(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

i also worry abt the iron level if bb dun take cereal leh... he rejected his HT cereal this morning again. b4 feed, happy happy, 1 spoon go in, face change liao.

my goodness childcare centre really must book so fast? erm... any recommendations then? must press panic button already! :D

garden, yeah, sometimes i feed xavier with the heinz rice cereal mixed with some breast milk. he takes both porridge and cereal well but i think he prefer porridge. he takes once for dinner meal at about 5 or 6 pm. Sometimes at home, i also make mashed potatoes or carrot for him to eat. So maybe you wanna try that out first? the oaks my mum used is those adult one. the one with the old man or woman picture one...
i can't find heinz rice cereal anyway leh, those that's on shelves are above 7mths above or smtg. damn terok. also, now tat he keeps rejecting cereal, i wonder if i shd persist in giving something he hates until he likes it or just move on to new food items every day? so many qns, so clueless with this weaning thingy....
garden dreamz,
How abt trying Heinz? The organic heinz rice cereal will do, no nid get the one thats always out of stock. Rice cereal seems to work well with babies.

no idea abt CB sunscreen, but Im using Coppertone Water Babies spf50.
u asked abt the sippy cup thing, I got a magic cup from avent too, but she dunno how to suck! And I tried sucking myself, and it takes abit of effort to suck it out. So I changed to a pigeon mag mag cup, which have got a much softer sprout and she can sorta managed with the mag mag.
think the organic heinz tat i saw is 6 mths n above. if so, can give even if my boy not yet 6 mths? actually i wondered if have in a way 'spoilt' his tastebud by giving him friso first then apple so now revert back to HT, he refuse n everything all dun wan now?

re: sunscreen
if bring bb out to swim in the late noon n its sheltered, must still use sunscreen?
i think you shld persist.
Whenever I start introducing a new type of food to her, she'll always make the YUCKS face on the 1st bite, and refuse to open her mouth or just open the tiniest gap. When she realise the food is not that bad, she will open up and eat more. However, thats not the case with broccoli. She really hates it. I have to sit down there n try to coax her to eat it till she finish, which can take more than 45mins, and it involved alot of spitting it out n scooping back in. Heehe. She normally finish her cereal+puree in 20mins.
i also tried him on the magic cup avent n he couldn't suck!!! :D okie, will go n get the pigeon one instead. did u get the one that is convertible (ie. provides teat/sprout/straw) or just the sprout one?
jas: no lah not too early to find childcare.. i looked and decided on a one near my mum's place.. hope its still available when my boy turning 18 mths!

dodo: u very fast leh! reserved a place liao! so when should i reserve? scared nearer to the time no more slots!!

garden_dreamz: u can try cold storage? got heinz cereal fr 4 mths n abv
It really depends on you. Put it this way, even sitting by the window at home, also required some form of sunscreen.

The heinz organic you saw is teh green boz one rite? I dun think u'll have prob with that, coz I gave ning that, when she was 5mth+. Since you have oreadi gave apple, How abt preparing apple puree n cereal this time?
Put both cereal n puree in a dish, then feed PH apple 1st, then feed him abit of apple mix with cereal, then cereal. Then play around with the mix and taste. I always do this when I introduced new food for her. Will give her 1st bite of cereal(she loves her plain cereal), then the new food(to let her try how it taste like and see her reaction oso), then new food mixed with cereal to play down the taste of the new food, and to let her get used to it. Then keep alternating btwn spoonfuls of cereal, puree or mix.
i am using the same sunscreen as Gingerleaf, Coppertone Water Babies spf50.

i think it is more adviseable to use sunscreen as long as ur under the sun. Unless ur going to an indoor pool.

i am using the magic cup. L had trouble sucking it sitting up but when i give it him like im feeding him with a btl in my arms, he can suck!
i got go past cold storage, i check it out.

tat's wat i did, i tried to give him HT n he didn't like but coz previous day i gave him try a bit of apple, he liked it lots so next round, i put in squeezed apple juice into HT, my boy didn't buy it! :D also hor, if 1st feed in the morning, he didn't take much cereal, should i persist another round in the afternoon or wait till next day then try?
re mag mag cup,
I used teh stage 2 one, thich is a white rubber teat. Cost me $10.10 in KP w/o member %. Once baby grows out of that stage n can start using straw, can just get the attachment for stage 3, no nid to repurchase the whole cup!

re pesistance,
I cannot answer this leh. If you felt that you have oreadi gave him all you could and had varied the diff kind of texture for cereal, eg watery/creamy/pastey, and he still fusses, then guess you'll have to start looking for alternatives ba.
Some baby likes the cereal drier, like a paste like dat. So guess its up to you to find out if he likes it watery, gooey or pastey.
thanks lots for the tip on sunscreen. err.. dunno if its stupid question or not...
but sunscreen shouldn't apply on face, just on hands/legs, is it?
must lie down? i never tried it lying down(as in feeding milk kind of recline), all the time i feed her, with her sitting up, with a slight recline. She can managed the mag mag cup tho. The sprout is wayyyyyyyyyyy softer than avent.
re sunscreen, use everywhere isnt it. If dun use on face, the face will burn n peel if teh sun is v strong.
I know some pools in condo is very shaded. If im in that kind of situation, I might juz forgo sunscreen altogether.
madlynette, welcome. its the stage 2 one. Got 3 stages, stage 1 is the one with a milk teat, stage 2 is the one with a rubber sprout, stage 3 is the one with a drinking straw.
hmmm... garden, i think there are cereals other than heinz for 6 mths and above. i think if like 1 or 2 weeks away from 6 mths should be ok to give 6 mths and above food right? i dunno lah...

anyway, can try steamed food... like apple, potatoes, carrot, then mixed abit of the cereal lor..see he buy it or not... kekekek... if not, just skip to porridge lor... dun stress yourself ok?
was there a mag mag pack tat actually has teat/sprout/drinking straw together so that it can be converted to bb's suitable age? tot i did saw one like tat... or mayb i made a mistake.

u also had the same prob wif magic cup! luckily gingerleaf gave us an alternative to tat 'hard-to-suck' avent!
yah... will continue to try out different cereals n add on porridge as well slowly... i think my kitchen soon can be a minimart of all sorts of baby cereals liao! n if he can't finish, think poor mummy n daddy have to help to finish them! :D
garden dreamz,
bb takes long time to get use to solids, cannot rush them cos if bb is rushed or pressured bb will dislike and not look forward to having solids. so long as bb is taking enough milk, bb should be getting all the nutrients he needs from the milk, the solids are like extra, more for training them, thast why this phase is called 'intro solids'. when bb understands and learns to enjoy solids, they will start to take more and then bb start to take less milk, like natural process like dat.
I didnt see the pack. Maybe there is, but Im not sure.
Oh, mag mag ez to suck! I tried! Hehe, and the insides is easier to wash too!
One thing I like abt the mag mag is, the sprout is very soft, and when she stupidly rams the sprout into her mouth, at least i take heart knowing that her gum wun be so painful if kena hit. I find Avent abit hard.
garden dreamz,
i intro myra solids (cereal) for 2 weeks before i start purees. during that 2 weeks she takes very little cereal, but i still persevere and continue, but must be patient when she takes very little sometimes never finish also, but must still smile smile and happy happy with her feeding time. i feed her twice a day, in between milk feeds. since monday i intro apple puree plus her cereal, she showing she increase her intake and can see that her milk intake is still same number of milk feeds but taking lesser, she cant finish the usual amount of milk as before. as long as bb is healthy, active, shud not be so stress, ok.
Hi all

i hv been v busy no time to login even thou reported to work all morning since 7/4, ie, nanny on morning shift mon-fri 8-1.30pm, me rtn nuh replace her for p.m. & night shift + full shift sat & sun. BB is doing fine, fever subsided since 2 days after admission 03/4, but cant go home as he needs to be on min 10days anti-biotic via plug again (3x a day @8hrly interval), tis to ‘kill’ the same bug for causing UTI. Today doc advised tentative date for operation 16/4, so during tis period, is imperative to keep bb clear fm any contagious virus. I’m down w sorethroat 2 days back & started block nose ysterday, I hv to wear mask to attend bb. I hv been counting since then, Bb has been poked for plug total 10x with 4 plug only in use, fm left to right to left arm then to right foot now, each plug took about 2-3 attempts
, duno howcome tis round so slow to plug. Doc said some veins hvnt heals fm previous poke/admission, so is getting tougher to find vein for plug. I reckon currently on lousy luck as BB sick stayed hospital, then my hp kena stolen on 7/4 btw 12-3am!! (i charging hp & put underneath spare pillow below my leg). The theft so daring can stole my hp while I sleeping w bb on the big cot!! There r another bed’s hp kena stole same day as mine. I alr made police report, I not so heartpain abt the hp (is not any brand new or latest model), I more heartpain for those photos/video clips of my gal & bb (at ward) which I hvnt got a chance to download yet, hiaz.

I really miss a lot of posts since end Feb till now which I dun tink I hv time to read up alr, the stupid ward not wireless friendly unless got PW for login (either NUS student or NUH staff, too bad I duno anybody to lend me PW). Ok, will keep u all posted if I next got chance to login
hi junnie, oh dear, must be hard on you. so heartpain to hear that baby lance kenna poked so many times and until cannot find vein for plug liao! *sob* *Hugz*

And the thief, SO DARING! Shame on him/her. it's already very hard on the parents when their children are warded, somemore he/her still go and steal the handphones!! haiyo...
thanks for ur consolation abt weaning. but i'm now torn btw different brands of cereals, whether i shd keep trying only 1 cereal or alternate btw them of which none he really likes.

nice to hear from u again. whoever did those thefts are heartless. do take gd care of ur health n all the best to bb lance.
garden, kekeke... good luck trying! i agreed with madlynette. as long as baby is healthy and active, no need to stress so much over solid food... take your time and slowly introduce to him. the first time i let xavier try solid food, i think he eat like 3 mouths then dun wan already.. then start playing with the food in his mouth.. hahaa..
how dare that thief steal ur hp while you are in hospital ward with bb. sorry but i feel sick in the stomach when i picture it. that thief really got no heart at all.

you've been a very strong mother to little lance. hope lance is responding well to the treatments. i believe every moment you share together is like a precious treasure that no one else can steal from you. Stay strong for your family, you are in my thoughts.
junnie: take care! glad to know that an operations date has been scheduled for baby lance. hopefully all will go welL! keep us updated!! will pray for u n lance.
garden dreamz,
IMO, its a matter of what u want ur baby to eat, what you want him to try and what kind of nutrition you wanna provide, more than what he wants to eat.

I also have the same problem! I tried Heinz cereal, HT, add water, milk, pastey, watery, everything also tried he also dun want. But he does take apple tho...hehe..I'm also torn whether I should continue to persist or when should I give up.

poor baby! I feel so heart pain just reading your post! and curse that thief!! should be those in-house staff cause cannot be other mommies go and stole hp right? so cruel!
junnie, the thief really very heartless. prey on poor parents like you! don't think about it too much. as what madlynette mentioned, just treasure the moment that you have. no one can steal those memories from you.

re: mag mag cup
i saw the 3-in-1 pack at NTUC. think it cost about $18.
any mummies know where to buy the controller for the leapfrog CD? I bought their CD during the baby fair and didn't know need their controller to function one! -_-
Re Gymboree:

Please see the updated list in yahoogroups..

1 May - 12 kids
3 May - 11 kids

Madlynette, I've got someone to swop with you already.. so now you are in 1 May class.

Sharon, is your JB trip still confirmed? Cos' I din manage to get anyone to change.. if in the end no choice, then just come for 1 May class lor. If anyone finds that 1 May too crowded (13 kids) feel free to swop to 3 May
but let me know.

Jojer, hvn't heard from you.. PM me regarding payment and your boy's details.

can try toys r us. i dun have leapfrog stuff but seen their stuff there. i go toys r us almost every week to let myra push push buttons and hear songs songs and see lights go blink blink. hor hor!

I have no idea man! I happily want to start to play the CD, then the instructions say "Pls use our controller for set-up"


ok thanks! I'll go check out!
hi mommies,
i went to buy the mag mag cup (all in one box set). it has a step 1 nipple top, step 2 spout top and step 3 straw top. the step 1 can be use from 3 month onwards. WOW! yes the spout top is much softer and i think this set is more for training. later go home and see if myra likes it. hehe! $18.20 at OG. will still keep the magic cup for when myra 'graduates' hehe!
18.20 is cheap! I never seen the full set at KP b4. I paid 10.10 for one set. So not worth leh.
What color did u get for teh cup?
madlynette: u r FAST!!! okie update us if myra likes mag mag better than magic cup.. still waiting for my boy to turn 6 mths then let him try.. i very rigid hor.. follow the instructions so close.. haha

Hi Junnie,

I happened to be reading this thread and read yr post. I am from NOV07 MTB.

For free wireless, you can register with wireless@SG if you hve Singtel hp.

I did that when i delivered in KKH last November and enjoy the wireless in the room during my 5 days stay there.
