(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

my didi wil hug his mickey mouse and bian wil bring his mini toy cars and leave them besides his pillows. surprisingly they will oso rmbr and look for the toys the next morn.
Ash, SQ: Ok.. So it doesn't mean anything.. Anna doesn't do that at all.. Only Ayden, so I was wondering if it means something.. Heheh..

Ash: The food will be unopened snacks, like maybe he got a packet of gummy bear in a goodie bag, and he'll bring it to bed with him.
ur eggs not big enough. u need to buy the bigger ones that has 'difficulty' fitting into the mold. those will then take the shape nicely. :p
Reyden likes to bring things to bed too and he will wake up in the MIDDLE of the night to look for it so we can't move it away after he falls asleep. :S
U tried tos eggs b4?
Post pics!
hi lisa,
welcome ! but sorry, when you post,its quite distracting to see ur signature. when u post next, hope to see that you dont incld your signature.
haha. i remember last time D was eating an apple when he fell asleep. the daddy happily ate it and was taken aback when D woke up and promptly asked for his apple. =p
our kids really have very good memory span. K has shown many times on this...on another note:her dad recently made 2 pairs of new glasses and just collected it on wed. when he brot them home n shown it to her, she said... too expensive.... her dad only ask her whether he looks nice in them !

YT also likes to bring different things to bed too. But after hb and I getting stabbed in face or back one too many times by her toys, now she can only place it on the dressing table if it is a hard object. She will 99.9% of the time bring a new toy to bed the day she got it.
the other day we brought them along when my sis went to make her glasses. I told them to take good care of their eyes else next time need to wear glasses, not nice. They ended up going around telling people they don't look nice with their glasses. faint ...
BBMar, RR, Mejo, Kaexin: Looks like they all have this "problem".. Yah, they will look for the things in the morning.. As if, the 10-hr or so sleeping time is just a few mins ago.. :p
Both my kids doesn't has comfort toys. I purposely didn't want to introduce to them because I don't like having a chao-chao. Like some people got bolsters or some soft toy etc. Actually for EV's case, I did try to intro a comfort soft toy to her but she rejected so i didn't push. For EJ, he used to bring his toys to bed when 1+! Whatever he fancies at that moment. Animals, cars, etc. Now only sometimes he still wants to bring to bed his action figures, Lego etc.

Hey, maybe it's a boy thing?!
ON and the first Carters parcels have arrived.

Star: I wanna faint! You have a lot! I didn't realise until when I packed everything just now. You ordered 20 pcs of Carters! *faint*
Autum: Yah.. Seems like more boys mummies have responded to this.. Maybe it's a boys thing.. Now you just remind me that Anna has comfort "toys".. She has 2 baby bolsters by her side when she sleeps, they're her babies, and must be placed on each of her sides..
same here the kids have no comfort toys too. Not even the habit of cuddling a bolster. SO u can imagine how they sleep. 大 position. for both. hahah... Like that also good lah at least no need to bring anything during travelling.
Oh I just Mejo's post. So it's not a boy thing. And yes, EJ will bring it to bed when the toy is new! He will ask me if he can sleep with that.

AAA, having said that, I disallow bringing of food to the bed.
Autum: Sometimes I give in.. It's those unopened packs.. So strange.. But when I have something new, like a new stack of SB papers, I will also want to bring them to sleep! Hahaha.. I will place them very close to my bed. And when I wake up, yes, I will go look for it too..

I don't do bento but I have couple of those animal cutters, moulds, food picks etc. Just for fun to let Mag see something different once a while


Talking about glasses, I also told mag to take care of her eyes, n we read her stories about how to take care if not need to wear glasses. But she always comment that We didn't do it ourselves cos both hubby n I wear specs =S
Ws got 2 pairs, 1 normal n the other powered sunglasses. Both only s$250. He was tempted to get a frame that is those black n thick frame :s
Re: glasses
YE will keep shouting at her meimei in the car at night: 'Meimei, dun read in the dark! Later u spoil ur beautiful eyes n u hv to wear glasses! Then u wi no longer hv beautiful eyes ah. Only Jiejie will hv beautiful eyes u know. Meimei dun read in The dark!....'

Repeat n repeat
actually we are quite cruel to the kids about spec. Hb and I will tell them the eyes are spoilt. so need glasses. in order to deter them from reading book in dim light or watching tv with near distance.
my hb and I aren't wearing glasses, heng ... haha!!

I didn't know glasses are so expensive now. My sis made a pair for almost $300, just a very normal pair to use at home. I made a good decision to go for lasik, haha!!

Haha, that will be such a funny tragedy. But yar, YT did bang her toys on our faces on occasion so no more hard toys in the bed before she poke one of our eyes out!
my eggs oso failed.. thats y i knew it's too small!! haha.... :S i wanna try the heart shaped kind made without mold... the day i succeed then i show u ok? :p but then again..my craze these days is soft boiled 'yakun' eggs! :p
talk abt chou chou... seth has 2 bean pillows he used to hug to sleep.. then when he was 1+, we tried to 'wean' him off them by introducing a soft toy... with the intention that soft toy looks less gross than chou chou pillows when we bring it out... but end up backfired, we had to carry BOTH the chou chous and the soft toy everywhere!! :S but heng now outgrow liao... he can still sleep with or without them! heh!
My glasses are never cheap maybe coz my degree is higher. Can recommend this shop, very affordable. Still pondering whether to go for LASIK. But scared lua hua setting in liao
joelle, i rmbr i oso hv tis chou chou pillow i carried for yrs as a kid. my mum wantex to throw away but bu she de. nw my boys oso hv theirs...they refused to hug other pillows to slp.

bian likes to play games on my iph when in the car too. but i wil only allow him to play for awhile n its only during daytime.nw tat nephew has to wear specs so bian wil understd beta to take gd care of his eyes.
wow irin, u & ur hb hv perfect eyesight?

mich, i oso itchy to do lasik but hb dun allowed. say my degree not high so do le its waste of money.
Re glasses: It s hereditary. If both you and hb wear glasses, then it s a matter of when, not if, that your children will wear glasses. The opthmalogist told me so..
my perfect eyesight is "fake" one. haha!! I did lasik but hb has got perfect eyesight.

ya, it's hereditary but still have to take care bah. Anyway I'm banging on hb's family genes for this. My side is hopeless. :p
AAA, if my parents nvr wore specs but now my dad has lao hua. consider hereditary?? my younger siblings all wore specs when they in lower pri. only me started wearing specs in sec1.
I hv to wear specs since kindergarten de
Considering my degrees was 1,000+ each eye, it is a miracle I can see unaided Nw
Tt's y i So love my LASIK doc

*winks at Joelle*
RR : My child is in Kindy , I only make bento for him occasionally not everyday cos the school provide snack for them.

A&A&A :Too busy to organise bento workshop recently , will let u know if I really going to so.

bb_march & joelle (tituteo): I think try to use extra big eggs (min.65g) so that u can mould into the shape.Normally I get from the egg stalls in the market , not easy to find in supermarket.

kaexin : Sorry to cause your distraction .

CK (cwee): Yours is cute too !



CK, not bad already lor. See ah, if I make the same one, think my son will aske to remove the cucumber and tomatoes. In the end, wasted effort. Hehe. Maybe I should try 1 day. See if it's true.
