(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hmm..u make me feel like sending leia to Qi Fa which is near my place. there's also a Pei Tong in clementi right? but then again, if i want to send leia to FF, its for convenience too. I dun want to be traffic mummy helping out the school.
haha..i still remember the names of all my pri sch classmates!! yeah..think my memory good at such 'useless' things. :p

are u all still in contact with ur pri sch friends? i think very unlikely that ur kids will remember their frens fr elite schools leh... even when i know them on fb now, we oso seldom interact liao. :p

if i'm not wrong, nygh old girls dun have priority to go nyps...oni alumni of nyps have priority... which is why i always have the feeling they r not affiliated.

actually, i do agree that its too early for us to be thinking so much now. it really depends on the caliber of our kids lo. which is why ppl r encouraged to go to neighbourhood pri schools then the cream of the crops will proceed to enter good sec sch with their good results. but that said, different ppl excel at different stages in life.. some do well in psle, some in Os and some in As..some in uni...

take for eg my younger sis. both my elder sis n i were fr nygh.. so we had high hopes for my little sis too...but turn out she couldn't even get into a sap school. went to a neighbourhood sch instead to our disappointment. but ended up her o level grades was better than both of ours! and she chose to go to a polytechnic instead of a good jc... simply cos she feels she is a slow learner type..cannot take the pressure of jc education. so now she graduated fr poly liao, and is doing much better than her frens who went to jcs. so there... ultimately come out and work, it's who u meet n how u grab ur chances that matters. :p
SQ, ya so fast its another mth end. But july v quiet mth but still hv to OT past 12midngt todae cos this is the MUST for last day.

School Talk again...i think our kids (2007 babies) will hv to fight hard cos the no of bbs born is on par wif those born in dragon year!! Nowadays those staying 1km might hv to ballot wor. faintz!! Maybe shld join the sch alumni soon or do PV then at least a chance to enrol the kid there.
Saw the news last ngt that pple went to Q for the iph 4. Wow these pple v on leh.

Anyone noes if there is any shop in bugis selling kites??
hee.. ur childhood games is nintendo and streetfighter!! mine was those game and watch..octopus, western bar and the popeye one... iphone mummies, can download those now leh..

Haha, then the one thing you must remember to teach your kids is that they should be responsible for themselves! And stop blaming the world for their woes. I think the problem with today's parents is that they rescue their kids so much that ultimately, everything become the parents/world's problem.

I was telling a student not to drink alcohol too much and she replied it is not her fault, it is satan's fault. See what I mean?
popeye? wah. I don noe. The site tt i dl those games veri retro! got smurf ones. Which i totally have no idea wad is tt. N those 2d motor games. All quite silly. But is fun. Cos got stages to pass. Now those new games quite boring...
edde, YY,

Aiyoh, that teacher made my classmates scream lar. Cuz he said that he sense ghost presence but cannot see them blah blah lar. Hey, he also said there's a pair of ghosts on the overhead bridge. Edde, you know which overhead bridge I'm talking about?

And YY, I think the hard thing to do is not to teach them to love learning but is to not destroy their love for learning! :/ Every child barring physical problems is born loving to learn.
tks yvonne.

Mummies, paiseh let me vent my unhappiness hor.
It realli test my patience to work wif someone v neg. Luckily my 2 terrors hv trained my endurance level so high that i can ren ren ren. Wonder y co still wanna keep tis kind of pple. haiz.
oh ... I wonder if our iphones can download those games or not.

different eras?? I also don't know about popeye. :p

It's interesting to know that elite pri schoolmates don't keep in contact? Why huh?
Mejo I know that bridge!! The brige that leads to nowhere!! Coz my blk is rite beside AI and facing the same direction, so I can see that bridge from my unit.. Ya that bridge is very eerie.. Actually my mum and bro had some encounters while staying there!!

Bbmarch u also from YP? Or is it naval base?

Peer pressure, hmm. YT is already feeling it according to her teachers, haha. Cuz she lay on the floor and kick kick to throw tantrum then her friends surround her and ask her, why are you laying on the floor?, what are you doing? etc. etc. and she realise that, opps, too much drama attracting wrong attention, and stop acting up as much.
huingee, ya cos its one of the few future sch in sg. The pioneer batch is all in P3 nia. But i think BPPS is still the most popular sch in BP. my ah lao call up n chk, was told even become PV oso no chance.

edde, no i was fr JPS.
u have to dl nesoid or snesoid(serve as the game console). Den dl rom(those 24in1 or individual games). all free. Let mi go find the web add.

Encounters??? Like feeling weird kind of encounters or see things kind of encounters? I think he said it was a mother and child (young boy?) or just a woman, can't really remember. I was always drawing during the Chinese lessons and paying only 25% attention. Haha.
Mejo mum usd to hear dogs howling and growling at wee hrs.. My bro heard kid and mum conversation on his bicycle outside my unit in the middle of the nite when it's highly impossible coz ours was the 2nd last unit and corridor leads to the corner unit. My cousin saw a figure flying across the big drain in front of the sch.. Aiyo as I typed this my hair stand!!

Oh yes bbmarch I always wanted to ask u this.. Yr family owns the Econ minimart at chong pang? If so it's since 20yrs ago??
Ya, if out of 1km difficult.
My sil colig, out of 1km to South view. Went to do volunteer and need to ballot cos the number applied in phase 2b much more than the number available. Also need to ballot cos she out of 1km. those within 1km in the 2b no need to ballot.

Also i'm toying with the idea of looking at home many children reg at last day of 2c. If i have chance for CHIJ or beacon, maybe i can withdraw PeiHwa. Told hb my this idea, he say i siao.

Well, the teacher said one of his students can SEE. Anyway, he also said, if you talk about ghosts, they will come cuz they also interested to hear. Haha. I wonder if type about ghost, would they come and see?

Haha, calm down. See, that's what set off the hysteria of my classmates cuz after he said that, one of girls thought she felt a breeze or something and she screamed and then the others screamed too. I watched amused because something broken inside me ( I don't have normal fright response.). Now mind you, we were in an air-conditioned classroom so there shouldn't be any draft. :p
Mejo eeeeee!!! If this tr still does this now sure gena complain by parents and interrogated by principal!!

Yvonne read no more x.x :p

Didn't I said he went on to MOE to teach chinese teachers already? Haha. Maybe he taught you!

He also claimed to be well trained in martial arts and is waiting for the notti students to try to hit him and then he can show them who's boss. He can't hit student but he can sure retaliate in self defense. Hmm, somehow, above all else, I remember his rubbish the most from secondary school! LOL.
Mejo opps!! Then I am lucky / unlucky that I din meet him in nie wahahhahaha anyway nie is a waste of time lah.. It's honeymoon for us before falling into hell wahahaha
Kaexin: thanks for the link, i dun have 3G iphone, so not applicable for me. will buy the 4G instead. I saw my colleague's 4G today, its tad heavier than the 3G and looks good!!! he went to queue at 10:45pm last night.. hehehe

edde/mejo: what bridge are you all talking about? in punggol??

Hee, how you know you never met him? Maybe he just like to talk rubbish to kids, not adults.


No, it is in yishun, no worries, haha.
re: MIL article posted by kaexin

hahaha.. now then i know cantonese very talkative?!??! no wonder my mil talk/comments non-stop... hehehe... ooops, no offence to cantonese ethic group.

hahaha.. yah, n my MIL is loud n her pitch is high... sometimes quite unbearable for me....

is it due to hormonal, i noticed when the lady gets old, their voice pitch gets higher... and really buay tahan when nagging starts wor..
RR/mist: agree, they are loud...kekekeke. but mist i dun think its due to age, i dun find my mum's voice pitch high. my mom's teochew, so soft spoken? :p
Star, CF no gd? Faintz.... I am out of choice.

AAA, yup. Hard to get tsf but lavonne is disciplined and is auto gear when it comes to studies, so i dun fret too much if she dun get a place. I Juz need to keep her interested and occupied w assessments....

Bb march, CF is quite hot but i fall in e 1km, so cross my fingers. The next popular sch northland is out of my 1km, so dun wanna risk. Worse come to worst, enrollment in YP lor. Sure Gt place... Lol.

Enuff on Pri talk.

Yvonne, e phone shiok hor. The kids r always fighting for it. Lol....
pink + huingee

FF and peihwa are both good schools i think! shd enrol there =)

satan! thats a good one haha! yeah, i guess i am just worried that I didnt do enough haha

hey i was from JPS too! from 1985 - 1990
Pink, SQ: I forgot when I started Anna or Ayden on tv.. When are you starting to let meimei watch tv? I let her watch baby Eistein today for the first time. Is it too early? She seems to enjoy parts of it..
juni: could i ask .. how do you get Kira to adjust back her sleeping hours when you shutter between Germany and singapore?
I been thinking of bringing teng to europe.. but always hesitating because i v sian dealing with the jet lag.. and him not sleeping when we ought to be sleeping..and how to enteratin him on flight for like.. 12 hours? :S
