2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

hi betty, do take care. I'm only in my 16 wk so i can't advise much. But i am already slow like tortoise now cos of the bloated tummy. I get numb more easily when i sleep on one side long enough too. Maybe can just try to rest more and walk less?

Hi xbliss,

I have started my bedrest upon advice by my gynae.. The groin pain hurts the worst during transition between lying down and getting up, or sitting down and getting up. It kinda sucks when we start waddling, even an auntie with rheumatism can out-walk me..
Hi Dodo,

I'm at 23 weeks now.

Betty, I'm also experiencing a lot of backaches. Was advised my some mummies here to try out swimming but I can't go ahead with it as my mum and hubby forbids.

Do take care!
hi betty, i know what you mean about the transition of getting up. My gynae told me must turn to the side first before getting up so that there is more support for the back. else can cause back injury.
ya.. do move less and rest more... it's ok, just slightly more than a month to go!

we are very close! i am at week 18... ya, i also felt numbed if i stay at a side position for too long! ai yo... then got to shift to the other side lor...
hi dodo. good to see you here. we can cheer each other on. I am relieved to hear we have the same numbness thingy going on.. not that it should be this way lah. i get worried when it happens. maybe our blood all going to the bbies.

For the mums and mtbs here, do you take chinese tonics during pregnancy? my mil wants to cook black chicken with cordyceps (dong cong xia cao - the worm like thing). Is it ok to drink? I'm just quite paranoid cos i had a miscarriage last year.
Hi xbliss,

I remember something about not taking chinese tonics during the 1st trimester. 2nd trimester onwards should be ok. But also need to note what ang moh medicine you are taking, and consult your gynae, coz' usually chinese and english medicine shouldn't mix...
Hi Ah Da,
I'm a mommy with a pair of 3 mth old boys. I went swimming toward my 26 weeks, so i believe it's safe for you to swim. But of course, it's definitely up to individual's discretion and if you don't feel good about going for it, juz stay put and rest at home.
Hi all,
feeling very exhausted so haven't been on more often. I'm very concerned that my supply seems to be dropping a little bit. Last week, in one sitting, I could get about 300-350ml together but now, it's dropped to like 220-240ml. The babies are definitely feeding more in the day but I thought my supply is supposed to be able to keep up with them. Anyone has any idea what's going on?
hi twin mommies,

i am new to this blog and need yr advice. my twins are 7 weeks old and i have the following questions:

1. up to now, i cannot express enough milk for my twin boys. they are taking 130ml per feed x 7 per day and i can only provide them breast milk for 2-3 feeds. any advise? my per pump range from 70-100ml.

2. how to make them sleep longer at night? i am giving formula at night but they still wake up every 3 hours to feed. very tiring.

3. anyone is looking after twins all by themselves? wonder if that is possible?

4. any SAHM to share yr experiences with me?
hi EnJ, i think you are doing good so far! you jus delivered yet your milk supply so much! during the first month, i was only at like 70-100ml. but i had to supplement with FM, cos right from beginning my girl was not fattening up fast enuf.. so till now, its been on BM and FM.

Blessedmom, i think we are almost the same time! my twins are at 8 weeks now. i also cannot express enuf.. but mine was more due to one time block ducts badly cos my boy was in hospital and i couldn't pump out.

i also trying to make them sleep longer at nite, my babies are on 2-3 hour feeds. i can understand wat you go thru.. some moms here tell me to feed them a last feed nitetime, but i never know when is the last feed.

me jus hired maid a month ago, and its jus the 2 of us handling so far, hubby only back weekends from overseas work. i think personally i used to be against anyone helping, and wanna do it all by myself, then one time i was alone at home during confinement days, my CL and hubby went to market i was alone at home. i had to go toilet poo and kept worrying! then i took a shower, but worried to death when i couldn't hear their cry. and thot, even if i did hear their cry, i would be worried too!, and also if both cry together its hard to handle both babies at the same time, so i decided to get a maid. but her priority at home is more for housework, me care for babies, only when both babies need attention at the same time, she steps in. or cos of the nite feeds, i morning too tired, she sometimes bathe the bb. so that is my part to share with you
Blessedmom, Hi. My twins are now 9mths old. When they were born, i took care of them alone. Even during confinement mth. They were born prematured and was hospitalized so i was in hospital everyday. Only 2mths ago that i got a helper as the twins are bigger and wanted more attention. Re feeding, i use to feed them strictly 3hrly during the day. regardless if they were asleep or awake. I would feed them one after another during the day as i was alone. It was change diaper then feed then put down then go to the other baby. At that time they were both fully breastfed. I would usually wake the first one 15 mins prior to their feeding time, at least the second one doesnt have to wait for too long.I would feed the faster twin first. As for night feed,i would let them wake me up instead of the other way ard. Somehow they started slleping longer ard 3 and the half then 4 hrly then at 5 mths they didnt wake up. Till now, their bedtime latest at 7.30pm till 8am.As for pumping you need to do the same, every 3 hrly. usually i bf first then aft they are settled i would pump. Drink water, have enuf rest and eat well then pump regularly.I noe its tiring, i;ve been thru it too. Sometimes, if they are already fed, changed, and still cry, i would leave them. Its ok. They will eventually settle down. But thats juz me and my two cents worth. Rest assure that you are not alone.. Its possible to take care of them alone and I'm sure i wasnt the only mom doing that.. If you ever need anything, do pm me or buzz me at 97918231. I'm not an expert i'm juz a learning mum too.. Cheers..
thanks for sharing!

currently, i have relatives taking turns to help me out n i get so frustrated by their different styles n comments that i am more stressed by them. wanted to take care of my twins alone but think that it may not be possible now coz one of the twin seemed to be spoiled by the constant carrying n now even when asleep, wants to be carried... (possible for infant to be spoiled at this young age??) i wish i can take care of them by myself! guess because one of my twin was discharged from hospital much later, so everyone "dotes" on him.

on one day, my hubby n i tried to let them cry n not carry them so much but the same twin cried till his voice got raspy for the next 3-4 days n got even more "constant carrying" n i got THE LOOK from them.

i am not sure about having a maid coz it will be a min 2 years commitment plus the cost n possible maid problems...

i admit that currently my expressing of milk timing is erratic, that probably explains the lack of milk. think at this stage it will still increase? n without them sucking? just pure pumping?

Fi Hozali, do you remember when they start sleeping longer? n i am told that if i cant handle them alone now, it will be worse when they are older, is it true? coz i think when they are older, they will feed less often, sleep thru the night n that will make it easier for me?

mooch, are you a SAHM? or planning to go back to work? perhaps i should consider having a maid.

thanks for your sharing n hope to get more advise!
Mooch, thanks for the advice.

Blessed Mom, I have the same problems as you. I never know when my babies need to drink next so I always put off expressing. In the day, the milk is much less. I'll be lucky to get 100 ml. I have a maid also to help but right now, CL is still around so it's very helpful.

Fi Hozali, how did you manage to wake them up? My babies won't wake up even if I force them to. They'll just sleep through, although, generally, they do wake up every 2 to 2 1/2 hours for a feed. If they've had a good full feed then, they'll last till about 4 hours. Night time, no such luck. It's still every 2-3 hours. So, I'm worried about that. When did you start putting them on a schedule. I have a feeling mine are still abit too young. Tomorrow is their one month.
Blessed mom, HI.. I empathize wif you.. Relatives are a big help but a headache at times... Like yours, mine came home at different times too as my boy stayed for 19days, and my gal for 24days..When my boy was home, i had all the time in the world to bond with him, but i still had to go to hospital to visit my gal and pass my ebm. Thr were times i had to bring my boy along to nicu. Nobody wanted to babysit my babies as they were preemies and i was stubborn as i wanted to c my gal daily..
As for ebm, try pumping regularly and c how it goes.. Demand=supply.
As for handling them, I agree its easier when they were babes as they didnt 'demand' constant attentn. But then again, they're babies and are nt predictable.. hehehe..
I too was against help in the beginning but have realized that perspectives do change.. But my help is ic of hsewk and care of babes are on my shoulders.. I find that having somebody at home means i could take a breather as and when i need..I always thot that when they are older it gets easier, but after speaking wif other mums, they say that there are diff types of challenges... so.....

Enj, HI... I change their diaper, remove socks or wrapper... It helps as they dun feel so comfortable...
They were on a schedule in hospital so i juz go home and continue and make changes as i go along.. Especially the night feeds.. Hope it helps... Cheers...
Hi EnJ and Blessed Mum,

Just to share a lesson I learnt. Since you have helper/s, make use of them. Let someone else change diaper/feed the babies. Concentrate on your expressing. The babies are too young to know its mummy feeding the bottle. You can catch up with the bonding later.

I gave up EBM/BF after abt 2.5 mths. Cos supply was little. I believe the main reason was I always delay expressing, the time interval can be as much as 6 hrs. Just like Blessed Mum, experienced conflicts/differences among caretakers, so had to step in to resolve those issues as well. Back to expressing, when I realised my mistake, it was too late. Tried Fenugreek n papaya fish soup but not much improvements..

I know I tried my best to BF at the end of the day, so no guilt on that.:) My twins are growing well on formula n healthy weight gain!
hi all, so glad to be in this forum with you mommies.

A+Cmum, there are times that i am tempted to give up on breast milk but keep telling myself that whatever little bit is still better than nothing and will still try till 3rd month before making any decision. Currently, i am like you where there are times when i pump 5-6 hours once. Will take yr advise and try to pump more often. both you and Fi Hozali advised to just let the helpers do whatever and try to concentrate on pumping, so perhaps i will try that. you are right to say that i just want to bond with my children and want them to be close to me and not the helpers. A+Cmum, how low was yr supply before you stop? i am still taking the papaya fish soup, though not on a regular basis. Not sure how helpful that is but since it is recommended by so many, also follow.

Enj, you are doing much better than me. during confinement, i could only pump out like 40ml. my milk supply did not come till 5th day after i gave birth! almost gave up but the KKH nurses were very helpful and kept on encouraging the 1st twin (since 2nd was in special care) to suckle to produce some milk.

now, my twins suddenly decide to sleep during the day and wish to be carried and talked to in the middle of the night! Last night, i let them both cry for at least 1/2 hr coz i was not prepared to carry them at 3.30am! sigh, didnt get to sleep last night at all. so today, will try to "torture" them to stay awake more during the day. Just when i am trying to make them sleep longer at night and they pull this new stunt on me!

you mommies have any such experiences to share with me? By the way, do you bring out yr twins often? and at what age/weeks?
Hi all,
I just had my first case of mastitis. Came out of no where. I expressed before I went to bed and then I woke up because of this terrible pain in my breast. So I expressed again and then had chills and fever. Putting baby on to empty the breast relieved it but it still hurt. I ended up ringing up my doctor and he told me to get antibiotics from a GP. By the time I did that, my breast no longer hurt and the fever disappeared. So bizarre!!! Do you think it was really mastitis?

A+C Mum,
Point taken. But I always feel guilty when I don't feed them and someone bottle feeds them. At night, I don't mind, but in the day, I always feel like I should be feeding them if possible!
hi xbliss,
it should be fine to take cordyceps during 2nd trimester... i've started taking myself.

btw, I had a scare yesterday. do check out my blog for some latest updates... http://www.nafeeza.blogspot.com/

anyway, the advice to all mtbs is to be extra extra careful!!!
Blessed Mom,

I would think you ae better than me. So jia you and carry on. Mine was a pathetic 50-60ml each time. You may want to try Fenugreek available from Nature's Farm. Heard it helps also.

Other than bringing my twins to see PD, I brought them out only after 1st mth. I am nt a very gd example, seldom bring them out when they were young. House visiting due to special occasion like Chinese New Year and go to church once a mth. Only after they turned 4 mths, we try make it a pt to bring them to church every Sunday.
hi dodo, aiyo be careful lah. I am quite accident prone.. the croc shoes also provide too much friction for me such that i rub the shoes easily on normal road surface and risk trippin over all the time. But yet i stick to them cos of friction. I rather i fall front wards than backwards!. I've also just had a scan and one of them is a boy boy too! hee. I'm 2 wks behind you.

I won't be seeing gynae for 4 weeks til the 20th week detailed scan. So scary to not know what is happening to bbies in between this period.. sigh.

nafeeza, i jus read your blog and realised that you conceived through IVF! Congrats! After a long wait of so many years, this is really something great! I gain so much hope and optimism from your sharing. I've been quite negative cos i had a previous failed pregnancy last year before i conceived this pair of twins. I need the encouragement to tell myself we can do it! THanks for that!
hi everyone,
just a update, my second boy was admitted in the hospital for 3 days for fever and swelling at the neck, doctors did several tests on him then said its just an infection, me worried like nothing until the results were back, gosh i m glad he is back home now but the swelling still there
anyone has similar experience?

me coming back to singpaore for good la, dont think batam is the place for me and kids, I suspect the fever could hav caused by the mosquito bite he had a few weeks ago. Hey if u thinking of bringing them up and down like u said last time think carefully I really had a hard time travelling in the ferry with them, so now told hubby i cant handle this anymore. He will still hav to work there for another 1yr + so he will only come during the weekends.

Hey i understand what u r going thru now, my boy also had reflux and until now he still throws out some milk an hour after feeding. About the crying, babies cries will peek from six weeks onwards and will slow down or disappear after 3 rd or 4th month, however, some babies will cry very less, my first boy cries badly until he was 4 months as he was coliky. Now they dont cry unnessarily and its also easy to understand why they cry as their crying is more refined.
I weaned my babies from 5 months, any mommy who weaned them before 6 months? How is thier solid intake now?

Now maid hunting again haiz...any good maid agency to recommend??
Hearing all the mummies here talking about breastfeeding made me so guilty that I'm stopping breastfeeding at their 4th month+. Reason being supply became lesser after a bout of breast of infection & I'm back to work so kind of difficult to express too. Guessed I just didn't have the perseverance.
The lucky thing is that both my babies are having good weight of 7.3kg & 6.6kg @ 4th month.

Hi Lyricist,

tks for the compliment.
My boy's name is Reyden & gal's name is Reyes.

A+C mum,

I received your pm. Had emailed you.

Best twins,

I weaned my babies at 4th month with the Heinz rice cereal & the brown rice. They've been on it for almost a month & seems fine. Both says can be consume from 4th month. But I was wondering whether is it ok though as most of our babies are prem babies.
blessed mom
we only started bringing the kiddies out for fun around 6 mths. before that it was mostly trips to the polyclinic for vacc and the occasional family dinner at a restaurant.

the fever certainly sounds like you had some kind of infection. i agree that it's weird - i'm very prone to blocked ducts and hv certainly suffered from engorgement quite a few times, yet never had mastitis before. you might be more susceptible, so better take extra care of yrself.

btw, my twins were also impossible to wake for feeds when they were younger, but eventually i found that it was possible to feed them when they're half asleep. you just need to wait for them to get older!

hey, you're coming home! that's great, now you can log on more often

ay, you've to be careful when you walk, esp since pregnancy makes you extra klutzy and messes up yr centre of gravity. i also kept grazing/bumping the sides of doorways and walls when i was maneuvring myself ard my own home when i was preggers.

how do you pronounce yr girl's name - "raise"?

Icic, thats good to know, I also started my boys on heinz but hor they dont like it so i tried frisocreme and they gobbled it without thinking haha....I know frisocreme is very sweet but jus wanna give them a pleasant start, I have tried apple sauce, pear puree and sweet potato puree so far. Will be starting the second meal from tomorrow and am thinking of making my own puree. Also wanna try oats and barely cereals. Hopefully they would not be fussy eaters.

Ya u r rite, about that most twins a preterm, mine were born on the 37th week and so i started weaning them from 5 months.

So how many meals are u giving them now, how old are they now?

Yep yep, will be logging in more often from now....really missed this forum u know keke...
hi read a bit abt the breastmilk / breastfeeding issues.
Just to share my experience on (1) BM supply & (2) it is completely fine to feed FM:

My personal experience is mummies must have a good diet (eat well; do not try to slim down by cutting down on food intake) and have sufficient rest... and the breastmilk will come.

I gave my boys EBM for 3mths & 3weeks. The overnight supply was always the most at 360ml .. thereafter throughout the day i get 200-300ml depending on whether i pump on 2-hrly or 4hrly interval.
However as we are mothers of twins .. not cows.. we usually have to combine BM with formula hence my boys were given EBM+FM since birth for almost 4 months. Thereafter it is FULL FM (Enfalac)
MY point is all mummies of twins should just try our best in BM but we shouldn't allow ourselves to be too caught up in this "BM chase".
When I have to give up EBM at 3mths 3 weeks, I was full of guilt as I felt i had lotsa milk but yet have to stop abruptly and all the talk abt BM being the "superior milk" sure made me feel even more guilty.
Now 5mths on & i look at my sons, they are growing up well & I no longer have the "senseless guilt" in me
BTW, They are now 9 mths old

Hence to mothers who can't produce enough milk & had to give up breastfeeding for whatever reasons, don't worry .. technology is so advanced that FM is good too (as A+C mum had said - her little tykes are growing up well on FM too)

As mummies of twins, our hands are already very full hence lets not stress ourselves further

Oh if this info helps: the PD told me that while it is proven that BM has lotsa of nutrition, it is not proven that it is "more superior than FM".

I guess the only indisputable goodness abt breastmilk is it is FREE!
Some say Bonding too - but i think it is crap ;p Personally i feel Bonding is as a result of how much quality time u spend with your kids, how u talk to them, nurture them that matters. I just cannot figure out what sort of bonding breastfeeding builds cos at the end of the day, the bb is after your breasts; not after your company! Haha! I believe if we spend sufficient quality time with our tykes, they will naturally feel attached to us...

Ps: I had to give up breastfeeding bcos I contracted Chicken Pox !!! (of all times! haha)

I hope I've helped to alleviate some stress off breastfeeding mums. Don't get me wrong -I'm not trying to get u to quit breastfeeding. My point is we should just try our BEST - if it gets too tiring/ stressful ... then giving it up is not totally a nasty idea

Last but not least, CHEERS to all mummies of multiples!!!
MMmama, thank u and i do feel much better n encouraged after reading yr posting. Coz i also wonder what to do after maternity leave n going back to work.

This sunday, i will be bringing my twins to church n hope it will be smooth n they enjoy it too. I also have appts with KKH tp scan both my twin hips. Anyone has their twins to do the same scan?

dodo, enjoyed reading yr blog and so happy for you and your husband. but for now, pls be extra careful n rest alot! Resting helps your pregnancy and baby growth alot. At least, it worked for me and able to prolong the pregnancy from possible 32 weeks delivery (was hospitalised for bleeding) to 36 weeks.
thanks all for the advices! ya.. i will be extra careful and watch out for "hidden traps"... I am really thankful that I managed to break the fall in time, phew!

fyi, dodo and nafeeza is the same person.. in case you got confused...

my gal's name is pronouced as "Ray - yers". I get nurses calling her "Re - Yes", "Riss" ... hahaha. Blamed it on Mummy for liking this name. Her brother's name Reyden is also to accomodate hers.

Best _Twins,

I've weaned them at 4 months+ with home-made apple, pear puree. Then they went on to brown rice & the Heinz white rice cereal. Currently only once daily & they are coming 5 months on 2nd Aug. I'm not too sure about increasing their feed yet cos my boy is abit on the heavy side. He was in the 75 percentile during last month's vaccination. Probably will wait till this month's vaccination then see what the PD says.

How old are yours?
dodo, congrats! veryy good indeed.. i was hoping i could have a pair too and have them one shot. hehe. I am reaching my 18th wk and the tummy is really hardening.. so uncomfortable.. anyone can suggest some relieve methods? is it a bit too early for the hardening?!
xbliss, the hardening is expected... especially so because we are having twins so our preg process is accelerated.. hee hee... my also started hardening around 18th week or maybe, even earlier!
hi Blessedmom, U r most welcome.

I'm glad I've managed to take some stress level off u

I can understand what new mummies are going thru cos i have been there myself.. and honestly, I wasn't so lucky - i had relatives insisting on breastmilk & saying things like babies on FM are not as "healthy" so it was very stressful for me.

Now that I've passed that stage, I just thot I should help those mummies who are going thru what I've gone thru before

Of cos, I'm not asking you to stop breastfeeding. Please keep going but when u feel u've had enough, then don't worry -it's alright to give it up

Our health & general well-being is more important than anythging else.

Think: if we are stressed out & falls sick, we won't be able to care for our little tykes .. so we must ensure we maintain good health so we can spend quality time with them

In the meantime, JIA YOU !!!
Hey Dodo, congrats! I share your joy!
When my gynae revealed mine to be LFT during my detailed scan, I was overjoyed to tears! Can still remember hubby and I holding hands, and just digesting the info at that very moment, seeing the images on the screen. We immediately went to shop for stuff for our dear Princess (we had already known one was a Prince in my earliy 2nd trimester)!
COngrats again!

How's J&S doing? My younger twin starting to stand on her own. HB was overjoyed when he witness her standing for a few seconds on her own last night. Hahaha... Its amazing how fast these little rascals grow.

Thanks for the stress alleviating message above on BF. I think many new moms needed that, and more so for moms of multiples who normally don't have enough supply for both. I'm like you. Tried my very BEST and then went on to give my twins FM totally when it gets too stressful cos I didn't have any helper after confinement. Well, the guilt was there initially, esp when MIL and other relatives ask "How come not BFing?" or "Your boobs so big, how come not enough BM?"???!!!! Then I decided it doesn't matter what they think. I'm doing all the work and taking care of my kids. I need to stay sane, so anything that takes the stress off me is necessary. Else, my kids will suffer if I'm down with depression. And now I'm way pass that gulity phase. No one remembers if my gals were BFed or not. They weigh a hefty 9kg each!
Lil' Twin Stars -
No worries. Yeah BM is good but I wouldn't classify it as the "most important thing" in babies life!

Yeah the initial stage when i have to stop bfeeding, the guilt was tormenting! I kept thinking "what sort of mummy am i? how come don't try to give more breastmilk? Will my babies be less "healthy" as a result?"

I'm glad all those days were long over for me.

BTW how old are your babies again? Sorry didn't have time to go thru the whole thread ...

Mine are exactly 9months old TODAY (hurray!), Twin 1 is 11kg and Twin 2 is 8kg (last measured on 31 JUL 07)! I know - my Twin 1 is heavy hor? hahaha .. PD was amazed! hahaha .. Twin 2 is the correct weight but somehow i always find him skinny esp when put next to his plump korkor! hahaha
Irin, mine are coming to 6 months soon
Just bought healthy times brown rice, oats and barly cereal for them, already started on brown rice but waiting till 6 months to start the other two. Wow u super fast leh, me dare not give them solid unitl 5 month + , so far i have given them apple puree, pear puree and sweet potatoes, thinking of giving them potato tomorrow.

U change id again ah? keke...heh how are ur pricesses, They must be 9 or 10 months now? How would u compare this stage with thier earlier stage? meaning easy to manage? Me still havent started to take care of them alone, the house work will kill me i think.

how is your boy? Is he better now? Mine gonna stop friso comfort soon, when did u stop it?
Dorayaki, how are Grace and Chloe (hope I've gotten the names right!)?
My 2 munchkins are 7 months and 1 day old today (corrected age is 6months) and still w/o teeth!! J loves to leopard crawl ard the entire house and sometimes my maid gets shocked when she can't find him where she last left him. And his fave pastime used to be to overturn the dustbin in the hall and pull out the dry litter! Now, it's to follow me (or rather, my Winnie the Pooh slippers) around the house or reaching for his bottle and guzzling down water
As for S, she's been doing 'push-ups' everyday, arching her bum and bending her knees. Have no idea what she's up to

twinsmom, mine stopped taking friso slightly before the 6th month. Started them on Friso 2 by 6.5 months. M pleased to say that he's now drinking 180ml-200ml for his 1st feed @ 7am and last feed at 9pm
How are your boys?

Recent pics of the 2 munchkins:


Jayden Gor Gor

Shannen Mei Mei
Best Twins,

ya, I was abit worried about weaning too early so I didn't dare to give too much. But cos my gal's beginning to reject her milk so my mum suggested we try some brown rice & she liked it. Currently only giving them few teaspoons per day, waiting for this month's checkup then see what the PD advises.

By the way, I've tried giving them potato the other day. And I finished the mashed potato they couldn't finish. I find it really dry & irritating to the throat. And they had mild coughing after that though I'm not quite sure is it cos of the potato but perhaps you would want to take note of it. :=)
Hi Irin,

On the mashed potato, which potato are u using? US Russet potatoes would be better, they are smooth n soft. If too dry, mix with some boiled water till its smooth like cereal. I also always feed water during n after solids.

J&S Mum,
Hey, my 2 princesses are only 9 days older than yours (DOB 22/12/2006). Your boy must be crawling pretty well n steady. I wouldnt put them crawl on the floor. They can sit up on their own, but will Humpty Dumpty. Drinking max 180ml at last feed ard 12am. Rest of the day, max is only 150ml.
Good to know that u r boy is drinking better now, my first one still needs one scoop of friso comfort in his 180 ml so that he doesnt vomit too much.

Your kiddos are cute, so how do u find this stage? Me wondering why my kids still need so much of carrying and cuddling??? really tired la...hey i also bought the bumper play mat (thomas and friends) and my boys really like it, I have the bumbo seat similar to the one in your pict too hahaha....

icic! Ya thats what the pd said when my second one wasnt drinking milk for about 3 weeks but he was ok after i started him on solids. Thanks for the info on potato will keep that in mind. didnt give them potato yet, just too busy so gave them cereal again :p
some latest photos


Oh what can I say....boys are boys!


my first one loves to be wrapped up like this....its really hard to conveince him to let go the blanket after that

u can try this if ur baby's neck is too weak to enjoy tummy time.


We are off for a stroll
Hi MMmama,
My gals will be exactly 10 months old this coming Monday. Only a month older than your pair.

Hi twinsmom and Alethea,
Ya, change my nick again while waiting for PC to troubleshoot the other day. I had no access to most of the webpages, so I just play with my nick to kill time. Kekeke...

Well, Gracia and Chloe are easier to manage now in the sense you can kinda tell what they want from their mumbling and expressions. And they can reach for stuff they want, so not so stressful mentally. However, its becoming more physically exhausting. My gals also crawl around the house and invade every possible corner everyday. Its tiring running after them bcos they crawl really fast! And the active Chloe can stand for a couple of seconds without assistance now and she seemed to enjoy doing it. Sigh... Gotta watch her every step.

But I still find it quite fun "chasing" them around. And those funny moments watching them play and interact with one another (including fighting over toys) is also very enjoyable. Here are some updated pix of them:

Funny expressions from Gracia

Active Chloe playing happily
Ur gals are soo cute, chloe's pictures makes me wanna join her hahaha...

Its great to know that this stage is fun and not so tuff but my boys seem to become tuffer and tuffer to manage...gosh...sooooo tired!

How about baby proofing their play area with enclosures so that u dont have to run after them, well again it depends on the availability of space in our house ya?

Me thinking of doing that...gonna clear my sofa, tv, dining everything and make the living room their play area once they can crawl.
I've past the stage of having to baby-proof my place. They can even negotiate the 4 inches high platform which separates the living hall and the dining area, I don't think any obstacle is too difficult for them. Reason why I chase after them is to prevent them from touching things which I don't want them to (for example, the diaper bin, TV, entertainment system, etc.). They also enjoy crawling into small, cramp areas like under the chair/table. Just like hamsters!!! But they basically just want to roam around to touch things which fascinates them, which is literally, everything around the house. Hee...

Oh yes, when they just learn how to crawl, I also had to clear my sofa, put benches in front of the amplifier, lay yoga mats/mattress near "danger zones", etc. Only then they can be allowed to explore the house safely.
Any mommies currently feeding their BBs Enfapro A+ step 2 FM? My HB like to buy in bulk (in dozens) and we ended up with 8 tins of Enfapro A+ 900gm in stock. My gals cannot adjust well to Enfapro after I wean them off Enfalac. They poo too often and the nutrition consultant suggest I try out alternatives. I'm giving them Mamil Gold now which is slightly better but I think I may have to try them on Similac/Friso next week instead.

If any of you is keen to buy my <font color="ff0000">8 tins of Enfapro A+ 900gm</font> in stock, pls PM me. Selling at <font color="ff0000">$25 per tin</font>. Expiry dates are <font color="ff0000">Jan & Feb 2009</font>. Thanks!

Hi Twinsmom,
Your twins look very sturdy! Good Job! What do you feed them with (ie what type of FM? What type of semi-solid?)? I love the 1st picture where they "play-fight" - so typical of young boys ! Haha! They look like they njoy each other's company which is excellent - sadly, my boys seems to show signs of "disliking" each other ! Hopefully not lah. Haha!

Hi Dorayaki,
I also having problem with EnfaPro lei - I've 10 tins left - but my problem is exact opposite - my boys can't poo poo & I notice EnfaPro has a lot more "bubbles" than Enfalac - why so, do u know?
Hey your girls are identical? They look so alike - mine are non-identical - like chalk & Cheese !!!
Your Girls can stand on their own? May I ask at which gestation of your pregnancy did you give birth to them? Mine were born at 36 weeks & I find their development much much slower than others! Eg .. at 9months, only Korkor is crawling slightly , Didi forever "dancing on all fours" on bumper playmat (ie still can't crawl) and they don't sit up straight - always tilted !!!

Dear All Mummies,
Do you have this problem with your twins? ie Slow development? I've been warned abt this hence I usually take it as it comes but when i see pictures of twins sitting upright, standing - i start to think "woah so fast ah?"

Here's recent pix of my fraternal twins:-
