(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

The NT scan is done between 11-14wks. So if you opt for the test(got to pay unless package state), they will schedule you an appt. My next appt is on wed. By then i need to tell my gynae whether i want to take the test or not which i will so i got to pay addition $157.50 when i go for the test. The result will be out on the same day too.

Good Morning everyone.....have a good weekend!

Cheezel, poor thing. try to rest well today...u coming close to 12 wks liao....hopefully MS will be over soon....
Hi ladies,

read that Ginseng is a nono, oh no... I've been taking Ginseng soup for the last two Sundays when i visited my pils house. Must tell my mil not to cook liao until i reached my second trimester. Hopefully bb is all right.
take care wor, i also merlioned frequently these few days. dunno why? dunno whether isit due to the intake of food?

hope that all our MS will end soon.
Poor Cheezel. Cannot control one right? I am feeling better with the symptons now but still as hungry and tired. I went for my checkup yesterday and saw my precious baby dancing in me. So happy
It mesasures 4cm at 11w2d. Next appointment will be 1 month later. It's going to be a long wait. I will be taking the nuchal test on Wed at TMC, think it costs $99.75.. not sure if there's any other surcharges lei...
Wow that's consider cheap for the test as compare to mine.

Take care leh. I was having diarrhea from thurs till fri. Heng sat stop liao else go to my gynae to get MC.
precious moment,
better dun take any herbal soup during 1st trimester....just to play safe la.

me still got 2 more weeks to 1st trimester......me still waiting for it to be over.....argz...i wonder if its the multi vit that make my stomach churn so much....these 2 days i stop taking, it gets better.

ya lo....the vomitting just come automatically one...but luckily mine is not that often.....u taking NT test on wed, exactly 12 weeks? will u be taking a look at the antenatal class then/? think when i go for the NT scan, will go and ask abt the class too. $99.75 is quite cheap compare to meow's one hor....

where u take ur test?? u also take care....diarrhoea no play play....make sure u loads up with plenty of water and fruits!

can i ask what actually does stretch marks look like? today my stomach got some red spots but they are not itchy.....i read from a website, some says its heat rash, some says its the start of stretch marks??
Morning Ladies,
How's all with MS? I am so sad.. highest number of vomitting reach like 6 times a day and I have lost about 5-6KG and can't put them on. Drink soup also vomit soup.
THose with MS, are you all eating well?
morning ladies,
how is everyone feeling today?
i am not feeling too good. nausea and motion sickness from the bus this morning.

poor thing. hope your ms will subside soon. i don vomit so many times but i kept having the urge to vomit. i didn't lose weight because i kept eating small amts to curb the nausea. but sometimes, the moment i eat, i puke. so most of the time i am fighting the food in, very miserable also.
Morning ezann,
Just curious :A bowl of noodles like laska , can you finish about 3/4 of a bowl?

I tried buying laska and all I can eat in two spoons.

I think MS and the lack of food is causing my to be very fragile too.
i can finish 3/4 bowl most of the time. i think ur condition is just like my first pregnancy. i cannot eat most of the time. two spoons is the normal amount. i remember my hb will always buy one packet of food so that if i refused to eat, he will eat it.

are u able to eat the vitamins and supplements that gynae gave u? my gynae told me that as long as i take the vitamins, i shld get all the nutrients i need. i only need to ensure i have enough fluid which is easily lost during all the vomit.

try to think of some food that u can eat. maybe milo with crackers? plain crackers? bread? avoid oily stuff that is harder to digest. go for more soupy dishes.
Morning mommies....

Back to work. So sian. Had 2 days rest last week and slept throughout the whole weekend. Can I ask what is this Nuchal Test? I went to see my gynae last week at week11+, and the doc check the bb's neck thickness and mentioned it is normal. Is this the same as the Nuchal test? My doc did a 3D scan and measure the thickness.

Hi Taro,

Saw my bb during my last week scan too and the bb was kicking his/her leg and moving the hands...SO cute!!! The moment I saw the movement, I forgot all the misery for awhile. hahah.....

Hi gal/ezann,

Me into my week 12 today and still having nausea and vomit too....Guess we have to hang on. Me praying hard everyday my vomitting will stop sudd. Gal, you lost 5kgs??? That's alot. Do take care and try to eat more.
ICy Queen,
Nuchal test is to check for neck thickness, to detect for down syndrome. Yup, the test which your gynae did for u is Nuchal Test (NT scan)

For my gynae, NT scan is included in the package, so i dont have to pay additional, unless if i opt for the blood test (oscar)

heard from other forum, dont take birdnest until 25th wk. cos bird nest will cause phlegm in baby, some even mentioned mild asthma.

i had my son when i'm 27, now he's 3yrs5mth old. by the time i deliver this #2, i'll be 31 liao...
i also merlion on last fri into the basin... cant get to the towel bowl on time... poor hubby has to clean up the mess... :p

right now, i've lost 3kg.... and everyday after dinner, i will sure merlion... and its getting worse... usually at work, i'm okie.. last fri, i 1st time merlion at work! even when i ate only some bread, i also feel something choking me... and after merlion, i feel better....

i hope the MS will end soon for all of us... take care ladies.
Can I ask when did your situation improves in the first pregnancy? I tried eating fries and then less than 5 minutes all vomit out. THose multivitamins gynae gave me are too big so all vomit out too.. Folic acid ones are ok cause they are smaller.

Hi Ice,
Yes. I find that 5KG is a lot too and beginning to worry more comparing to before. Sounds serious that I can't eat.... Can you eat well?

Hi Karen,
So you merlion mostly in the night. Morning and lunch is ok? U can eat properly with vomitting?
ice queen,
during my first pregnancy, my gynae also measured the thickness of the neck. he didn't mention about the test until i ask.

seeing bb does helps to relieve the misery. i look forward to the scans to assure myself that bb is fine and all the suffering is worth it. i also look at my elder child for comfort too.
my appetite improved in the 2nd trimester but nausea still stayed. in fact, my appetite was so good that i overate and end up vomitting again. my gynae advised to control my intake as my stomach became smaller (being squeezed to give way to expanding uterus). some people also get heartburn because of indigestion.

i had craving for fries during that time too but in the end cannot digest and made me super miserable. so now i forbid myself to eat anything too oily. my hb took me to BK last weekend and i felt like eating fries too. i thot my hb will get fries but he didn't! he remembered the lesson learnt from the previous pregnancy.

yar lor, the multivit so big hor. very hard to swallow and keep it there.
i'm only taking the obimin (bright pink capsule). supposed to take everyday but i'm only taking once every two days because it gave me very bad constipation.
it's actually multivitamins. my gynae said it has all the nutrients in the right proportions for preggie ladies. it has iron but because i also don drink a lot of water, i suffer from constipation.
morning ladies!!

tot stretchmark looks like u have lines vertically to the tummy...eh....dunno how to explains.....but red spots looks like rash to me. i have some stretch marks at my upper inner thighs so sometime i just take a look to compare and ceck if any of it is showing at my tummy nowadays.

losing 5kg consider quite alot. My colleague highest record is 7kg in the 1st trimester...she was eating so little during lunch at work that even us seeing also began to feel worried for her. but 2nd trimester her appetite returns abit and she began to eat. think all in all, she only gain 10Kg or less during her pregnancy. her tummy only pop out during her last trimester.

last night had pizza for dinner....being craving for the whole noon....who knows 2 hrs after the pizza, me merlion out. haiz.....

is dr adrian ur gynae for the 1st pregnancy??.....

me also taking the multivit which ezann is taking....i stopped taking since last fri. cos its giving me lots of discomfort in my stomach though i did get constipation
hey ladies,
u find yourself more thristy tese days? i keep wanting to drink water every now and then...n my lips cracked abit also....
yar. i am with dr adrian since the last pregnancy. u feeling better now? i also felt like puking my dinner last night but i endure all the way. siong man.
Yeah. Worrying for me
but no choice ... have to wait for second trimster to resume appetitie hopefully.

I feel more thirsty these days but can't drink much. My lips all cracked too. Drink too much and I feel bloated.
How are you dealing with it?
hmm...so he measure the bb neck thickness at his clinic? or do we need to go to TMC for the NT scan?

me normally feel ok during the day...just abit nausea thats all...ut when evening comes.....after dinner...will feel very weird one lo...tot my MS gets better liao but seems like its not etting any better fr the last few weeks.

u not working today? today my last day of MC.....going to see dr adrian at night later....dunno if he will still give me MC anot. me have been resting for 2 weeks plus liao
i apply lip moisturiser on and off. i still can drink water so normally i just sip water frequently even at night. i drink ribena...eats fruits. but hor i still feel thirsty leh
i thought the NT test does not involve blood test. during my last pregnancy, this is considered a new test so i not very sure. when i asked my gynae, he said he measure already. i was amazed because i was told by my friends that special machine is used for more accurate measurement.

i also feel more thirsty but i don feel like drinking plain water. my lips are also cracked but all along like that because i always don drink enough water. dr adrian advised me to drink more soup or water that has taste.

i working today lah but not bz at the moment. i forgot to ask dr adrian about the nt scan. that time i didn't go tmc for the scan. this time round, i read in the brouchure must go tmc so i also blur now. can u ask him tonight?
dr adrian also advise me to start drinking more water since my last visit. cos i complain to him abt my outbreaks everywhere fr face to body.

no prob. will check with him tonight and update u. actually i check out the TMC website, it also mention tat NT scan is done by ultrasound imaging....so also wondering if dr adrian did that by himself or must go TMC. nvm, will check with him
yesterday didn't sleep well...wake up 2 times...

i don't like to drink plain water as well. prefer juice or the sweet one. don't know later will caught in diabetes or not.
good morning ladies...

can i ask anyone of u experiencing mood swings? i feel moody these few days..

i had craving for chilli crabs and went to The Red House for Chilli crabs and seafood last sat. not sure whether can take clams or not? but i took leh..

i last went for gynae check during week 7... next check will be week 12. As I do not suffer from vomitg and do not have any other symptoms now.. i am very worried whether bb inside me is growing or not.... am I paranoid? Today i only 9w3d...still got 3 weeks more to go b4 next gynae appt... i feel i am worried sick as I seem to have lost weight too...although i do not vomit and is eating pretty much normally...

I was told by my gf that Nuchal test includes blood test?

Hello Ice Queen,

Did Dr Chan did a pap smear for you during your first visit? He din do for me leh...

how abt the rest of the ladies, did your gynae did pap smear for u?

me like to drink ribena...but my hubby ask me not to drink too much cos he heard that preggie woman more tendency to develop gestation diabete at the later stage. the max i drink is 3 glass per day and he thinks thats too much...i now i try to limit abit only...i also scare ah
i did pap smear be i tried for baby tat time with the same gyane.

dun worry,ur bb should be developing well. think all of us have the same worries, be it serious MS or no MS at all. if u still worry, y not go for another scan earlier??

NT scan plus blood test is the oscar test right?? NT scan is week 11- 14 and if result is high ofr down syn, then will do blood test?? dunno if its correct....

me also mood swing abit at times....theres once me n hubby having breakfast. he made himself half boiled eggs but i cant take cos not cooked totally so he fried me omelette instead. while eating, i keep staring at his half boiled egg and the way he eat...like machiam very delicious like tat....all of sudden i feel so sad....got tears well up at my eyes....so funni when i think of it now.
i have mood swings. i don behave like this in my last pregnancy. hb said i was so nice and angelic then.
now i am very short tempered and impatient.

i agree with cheezel. if u're worried, u can go for a scan earlier. my next appt is next friday, feel like long way to go.

i've a pap smear few months ago. i don't think u can have pap smear now...if your gynae didn't say anything, means it is ok.

my friend told me don't take crab leh...
hi cheezel,

yeah, 3 glasses of ribena per day like a lot leh...

i dun wan to appear so kan cheong to the gynae leh... ask for earlier appt like very bo liao since i m not having tummy cramps or bleeding etc..

juz that I have no symptoms and hence, dun feel pregnant...

my gf went to TMC for a test.. she said it was as scan for neck thickness cum blood test. total about $300. so I dunno what's the name of the test. Guess I have to wait for 3 more weeks for next gynae visit to find out what test is installed for me.

for me, i am very moody...i dun feel like talking to anyone except my dog...
hi ezann,

yah loh, me very short tempered so i juz shut to myself.. cham...

hi bridget,

serious, cannot take crab? i cannot imagine another few months without crab leh...

next friday very fast one...mine is 3 more weeks... on 4 Nov... wait until neck long. now without symptoms...worried whether bb inside me is still growing or not.
Whenever I feel irritated and feel like throwing tantrums, I go watch sad shows and then cry. It is like a form of release. I will always feel better later. At least , my poor hubby don't need to kena from me.

How come can't take crab? I only heard cannot take too much seafood, cause bb may have skin problem : BAD SKIN. Is that why?
hi gal,
for me, breakfast and lunch i didnt really eat alot... the most bread, so it's quite manageable loh...

during evening, i keep drinking lime juice, more or less can curb the vomitting...

hi lovedogs,
no.. NT scan don't includes the blood test... unless the result dont looks good, then gynae will suggest that u go for the blood test, OSCAR($200).
NT scan is 80% accurate, and OSCAR is 90%.
both usually done on the same day.

i think your gynae will do the NT scan in his clinic, cos most clinic has the machine for scanning, result known within the same day.
lime juice - those very sour type? Will it be ok for the stomach? I have gastric before preggie so tend to avoid those very acidic sour lime juice.
hi gal,

since u have gastric, better avoid lime juice. I have serious gastric problems too so I stay away from lime juice, lemon, curry etc...

hhmm...wat are the sad shows to watch?

my hb is currently sick. very bad flu, cough etc.. i very scared i kenna from him as I do not wish to get sick during pregnancy...

hi karen,

oic.. thanks for clarifying. it appeared to me my gf did both together.. dunno why...

btw, have you ladies booked your confinement lady yet?

I have booked mine but we did not talk much about her roles & responsibilities. As this was recommended by a colleague...

recently visited a fren who gave birth abt 2 months ago. she changed 4 confinement ladies!!! now i am getting worried...
but i dun drink 3 glassess of ribena everyday la. hehe....i mean the max i drink as of now. sometime i didnt even drink in a single day. but anyway, think i will cut down also lo....

no tummyache, no spotting also can go scan ma.....just tell gynae u have no MS symtoms and worried so just go for scan. hehe

u mean those normal ultrascan machine can do NT scan also? i only saw the ultrasound scan machine in his room. no other type of machine liao. prob thats the one....think i ask him tonight....

how abt lemon with honey? it may help abit.
I need to drink ribena and lemon squeeze water to help curb the nauseaness too leh. It usu helps a little while. After that the MS feeling comes again. I tried the ginger drink over the weekend but hated the taste. Dun think I can take the ginger drink. But surprisingly when I take the teh alia, it seems to make me feel better. Too bad I was told not to drink that as it is tea.

Hi karen, so the test my gynae did for me was the NT scan. He told me the thickness is good but I can still choose to do a detail scan at TMC if I want in week 16. Was thinking since the NT scan was okay, I prob just skip the detailed scan. What is the range for good NT thickness anyway?? wondering.....

Hi gal, I can eat but must be selective. If I have a heavy meal it will be very disgusting when I vomit. So now the strategy is to take soupy stuff like tang hong or yong tau fu. Maybe u can try that too....

Hi lovedogs, Doc no do pap smear for me during my 1st visit. I did that 2 yrs back under him too. So prob no need to do.
hi cheezel,

the reason i do not want to visit my gynae too often coz per visit cost me $210. so I am trying to go 1 more time during week12. then hopefully, the next visit will be wk 16...and that's when the package starts loh... I have already visited him 2 times liao... so i am trying to limit as much as poss.

then 1 of my gf who told me scan too often is no good for the bb during 1st trimester...also dunno true or not... so i prefer to visit once a mth can liao...
so fast u book confinement lady liao?? i haben decide whether to engage CL or not....will check with my mil if she wanna do for me.

have a fren and a colleague who also sent back their CL back after a week or 2
no worry......ultrascan no effect on bb..i check with 2 gynae liao. its not Xray....so no worries. i have been doing the scan every week.
I tried lemon with honey but the after taste of that in my mouth is unbearable

Please start thinking some vitamin C so that your immune system is strong. Just to be safe than sorry.

Hi icequeen,
Thanks for your remedy. I will contiune trying. I took chicken soup that day also merlion. Will contiune taking more soup stuff.

hi cheezel,

yeah, i KS... coz my colleague told me this CL very good. He even extended her for another month. His bb is now 4 mths old. I told him its my fren who is preggie and lookg for CL :p

my mum is not working and wants to look after me. So when I book this CL, i have not told her yet coz she will sure get angry. The reason i want a CL is I am worried I will quarrel with my mother during the 1 mth :p

CL's main job is to look after the bb and the mother right? that's it correct? does she need to clean the house too? How about marketing? so everything about the bb she will handle right? like night feeding, bathing, cleaning poo etc?

btw, i found this really good maternity clothes place. It is called The Maternity House. They have outlets in Raffles Place MRT, Parkway and Marina Sq. I bought 2 draw-string pants and 3 tops. The tops can be worn even if non pregnant...that's what i like abt it
Price is very very reasonable too...
