2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

I understand how you feel.....
I've lost one of my twins and delivered one at wk 34+. Until now I 'm still unable to get over it but have to be veri-veri strong for the surviving one.
If you need someone to talk with, you can pm me.
Take care. Not all is lost.

hi xbliss
i'm really sorry to hear abt your loss, and i have nothing but the greatest respect for yr spirit, strength and courage. take care.
Fi/Ah May
Thanks for the feedback on the playyard.

Wow, Fi, 12+ panels! Yr hse must be really big. i'm not sure if my teeny apt can even contain 2 sets (8 panels).

Ah May, is 2 sets very bulky & take up alot of space? i've seen the playyard online in photos, but never in real life, so not too sure abt its proportion.

anyone know where i can view an actual set? i understand kiddy palace sells it - anyone know which outlet has one on display? thanks!
<font color="0000ff">xbliss</font>
You're indeed a very courageous and positive mommy. Keep us posted and we'll be keeping your boy, your family and you in prayer.
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
Causeway Point Kiddy Palace has a set in display, next to the baby cot section, with lots of colourful balls in it.

My gals managed to move a panel by combining their force and pushing it together. Hence, I dropped the idea of getting the play yard. Moreover, my hall and dining area is divided by a 4-inch high platform. I can only accommodate 8 panels. In the end, I just forget about it. Let them roam everywhere. Tiring but less maintenance for my case. Kekeke...
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. You are really a strong mum. Your bigger twin needs you now so do take care. Keep us posted here.
hi mummies, thank you for the wellwishes. coming here to post and read has already been a great help for me as i dun usually talk about my emotions to anyone. i never fail to have a few good cries when i come onto this forum to "offload" and it helps so much. I'm just busy milking for my boy and seeing to many other tasks, not forgetting tending to the c-section wound which is v painful! will come in here to read up and learn all your experiences.
hi twinsmom
i've PMed you.

hey thanks! will see when i can drop by for a look-see. wow, yr girls managed to form a tag team to do a search & destroy together - that's... scary!
but seriously, isn't it dangerous leaving them to their own devices without fencing them up? i don't think i can leave my two, esp my girl, by herself without her getting into scrapes and possible harm.

you're a great mommy. i'm sure yr boy will be home before you know it. just come and offload here anytime if you feel overwhelmed or just need someone to listen to you. chin up, yah?
if you need to talk to anyone, just come in, ok.
must eat lots of tonic so that your body will recover back. when your boy is back, there is more work to do.
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
I was worried abt the safety initially, but the biggest "danger" in my house is the wooden platform and there's no way I can "childproof" that area. So I ended up just leaving it to them to try to negotiate it. And after they successfully overcome the platform, I think they should be free to explore the house. In any cae, there'll always be my maid or myself around, so we have all-time supervision.

Talk about destroying stuff. I'm not sure if it applies to all kids but mine seemed to enjoy pushing things around. They'll push their books on the floor and glide along, push the benches as though it is their walker, push their tricycle instead of riding on it, etc. Wonder if this is a passing phase or just my gals' "weird" habits. Anyone has similar experiences? Its been like that for months, since they started crawling.
<font color="0000ff">ALL</font>,
My gals had been down with cold/cough since last Fri. Fever subsided but the blocked nose makes them pretty cranky in the night. I dropped the Fedac syrup and switched to Illiadin nose drop on Monday but things are not improving. Anyone had better solutions? I'm so tired from waking up numerous times a night to comfort them. Have to carry them upright so that they feel better, then they'll fall into deep sleep and the cycle repeats itself again 1-2 hours later. My back started to ache today... :x
Ah May
i live pretty far from you, at bt batok. so a bit difficult to go view yr playyard. but thanks for yr offer - much appreciated
just want to know if it's useful, so i won't be stuck with an exp white elephant tt takes up alot of space.

btw, how much is the haenim playyard (1 set)?

think yr home safer than mine. i've a lot of loose items ard, like the strollers, car seats, the bbs' feeding station/trolley, open shelves/tv console, floor lamps, etc. not to mention electrical sockets for little fingers to stick into... and only me to watch them on some days.

oh, poor you! i hate it when my twins fall sick too. fortunately they rarely do, only twice so far, quite mild (just fever & rash from viral infection) and only one baby at a time. can't imagine if both fall ill at the same time.. think i'd go crazy.
aiyoh twinsmom, haven't rec your PM yet..... u interested in the book? can i exchange it with the BN pigeon bottles u're clearing out?

other mommies, advice pls.... my boy keeps crying almost every evening, sometimes suddenly while napping or playing. but not for long. he just screams until someone picks him up and carries him ard or put oil on his tummy. is it colic? but he doesn't cry / scream long enough to be colic, maybe his is a mild case? ..... *sigh*
Hey, long time no 'see'!! WHat did I miss?! U girls and your babes met up?! *Boo hoo* PLs call me along for the next round. *boo hoo hoo*

Lyricist, thanks! I bought my boy a Liferacer wetsuit from the Takashimaya sale. For my DD, I bought her cute and cheap one from Song & Song at Lau Pa Sat, only $7!!

A latest pic of my boy & girl

Jayden Gor Gor


Shannen Mei Mei


ooh, when the babies are sick, mummy is the most tired one. My daughter had flu and cough very often when we were in shanghai. No matter what I tried to do, she still feel very uncomfortable due to the blocked nose.

Anyway, I still find the followings quite helpful, perhaps u can try:
- pop them up with a higher pillow
- apply chest rub on their chest, back and sole.
- Add a few drops of Ecalyptus essential oil in the air purifier. It helps to clear the block nose.
- Use the physiological sea water to clear the nose.

Talking about pushing ... my girl is also a pusher when she is learning to walk. She pushed things esp chairs around
<font color="0000ff">Janice</font>,
Thanks for your suggestions. I'm already popping their little heads with 2 pillows. Chest rub refers to stuff like the Vicks vapor rub? Is Sterima spray the sea water you're referring to? That's the only sea water nasal spray I know of but didn't know it can be used on children. I can try that or the chest rub.

So "pushers" are normal? Hee... Then I shall leave them alone.

<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
Which part of Bt Batok do you stay? I visit my granny occasionally with my little ones. She stays next to Ke Ming Primary. Can meet up with you if I'm going there.

This is the second time my kids had fallen ill. And both times they fall sick together. I was told they normally fall sick one after another. But not true for my case. Sistas indeed!!!

I can't be bothered to hide the strollers and high chairs. Where can I find space to hide these bulk items. Just leave them around and train the girls not to play with them (they still do occasionally). Electrical sockets are covered with the socket pins. The floor lamp and standing fan is left exposed so have to keep a close watch on them. As for the TV console, I use long benches to "hide" them currently but its not effective any more. They know how to push it away together. Haiz... But I guess this is a stage they'll come to. I just pray for my HB his sound system will stay intact till the girls outgrow this stage. Kekeke...

See the bench which behind Chloe? That's the bench I'm talking about. It was our interim solution. Hee!

vicks is a no no for children under 2 years of age, can try Ecalyptus essential oil. think they sell one type suitable for kids below 2. drop a drop on the pillow case to help them clear the blockage. the sea water nose spray can be used, my boys use it when 6 months old to clean the nose.
I tend to give them very warm bath to make them feel comfortable, give milk , medicine, then let them sleep. med makes them sleepy, so easier. day time at 10am, got chance, sun them. helps as well.

wow, bukit batok, that far. let me try to find some pics...

as for twins proofing the house, I give up liao.
i cannot cover the electrical sockets, cause my boys can manage to pull them out, once they pull and still have 3 legs inside, ray broke the cover thing.
they are destructive to several things since 14 months old, some toys, within 5 minutes after playing with it, like once they broke the stick for the new xenophone..
they push everything, chairs, coffee table and such... no choice, after 16 months old, I have to bring out the cane...
Hi Dorayaki,

Sorry, should have mentioned to you cannot use vicks .. its too strong. I'm using the Cold Care Chest Rub from Little dreamers. It is suitable for babies 3 months and above. Yes, Ah may is right, sea water nose can be used too .. my PD gave this to my older twin when he is only 2 weeks old.
Hallo mummies-its been awhile.. Getting to be busy wif bday party prep.. Sigh... For a 3 hr event sure needs alot of planning..SO the topic now is sickness?

Nasal spray can be use, coz PD ever gave me.. Chest rubs and propping up is also a gd idea.. I can imagine the stress n tiredness when both fall sick together... U have my sympathy..

Twin proofing the hse- My boy loves the standing fan, my dad said he will be an electrician. Hahahaha... When he comes near i will stop him, raise my voice. When it still doesnt wk, will take him away fr fan. If he crawls back will beat his hand n tell him No. Not for Danial. Take him away n give him a toy.. Did this a few times.. Now whenever he goes to the fan, i would juz have to raise my voice and say No.. He would stop and look at me. Then he would crawl away. I would clap my hands and say gd boy.. HEhehe, so far it wks..

Meet up- i will try to arrange anthr one again soon as the previous one was unsuccessful... Only me and Chris... HAhahahaha...
oh, i didn't know vicks vaporub was a no-no for babies... i used it before on my boy. ;P

i live along hillview ave, on the outskirts of bt batok east. not sure where ke ming primary is though. sure, do come by if it's convenient - PM me for my address if you are.

btw, i really like yr home decor (from what i can see from yr pics anyway), esp the timber flooring - my fav. i'm stuck with ugly b&w speckled granite floor becos it came with my apt and it would've been costly to hack it all up.

twins-proofing the home
haha, Ah May.. i agree with you that the conventional childproofing tactics don't really work, esp all that socket plugs and corner guards. babies are alot smarter than most adults realise - i've seen my nephews pull them out and chew on them. i know what you mean abt them being great destroyers. i recently bought a sassy musical book for them online, made of vinyl so childproof and looked indestructible. 3 days later... spoil liao. dunno how my girl managed to tear apart. sigh, waste my money. adoi, you bring out cane already? you really one tough, no-nonsense mama, kekeke

Fi, i tried yr technique and smacked their itchy hands a few times. but didn't work leh - they enjoyed getting smacked. think it's a game. my two still too young to understand it's wrong.
can't help but laughed at your reply to Fi. Cos mine also thought it's a game when I smack their hands. They will try to smack my hand back & laugh. *faintz ...*
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>,
No prob! I'm quite familiar with Bt Batok East area. My close friend stays at Hillington Green and I used to go to his place quite often before the twins came along. I think his place is along Hillview Ave too.

Ke Ming Pri is next to The Dew, if you know where that it. Anyway, not important. Will let you know when I go to my granny's place. Can't bring the munchkins out till they've fully recovered. Just got a "warning" from my dad not to bring the girls (his bao beis) out for the time bring cos the weather's bad. Haiz... Home bound again...

Very sad to see your post. Pls take gd care n rest well. Be strong for your boy as he needs you greatly. God bless.

If you are still wondering the size of the playard. Mine is one set (6pcs) + 2 pcs to form a square. Need 1.5 single mattresses to cushion their falls. Never realised its a Great investment until Fi popped over at my place n saw how my gals use it to learn stand up. At almost 10 mths, they walking ard the playard n can stand unsupported for a while. Think its pretty fast physical developmt.
hi all,
hope everyone is doing great
I m soo busy!

I replied ur pm the same day...hope u got it

pm'ed u too
sms me if anything

Ah may,
u stay in punggol 21? me near punggol plaza

sorry that the previous meet up didnt work out well....all the best next time....Oh advance birthday wishes to ur kids! Congrats to u for completing one year successfully as a twin mom...no joke ya!
great to read on baby proofing, i m planning my babies play room for the new house so ur experiences are helpful

Have a great weekend everyone
Hi all,
Been MIa for so long cos I moved in with my in laws to get extra help. Really no joke trying to manage the 2! And I'm back at work as well.

ANyway, my 2 will be 4 months on Friday and everyone's asking me whether I want to start putting cereal in their milk. Is it wise? I know our parents did it but now?

When did you all start to introduce semi solids to your babies?

I'm also a bit concerned because my younger twin, the boy seems a bit lazy and doesn't hold his head up very well. Neither does he like being put on his front to train his back muscles so he seems a bit "lembek". Any suggestions?
best twins,
I near the mrt station.

this depends on the individual baby development. I want to delay till 6 months initially, I am one worried mummy since first time mum, then until see PD at 4 months at kkh as they are premature, PD told me my boys can hold their neck well, drooling away especially when my boys see me eating, and he stress please start to give cereal, so I start.

think is true, my older boy walks very early, at 11 months. cause got lots of training with the play yard from 10 to 11 months. but then my younger boy dun walk till 12 months and 1 week, when he face peer pressure as gor gor snatch his toy and walk away. he used to be able to catch up by crawling as he crawls very fast till that 1 fine day . when he realise cannot catch up liao he no choice walk... hahaha..
<font color="0000ff">Ah may</font>,
I totally agree with you as well. My younger gal started walking at 11 months. Elder one finally took her first few steps without support last Saturday (exactly 12 months, 2 weeks). Think she can no longer stand her sister snatching away her toys and then walk off briskly. kekeke... But that also means I have to be more watchful now. They 2 of them are happily walking around and they sometimes knock each other down.
keke, walking and knocking one another is still not so bad. Since 14 months, my boys speed around the house and they will knock one another, then fly off in different direction with a big red mark on the head, happen again yesterday at 21 months gg 22 months... i dunno what to say....
Ah may & dorayaki,
yep yep...every stage has its own challenges until they are 20 years i guess (hopefully only 20 years haha)
Ah May,

Once they start walking, will the playard still keep them in? Instead of waiting excitedly for the day they start walking, now i wish that day would not come too soon.
hi mommies
thanks for the playyard feedback. i finally bought mine on sat. so far, ok lah. sometimes they protest when we fence them in, but other times they get distracted by their toys, so i do get some peace & quiet.

i've also decided to stop expressing BM. i think i've taken this as far as it can go. i woke up this morning to see the room spinning, which finally nauseated me so much that i threw up. i was dizzy & weak for the rest of the day. fortunately MIL was ard today. plus my weight loss is getting too extreme. i simply hv no time to eat well or take care of myself. i constantly feel tired and and hv no energy these days to keep up with my increasingly mobile babies. so, something has to go. my twins will be 12mths soon, and 1 year is good enough. time to stop lactating... sigh, maybe i can finally get some of my life back.

hillington green is just down the road from my place. i live opp lam soon. my hubby has a friend who lives at the dew, and we visited him & his wife before. their apt overlooks a school, could be ke ming pri. i visit the "mini-town centre" where there's 2 coffeeshops opp each other quite a lot to tarpau food. so, you know my area quite well.

i started my bbs on solids at 6 mths.
I started adding brown rice cereal into their milk at 3mths+. Started to give them semi-solids from 4mths. But gotta start slow with cereals.
best twins,
yes, every stage is a changelle with it's bonus, recently on of the nights, the 2 of them hold each other hand and parade the house, wave at us when they walk past... so funny.

keke, my boys protest but the play yard is their sleeping area at home. so they know the moment they are inside, cannot come out within 1 hour... hahaha.. for nap or night time.
let me see if I can rem to bring my camera tmr and download the photo that capture them climbing out of the play yard..

enjoy your life. Be happy and live healthly. maybe you need some tonics. are you still taking mutli vit and fish oil like when pregnant? caues if you are lactating, these supplements should be taken to upkeep your health. anyway, when my boys hit 10 months, I start to pump less, 3 times, 11 months, twice a day, 12 months, once till 13 months, stop. my supplement also change along the way.. haha. from neurogain thru pregnant till boys are 6 to 7 months. then I change to GNC fish oil, cheaper alterantive. haha.. now i still take once a week..
but true, take care of babies keep you slim, I now fatter gg back to work, since i start work in June, 3 weeks i gain 2kg. :p
sorry, almost forgot to reply - yes, i got yr email - thanks. i'm also looking elsewhere for the cot.

ah may
thanks for the thoughtful advice, altho a little late since i'm already stopping. the only thing i did was drink anmum, but even then infrequently. i don't mind gaining back some weight though.
you are welcome. ya... i think i advise a bit late...

did you all notice the header has change a few times... or maybe I cannot remember the header correctly. I only manage to find this thread when I search my own post. :p
Sorry that u have not been well, all that u have mentioned seems like what i m going thru even without lactating :p With my house moving and no maid simply tooooooo tired and stressed

Saw ur ad for cot
sure its not the one i have! mine is very simple.

Ah may,
haha...I really burst into laughter when I read "they wave at us when they walk past" sooo cute and scary
I cant wait for such funs but still dread it!
hope you feel better. I been feeling like crap too. Am back at work, still expressing like 5 times a day and tutoring on top of that. Exhausted!

Irin, how heavy were your babies when you started on the cereal? Where'd you get the cereal from?

Do any of you mommies feel everytime you're with one twin, you're neglecting the other? I alwats feel guilty.
so many exhausted mommies over here... nothing really prepares you for being a mother of multiples, does it? no matter how much you read up abt it in advance. i still get a lot of excited women coming up to me and squealing: "oooh, you hv twins! you're so lucky! i wish i could hv twins too!". and all i can think of is: "lady, you've got no idea what you're wishing for!"

oh dear, you've gotta take care of yrself too *pat pat* don't overexert yrself, ok?

ah may
yeah, i think they shifted this thread from the '2007 and later mums' to a new '2008 and later mums' category. a bit strange, i thought, since the subject heading of this thread is 2006/07 twins/triplets mtbs.

gotta to take care of ourselves for our babies' sake
and yes, i feel guilt all the time if i'm only spending time with one, and not the other esp if the other one's nearby and looking on. i hv to keep reminding myself i love them both equally. think it's normal lah.
I totally get what you're saying! When pple come up to me and say the same thing, I always think "watch what you ask for!" I love my twins but seriously... the exhaustion is not funny.

My husband is sending me off to Bali with my good friend. He thinks I need the break badly. I don't deny that but I'm having a great amount of separation anxiety!I'm also worried abt storing milk there. Breastfeed, so troublesome. Don't breastfeed, full of guilt. That's our lot in life!
they were about 4kg+ when I mix brown rice cereal into their milk. I bought the moon rabbit Si Shen Brown rice.

I always feel guilty too especially after we had shifted my boy over to sleep with maid. But guess just have to spend more time with him in the day time to make up.

I understand how you felt. I get people telling me the same things too since preggie days. After awhile I just don't feel like responding to those things anymore. The excitement of having twins are long over. It's all about being a super mummy now. Shouldn't they get more excited over us & tell our kids how lucky they are to have us?? hahaha!
hi ondine, enjoy your break... when i think of melbourne, i so long for a break too,... but i dun think i can bring myself to do it cos i have no other help except FDW and hubby....

hi irin, u mean 4kg+ can give cereals already? my babies are 6,5,and 4.8kg at 8 wks corrected age now and i have not started cereals with them. how old were your babies when they were 4kg+?

any gina ford fan here? can share if u follow er routine strictly or u modify. can share yor routines when your babies were at 2-4 month corrected age, if u can remember pls?

re: excitement of having multiples
me too, have got tired of people exclaiming "TRIPLETS!!!" now we just smile and walk on... dun like to talk too much cos we get the same reactions from almost everybody we met...

Hi Mesh,
I read the Gina Ford book but no one in the house wants to implement it. My MIL and Aunt IL both think it's impossible and why bother.

Sometime, I wish I could afford 2 maids then I can train the kids without anyone interupting and questioning me! Sigh!

I asked the nurse today abt the brown rice cereal, she told me 6 months. Irin, what made you decide to start at 4 mths?
