(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

re google group...

I'm ok with it. Miracle's been asking to be added into Yahoo, but pai seh ah, me so busy lately, I dun have the time to ask the group for their opinion (coz it was initially started for Dec mums), so also haven't managed to reply to Miracle. Only managed to reply a few emails here and there...

I think why we receive some old emails is coz some of the posts are under spam...and they'll get auto-released after a while. Given the rate at which we post in the Group, hahaha...I think some just go to Spam. Just saw a long list of other posts under spam. kekekekeke...Not sure if Google will do that or not boh?
hahaha, i think all of us get the same colour for the bumbo seats wor... hehee!

alien, jas dono go where? maybe she siam after seeing the bumper mat pix here, think we need to post even more hahaa!

Re: weight
My gp say my boy is of good height and weight, so i didnt really bother if he is sumo or nt as long he drink, play, sleep, pee, poo, etc, i'm fine with it, hehe!
re google grp

i know some mummies in other thread using blogspot... perhaps a standard login name + password? jus some suggestion..
cloverluv, csi-fan & all group mummies,

how? what u gals think? i'm ok with using blogspot but that will depend on us checking regularly esp when it comes to 'shopping'. if we use google groups, it will be like yahoo... emails will be sent to us directly.

let's do a strawpoll here.. heheeh quick quick mummies, let us know which u prefer and we will migrate our 'group' there...
i ok with google group... i have gmail account with google group, and when u log on to ur gmail, u can even chat with the pple who have gmail if they are online, i think :p
its ok .. my girl oso ignored me wen i first went bk to work .. so sad .. i even cried .. den somehow it got better aft awhile.. she started to smile n tok to me again aft abt 2weeks.. =D
lynzi...i can imagine how you feel,combi is not cheap somemore *heartpain* so have you got a new stroller yet?

me too! neither my parents nor my ILS live in singapore...i'm all by myself! just eat simple meal...i even let my son seat in his bouncer in the kitchen when i cook (far away from the stove, of course)...house cleaning and chores,bochap! hahaha i and hubby clean together but we take it easy...i dun even iron some clothes if i think they look ok :p

regarding yahoogroup...this problem could be temporary,i join other yahoo groups but never have this problem leh even with lots of mails...
i'm ok w anythin,all ways hav their gd points in one way or e other... jus throwin in suggestions as long as thr is still gd lobang to b in touch!

or mayb we shld leave e yahoo grp as it is first and monitor for another week or so. if e prob persists then we switch?
i'm fine with google or blog ..
perhaps we shld jux reply the spree organiser instead of the whole grp rdg our individual orders .. lesser emails via the grp mayb faster ??
not sure will faster anot ...
Hi Botanist,
I know how you feel about being deprived. I'm stuck at home all week too and only get on weekends. I will cajole my hb to take us out and we usually go out with a vengence. haha! I try to squeeze in a lesson of swimming too. Have to find a way to earn some income too, otherwise all my savings will be depleted.

I take care of my girl alone too and breastfeed totally. Besides that, I also managed to do housework and cook dinner for hubby and FIL. Lunch will be simple. I think the trick to managing so many things is to plan ahead. Sometimes, I'll prepare some of the food in advance, like when my girl is sleeping or the night before. So when it's time to cook,it's a lot easier. Also, there are some food that is easy to prepare. Just select those and you'll have a nice wholesome meal.

I've been wanting to take my girl out on my own using the beco carrier, but she can't stay in there for long. Sigh! Looks like I'm stuck at home again.

poor gal. We can't leave anything around these days. Just in a blink of an eye, it'll be gone. Just keep everything in sight from now on. Don't take chances.
these days this thread move much slower than usual...


anyone here mini cornetto lover? got offer at shop n save 2 for $8.90 only (usually $6+ for 1)...also bought mamy poko M 44 for $16.90 (supposedly offer but i also dunno usually selling @ what price in ntuc?)
Hi dinut,

NTUC only sell Mamy Poko in 66pcs at $24.15 (usual price)..=) Hopes the info helps...You are using Mamy Poko too?...I can only use that since my boy got a "golden backside"...haiz...
cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 7.26kg, 66cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 9.65kg, 69cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 7.1kg, 63.5cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm
leejo/dinut, last mth ntuc sell mamy poko 66pcs for $22.15 i think, i bgt 2 pkts. I love mp diaper for the pooh design and their good absorbancy, hehe!
Hahahaa... faster go buy for your champion!

Mine on nebulizer since yesterday... 3 hourly... so tired! Now 4 hourly... he coughed out a bit of green phelgm just now. Dunno bb can drink Ling Yang or not... Me later going to give him dbl dose of pearl powder... haiz... me also heaty! Recovering...
leejo n linda,
yup i and baby are mamy poko lovers
very soft and absorbs well! i didn't notice NTUC only sells the 66 pack...these days i only go ntuc once a week to buy fish,meat,vege...the rest i order online from ntuc (no wonder on their website only got mamy poko 66...but actually i prefer to buy bigger pack).

heeheehee nice rompers right for the sumos-in-training :D

wow you are amazing! Can take care of yr girl, cook & do housework as well! I really cannot multi-task that well cos my son is so high maintenance... if not for the fact I put him on a strict schedule with good naps, I dont think I got time to eat lunch or go toilet!! Hahah

Btw, my son is happy in the carrier as long as he has interesting things to see... if he is bored, then he starts to wail.


Regarding google vs yahoo vs blog

CSI-fan, anyway you can remove the emails from the spam mailbox? I think my mail and probably cookimz has been recognised as spam so when we reply directly using our hotmail, nothing is updated in the yahoo groups.
cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 7.26kg, 66cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 9.65kg, 69cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 7.1kg, 63.5cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Limko (Baby Caleb) 25 Dec - 7.2kg, 64 cm
kokopooh (Baby Samson) 17 Dec - 6.7kg , 64 cm
I have 05 tubes of <font size="+1">Desitin Original</font> for sale, would like to give offer this privilege to Dec Mummies first then if no mummy wants I will sell off in WTS column. It comes in 4oz meaning dbl size of what we can get locally which is a 2oz. Selling off at <font size="+1">$8</font>. Expiry date is 09/2010. This is thicker than the creamy(blue) one. Rich and thicker forumla than creamy.

Any mummy interested please let me know by today.

voted for your boys!!


no wonder my yahoo posts go missing.. its time for others to take over as shopping organisers.. keke
can...can buy one! heeheehee got other funky designs as well...oh no! time to shop again! hahaha let's go to yahoogroups for this...otherwise you know what's gonna happen...
yes, I coach swimming. I used to be a PE and Eng teacher and now that i've resigned, I've been coaching swimming part-time.

My girl used to need me all the time and hardly slept. Never had the time to do anything too. But now she's sleeping more after I've 'trained' her to do so. What I'll do is, after her feed, I'll either have an activity with her, e.g. sing, read, play the piano to her or do exercise. Afterwhich, I'll leave her alone and she'll go to sleep on her own after awhile. During her sleeping time, I'll do housework, prepare meals and do whatever I can squeeze in. Bathing her early helps too.
My gal will stay in the carrier for awhile and then she'll get uncomfortable and start making noise. I was hoping to take her out shopping or at least to get out of the house. Now that she can't stay in there for long, my hopes are dashed. Sigh!
so u gg to teach ur girl too?? no doubt u mux ve gotten back to ur pre-preg wt liaozzz.. mux b super disciplined in eating habits n exercise schedules..
i'm so keen in letting my girl go swimming.. but not the hwa xia one @ punggol..it doesn't look fun .. wan real swimming, head go into waters etc... u ve any expertise rdg this to share?
i juz pm you re the desitin

shd i bring bb to pd to suck out the phlegm? Everytime hear her cough, really feel pain for her. jie jie can take medicine but she cannot. poor thing
alien, cookiemz

thanks for voting for dylan


hehe i guess i'm abit 'spoilt' liao. when i have free time, i surf net instead of doing housework cos my HB will do it for me.

yah if you put yr baby in the carrier at home, surely make noise. try bringing them out cos they get more distracted and forget to make noise.

my problem is my son still can't go to sleep on his own!! so must always 'pat' and pace him to sleep... if i am unlucky and he is cranky that day, must also carry him to sleep if not he wont sleep at all!


yah i also keen to sign my son up for swimming lessons somewhere. Heard can start from 4 month onwards..
but i am keen for somewhere which has a heated pool leh, but dunno where to go.
Hello ladies,
today is my 1st day back at work. It has been a very good 5 month break. And how time flies! It seems like yesterday when I was still waddling around with a big tummy!

This morning I could hardly bear to leave Baby Aidan with my MIL and maid.
And after reading some mommies say how their babies ignore them initially when they started work, it worries me so much!!
Now can only patiently wait for 5pm to reach then I'll rush home to hug hug my baby...

Gloomybear, thank you for your compliments on Aidan's pics few days ago. I didn't log in until today. Those photos were taken in a studio in China. I paid only S$120 for the package with 20 photos, 1 album, 1 big wall mounting photo and several table photos. Nice and cheap hor?

i have the belly hugger thingy already although i used it during pregnancy to cover my tummy while wearing normal clothes(so didn't need to buy too many maternity clothes). But i find it abit troublesome to put on now... sigh

RE: Nursing tops
China's weather is too cold to wear those nursing tops that I bought back home in Singapore. So I came out with a brilliant idea. I bought a few of those long sleeve thermal underwear, cut 2 wholes where the boobs are, and oila! I have my own home made nursing top! I can wear anything on the outside and keep warm while nursing!

With summer approaching, I already standby a few of those spaghetti strap tops, cut 2 holes, and intending to wear them under my regular t-shirts!
i c my order in the 2nd round le .. "lisa" that's me =D

yalor..i've a book on teaching baby to swim and everytime i c the fotos of the babies swimming .. dey all look so HAPPY .. i feel so tempted to send my girl for swimming.. ...
hey slimz and botanist,
I'll be bringing my gal to the pool once she's 6 mths. Actually I can bring her already, but I'm just wondering how to bathe her after that. Now, before taking your babies to the pool, play with him/her during bath time. I've started to let my baby lie in the water, with my hand under her head to support, of course, during bath time. I would also sprinkle water on her face to get her used to it, so that she'll not be afraid of getting her face wet. Also, do not wipe it off immediately so that he/she will know it's ok to have water on the face. So far, she's been fine with it. Gradually, bring in some squirting toys to the bath as well as cups to let them fill and pour. Once they are 6 mths, bring them to the pool, holding on to them. There's so much more to say about baby swimming, and I'll take the whole day writing about it. If you have any questions, just feel free to ask me.

I've still 3 more kg to go to be pre-pregnant size. For that to happen, I need more vigorous cardio exercises. I used to exercise every day, whereas now all I can do is do abdominal exercises and swim only once a week, after coaching. I think we should all bring our babies to swim together. It's more fun that way. Babies like to play with other babies.
wow rachel...ur baby can go to sleep on her own? how nice!!

my baby, now 4mth+ starting developing a bad habit of needing to be carried prior to sleeping.

otherwise she will cry so loudly and so jialat!!
tried not carrying her but cannot. haizz.

only thing is i don't carry her until she sleeps...juz drowsy enuff and i put her down. but how i wish she can juz lie on her bed and fall asleep on her own!!
i read somewhere tat some parents will bring hot water (in flasks) to public pools for bathing.. others will go home immediately aft swim to bathe babies..
i've oso started to immersed my girl in her bath tub recently .. and oso ve bath toys .. but my mum alwys nag say bb will catch cold, so i dun ve much time to bathe n "play" with her.. sometimes i worry she will drink the bath water coz the water is unboiled tap water though its warm ..
