(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Actually my biggest worry is how Andrea is gonna sleep aft maid leaves coz they hv been sleeping going since Andrea is born!!! I feel very sad and ashamed whenever I got reminded of this.. I really wonder how I am going to let the 2 gals sleep in the same room and Andrea sleeping without her auntie..


i am not going to work late liao, heading home now. rush so many things out this afternoon until having a headache! u dont work too late
Hihi! Now leaving for home.....

Bbmarch, jiayou!

Edde, u. maid is leaving? Should start e transition early to let anthea used to it. Kids can b quite forgetful, she may b affected for 1st week, thereafter will get used to absence as long as u show her e same attention.
Sq, Autumn, Hg, Astro, RR,
E hours here r 7.30 to 17.30.But i hitch a ride on collig car n in order to skip e jam, she leaves her plc at 0540. Also bcoz theres ot fr 0630 to 0730 la, so most drivers chiong to work early to clock in.

Every morning jurong island custom looks like mini woodlands custom aft 0700.... And it takes another 15 mins to our pickup point.... Its hard to imagine if u work in civilisation. Lol
Autum: If this is the privacy you're needing, then it's really simple. As Edde says, they actually prefer to stay at home then go out with us. Just make sure to either tah bao for her beforehand or ask her to cook some food herself. If you're trying to break the "habit" then you can tell her to do some chores she can't do with the kids around. Like I'll ask the maids to wash the toys when papa and I bring the 2 bigger As out on our own.
As for leaving her behind when you go on holiday, you can leave her at your brother's place mah. Or you can bring her back to your agent and "safekeep" her there.

Edde: Before your maid leaves, make the change in sleeping arrangement too. And, last time I will tell anna (when she's 1 or so, before we have didi and meimei) that auntie is leaving, but that mama and papa is around to take care of her, and mummy will find another auntie to take care of her. Not sure if she understood or not, but it wasn't as traumatic for her when my maid left as I had feared.
initially i also tink lidat. Compared to my previous proj, here is an hour earlier! But now used to it liao. And my current job is challenging.
Tahan athr 7~8 mths n i can out of here w more knowledge.
Pink, both ur kids r mei nu.

Hmmmmm... Honey aids slimming... Time to open my manuka. Keke

Alamak i m talking to myself here... Ok la. Need to hop on e mrt..
Hopefully i get a turn on e home pc. E kids r always hoarding it... >.<

Hv a great evening! Its fri tmr...
Waiting for hubby to put the kids to bed before we go out pat tor..

Kelly: Where are u? ON payment is outstanding..

Linda: The thread's the quietest at 6 - 8pm. Mummies are either on transit home, or at home having dinner, or playing with kids.
where to tonite?

sounds like u work long hrs wor
I peifu u r such a hardwkg employee
I would hv cursed n swear

if u experience discomfort btr rest n dun walk ard so much
jay still young can hv #3 no prob
I always thk to hv more kids if u must either love tem alot or hv a lot of $ ot hv a lot o time for tem
SQ: Dunno.. We're going out for dinner cos I've asked the maid not to cook for us tonight. Feel like having herbal jelly but that can't be dinner. So most prob somewhere nearby and then herbal jelly for desert. Maybe Boon Tong Kee chic rice?? Hmm..
do u hv anythg to eat while u OT?
In case u r hungry

b4 I was married I always dream tt I might b thinner when I no longer get to eat m. Mum's homecooked
But hor land up eat so much junk I get fatter n fatter!
Hello... Managed to wrestle 5 mins from the kids...

SQ, I curse and swear most of the time but I am repeatedly told to "Make hay while sun shine" so ren yi xia xia lo....

AAA, u dinner sounds sumptous..

Need to run, the kids are making noise... See u ladies tmr morning..
Linda: i like ur 'make hay while sun shine' and the fact tha tyou worked hard because you know that there's much to be learned.. i must learn from you..

AA: eh. no.. but more of both parents must be authoritative (high in affection, high in control)..
i googled.. 'honey breast feeding'.. heh..
hmmm.. it is the honey .. the critical factor. becoz.. there are many ways which you could slim down.. not necessarily by eating honey.. so it is more of the honey. than the slimming?
ha.. late liao lor.. astro dunno what she talking liao lor! hahahaha

SQ: bingo! kekekek
astro: I think the slimming honey bf is cuz slimming = dispose body toxic waste, which could also go into the BM? When I go for massage and they use essential oils, or do massage that does lympahtic drainage, they always tell me to "throw" away the bm at the next pump.

Edde: V slept with the maid till the maid left (when V was 2 years olf). After the maid left, V was OK to sleep with us, as long someone to cuddle her (me). But we slept in her room because that she was used to. When the new maid came, she was willing to give up her room for the new aunty to sleep and she slept in our room.
AAA: What kind of art and craft items are you looking at? They have "frames" with pictures that paint with glitter paint (included).

Sorry i dun have any samples cuz all "v hot" by the time i look at the box all gone liao.
AAA, Edde,
My maid actually prefers to go out with us, rather than stay at home. My situation is a bit different because most of the time, my maid is already "alone" at home (with EV). And without off-days, she doesn't get to go out at all, unless she goes out with us. Like a few times when we going out to dinner, I asked her if she wants to stay at home or go with us.. She would say "It's up to you Mam".. but I can see the way she said that, it's more of she wants to go.. that is my impression. Afterall, if she really doesnt want to go, she will say she wants to stay at home right?

Anyway, all this is moot now.. cause she is leaving. The next maid I get may not want to go out with us? Nobody knows. haha..
linda, AAA, ya rr has been assuring me that everything will be ok without maid

SQ, hopefully i can lose wt by doing all the housework! actually i quite enjoy doing housework.. i find it rather theraputic.. but def not when it becomes a mundane routine..

bunnie, thx for the assurance! i hope andrea is as flexible too!

autum, quite true hor for hazel's case... gd also lah, else stay at home 24/7 will ki siao! *speaking from experience*
er, tomm i no access cuz going gai gai ... micK will know how to get hold of me =)

btw, the foam art i getting not as "atas" as the BP one hor ...
yes, for the 1st few nights, you go sleep with Andrea in her room. That was what we did on the night Aida left. We moved everything, everyone to her room and Reyden didn't even cry or look for her! That time we were in the midst of packing to move so by the time we moved to new place, he was ok liao.
yo, the shampoos and conditioners are here!
also ON are here.

so see how we wanna collect.
whoever wanna pass by my house tomorrow pls welcome.

relevant names: (ON and shampoo)
Autum, RR, joelle, kiddo (how to pass u?),

AAA (1 bottle nia).
do i have anything with u?

pax, pink (will drop at pax's place) while picking up high chair.
Astro, then highchair + shampoo for u after that.

SQ, as usual.
yvonne, as usual. either u passby then u come. or i go woodgrove the i drop by.
(usual practice).
kaexin: also as usual la. woodlands. gang practice.

Another one pending (huingee). next week i route to your faculty one of the days, with jay. either lunch or before we head home.
bunnie, same to u. u have oni 1 bottle of shampoo with me
Am back.

Linda: Dinner wasn't great. Food is lousy. Didn't expect the standard to drop this much, or is it only at the Balestier outlet?

Astro: Sounds ilke me. Actaully I will rate myself high in control and high in affection too.
Hehehe.. I find courses that tell you the what not-to-do, but leave out what to-do a bit lop-sided.. :p
Welll.. initially it was the honey, but that has been cleared according to the link provided by you. So then we have to move on to question the slimming mah..

Bunny: Sand art, Sun catcher, actually preety similar to what the BP is selling.

Autum: The key is you have the option whether you want to leave her at home or not. It doesn't mean if you leave her at home, then you always have to leave her at home; vice versa. Most of our maids have no off days too, and it's true that the only time they get to go out, is when we bring them out. Still, some will prefer to stay at home (sometimes). Saying it's up to us is their standard reply. You could also interpret that if she really wants to go out with you, that she will tell you so.
If you intend to have another maid, then this is not a moot point, esp if you define having privacy this way.
AAA, i dun drive to work now.
jay drives me to work. so u come my office when u free.
then u will see a penguin passing u the shampoo. haha!!!
QQ: You saw me when I was a penguin too.. Now it's my turn to see you in the penguin suit.
Hahah.. Is there any timing I shd avoid? Else, I'll just sms you before going over ok?
next week I take from you? next thursday? If not, then monday late afternoon (around 4pm) I also can go to your place to take. Got anyone at home? I will take for Irin also.
AAA, i am back to work oni next monday onwards. so dun come tomorrow. ok? tomorrow i am in woodlands. can just sms me before coming de. i am ok most of the time, probably except lunch hours (11.30-1230?) around there, not fixed one).

last time u penguin? haha!! much nicer penguin than me then.

Autum, maid also can use the method MONEY GROW MONEY. earn enough from singapore + experience, then invest a bit, go HK and work and get double pay. interesting.
and why some experience maids still come singapore leh? but i think most prefer to go hk, and after that they also can speak canto, chinese.
Autum: And yah, one way is to bring the maid out when you're alone (without hubby) so she can help handle the kids. But when your hubby is around, then can leave her at home and the family can have the privacy. Be flexible..
I thought br privacy you mean things/activities you want to do at home, but can't cos the maid is around. In your case, it seems like the other way round - things you want to do outside but maid is around.
Autum: And yah, one way is to bring the maid out when you're alone (without hubby) so she can help handle the kids. But when your hubby is around, then can leave her at home and the family can have the privacy. Be flexible..
I thought by privacy you mean things/activities you want to do at home, but can't cos the maid is around. In your case, it seems like the other way round - things you want to do outside but maid is around.
There was once I got exasperated by the standard reply of "It's up to you Mam".. so I forced her to say yes or no. And she said yes she wants to go! wahahahah... anyway, it's moot point because this particular maid is leaving.. For the next maid, I would have set ground rules with her, to tell her, most of the time, I will NOT be bringing her out. :p
I had a good maid but I also didn't want to get anther maid cos of privacy.

Part of the reason same as Autum about having a maid stuck to us. Another reason was I do things at home which I won't do with an outsider around. :p
And alot of things I do are impromptu and I don't like to explain why I do it. But when you have a maid around, you need to explain abit about things else she might have a wrong understanding about how things are done. Hmmm ... don't know how to give exact examples but I'm definitely feeling more carefree without a maid.
QQ: My first maid was ex-HK. I think she borrowed money from her auntie when she went HK before that. Her family needed her money. So she didn't get to save up much. Therefore she came to S'pore lo.
QQ: Oh, ok.. From Mon on.. Will beep you..

Autum: I know what you mean.. I go mad too when they're always sitting on the fence. But that's their nature, can't be changed de.. There's no need to tell the (new) maid beforehand you won't bring her out, cos there'll be instances where you'll need her help outside. Just keep it an open option for you.

RR: How come you make it sound like your maid is your mum? Need to explain your actions to her de meh?
Autum, today when i was sorting the clothes. got EJ's swim suit. and i packed.
then tian kept searching for swimsuit for EV. she asked why EV dun have.
aiya, OOS la, EV's piece.

Reyes and reyden both have the swim suit. no wonder tian kept checking. so funny.

i dun mind having a maid, cause my house i already have no privacy. so should not be a big issue right?
QQ: When I sort out the clothing, Anna will ask me too. I will tell her it's for auntie. She's quite used to it cos she's seen me sort out the SB stuff for the longest time now.. Haha.. Wonder when that spree will end.. Am doing batch 66 now! My goodness..
oh forgot.

anyone got lobang for a few hours part time? or temp until end aug? few hours or on and off one also ok de. just to da3 fa1 her time.
my cousin is now having nothing to do, except doing housework for me. she is starting her permanent job in sep. age 21, obedient. fresh grad.
if got let me know. arigato!

pink u want any partimer? but short term nia.
so cute! Tian can help you to sort out swimsuits.. aiya, EV that piece OOS ah. So sad. Nevermind la. I wait for next round.. Ok, so I will take both shampoo and ON for both RR and mine. Thanks!
hmmm ... abit difficult to explain. Let me think of an example. Sometimes I'll let them eat dinner early then bring them out. But sometimes I'll bring them out then let them eat late. I had to explain to her each time there's a variance from the original schedule cos I don't want her to think it's ok to feed extremely early or late as she likes.

It's the same thing when it comes to naps, giving sweets, snacks &amp; etc ... I can do it whatever or as and when I like but with a maid around, you need to explain why things are done this way so they won't think it's ok for them to do it. Basically I just don't like to give instructions but with a maid around, everything has to be instructed properly. Leychey ...
no lah, that's not privacy. Privacy was part of the reason and this is the other part - "restriction". :p
yah..back fr genting.. but both hb n i agreed we won't be going there again anytime soon. :p it was fun for seth la... he was so happy those couple of days... but tiring for us. we stayed at first world for the proximity to the theme park but end up had to wait 4 hrs for check in!!! i brought seth to play while hb hung ard and went back when the time's up. =S then very happy got top floor... thought good liao! got pent floor view! scarli view into opp unit's room!! =S haha... we were quite disappointed la... maybe cos we went up w high anticipation. the place was dilapidated i feel..so lack of maintenace all around... aiyo!!!

haa... but all in, still a worthwhile trip since seth totally enjoyed himself. n we brought him bowling too! haa... he helped to clean the drains there but was so happy and such an entertainment to the girls in the next lane... heh.

QQ : congrats!

Mummies! sorry.. i need to vent!!

my maid is killing me! she is an indo.... fresh indo.. if its me during tiffany's time.. she would have disappear out of my house long ago! I had enuff of changing maids and am very very tired liaoz! i vented before if u all remember la.. but wah lau! this one i "lun" cannot tahan liaoz!!

i have been screaming at her since yesterday.... today afternoon talk to her nicely .. ask her wat's her problem etc etc.. den just 1 hour ago again! make the same mistake!!!

her problem is she does not LISTEN!! or either she does not UNDErSTAnd me.. i have told her from DAY 1! if cannot understand.. must tell me! i know her english not good... but tats not an excuse!! she has been here for 3 months liaoz.. and i always use simple english.. we have no difficulties communicating except for the inital period!!

i always tell her.. 'dun understand must ask.. if u ask .. i wont scold.. but if u dun ask.. denu do wrong.. den i will scold. becos u tell me yes mdm means u understand"

her mouth got gold!!! when i go out.. she know how to ask .. where i go ? ask me is it go fetch tiffany etc.. yet! ask me .. mdm is this correct? or mdm do i keep this or re-heat this? cannot ask!??!!?!?!

today i very very extreme foul mood! and am having a headache now.. and just dealt with a cranky baby with dunno wat happen for 2 hours! :/

I thinking today leh.. maybe i cannot stay at home.. stay at home.. see wat the maid do i will die manz! if i am not working.. i rather do all the housework myself! do all the cooking myself!

den again.. u must be thinking.. how come since i am at home now.. i dun do it leh.. becos i got a helper to help me do it now mah.. den i do myself for wat ? dun make sense also mah.. arrghhh!!! i dunno!! am very very fed up! :/

i really cannot stand! somemore she dun have brains!!! dun have common sense!!! can someone tell me how to say "common sense' in indo malay??? i really going mad liaoz!

on the other hand.. actually she is not bad.. as in.. she has a good character la.. but her problem is she dun listen!!! or rather dun ask!!! and no brains! but if she is smart.. she wont come to sg be helper liaoz! ;(

sorry for the long post.. and thanks for letting me vent..
