(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

you have a point...at least with experience, it's like, having slightly less new stuff to teach the person. Versus having to teach 100% everything all over again plus looking after baby. hmmm...and the bit on whether she will be obedient, yah, I guess as long as set down the rules, shd be ok.

For my case, it's very easy job. Just look after and focus on baby. Cooking and ironing not impt.

my maid is ex-sin. true, she is quite smart and dun nid me to teach her things. but hor, after a while, i realise that she is "too smart". Use my photocopier when we are not at home, dunno whether she use my pc, cos she ever tell me before that she knows how to use pc. but for the sake of convenience, gotta close one eye lor. too troublesome to train a new maid. So long as my family's health and safety are not compromised, i am okie lor.
Claire is right to say that we shld set stds from start. I didnt really do that lor, cos she can go ahead to tidy the house, etc without me telling her mah. Now gotta "set her std right" cos she might be following her ex-employer's std and even her OWN Std!!!
How does the baby cafe thingy work? Is there an expertise on hand to talk to us, that's why there's a fixed day and time slot or it's just a place for us to meet? Cos in that case, why don't we meet in any other cafes instead of having to pay $6 for some finger food. Are the nursing room and diaper changing place located in the cafe?
Hi Claire and Tub,
I understand that you're both teachers. Where do you teach at and what subjects? Who knows, I may know you since I was a teacher too.
True true...as long as family's health and safety are not compromised, can liaoz. Hehs...using your photocopier...(sorry, but it tickles me coz...) I think some of us do the same with our employers. We use office printer lah, copier lah, fax machine lah etc...for our own personal stuff. haha...very human.

Oh, one other point I forgot to ask...would you gals engage maids that are the same age as you? Both that I have shortlisted are either a few months older or a few months younger than me...(and one says she's not on good terms with her husband. Would that be a point of concern?)
haizz.. its not "politically" rite to ask my ma bring bb out ..
i so much wanna c n b there for her .. its her first haircut..could b traumatizing and mummy not there.. haizz..
csi fan, u leaving baby alone wif her? then must find someone older i think. but best not to leave them alone la... i would rather leave bb wif nanny or infant care.

rachel, i teach gp at a jc near serangoon/hougang... hahaha... u know me? my hubby is also a PE teacher at a secondary in yishun. :p
no no...bb not alone with her. BB and maid will be at my parents' place (but both my parents are working) with my grandma and grandma's helper (relative from China).

Leave BB with nanny? My gal now has separation anxiety leh...she can sense when we're not around one...just yesterday at my parents' place, HB went downstairs to the car to get his stuff. Just that 5 - 10 mins, my gal cry and cry...and she's been going there everyday lorh...she has seen my parents' current maid everyday mah. but still wail...aiyoh. I very heartpain and stress ah...

the 2 ladies in charge were nurses - can check more at www.babybreeze.biz. THink their aim for baby cafe is to discuss about issues which BF SAHMs are facing. Venue isn't really a cafe, but a large space separated into 4 areas - yoga room, nursing and changing room, discussion room, and retail area in front. The so-called cafe will be held in the discussion room, which has sturdy looking armchairs. They'll also lay mats on the floor so we can plonk our babies down and let them roll and play
I was also thinking can park our prams in retail area heehee. Hoinestly i don't know if they'll try to push any of their classes or products to us, but i thick skin one. Got comfy surroundings, can chnage diaper 1 metre away, got tidbits & liquids, am okie. Btw, website says $5 for baby cafe, but their poster at unit says $6, lady there also says $6, so that's why i post $6.
Oh..sounds pretty nice. Cos if I go, I'll be bringing my gal in my carrier and I can't be carrying her in it the whole time while we sit and chat. So, if there's a mat there to lay her down, that's good. Count me in.
hihi csi, oh phew... so bb is wif great grandma so ok la... i tot bb will be alone wif maid. but still i think older ones are better. the younger ones are tougher to teach and more spoilt i think. older ones have sense of responsibility to provide for their families so may not be that stuck up...

rachel, hehheh... no la... i teach at nanyang jc. my hubby is with naval base... not yishun. now they've shifted to sembawang. but both teachers shiong man... the entire clan (hb, me and bb) has to leave house at 630am latest... so hb will not be late after he leaves bb at infant care.
nowadays i walk around in college wif my eyes half closed. today still got PARENT'S DAY! and tomo have to go back to school to help PE dept administer some NAPFA thing. think i'll bring baby and count sit ups for them. SIGH!
Oh NYJC. MY friend John used to teach there before he passed on. I know how it feels to have to leave the house so early. I used to wake up at 5 plus to leave the house around 615am. Oh yea..NApfa time again. I kinda miss that, tho it's so time consuming. Have you been teaching for a long time? I taught for about 7 years before I quit last year.
yeah, john was here b4 he passed on a few years back.
nice guy. i have been teaching for about 5 years liao. mid career change for me. used to be a journalist. no day no night kind so quit. i was really tempted to quit and stay at home too... still thinking...
so funny leh.. bring bb count sit ups .. tink the students will b overjoyed? hehe... can train ur little one to do too .. haaa
<font size="+1">changing teats size</font>
i thought breastfeeding mummies no need to change teats? we only use size 1 or 2...size 3 is for 3 mths old baby but only when he/she is formula fed

my agent advised us not to reveal our age to our maid especially if ey r around our age. i ever had an experienced indon (ex-sin) maid, can cook very well n maintained the house well but when i am not home she will wear my clothes n jewelry n parade around the house. she also very keng!

My present maid was a transferred filipino maid (x-kuwait), super lazy n attitude prob, always argue(she told me off, " u always talk talk talk"). I noticed the filipino maids are not so good as before so i asked another agent n i was told ,due to cost most maid agencies do not have their own training centres in phillipines n thus they have not met the maids, purely biodatas. so it is kinda tee-kam! The phil embassy also told these maids their rights so ey r more yaya now.
My lazy is so lazy n cut corners, i am a sahm but when i am not home she will throw my hand-wash clothes into the washing machine n dryer and she thought i don kn. when i question her, she will say, don kn, forget or trying to save water!!! She also use the phone when i m not home.So i am waiting for the arrival of my new maid(fr another agency, a good maid agency also very impt) before i send her back to the agency. I am getting a new maid from indo ( exp in jakarta but not sin) , i guess to me, most impt is the attitude, doesnt matter if she is exp or not. so my aagency will continue to train her in eir training centre if in the event they find her not suitable, ey will not send her to sin. cross my finge, hopefully everything will be fine and she can come soon really cannot tahan my maid anymore .

You may refer to the following blog for a sample schedule for your maid n other info with regards to hiring of maid.

Normally if i'm out, dun relly bg a lot of things. Just formula for two feeds, her bottles and 2pcs diaper. I dun bg hot water cos cn just ask from fast food restaurant. hehe.. I dun bg stroller. Cos mine's a 3 wheeler. Super duper big. Dun tink cn manage w a son nd tt BIG thing! Hot? maybe a while cos mostly will be in shopping centre. Dun tink she ever know the diff anyway. Cos she'll be zzz-ing the moment i put her inside till we come home. :p

leejo, my first boy used to hv a walker. Cos my mom said its good for them. But after a few days inside, noticed tt his legs v wobbly. He could not stand on his own when we lift him. So hb said do away with tt thing. BUt some ppl say its good cos can put bb inside then they cn do hsework. But i guess, diff ppl diff opinion. Anyway, boy started walking at abt 11mths. So dun know if walker will actually make bb walk faster onot..
Date: Every 2nd &amp; 4th Wed of the mth
Time: 11am - 2pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies
1. botanist
2. ankh
3. miraclebaby

Date: Sat, 12th Apr
Time: 1.15pm - 2.15pm
Cost: $260
Interested mummies
1. Cocoangel
2. Babyterelle
3. ankh

Venue: BabyBreeze, #03-85 Square 2 (on top of Novena MRT, in between Novena Sq and Tan Tock Seng Hospital).

don tin u are overfeeding yr boy if u tank him up cos if he is full then maybe he will not wake up at 4.30m (so bsically u r just trying to bring forward his 4.30am feed) for milk so he n u can sleep thru but bear in mind this will not happen overnite, gv him smtime to adjust, probably 1-2wks.
Date: Every 2nd &amp; 4th Wed of the mth
Time: 11am - 2pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies
1. botanist
2. ankh
3. miraclebaby
4. Rachel Wee

wah..your girl sleeps so easily in the carrier? Mine has slept in it before, but not sure why after about half an hr or so, she'll start wailing. The wail with no voice type of wail. Very strange.
Hi Csi_fan,

regarding maid: I agreed with setting down the rules when she arrived as then she will know what is expected from her. My maid is fresh from indo with no working experience other than taking care of her own baby! So far these 6mths I do not have much problems from her! Personally I feel gettin one maid whom is married and have her own child is better as likely they will have sense of commitment and responsibilty.

From the very 1st day my maid arrived, i oledi lay down all the tasks and rules to her. There are 3 impt rules that she have to abide, that is she will not have any 2nd chance if she break any of these 3 rules, which means I will have her contract terminate and be send home immediately.

#1 - No 'beating' of my baby
#2 - No stealing (honesty)
#3 - No bringing of outsider to my house without permission

As times goes by and when she gained some confidences, I noticed that she has did some adjustments to the roster i have layout initially, and started to do things her own ways. I chose to close one eyes on these as I felt every person has their own ways to do certain things and most impt for me, as long as my baby is heathly and growing well, house is clean I really dun bother her as long as she dun give me any problems. I always remind her, her main duty is just to look after and focus on baby. Housework come 2nd!
Also, I chose to adopt a 'friend to friend' relationship with her rather then 'boss to employee"! So ,whenever I'm free at nite I will spend some times and chat with her! And I will always remind her: My baby is healthy and happy, then mommy will be happy, and aunty(maid) will be happy too!

tried to tank him up last night... when he drinks enough he close his mouth tight tight!! cannot force nipple in mah... sigh! I also dun think I'm overfeeding him but my PD obviously think so!! cos he so fat now... face so round, eyes become so small.. *haha*

My son going through growth spurt now leh, drinking milk every 2-3 hours for two days liao.

anyway i'll keep trying.. lucky I SAHM, if have to still go to office to work, sure pengz cos so tired with all the waking up...
my bb infant care ctr got one confirmed case of FHMD!!! it's a crawling infant. i asked the teacher if she has any contact with my son, she said most likely not. anyway, parents have option to bring bb home or not.. i am bringing him home in an hr's time. i'm stucked at work now.. bleah..
miracle: No, i dun understand behasa! My maid speak and understand little english when she 1st arrive. Tat is why we have bring her in 2 mths b4 bb arrival hoping to get her adapt to our environment and pick up english b4 bb arrive. Also, in case she do not meet our expectation we can have time to change. This is advice from few friends whom have maids as they told me usually the 1st prob from no-exp maid is 'language'! Lucky for me, she adapt and pick up fast in language and now we can communciate in english without much probs. She can oso understand and speak some teochew now as she pick up from my mum!

wow! u very lucky leh! yr maid willing to learn. btw how old is yr maid? i already get ready a bahasa/eng dictionary for my maid. I also asked my sil who is indon to translate my cl's recipe into bahasa cos i don kn how to cook!
bb on walker
I ever went to the GD workshop with my colleague. The guy there was saying something abt walker hindering bb's development. But i didnt stop my no 2, then 6 mths, from using walker, cos my mum was the sole person taking care of her, so bb on walker is actually a kinda breather for her. My no 2 started to walk at 11mth old too. No 1, who used walker, only walke unassisted at 15mth. I think it boils down to bb's individual development. I will let no 3 use walker as well.

But one thing to note is you cant leave bb unsupervised on walkers lor.

my indo maid speaks mandarin. good cos won't have comm prob, but bad cos we can't talk abt confidential things in front of her.
actually i dun mind the maid using photocopier if she ask. I ever asked her before whether she wants a photocopied of her salary sheet for her own record. She tells me no, but i found a pc of it in her notebook which she carelessly left on her bed.
dinut, my baby still using teat size 1 as I don't want her to experience faster milk flow from bigger teats in case she rejects direct latching.
I still direct latch her 3/6 times of her feeds.
Miracle: My maid is 23 turning 24 in July!

Constance: Now tat my maid understd english and teochew, me &amp; hb will try to speak in 'broken' cantonese or tok super fast if sometime in car when we wan tok abt some matters that we dun her to know....haha...cos i think if we tok fast, sometime they still catch no balls, or tok 'rojak' lah, mix dialect + mandarin..hahha...
What happened to Zavier? Poor baby.. I know how it feels.. I broke and cried and cried..
My boy's rashes went away after the steroid cream prescribed by dermotologist... he told me to avoid 4 main groups of food
1) All nuts products
2) All shell fish
3) All berries
4) Eggs

*sigh* Guess my milk supply affected coz I was very upset for a few weeks..
hey gals im interested in the cafe meetup but pref if we can set our own timing? cos aft i drop my older gal off, i can only reach novena at abt 1pm. i dun wanna brg my older gal cos she'll wreck havoc n ill b busy yelling at her then cant chat oso....
if wecan choose our own timing count me in?
Hi mummies

Juz wanna ask...if i want to get beco carriers here in sg,i can only purchase it in the BP or any department store tat sells it as well?
i'm teaching music in RV

re walker
i put her in it because she wants to be upright and i dont want her to be carried all the time. But I make sure that she's never in there for more than 15 min at a stretch coz i dun think her back is that strong yet though her neck is fine already.
Hi miracle,

My maid can oso speak mandarin cos she previously work in a Chinese family. Communication problem is ok but as wat constance said cant speak confidential matter infront of her.

So can only speak to my hubby in teochew or hokkien or hide in the room if i wan to tok abt confidential matter.
Oh..music. Cool..Must be quite fun teaching music. I think the best combi is music and PE. What's your other subject? Don't think I know you then..
my ss picking up these few days, strange.. me running high fever today at 38.6!! GP prescribed baby safe med so i can continue to bf.. woohoo.. btw, you got email fr me

re: yoga
am interested but i cant make it on sat as hb working alternate sat.. sien

actually i found a very exp yoga teacher , gd in pre/post natal as well as mum+baby yoga, it is conducted in one of the cc at bishan. she can teach on sun too n only charge $90 for cant remember 10 or 12 lessons but need to find 10 mummies to form our own class!!
dunno can find 10 moms boh!? me used to practise yoga for yrs before pregnancy. i really need to pick up some exercises soon. bishan is great location as i staying TPY only

$90 very cheap compared to $260! What time is her class? Is it conducted at the cc that has Dome cafe? Maybe we can get Nov, Jan &amp; Feb thread mummies to join in :D
