. Anyway my sis described him as tall and skinny and very strong! Your hubby with you then its ok lah, dun worry
cocoangel, that's scary. hope your sis would be feeling better soon. oh dear.. no where is safe...

think ur babies must be absorbing well. shawn drinks big time but aiya, all the milk i give him come out as peeweepoopoo. (this saturday going for his pneumonococal jab, would get to weigh him). well, he was sleeping thru the nite and doesn't ask for midnite feed, but after the past 2days, i begin to have doubts whether he would sleep thru the nite... sigh...

i had reduced my # of pumps in office to two times. but he feeds 3times at infant care. still got stock at home that's why i reduced the pump in office. yup, yvonne, i'd latch n pump at home. but been getting very lazy, just latch him on. so lately i had been purely pumping about 190ml to 240ml in office. i figured he must be drinking about 220ml each time. also i used the milk calculator (based on the baby's weight) to double check whether it makes sense to increase his feed to 220ml or not.
my ofis used to be there at kovan. and I used to work until quite late one. I think i am very lucky i didnt run into such guys last time. Yeah, it can b real quiet there after ten....
Thanks for your concern. My sis works shift so she will still go home late, think next time my father has to go MRT to fetch her liao.. scared liao~
Luckily nothing happened to you ah.. but actually before they demolised the private houses, that area is not so quiet de~ Think my sis is just unlucky to be his target. Then again, he was pretty smooth with the "operation" so maybe not 1st timer liao!

ahz.. lucky ur sis is safe... its really scary to go home late...

i read somewhere that if milk can satisfy the bb, means it is time to introduce solid..

my ger oso drink very little since 3 months old.. haiz.. over the weekend she start to drink more and aiya this few days go back to sq one. Make 140ml, only can finish half!!! Sigh... her wt is only abt 6.2kg.
whoa, your sis had lucky escape! thank goodness she's fine. yikes, kovan is my PIL area. Was actually aiming for a flat there too. ya, residential estate behind had en-bloc sales, now they've started construction on new condos.

are you still working?

anyone going for BP on ergo carrier? got my own beco now (hehehehehe) but the damn infant insert is really troublesome.
I like hougang but too many weirdos, myself I have encountered some unpleasant incidents too.. once, a man master*** at the staircase and another, a boy (i was in sec sch) did not zipped his pants and his p*** is showing OUT! a few more lah but better dun say liao else i will be very pissed haha...

Yup I'm working now

I feel like getting Beco too cos loved the designs!! How do you find the carrier? which designs did you get? :p

haha, at least no unnatural deaths in ur area (i hope!). my area within past 1 yr got 2 murders and 1 suicide. last one in block opp to mine. n i think just b4 i moved in got 1 suicide in another opp block. when my 5 yrs are up i am MOVING OUT of here!

i got the olivia pattern. beco much better than my combi carrier cos of additional support at waist. i could tahan 2 hours, only got little bit lower backache. but i still find it troublesome to put it on cos of infant insert. i still can't achieve the total convenience i want if i were to go out by myself
Hi Yvonne, Zu & Constance,
Thanks for your recommendation. I will go & source around.... Hee hee

Phew, lucky your sis is alrite. I'm staying in hougang & surprise to hear that u have so many unhappy experiences in Hougang. Pray hard that Police can catch tat man soon.
ankh, no nid BP la.. buy two ergo from this lady got 5% discount liao le.. www.babysneed.com
my gal dun use the infant insert lei. :p

cocoangel, its so scary tt this tg happen to someone close to u. luckily she's alrite!

joanne, dun mention it!

Hope that your sis is all right. I noticed that the NEL stations are all suitated at those "ulu" and quiet places eg: got 1 near the cedar girls secondary school.

Wanna check w u all, can we add cereal into the milk for baby's last feed to last throughout the night? In the 1st place, she says will cause pleghm. Now she asks me to try. So contradicting
Yew... so scary to have murders near where you stay!! where is your location??

Thanks for your concern, I just saw my sis when I went to pick up my boy at my mum, she's still crying
Hope nothing like this happen to anyone of us!!

which part of hougang do you stay? dunno why my mum area got alot of weirdos, maybe near those 3 room flat bah, no offence!

How? you girls wan to get Pikkolo? Cos I'm thinking of getting it from portablebaby tomorrow, I can order together if you wan, let me know
got free shipping if more then certain amount.
Been a while since I log in
Seems rather quiet here recently.. Anyway, hope everyone is well
I've been going out these 2 days.. took a bus with my mother and son, a pram and 2 bags. All the way to Harbour front!! Took us 1 hour to reach there.. not easy man!!! Think hard to take bus with a pram in hand.. if alone with bb how to manage?

Hey, check with you ladies.. how many feeds do you give your child daily? Also, when is the last feed usually? Anyone gives your bb last feed around 9pm and it can last bb till next morning 8am?

My son's feeding is like this:
1)Anytime between 7.30a.m. to 8 a.m.
2) " between 11.30a.m. to 12p.m.
3) " between 3.30p.m. to 4p.m.
4) 7p.m.
5) 10.15p.m.

After the 7p.m. feed, I'll let him rest a while. Then around 8 p.m. will start to prepare him for bed. Wipe him and change him into PJs. Then lay him on the bumper mat to let him watch a bit of TV and cool down. around 9p.m. will take him into bedroom and into his cot... Then around 10.15p.m. will give him a dream feed..

I'm just wondering if I can bring forward his last feed to 9.30p.m and he can still sleep through till next morning around 7.30a.m.... anyone care to advise or comment? Thanks

Hi Yvonne,

My leave is till end of this term
How is your childcare arrangment like when you go back to work?

How is the babycare centre you place your girl in like? Ratio? Any stimulation for your girl? Really think you are very superb in balancing work and baby.. esp. in our line..

Pardon my curiosity...isn't it cheaper to get Ergo at Metro during 20% discount? Anyway, I've yet to use my Ergo.. I got the baby insert but my boy just simply doesn't like it!! Guess he's rather big size at 3 months when I got it.. insert can only be used for babies up to 4 months old.. Now probably got to sell the insert soon..

This weekend gonna try to place my boy in Ergo.. see if I lug him around in it or not.. Now my boy is around 8kg plus.. wonder if my shoulders can take it or not..
really hope your sister is fine.. she must be traumatised...Goodness, hope that person be caught soon!! Scary, really lucky that there were people around to scare him off..
Just to share.. my boy is drinking 180ml per feed at interval of 4-5 hours. He usually took 4 feeds per day with last feed at ard 8pm+. Then I will play with him for a while. At ard 10pm, will wipe and change him then he will sleep w/o any fuss. Will sleep thru and wake up anytime from 7am+ to 8am+. At times at 9am!
I dun have any fixed schedule, just feed on demand, go with the flow

I don't know how much my son is drinking as I let him latch on nowadays.. I'm too lazy to pump already...
Hmm, I like your son's schedule...Wonder how to further reduce the no. of feeds so that I won't feel so drained after each feed..
