2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Did you feel guilty giving them the bottle? I do. ALl those breastfeeding Nazis out there have got to me.

Agree with lyricist. You've got to be consistent and persever in expressing if you choose to give BM. I was also stressed up after CL left cos I was alone. My already miserable BM supply dipped to zero. I didn't persever though. I gave up cos I need to stay sane to care for my gals. Gave them FM so that I can rest and finish up all my chores while they sleep. If you've got a helper and you want to continue giving BM, then you've got to be more positive and express regularly, okie?

And dun feel guilty about giving bottles. We have 2 newborn to care for at the same time and the nazis may not understand what its like. Everybody have diff tolerance level for stress, so just go ahead with whatever it takes to keep you sane. 6 months later when your BBs are strong and healthy, nobody will care if they were BF directly or via bottle. At least you bother to express and give them what was termed "the best gift" a mother can give to her child.
Take care!
Hang in there too! You're really a multi-tasker. I just "switch off" when my gals cry for attention at the same time and I'm busy with chores. Its really not easy. I cried with them initially... Then when I got used to it, and if they are not crying their lungs out, I just ignore them. Haiz... No choice. But thankfully, after my maid came when my gals were 3 months old, I was still in my "right" mind. *wink*

My gals who just turned 10-months old yesterday. Younger twin Chloe (left) and elder sis Gracia (right)
Thanks Lyricist and Dorayaki,
It's a lot of comfort to know all this. Lyricist, how'd you manage to get so much milk out? I think I'm producing under a litre.
Dora (dorayaki, can I call you that for short
), ok then I will stick with Enfalac A+, btw can I check with you, did you change to Enfapro A+ after your bbs turns 6 months old ? thanks for assuring that the colic will go away.

your boy & gal are so cute. Really don't look alike, just like mine.
You are good, 1.5litres of BM! I'm so guilty that I had stopped breastfeeding at their 4th month. Supply became lesser and I find it a hard chore as I'm not a SAHM. Was feeling lousy when I just gave up breastfeeding, felt that I'm a bad & lazy mummy.

Ya, luckily my babies are of quite good weight. That at least helps in easing some of my guilt.
But I think can't really compare the weight cos I believe yours had started to crawl or sit up?
My mum told me cos mine are still young. They don't have much activities so they put on weight easily but once they start to crawl, walk then probably they won't put on weight so easily.

don't worry, it's normal. I believe most of us had broke down at least once when we were at your phase but we had all made it thru.
I guess the other mummies would have better advice as mine are still rather young compared to theirs & I've learnt most of the things from them too.

The only thing I wanna add is probably about sleeping longer hours. I read somewhere that you can train your baby to go without milk at night once they are around 3mths. Give them their last feed at around 10pm then try not to give them milk immediately when they cry in the middle of the night. Put them back to sleep. Very soon they'll learn that even they wake up in the middle of the night, they won't have milk too. So they'll just sleep throughout. I did that with my gal and she started to sleep thru the night at 3 months' old. Occasionally she'll wake up, we'll just give her pacifier or rock her then she'll just go back to sleep. But this doesn't work with my boy though.
Yes, i did feel a tinge of guilt abt all that bonding thing when i decided to forgo breastfeeding and chose to express exclusively, but it didn't last long! it simply made more sense to express and let others help you feed the babies. besides, doing so also meant that i cld get my supply under control, which meant my kids were able to drink breastmilk exclusively. as dorayaki pointed out, you're already making that effort of expressing and giving them the best possible.

don't let those BF nazis get to you - most of them are probaby moms of singletons who cannot comprehend how difficult and tiring it is to try and BF two babies! i doubt any of the moms on this thread will insist that you BF since we understand how crazy things can get with two (or more!). end of the day, BM or FM, BF or expressing - the most crucial thing is you shouldn't hv to get so stressed and frustrated that you let it affect your quality of life (and care for the babies). do what you think is right and makes the most sense for you.

i didn't do anything really special to up my BM supply - just pump regularly every 3,4,5 and now 6 hours. keep pumping for an extra 10-15 mins after all the milk is out for extra stimulation. this will let yr body know that it needs to produce more. massage while pumping can help get it out more easily. actually, you're doing pretty well already - i think i was only producing as much as you ard 3-4 mths.

i'd better warn you that expressing exclusively also takes up a lot of time. it takes me abt 45mins to express each time now, and it's time i can ill-afford now esp since there're days that i'm on my own taking care of the twins. i'm also considering switching to FM. only reasons i'm still hanging on is that i'm afraid that my babies might get constipated on FM, my supply is still good and.. well, sheer obstinacy
the cost of FM doesn't really come into it though. i'm aiming for 9mths of giving EBM first, but my ultimate goal is at least 12mths. i'm already squirreling away frozen EBM for my twins to extend giving them BM for as long as possible.

hee, thanks! pls don't feel guilty abt giving FM instead of BM - i think you're doing an admirable job already, given the pressures you're under. i really think it's a fallacy that "BM = good mom, FM = bad mom". i only believe that "happy, relaxed mom = happy, contented babies".

my babies just learnt how to sit (in tripod position), but still quite wobbly. both can only flip over, but can't really crawl yet.
hi all,

Regarding EBM, how do you handle while at work? How often do you pump n does the supply drop? My leave is ending soon and i am not sure if i should continue expressing while at work n how often i can do it.
Yes, can call me dora. Hee! No, I didn't attempt to switch to Enfapro A+ until they were 9 months. Reason is they were not consuming lots of semi-solids/solids till about 9 months. So I felt it was right to switch since they were supplemented with 2 other proper meals a day from 9 months onwards.

The sleep thru without giving milk method also works for one of my twin but not the other. My younger twin loves "food" in general. And hence, she will cry even louder when we deprived her of milk in the middle of the night. Even warm water doesn't help. :p
your welcome! I m not sure whether enfalac A+ will cause colic, but my son simply couldnt take it due to reflux. In the first place colic could be due to many reasons, some research says its the mood swings caused by brain development etc etc...I just came back home after a tiring day outside....will check out your mail later k

Your situation seems like me, my mil nowadays not keen to help me, she wanna rest and catch up with her friends and relatives so me maid hunting again
. I have my old mum with me but she cant do much liao. there were a few times i was alone to, sometimes it was not that bad and sometimes it was miserable, well i made it tho keke...now thot must have a maid if not my health will suffer as i m feeling giddy and weak lately :p

Oh when u said about shouting at your boy, it reminds me of scolding my first one once he was 4 months old and i was left alone for a day, after scolding him i really cried and cried feeling bad.

Like the sisters here say we all have gone thru and going thru what more or less similar problems.....so hang in there, u will learn to manage them well on your own soon

Me too same as dorayaki, coulnt manage bf with all the stress and chores so in the end hav to give up bf totally and give them formula, it actually helped me to stay sane and rest a little at least if not dont know what would have happened, like dora says our tolerance level for stress is all different so do what u can do and dont feel bad about it, we are doing everything in the best interest of our children and our family k

Oh I defintely feld guilty and sad whenever i think of not bf them more than 2months + but now when i see how excited my boys are to see me everytime i come home after some outside work, i feel i have defintely bonded with them
Whoa, so many posts and cute BB pics! Mooch, your twins are lovely! Beautiful eyes
Lyricist, your munchkins' looks have changed! Look quite diff, but still as cute! N they're holding hands!
Dorayaki, Chloe and Gracia's hair has grown! Both of them look so sweet! Feel like pinching their cutie cheeks!!
Mooch, don't despair. My boy not only suffered from reflux from the 3rd till 5th month, but severe colic as well. He was the type of baby that can induce post-natal blues! Serious! He was always crying and refusing milk. Took him to the PD so many times and he was on a 4-week, then 8-week course of medication for his reflux. I was also told to only give EBM to DD but to give him FM (Friso COmfort). But glad to to say that these problems are not longer plaguing him *keeping fingers crossed*. He's a super smiley baby now. Yours are real cuties, am sure they will turn out fine. Hang in there!

that's what happened to my boy too. He simply won't give up till we give him milk. I think it really depends on individual kid.

J&S Mum,

your boy's video is so cute.
Will go try it. Tks for the link.
Hi Lyricist, just visited your blog. Love your writing. U working now or SAHM? U should be taking up free-lance writing jobs (if you're not aldy doing so)
Min is more active Kai, izzit? I watch the video and can't helped laughing. So cuteeee... She's just like my Chloe who earns herself a nick from my family - B.S.D. aka Boh Si Diam (restless in teochew). Kekeke...

Hahaha... Very cute hor, the ABC Adventure thingy. I did it for both my gals a few weeks back and my sisters were so thrilled by it. They watched it over and over again, till the jingle got stucked in their heads.
Hi ladies,

Haven't logged on to the internet for quite some time as i just shifted over to my in-laws' place over the last week. Gotta pack and unpack. Now still got 50% of my things in my own place.

Took a while to read the posts. The babies are really cute. Makes me look forward to cuddling my own.

Saw a lot of posts on BF. Guess this is really a tough job for mothers of twins. Makes me worried about my future milk supply as well. Anyway all we can do is to try our best lor.

My due date is 12th Nov. But of course they're likely to come out earlier than planned. Will you be able to give me the contact info of your confinement lady? Can email to me at [email protected]

hee, thanks! i did want to take up freelance writing and even had potential jobs, but really couldn't find the time right now. thought it'd be good to earn some extra income. anyhow, i'm not the only mommy here who can write - i think EnJ writes better than me! i'm a SAHM for now.

actually both kai & min are equally active. dunno why min was so hyper that day - must be the caffeine batch of BM (i still drink coffee occasionally)!
hi all mommies,

just came back from gynae and found that one of the twin is not putting on as much weight as the other. Twin A put on 600gm (now 2.3kg at 33wks) since 3 wks ago, and Twin B only put on 300gm (now 2kg). Doc says if this persists, might require earlier intervention. Anyone has info on this? Thanks very much..
Hi Betty,
it sounds like your twins growth have slowed down. It happens because of space constraints and also the placenta aging earlier than expected. I had it too. But your babies seem to be of good weight so if you need to deliver earlier, it should be ok. And they will give you a steriod injection to mature their lungs so don't worry about it. Once they're over 2 kg, it should be ok.

Hope this helps.

I'm super exhausted today. I feel like day and night have got no difference because I feed through the night and into the morning. And my daughter seems extremely cranky today. Don't know why. Totally admire those moms out there who do it on their own without a maid. Me, I'm beginning to think one maid isn't enough!
I have a question for moms with maids.

At night, do you always sleep with the same baby and the maid with the same baby or you alternate? I'm not sure what the best arrangement is.
Hi Mommies, may I check with if I am supplementing ebm with fm, can I mix both of them together, eg (60ml of ebm and 60ml of fm ?) guess it is not advisable

Hi Enj, for me although I have a maid and my mom also stays with me for weekdays (on weekends, my elder boy will sleeps with my mom and the younger boy with me and for weekends both of them will sleeps with me and hb). I agree 1 MAID IS NOT ENOUGH !!!!! if only we can have 2 (if the levy is waived or lessen) wishful thinking
Hi EnJ,

Thanks! I see. I thought it's a medical condition or something.. Was getting worried.. Must psycho the 2kg kid to eat more and catch up...
I think its quite common for us mommies of multiples to worry about their weight, esp if their growth rate is not the same. Yes, you're right, must talk to your smaller baby. It may encourage him/her to grow. I tried it on my smaller twin and she turns out 70gm heavier than her sister at birth. Hee...

When my maid came, I let her sleep with one baby for a few days then we swop. We've been doing that ever since cos I don't want a baby to permanently sleep with her. Was initially worried about upsetting my gals' sleeping pattern cos of the constant change of cots and bedrooms. But it turned out they were quite "flexible" and "adaptive". Now they can sleep anywhere, even at my dad's or IL's place.

for me, my gal sleeps with me & hubby. My boy sleeps with the maid. We tried to rotate but they weren't used to it. Especially since my gal sticks to me alot. My boy tends to cry alot when he's in a different room and different cot also.


2.3kg & 2kg at 33 weeks are rather good weight. My twins came out at 34+ weeks with 2.4kg & 1.9kg only. There was a difference in their weight too. So not to worry too much about the weight, just keep yourself happy & relax while waiting for them to come out.


I used to do that too. Mix BM with FM for each feeds & the PD mentioned it's fine with that. But you might want to make sure your babies finish the BM rather than the FM, more beneficial for them. So some mummies don't mix for that reason.
For me i my first one sleeps in the nursery with my mum and the second one with me. second one is more flexible as in where he sleeps but the first one simply cant.

Any mommies have their kids sleep in the same room, if yes since how old? I want to put both in the same room but the keep waking each other up.
Hi, did any of you get your period while breastfeeding? I have a bad feeling I've got mine and my babies are only 7 weeks old! Ai yoh!
Thanks Irins, will try out

BestTwins, I have the two bbs sleep with me on weekends, actually thank god, whenever one makes noise I will carry him over to the other room, but actually they will only make noise when they are hungry and when you have finished feeding the,, they will drift off to sleep (ie for my boys)
Hi Ah Da,
wow! you shifted over so early! for me, i'll be doing confinement at my mil's place but likely to go over only after delivery cos my mil's place has my 3 nephews (3,7 and 9 years old) as well! good thing my est. due date is around school hols so they will all go home then...
Hi Enj,

don't think it'll come back while you are breastfeeding exclusively. Is it your 1st childbirth? Cos I heard from my colleagues that gave birth for the 1st time, most of their period came back after stop breastfeeding. Only those who are having their 2nd or 3rd child then periods came back while breastfeeding.
My period came back only after I stopped breastfeeding for 4 months. But it came back rather fast, 1 week after I stopped.
Icic, hey thats good that ur twins can sleep in the same room. For me for the first four months they were sort of ok to sleep in the same room but nowadays they seem to cry louder and then very hard to go back to sleep, so i decided to seperate them until they have good sleeping habits established.

when did u all start giving your babies porridge? should start at 7 or 8 months right? me having problem with solid food lately, my boys are simply refusing everything except oats cereal. They used to like apples and other fruit purees but now dont wan them at all. Me worried already
any suggestion to make the food more appealing? Any recipes to share?
hi all,
My twins will be due in Nov 07 and at the moment, checking out baby cots. Instead of getting 2 baby cots which can be space-consuming, I am actually considering getting a baby cot and a playpen instead. Would this work? Hope to get some advice from the more experienced mommies! Thanks in advance!
twinsmom, Have u tried adding fruit puree into the oat cereal? Been giving my twins banana or apple puree blended into the oatmeal (with milk) for breakfast. Tried porridge? Initially, my twins also refused, and at most, only took a few mouthfuls, but they're now eating half a bowl so not too bad. Can try adding in potato, pumpkin or sweet potato. Find that they like these 3 items very much cos' soft (mashed up) and perhaps, they find the latter 2 sweet. Besides these, I've been feeding them fish or cooking porridge with pig liver, pork or dried scallops for taste, tho' haven't actually tried giving them minced pork or chicken cos' not sure if they can digest. Other than what I've shared, not too sure how else to make the food more appealing, except to be patient and wait for their tastebuds to adjust to the food.

dodo, my twins outgrew the cot (that they shared since they returned fro mthe hospital) by the 3rd month cos' they were always like knocking into each other when they were trying to flip. But fortunately, I had gotten a playpen by then so now DD sleeps in the playpen (bassinet) while DS has the cot all to himself.
has any mommy here tried making pureed avocado for yr baby? the ones i've bought before, the flesh quite hard. do i need to steam first before pureeing? can add into cereal?

you buy one whole pumpkin from the supermarket or those cut ones? I saw those 1 whole pumpkins at supermarket, wanted to buy but I don't my babies are able to finish them. If keep for too long, not fresh then wasted.
J&Smum (used to ur Alethea nick but seems like all are refering to u as J&S mum so i'll too hehe!)
Yes, I tried adding the fruit puree to their cereals but they dont like it. They simply dont take even 1 mouth if i give them potato & sweet potato
Have not tried porridge yet, they are only 6 months now, when did u start porridge? Hey thanks for the tips will try it out

Any mommies who started porridge at 6 months?

I have two cots and one playpen, I let them sleep in the playpen in the living room when they are unwell so that the other wont be affected. My cots are big and cant be moved in and out of the room.
you can buy those pre-cut half/quarter pumpkins. the whole pumpkin is too much. try to get those deep orange ones as they're riper, therefore take less time to cook. i'm actually feeding my twins pumpkin with their cereal now.

J&Smum, best_twins
i mix pureed veggies into my babies' cereal, followed by a serving of mashed fruits for "dessert". so far, i've tried carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, sweet potatoes & potatoes for veggies, and apples, pears, peaches, papayas & bananas for fruits. they dislike papayas but eat everything else.

the reason i asked abt avocadoes is that i read that they're very nutritious and high-fat (which is good for baby's growth).
hi mooch,

Think our twins are about the same age, mine are now 10 to 11 weeks. Just thought i share with you how my twins are faring now. They are still a little cranky in the evening till about 9+ but i am seeing improvements for the last 2-3 days so hopefully the phrase is passing. I stop breastfeeding 3 weeks after birth and have been expressing since then. Dont have so much milk as mentioned in my previous posts but still giving them whatever i have. I give them FM at night from 10pm onwards and they are now able to sleep 3-4 hours (depending on how tired they are) before waking up for feeds. But this is not a fixed pattern coz one of my twin now has the habit of waking up before feedtime and cry to be carried or put to the breast which he will only suck for a few minutes before falling asleep in my arms.

I have started brining the twins out to church on sundays since their 8th week and we do bring them to grandparents' place, friends' place n sometimes short shopping trip. main thing is to go out (i need it) but to not so crowded places.

Regarding bath, i bathe them in the morning between 9 - 11am, depending the weather and if they are awake. Then i wipe them again between 7-8+pm. sometimes i immediately put them into sleepsuits but sometimes, when i know they are not going to sleep so soon and weather is hot, will wear daywear and change later on. Think i will start bathing them twice a day when they are in their 4th or 5th month, depending on their development.

hope my sharing helps you in some ways, and know that i am struggling too and cant wait for them to start sleeping thru the night! Oh yeah, at the moment, they are starting to sleep less during the day or take like only 2 hours nap here and there...

tks for the ans on the pumpkin. shall go get it later. I've given my babies spinach today but my boy seems to dislike it. My gal ended up finishing his share.

I heard about avocadoes too. High-fat & helps baby put on weight easier.
ya me too thinking of giving acocadoes to them
must find out whether to puree or not too.

will try the veges too so far havent try anything other than potato and sweet potato :p

dont worry, we all have been there and u will be coming here soon
, u r doing pretty well...take care!
twinsmom, irin, lyricist,
I've tried avacado but the thing is they don't finish all at one sitting and if I were to keep it in the fridge, it will turn brown. Thus, I've only let them try twice and always have to end up throwing 1/2 to 1/3 away ($1.85 for 1 at Cold Storage). But yes, it is very nutritious and high in fat (the good type). I usually choose those that look quite brown, not the super green ones, and are relatively soft. Then I grind them (not the blender, but use the flat boards with sharp spokes, bought the pigeon babyfood-making set, very useful, comes with a strainer, juice-maker and pounder) into puree. They liked it on those 2 occasions.

Lyricist, u're very adventurous! Will try peach and broccoli this weekend. The rest they've tried, and they seem to like banana very much!

Irin, I bought the whole pumpkin, butternut type (not cheap leh! Most exp that I've bought was $5.80 *faint*) and cut into smaller pcs at home (wrap the rest in gladwrap and put in the fridge). But yes, u can also buy the cut ones, so long as they look fresh and bright orange. The twins like it just as they like sweet potato, cos' it's so soft and sweet. I also like it!
As for spinach, on the advice of experienced mums, I bought the chinese spinach (yin choy or bayan) which is very soft. Even then, I get my maid to cut it into small pcs cos' sometimes the twins can choke on them when the bits are too long.

twinsmom, I started the munchkins on Heinz baby cereal and Eu Yan Sang brown rice (with Si Shen powder, supposedly to whet their appetites and improve health) when they were at 4.5 months but porridge (brown rice, USA shortgrain) when they were 6 months).

I think for the avocado, you can used them for sandwiches for yourself instead of throwing them away. It's yummy with roast chicken or cooked prawns too.

The whole pumpkin I saw at the supermarkets are quite ex too, that's why I didn't buy it.

I've got the chinese spinach also. I steamed it for awhile before putting it into the blender. My girl seems to like it but not my boy.
hi mommies
i tried a new porridge variation just now. i popped a cube of frozen mashed pumpkin into their usual minced pork with spinach porridge today - they really liked it! even my boy, who's a finicky eater, ate quite a bit. tasted some myself - quite yummy.

by the way, i also put a small teaspoon of ground brown rice into their porridge. i've had a lot of pple recommending i do that, incl my hubby's doctor friend who fed his 3 kids brown rice. thought you might like to try that.

found a link for making avocadoes for babyfood: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/avocadobabyfoodrecipes.html
if it's ripe & soft, no need to puree, just mash will do.

peaches are one of my twins' fav fruits (they love bananas too!) cos they're juicy & sweet. try the China peaches - cheaper ($1.50 ea) and quite good. the US peaches are really ex ($2.50 ea), but of course, also nicer. i find the former good enough though.

re. spinach, maybe after it's cooked, you'd like to remove the stems and just finely minced the leaves? the stem's the fibrous part, that's why you get the long stringy bits that the babies may choke on.
Hi mummies,

Talking abt food... Shall try avocado and peaches. These are the only 2 which I hav not tried. Yes, I give 1.5 tablespoon of white rice and 1 tablespoon grounded brown rice for porridge too.

So you started minced pork. Well, I m still on scraped meat as taught by you. But my gals are muching things well, including mashed bananas, scraped pear and pinches of white bread!

My younger twin used to sleep with my helper and was fed by her most of the time after I returned to work. So she sticks to my helper n cries for her to rock to sleep in the evenings. Many times I feel disconnected from her and wish I could sayang her more. Many pple have counselled me that the child will know who is Mummmy when older so no need to worry. So I always bear this in mind each time she chooses my helper over me. A rearrangement of furniture in my bedrm to accomodate both babies at night, have defintely helped in our bonding. Of course, they will tend to wake each other up then play together.
When did u start them on minced pork porridge? I'm still hesitant cos' not sure if they can digest it well. They're now coming to 7.5 months tho' corrected age is 6.5months.

A+CMum, my DS sleeps in the same room as the maid. (Not too possible to put DS & DD in our room cos' he tends to wake up a few times at night just to cry and fidget around. Thus, we can't afford to have him wake DD up or to prove too disruptive to our sleep since we both work.) Hers is the first and last face he sees each day, thus, he's super close to her. Never realised how deep the bond between DS and maid was until recently as he cries non-stop when I carry him but once switched over to the maid, he stops. Many a times, when my maid has to do housework and leaves him somewhere to play on his own, he will cry buckets and howl so miserably that even in his state of misery, he will crawl, step by step, towards the kitchen to look for her. Even when I intervene by carrying him, he won't stop crying until he sees her face and is carried by her. Makes me sad, yet mad at the both of them at the same time.

A+Cmum and J&Smum,
I m also in the same boat as u two.... My first one would sleep immediately if my mil carries and rocks him but me and my mum have to go thru hell before he can fall asleep. Mil is the one who started this carrying around to put him to sleep since he was a baby and I have tried various methods to change it but nothing worked as she messes up everything. Now i have given in to both of them and i also carry him around to put him to sleep (but longer time than she would). My mil always ridicules me and my mom saying we dont know how to put him to sleep. I feel very sad and mad at these times. He used refused to come to me when she is carrying. Now i have slowly cut down mil from coming home everyday and me handling them all by myself. My mum does help me with the sterilizing of feeding equipments and buying food for me
other than that i do everything. Its really tiring but i m happy that there is consistency
