2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

<font color="0000ff">Northvirgo</font>
I paid $2650 for my CL to take care of me and my twins. There were no other helpers throughout the confinement period, except when my HB return home from work. I felt the amount was quite worth it, considering the sleep deprivation she had to go through when looking after the twins at night.

Congrats J&amp;Smum on your newborn! Agree, he looks handsome.

Same weight! My girls 21 mths, only about 11kg now. They were stuck at 9-10 kg for quite a long time and M size diapers (save $$). haaa...

Like Irin's, my gals started rice and soup at 10mths. Cos sick of porridge. Lunch is always noodles/macaroni with soup. Dinner is rice with soup. Actually many children like noodles compared to porridge. Just try all kinds of noodles until you find out what kinds of noodles they like - Soba, udon, mee sua, shanghai handmade noodles, meechabak, kway teow etc etc.

Does anyone has tingkat recommendations? Planning to go without maid when my maid's contract ends Nov.
$2700 for triplets is a good deal! go for it! I paid $2800 for my twins, but she cooked for the whole family.
thanks for the meals advices. i just dunno how to give rice and soup leh... u mean a bowl of plain rice and a bowl of soup and maybe a side dish like fish? then we scoop some rice, put some fish on the rice and then kind of like dip the spoon in the soup and feed? then there are so many dishes on the high chair table.... don't the kids grab the bowls? i like porridge cos its all in 1 bowl :p

i'd like to try rice and noodles on them... maybe better to try mee sua first cos its easier to digest? but like rice,... i don't know how to feed leh... the noodles so long long, how to spoon it to them? i don't dare let them use fork leh.

also, can share with me soup recipes? so far i only gave them abc soup where i put in corn, big onion, carrot, celery and lotus and boil. don't know anything else. hehe..... how to cook old cucumber soup? do all soups need chicken bones or pork ribs? anyone can help me with vegetarian soups?
Northvirgo, i got mine for $2k, but i told her quote for singleton, cos i not sure how many will come home with me. if any of the other 2 come home then i pro rate $500 each for them. and she agreed. in the end i only paid $2k cos my 2nd baby to come home came back 2 days b4 CL left, and she said nvm, just pay her the 2k. so i'm lucky in a sense.
I don't put all the dishes on the table. I'll scoop some rice, put some fish on the rice then pour some soup onto it to make it abit soggy. So it'll be all 1 bowl, finished liao then top up.

As for meesua or noodles, you can cut them after cooking and it's very easy to scoop using a spoon, no need fork.

For old cucumber soup, I'll put in wolfberries, pork ribs and dried scallops then put into slow cooker after bringing it to boil.

You can try chicken with apples soup too, quite nice.

Chicken fillet/drumstick
Red dates

Put all in a pot, bring to boil then turn to low fire and simmer till apple turns soft. My kids love this soup.

I'm afraid I can't help with the vegeterian soups though.
was just reading through the threads and you mummies really have very interesting recipes for your kids! i must really learn from you! next week is a good chance for me to try out new recipes for them as my mil is away in china and i am looking after the kids with the maid, although still work from home...

regarding the soups that you cook for them, do you put salt or soy sauce? cos from what i know, they are not suppose to take salt and sugar till after one years old izit?
even till now that my kiddos are 20mths, I don't add seasonings to their home-cooked food too. For those chinese soups, it'll taste good enough with pork ribs, dried scallops, woflberries and red dates. As for vege, chicken or fish stock, I'll add in lots of onions and corn (to sweeten the soup) and celery (has natural sodium) and the stock will taste great even without salt or soy sauce.
just to check, for noodles or macaroni, what do you put in the soup? do you use the same soup base for lunch and dinner? haha.. that would be more convenient... keke..

anyone attempted giving them sweet peas? I gave some to my twins last evening and the boy took it but the girl spit it out, haha... lots of work though cos need to peel off the skin.
irin, for those side dishes that you prepare such as steamed fish, tou fu and minced meat, what do u add to make it tasty if you do not put soy sauce?
I'll prepare vege/chicken stock in advance for noodles or macaroni. Use the same soup base for lunch and dinner also can.

I've not given sweet peas cos I don't like it. hehe.

For steamed fish, I'll add sliced tomatoes, ginger, spring onion, abit of sesame oil and a dash of pepper for it to taste. As for toufu, normally I'll steam with scallop, minced meat or fishballs with chopped spring onions and the toufu will absorb the sweetness of those ingredients on top after you steam it.

I'll use mixed herbs for frying minced meat or can fry with celery/zuchinni. Both vege add taste to the dish too.

You can take a look at my blog for more specific cooking methods and some other recipes.

manage to peep into your blog yesterday. steal your steam fish recipe for tonight's dinner. wow they really love it. anyway thanks for your recipe. really like your blog. have been wanting to do up one but don know where to start and also lazy leh,any tips?
Irin, love your blog.... steal some recipes too... hehe... but have not tried them yet.

my kids having constipation now.... sigh.... they take lots of fluid and wet themselves every half to 1 hour... they take fruits with their breakfast and lots of vege leh... dpn;t know why the constipation....

how much vege do your kids eat anyway.... i give them eg 10 leaves of cai xin or 10 leaves of kailan every meal leh... is it enough?
you can register for a google account and try www.blogger.com.
It's quite simple and easy to understand for beginners.

should be enough. It's almost the same amount of vege &amp; fruits I give my kids too. Do they take lots of water?
hmm... is it about 10 leaves of vege for your 2 darlings or 10 leaves each?

they drink alot of water leh.... about 500ml a day each.
hi mummies,
my 18mth boys are still taking porridge, they have not tried rice/macaroni before.my mil do not allow them to eat, say they still cant swallow.
whenever i'm at hm, i tried to cook less watery porridge as i wanna let them get use to biting and swallowing but my mil still cooks watery. how do i convince her to let my boys eat rice?
at their age, they shld be trying/eating rice isn't it?
about 10 leaves each but I don't always give caixin or kailan. I give heng chye most of the time so the leaves are quite small. My kids drink about that amount of water too leh.

Try those fruits/vege with high fibre like avocado, broccoli, green peas, sweet potato, papaya &amp; etc ...

Or did you happen to change their FM recently?
Hi okeanosmao,
what a timing to "see" someone around.

They have most of their teeths out already? Then should be able to eat most of the solid food like rice, macaroni or noodle. Even without the teeth at the back, they are also able to chew with their gums. Mine started eating rice even when they had only 8 teeths.

Your boys had no problem biting/swallowing the less watery porridge you cooked for them, right? Maybe you can show your MIL that they can do it already and let her know can't always let them eat watery porridge else they won't learn how to chew or swallow solid food in future.
hi okeanosmao,
my gals only have 4 teeth leh, but can take rice already. don't underestimate their gums ok! maybe u can try cooking rice with more water to start with, feed smaller spoonful.
wow, u really have a lot of interesting recipes! your blog is a great source of info... thanks man...

btw, just to check with all the twins mummies here...

I am currently staying at my mil's place. My hubby and I are planning to move back to our place when the twins turn 1 and can walk. We are planning to do some reno to our place to prepare for the move cos previously, everything was just for the two of us... now, we have 3 additions, haha.... the twins and maid! Besides doing up more storage space and window grills, do you have any advice for us? Is there anything in particular to do/take note?

also, i have the flexibility to work from home sometimes. Any mummies here doing it? If there just the maid in the house and me working from home, would it be very challenging to take care of them when they are around say 13 - 24 months?
glad that it's of help to you. Not easy being a twin mummy, we all need help from one another.

My working hours are flexible and I do work from home sometimes too. 13-18mths is a period whereby they become more mobile, eg. learning to walk/run/climb so perhaps need someone to supervise them. Your maid should be able to handle. However from 18mths on, they'll need more attention cos they'll want to "communicate" and do things with the adults. My kids are currently at this stage and I find it more difficult to do my work when they are awake. I can only do it during their 2 hrs nap time. They'll knock on my door, shout for me or bring things for me to play with them and it's rather difficult to reject so I'll end up not doing my work at all.

You might want to fix a door for your kitchen if you don't have one. I didn't do one and I had to put safety gate at the entrance and somehow they had learnt how to open that now.
irin, thanks so much for sharing your experience... i do have a door at my kitchen but its a wooden folding door, no lock so they would be able to open it easily, haha...

ya, probably will need a safety gate there...
Irin, just popped by to see ur blog...really peifu! how do u find time to do a blog while taking care of ur twins???
i m happy enuff jus having time each nite to read my emails and check a few threads on Singapore motherhood forum.

dodo, wow so good ur job can do from home? what is that? I m returning to workforce next monday! boohoo...now starting to panicky and having blues liow....guess i will miss them heaps!

i m still feeding my 8 months old purees/porridge/cereals....how do i slowly introduce lumpy food? i oni started with banana...by making them into small cubes instead of mashing them up. i tried apple/carrot sticks...they dun seem to like leh!

oh yah, my gal on milk strike...so losing weight big time...now all her clothes hang loosely on her....some the neckline even slips off her shoulder!
some days she oni takes 300ml milk! is that normal? she is getting more n more active....cruising n crawling stage...so that cause her to loose even more weight! any soln?

their photo a few weeks ago:
hi dawn,
is your gal teething? my gals also drink little milk when they were teething. if yes try applying teething gel on their gums.Nice pix, lovely eyes!
hehe, I've got a very good helper and usually I don't sleep early so I still manage to have the time for all those nonsense.

your kids look so cute!! Ya, agree that they have lovely eyes too.

They look quite good size leh. Or you mean your gal was bigger before the milk strike?

My kiddos also went thru milk strike and food strike. I read that when they start to reject milk, it's time to give them more solid food. I changed their diet abit and it helped in their weight gain. Then when their big teeth were cutting at about 15months, they rejected solid food so I gave them whatever they want like fruits, biscuits and bread. It went on for 1-2 months before their apettite became normal again.
Don't worry, it's just a passing phase.
dawn, your kids have beautiful eyes! =P

dun worry too much about milk strike, my boy went through that phase as well. He was eating solids well then, so we were not too worried about it. Then, a couple of weeks later, he went through food strike and drink milk well!! ha ha... It's amazing how fast they change! try to vary their porridge a bit so that they experience different flavours... I try to vary the vege i put in. For example, MON: fish with pumpkin and carrot; TUE: fish with sweet potato; WED: fish and pork bone with spinach and pumpkin; THUR: chicken with potato and carrot; FRI: fish with pumpkin and spinach.

During weekends, they will have western food, keke... I'll give them potato with pumpkin (and spinach if have). Recently, I have introduced bread and cheese to them and they love it! Well, my kids are 10 month+ though.... fyi, I started chicken, bread and cheese only recently.

I am also trying out cooking soup stock for them for their porridge. Can include stuff like carrot, corn, onion, pork bone/chicken bone/fish bone... =) I've tried out with fish bone stock yesterday. The boy ate well but not the girl lei... huh!
Mummies here, for the Haenim play yard, how long did you use it for your kids? As I'll be shifting back to my place when they turn one, I am wondering if I need to buy another set? Any advice?
Hi Irin n dodo, it is a relief to hear that from both of u. but still heartpain to see the gal so thin. she was very pui pui last time....pic was taken 3 to 4 weeks ago, so now even thinner lor.

thanks for tips, cos I SAHM for now (another 2 days)...so i already give as much variety in their menu as possible.
started giving them cheese, bread and chicken when they turned 8 months....and also sphagghetti!

my mum comes alternate days so she will cook porridge with those fishbone stock/ ribs stock. i just succeeded with chicken stock porridge today with the thermal cooker, yeh!!!!!

oh i want the Haenim playyard Jovial Gal...have smsed u liow!
dawn, this is a good time to use the play yard!! however, u'll need to make sure you have at least a panel of wall for support. u'll know what i mean when u see it. for me, my mil put in our room and we use it creatively to corner a part of the room for their play area, with the bumper mat as the base... ;) it's really up to u how u use it... u'll definitely find it useful!!
btw, talking about babies growing thin... my boy went through that phase around 8 to 9 months as well. Well, he grew taller though... so dawn, your girl may be the same... ;) no worries la
ok, my hubby says thin good, like super model...*pengz* i rather they r chubby chubby...most mummies like that rite?

i bought my playyard already, find it good, just want to buy another set for my mum's place.....*sigh* i was too late, somebody has reserved it b4 me liow. know if anybody selling theirs?

about growing thin ... it's alright as long as they put on weight cos they are growing taller mah so they look less chubby now. My kids look like they've lost so much weight though they are still on weight constantly.


7 months old


Took last week at 19 months old
Hi mummies,

I'm bringing my boys overseas this weekend, curently looking for a lightweight side by side twin pram urgently. Anyone wanting to sell your twin pram ... pls pm me !! Thanks !
they looked big at 7mths old, right? Now seems to have shrank.

Oh, the thing is I'm an active and outgoing person so it should be the other way round. haha!!
Hey, Irin, good job! Your twins are of very good size. Mine, tho' 21 months, but think they're a tad smaller than yours. Is your girl Mei Mei or Jie Jie? She seems bigger than your boy. Mine's Jie Jie but she's bigger-sized than my boy.

my gal's the meimei. Think it's the photo. My boy's 11.8kg and she's only 10.7kg. Mei mei is always 2cm shorter and 1 kg lighter.

This shows a fatter gor gor. haha!

Your kiddos look so much taller leh. Think cos they are tall so they look smaller size. How's your little boy so far?
Hi Irin, your boy's of good weight! Mine's barely reached 10kg, while girl is about 10.5. Height-wise, Mei Mei's about 85cm while Gor Gor's about 82cm. Both are now on half-day childcare, which frees up more time for my maid and I to take care of household chores and BB resp. Latching on and pumping to est. milk SS are killing me - no time to sleep, no time for the twins and no time for myself.
wow, your gal is tall leh. My gal's only 80cm and boy's same as your boy.
Was your boy the smaller one at birth or mei mei caught up?

Must be tiring to take care of 2 toddlers and an infant. That's why I'm putting off the idea 1st though I would very much like to have a #3. Thought establishing milk SS shouldn't be a problem this time round cos with the last experience with the twins?
J&amp;S, both ur boy n gal looks quite alike leh!
mine looks so different that nobody guess they r twins! aiyoh, and they so much hair some more...so envious!
Irin, think I've made a mistake. Gor Gor's only 79. Mei Mei's about 82cm :p They're always about 3cm in height difference. Yah, Gor Gor was born smaller-sized. Reckoned that it really depends on who is located lower in the womb for the gynae to pull out first that determines the status. Just hope that Gor Gor will quickly catch up, tho' Mei Mei has her dad's genes (long limbs and sharper face).

Re. milk SS, it only lasted 5.5 months for me last time round before I stopped pumping and giving the twins my EBM. This time round I've been latching my BB and it's super tiring and he never seems to be full, waking up crying every 1.5 hrs. Can't help but give in to FM sometimes just to preserve my sanity.

Dawn, no lah, they look as different as chalk and cheese. Gor Gor's face and eyes round round one, while Mei Mei's eyes are smaller and her face's sharper. Gor Gor loks like me while Mei Mei looks more like her dad. Guess the only thing alike is their 'helmet' hair. Hahaha! I've since taken Gor Gor for his regular hair-cut (slope style some more!) so he looks less like a mushroom now
As for Mei Mei, I'm still trying to grow out her hair, thus the current Bruce Lee hairstyle *hiaks*
wow, all your babies very good size.... one of my boys very skinny.... you can feel his bone when u pick him up at teh arm pit... haha

mommies,. i'm urgenly looking for winter clothings for my kids who would be 16 month when we travel..... any one has any to sell or lend or rent? pl pm me. thanks
Hi twinkle2,
Your gals look like mirror images of each other. Are they identical?which one is the elder one?
These are my fraternal twin boys @ 18 mths...

Dear all,
Have not caught up with everyone of u for quite a while coz was tied down w work and the boys who have been falling sick quite often...but now...thank GOD, have recovered completely...:)
all thanks to Dr Phang from Everton Clinic...;-)
J&amp;S Mum
Havent seen you on the sept thread much. How's the new baby and how r the twins handling his arrival?

Don't think I've posted any pics so far...my gals are now 8 weeks old! how time flies...
Ava, so cute.... this sure brings back memories... haha.

hi mommies, need help again.... anyone knows the cheapest airline to use for sending maids home... im giving mine home leave back to medan and to jogjarkata..
