(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

wah mummies the F1 quite exciting le...mas beat hamilton still! phew! that alfonso no luck, car died on him at Q2.

irin/ swmon
haha both u so funny! for me it's scan scan scan my nick, read read read post..spree stimes read stimes skip :p if too much to scan, i skip!
belle: didnt know f1 is so exciting till now too
can u still hear them at your place?? i was busy asking hubby this & that...all those stupid que like if they are goin to dismantle the grand stand after the race :p wah i love the red ferrari lovely bright red!
belle: my stupid qn for hb was "do those mechanic get high pay?" "n wat abt the guy who is holding the sign when others doing repairs?" ahahahahha!!!! today cannot hear leh

but after the race ends, i can hear many aspiring f1 drivers on our normal roads
mummies, how do i know if i m in labour? i keep getting contractions now.. does it mean i must time them.. they are a few minutes apart.. painful but still bearable.. not sure if they are still braxton hicks or the real thing??

i also diarrhea a few times after the ice-cream dinner last night.. oh no!
my contractions are 5-7mins apart but doesn't seem that regular.. how ah how ah? i suddenly feel very scared.. hubby n EJ are still sleeping.. should i wake them up to go hospital? sekali false alarm then so paiseh..

autum is in hospital now... having veri bad contraction... wish her smooth delivery...
hb and ej is with her...

*autum, pai sei... don noe u wan to update anot... i too excited for u and update for u liao... heee...
Jiaoyou! so excited for you!

same happened to me. they asked me to call back around 3rd week of Sep, which is the 3rd lesson of their new term. so i did. i was lucky tat there was a slot available, but i saw another mummy on trial as well.
overall, i like the ambience of the lessons..the teacher was engergetic, lively and fun but leia will still need time to catch up with the older kids..anyway must wait until next Jan, so by then she wont be the youngest in class.

hey Teng not gong gong lah, he's gentleman, like your hubby, keep quiet, dun want to fight with pple...

last nite, brought leia to housewarming. she played so well with the angmo boys, kept giggling ..faintz...

when 1 boy tried to take her car away, she cried and pushed him away. then i realised when we ask her nicely for it, se gives.

anyway, im always ready to catch leia pushing others, will dash and prevent things from happening, and of cos basic courtesy is to apologise lah.

oh ya super stress, we met a 2yr old gal in the same gathering, she attended GUG since 1yr old...when her mummy asked her to sing, she sang the entire song of " Do, a deer, a female deer....." the whole song leh! and she was asking so many questions. her first word was at 8mths, and starting talking bit by bit from 1 yr old. leia still cannot say anything..nowadays also dun say mama, not even papa...getting a little worried.

the photo can! sure can be approved!
chloe is quite slow too..but i guess by 2 they will slow progress la dun worry..i will prompt chloe to say basic courtesy stuff when she URH! to tell me she wants my attention! i will tell her NO, U CALL MAMA first..u dun say URH! then if she wants more biscuits, i will ask her MORE? say PLS? say THANK YOU..she duno how to say TK YOU..but she knows XIE XIE. slowly trying to pronounce PLS too..

wat she is willing to say dpds on her mood le..she says BYE BYE very loud & clear..but when see strangers she refuse to open her mouth :p
i tried that too, esp when she wanted something badly..to say pls, to call mama, papa, she simply refused. she still doesnt say bye bye.
i thought she will improve by 18mths but still....
she likes boys more than girls :p
hmmm so far i dun notice if chloe prefers girls than boys..but surely she adores her 'kor kor' (my nephew) ..whenever he is ard..she will follow him! but he bochup her :p

re leia wanting to say anything i guess its up to individual..u just continue telling her the diff things, u will be surprised she knows! she just dun want to speak up yet. stimes u try things like WHERE IS MAMA'S LIPSTICK? or COMB? she will demo to you by combing hair..very cute one :p
linda, tks for the baby gap tee...i got it from my mum yday.

hey gals, ah bian dun like the rhino gummy bears i bought...
he yelled and spit it out immediately.
guess i just have to be very patient.
even my maid rina kept laughing when leia spoke in her own bb language, she said her dotter can speak a few words once she speaks.
pink, the trial at JG evans road seems fun. U mentioned there is outdoor play which i like it too. Maybe i shld call up and request for a trial session too cos dat time hb din accpy us to forum. He wanna find out more abt the class.
latest update from autum:

out liao. at 958am 3.585kg. push abt 7times natural. no epi. cos fully dilated when reach here. doc say if got next 1 must come earlier or will birth in car.


i am so bored at home now..pete at work since fri my wkend so boring...later might join sis at T3 with her frns...

autum says bb cries very loud le haha..really gua gua luo di!
Congrats to Autum..

SQ: Was anna crying? I didn't know. We're doing a photoshoot at home for Ayden and Anna. These days she has lots of pattern. When we're going out, she'll pretend she doesn't want to go and will walk to the bed room while we all walk towards the door! *faintz* She's a drama queen lah..

The bag is big. It can be a hand carry right? Else, will not serve our purpose..
bel is worst... she now will make herself fall on the floor with a loud bang sound... she will purposely hurt herself to gain attention... wah biang...
Autum, congrats!! Ur bb gal is big sized too!!

Mejo, so the balloons u rec'd were not inflated rgt? So u rented the helium??Must b exp.
finally, ah bian K.O for his nap...gtg cook his porridge later. Dunno wad happened to him yday cos he was hyperactive at the shopping mall and thru out the journey in the car. He dun seems to v tired instead both HB and i were shagged out!!
QQ, Swmom,

I thought flying hairs in vision quite common? Cuz due to broken blood vessels in our eyes, everyone have these as the blood vessels are no longer needed past infancy and then we'll see them if we focus "near". Like I see microscope will always have flying hairs after a while.

Nope. I got the balloons flat. Then I just go to nearby party shop to get them pumped up. Last pump is $1.50 and now is $2.00 per walking balloon but I think this shop machiam like fleecing the clients. So ex. Think other places only $1 or $1.20 to pump.

YT examining the broken limb of the poor dog:


Oh, if you really intending to buy the dogs, a few things to note:

1. cut off the strings, too long can post strangulation harzard

2. you might want to keep the balloons somewhere where they won't move about at night, quite scary if you are taking a drink at night to have something come bobbing up and down beside you (YES! they do walk about on their own)
alamak! i blur blur KO last night.. today blur blur come forum .. Autum birthed?! whahahah.. all when i was still sleeping..

sms-ed autum, congrats her for the speedy delivery and dun need spend $ on induction..

she replied.. 'save $ on epi somemore!'

and I replied 'steady lah u! cheap and fast!'

whahahahah.. sot liao. this conversation :p

so she spent all those intended expenditure on induction & epi on a single deluxe room .. ha!

CONGRATS!! and omg.. 3.5 plus?! and i thought at most was max 3.5.. hahaha.. 'scary'. ok. wun go against the mother's instinct the next itme round! :p
mejo: ha.. ur girl hor.. 'abused' the dog.. and now go and sayang it for its missing leg?! :p
and the way u said the dogs bobbed about.. i cannot stop laughing leh! :p
pax/autum: kekekeke. coz fish OILS mah. and those alaskan grizzlies get so fat.. coz they load on the salmon fats/brains leh! hahahhahaha :p

pink: dun want to fight? hmm. likethat get bullied lor :p
and yes leh. those kids at GUG really impressive.. very very advanced.. so i let teng continuin another semester there.. kekeke. hoping he will get influenced.. :p

now he is starting to gesticulate those GUG zhoo phonics liao.. wah.. does that mean the GUG system very solid ah?? hmmm.. *ponders*

belle/pink: for any reference point to whether a bb is 'slow'.. pls take teng as the 'reference' point. hahahahah :p

Well, that one leg, she accidentally stepped on and cause it to come off when she pull the dog but the rest of the limbs, she cruelly stripped off. LOL. But yes, the dogs will bob like nodding their heads like that. Then I kenna frightened by it before also. MIL also. After YT stripped off the legs, the smaller dog floated up to my MIL's toilet. She got a fright going into her bathroom.
Mumies.. Can I check if I can eat celery and french beans? I thought I read somewhere these vege will slow down milk production? Am I wrong?
And what abt pig's intestines?

I also think the zoophonics do work leh, cuz sometimes YT will sing the phonics at home like she'll go "ah ah ah" etc. but actions cannot. Her actions all very weird de. LOL. Totally unlike what we do at GUG or show her. She can only do the beat buttocks of honey horse. Kekeke.

bbmouse: while trying to find answers to your questions.. i found this interesting website.. u can read when u read lah. informative

on increasing supply on BM

can't find any 'answers' to your query.. but i guess if it makes u uncomfortable.. then dun eat it??
beans in general induce wind in bbs.. green beans might be too? celery i dunno but i guess pig intestines might contain some bacteria? guessing onli

in this link are some properties.. def must avoid mint, sage and parsely..

