(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi SQ,
First msg for me in a new year is this? wahaha..i don't know how much to bill u yet..wahaha... so how u collecting? thru Star?
tks, doc gave me mc for mon in case i do not gain back my voice haha.. how to talk like that cos i m in telesales :p

have a hard time disciplining chloe with no voice, i hv to ask hubby to relay msg or i hv to keep tapping her to look at me Grrr

did u see my msg on your flowerworld stuff? it's with me, pls let me know how u wanna collect k?
belle: ya.. now tat u lose ur voice.. maybe good to shut ur ears too so u don't have to fight wif hubby over chloe.. good tat ur doc give u mc on mon, rest, rest rest...

I didn't see the msg on flowerworld, ok i'll contact u for collection. Tks!!

i'm waiting for the next ON sales, need to buy some clothes for S, she's outgrowing most of her clothes liao...aiyo.. any other sprees?
Hee. Not good to owe u $ la.
Plus i dunno if I'll mia aft delivery, so try to pay u first. Ya star is my bus. She'll pass to qq then me.tks
gd sylvia outgrowg her clothes cos that means she's growing wel. Did u get anything for her in Japan?

SQ, Belle,

She had fever yesterday then today she told me her mouth hurts. I saw ulcers at the back of her throat. Bought her to see doc for sore throat and doc saw that she has some spots on her soles and palms. Just a little bit nia but now I think quite confirm cuz the spots are clearly coming out. One on her sole looks like its becoming pus-filled. Poor thing, it hurts her to eat so she is almost on total liquid meals now. It is even starting to hurt her to walk. Amazingly, she can still scream at me. haizz...
oh dear. hope YT n K go thru this HFMD w/o much fuss...
SQ: I got her mainly toys as strangely, it's not easy to find kids stuff there except disney...anyway winter stuff, not suitable... :-(
ya, heard from Mich she had fever for 2 days then doc. spotted ulcers at her throat. And Mich found spots on her butt too.

I hope the HFMD season is not coming back again, scary to think of it.
think should be fine. I also shared food with RR the other time when they had HFMD but I didn't get it. My dad got it instead. You must have more rest though.
confirmed liao, K caught the HFMD, argh... what a wya to celebrate the new year.

K got fever on 31st, today i noticed she got rashes on the butt. but coz HFMD i thot solely on hand, foot, mouth areas. haiz, she was crying so much yest coz she said pain pain. then lately she has been crying pain each time she doesnt want to do anything so i din suspect it was the HFMD..
yesterday she din want to eat n drink but this morning the fever broke and she woke up asking for water to drink.hopefully it doesnt worsen any more but RR said 3rd day is the peak.
if she had fever on the 31st, then today should be the peak liao. Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow.
Kaexin, RR,

YT's fever is yesterday so tomorrow is the peak? Actually today her fever broke liao and on 31st night, she barfed. So maybe today is peak? Let's just hope it doesn't get worse and I don't kenna!
ya, so probably 31st was already the 1st day le. But actually not to be too worried about peaking cos Reyden was the same throughout the 5 days. I couldn't tell when he had it worst.
ok u contact me ya.. aiyo not that i wanna fight w hubby to care for chloe, stimes i cant close one eye, chloe wet her panties, daddy can clean her n left the panties in the bathroom! i see sure nag but now no voice to scold feel worse, this morning headache again i popped pain killers if not i cant do anything..

kaexin/ mejo
pls take care, so sian, i feel the weather also damm hot these past days, i keep complain hot n think cos i m heaty i feel worse. hope YT & K recovers soon, poor thing.

u getting maid? if i m not wrong upfront payment of their loan dpds on how much balance they hv with their previous employer. if almost fully paid, you dun need to pay so much cash, indon & filipino mthly pay abt 20-30 diff, filipino higher
Oh, I din know that it is term break for LNT. Just as well that YT cannot go.


How's K? Some of YT's blisters are getting a bit pus filled. How ah? Doc only give me one tiny tube of med for her throat to relieve the throat ulcers. Anything for the blisters?
nothing too. i applied cold aloe vera for her though, she likes it. she has some on her bum but not painful. think some is dropping off already
poor you, hope u recover ur voice soon. here, pete is not the only one. i passed ur stickers to edde already. u collect fm her ok ?

hope it aint too cold
just got back fr chomp chomp for brunch with my sis n nephew..went guardian get mask to wear, goin for a short nap with my sunday times.

re: stickers ok tks ya
what liquid diet is YT on?
she drinking her milk?

or porridge water or wat?
wa, i hate to think of hfmd man

how did k get hfmd? from her CC?

there's a lot of cute boliao stuff in japan. and clothes maybe. but of course they are not cheap. i also din buy much for YE the two times we were there

She drinking milk mostly. Solids are pitifully little. I'm thinking of buying pediasure for her maybe...


Only bought toys for YT in Japan too. Mainly the tomica diecast cars which are cheaper there than in Sg. :p
oh ya, that time I gave them cold pediasure. Made the milk liao then left in fridge for awhile before giving it to them. They managed to drink quite abit.
Very kelian to see them hungry but cannot swallow anything.
mine also fm tube but i put n fridge mah :p
ahe also cant eat, had to throw awy, ended gave her milk too, but she ate 3pcs loackers

ya, her cc got 2 cases on dec 29.
maybe chilled soya bean milk or milo or ribena are options too? soya bean curd? since they need chilled soft stuff?
kaexin/mejo: hope the girls recover fast.

Thanks for the bday wishes.

Ellie 's back. Funny how she got us a mug made in the philipines with the photos miser printed for her. So paiseh, we didn't get her anything before she went home. Ops. Then she said she fell sick when she went home cause too cold? Now still coughing. Aiyo.

Tomorrow teng starting child care. Delayed him cause of the Hmfd cases. Hope the wave has cleared. Haiz

Mist:it was a very minor cold i had and yh got it, inevitable one, in utero. Stuffy nose from birth which makes it difficult for him feed so he lost significant weight and was quite dehydrated. That complicated his juandice. His fever very mild, went off when we arrived in hospital! Ok case but to be sure cause infant having fever thus had the works.

Go scare your mil with my case. Just ask her what she thinks of drawing spinal fluid, blood and have urine tube inserted into the penis to draw urine. Then have antibiotics drip iv on their tiny palms? If she winces, then she shd get the message liao.
wa astro
nw that i c yh every week, i feel more pain man. Hey come to think o it, we wont c u guys liao. Alamak! E next time i c u he'll b so big liao!
swmom, sq, pax

I tell you all hor, this YT just pattern pattern one lar. She likes the food, she can eat. Like she feed happily on some piah with peanuts and fried doughsticks before lunch. Then lunch, I give her porridge she said her mouth hurts. GRRRr. Then can run about and play but ask her to go downstairs, she said her feet hurts. See!?! And yes, she is still very loud. Mouth hurts still can scream. Haizzz.
at least she's active lah
if she nuah nuah sit there whole day you will be lagi more stressed and worried!

YE has fallen sick so many times that now my hubby's job is to remind me to be more tolerant when she's notti cos that means she's well!
alamak, why do u sound like your are describing my daughter instead, manipulative.
eg, she cant eat prata and loackers for breakfast but gave her pasta she said pain. now yet to try the porridge for dinner.
Joelle: Yup, we place the LOs into protector sheets (aka the pockets) which come together with the albums (usually 20 sheets which can place 40 LOs). Refills protector sheets are also available. My albums are thicker cos I added more refills.

Kaexin, Mejo: Hope your girls recover soon. Didn't know there's a wave of HDMF going on. How long must they stay away from school for?
Anna is also very picky on food. These days she's rejecting all green vege. :p *sighz* I console myself this is a stage they go through.

Astro: So fast! YH is now 3mths? Going to be Mist, SQ, Pink and my turn soon. I'm looking forward to unload my weight. Spam some pics of YH leh.
Hey, ask you something. Is it compulsory for Teng to join the 2006 academic year instead of the 2007 intake? Or do you have a choice?
Teething: Hey mummies.. Can you remember when the child is supposed to have a complete set of teeth? Ayden only has 8 teeth to date. This is very slow right? Shd I be concerned?

And I think he's really quite short. :p We were at a party and he's the shorter of the 2 boys of the same age. :p There was a girl who's younger by 2 mths and is the tallest of the 3. Maybe I go get a trampoline and let him practise jumping on it to boost his height a bit..

wa kaexin
prata and loacker so heaty right? thot would be bad for the ulcers in the mouth? or is it that whatever they wanna eat just let them be?

anna also starting new school tomr right? same as asher i think. then rae and tian and dylan also...

my fren who is due five days before me just delivered this am. i'm also waiting for my turn. tired of being so fat. looked at my photo and i look like a big beach ball!!! or maybe i should appreciate this time since i still have the excuse to be fat...
