(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

tkzzz Yipee

i heard tat we can claim $400 per day for the bed and up to $400 per day for baby's.
i hope Dr.Watt will offer me the package this thursday.

to all MTB,
"it may reassure you to know that some studies claim pregnancy sickness is your body's way of eliminating harmful bacteria in food, thus protecting your unborn baby. and even if you vomit regularly, your baby still gets all the nutrients he needs". quoted from a parenting mag.

Hey Jenny

*wave wave*...

U r here too???...congratzzz...U tested BFP???...

Tested BFP = Go to Gynae for check up n get supps

Yup...I m 7 wks today...
hi jenny.. i not very experience but i just got pregnant recently... after suspecting a pregnancy (due to missed period), i purchased a pregnancy test kit and it did not show positive at first.. not till i tested again 4-5 days later... then booked an appointment with the gynae lor... but they normally will only do a scan if the first day of your last mensus is about 5-6 weeks ago... so before the scan, just take care... dun carry anything too heavy, carry on or start eating folic acid.. i had no other symptoms besides the missed period... hope this helps... u are pregnant or suspect to be pregnant?
Any one have any gynae contact or know which gynae is good at jurong area? i intend to see this gynae to cfm pregnancy after that i will go to KKH to see either Dr John Tee or Dr SF Loh.
fizz havent test yet leh.. but af no report.. dun dare test lar. just come in see see lor. if realli so heng then i be ur team liao. wahahhaa we so fated. saw u in so many forum threads.

who is ur gynae ar?
hi jenny

saw you at the TTC thread before also..

i also just tested BFP and went for scan and saw the sac yesterday. should be in my 5th week now.
hi all

i ate like a piggy just now during lunch *blush* ...altho feel a bit gassy but can still eat lor...when would real MS set in huh?
yingling, i'm almost at my 8th wk. my gynae is dr mary rauff fr nuh. who's urs? dr mary rauff is v. reassuring, but i still cannot shake off the apprehension totally. first trimester miscarriages r so unexplainable afterall, nobody can say for sure if, despite our best efforts, things won't still go wrong. i deliberately stopped myself fr telling anyone besides immediate family members, cos i so dread hving to go thru the same process of losing a child n then still hving to explain to everybody why my tummy just stopped growing.

Im cin Dr Heng Tung Lan fm East Shore...too far for u liao lah...

Hope u heng heng...hee...


My appetite decreased liao...cant even finish my Yoshinoya last nite...norm I wil still snitch my hb's portion after finishin mine leh...
hi och... my gynae is dr fong yang.. private... he is not very reassuring.. guess he does not want to give me too high a hopes as well.. i am also in the same situation.. my parents and parents-in-law not so bad when i lost my first baby.. they understand that i will be feeling really bad... i have this auntie who tells me that she is really upset... *argh* what does she want me to do?????.. my grandmother was also a little disappointed...

i was wondering if i should tell anyone... i even wondered if i should tell my immediate family members... in the end decided that it is important for my immediate family members to know... but guess they will not tell anyone till after first trimester in case they have to explain on my behalf again...
Hi MBB,Fizz,Jackie,shihui & dey,

I just confirmed with gynae, bright yellow urine and green poo are because of the folic and vitamin. Gynae mentioned is normal.
Ying Ling,
since dr FY not so assuring why not consider to chg gynae. thruout this 9mths must have comfy doc to be with u mah.. what u mean he dun want to give u high hopes?

Fizz.. glad u finally bfp also. very happi for u leh..

kermit, ya i saw u in ttc thread be4 also. hhehe
who is ur gynae ar?
hi jenny.. any good gynae to recommend?.. I was comfy with dr FY during the first pregnancy... but this time round, I think I very kan chong and he might not be so suitable for me this round...
Ying Ling,
u have a child aldy ar. sooo envy leh. how old re u ar? convience to say? hehee

u dun feel kam chiong, u aldy have experience be4. just rem ur 1st pregn u just follow lor. those 1st time ma ma more worst right. no experience also. then i always hear those bad things lar, gynae no good, etc etc.

I myself also no gynae yet leh... intend to see infertility gynae one leh..
realli?? she oni visit patient during ofc hrs?
she have good comments in other thread isit har?

Do u have tummy abit crampy feelings?
Jenny... sigh... the first pregnancy was not a successful one... the heartbeat just stopped at about 12 weeks... nobody knows what went wrong... just blame it on nature... that's why this time very kan chong...

actually dr FY is pretty experienced in infertility... you might want to give him a try...
Ying Ling,
I am actually in the same position with you. Miscarriage in the 6th weeks. Still remember that time a day after 1st visit to the gynae, bleeding. i tot it's normal since no pain and small amount and stop bleeding over the night. So i happilly go to work. the bleeding getting more and more as well as pain. I went to KK. Doc said the uterus was bleeding so no signs of preg. he gave injection and tablet. The pain killed and i forced myself get up to take dinner so that I can tke the tablet. When I having the 1st spoon of meal, something dropped out. I rushed to the toilet and saw the thing.....really really sad.
SO this time even a little bleeding I also go to gynae. Scared same things happen again.
Hi Kelly, so sad about your last miscarriage... for me i went to wash it out luckily... and not having to see the thing... but still sad... for me, it was so close to getting pass the first trimester... i thought everything was already stable... so now also very kan chong... what do you believe that your EDD will be in Dec?

I WISH for a self scanning machine for me to watch the growth of the foetus everyday... how nice that would be...
ying ling & kelly,
i am so sad to hear abt ur mc... anyway u are now in pregnancy again think +ve. this bb will be kuai kuai inside..

i have seen Dr FY after seeing a JE TCM that she diagnosed that i have PCOS. & i went to see dr FY once & cfm that i have PCOS. he is a inferitility specialist of cos i din doubt him lar. As i intend to try naturally i din go back to him, but i heard a few bad experiences patient with him. so i also sort of condemn him.

After 1yr of trying i went to another gynae he did a bld test for me & cfm i dun have PCOS lar. then from there i follow up why am i not able to conceive then i knew both tubes were blocked during my HSG test. so i hve to go op to unblock lor.

Kelly, who is ur attending gynae now?
Hi Ying Ling,
dunno ler, tot it's near Dec and if according to the conception date, should be 7 days later, beginning of dec. hihi. but nvm la which ever will do..

HI Jenny,
Actually I haven't decided. But this morning i went to the nearest gynae who is the one I saw last year too (Dr. Chen Lin Han). Happenned that when i visited him for last pregnancy(miscarriage) also in April, he tot this morning i went for second appointment. When I corrected him, he so phaisei...He said he will make sure the baby will be alright.
Mny pple recommend Dr. Lawrence Ang in Sembawang. I am about to choose him but according to my colleague, she blame him for always encourage pple go for cersarian. dun know true or not. Any one has recommendation near khatib/yishun/sembawang?
Ying Ling,
Yes i did the unblock tubes via laproscopy op liao. did a so called 4in1 op also got hysertopy & D&C smth lidat. at TMC lor.
my attending gynae was CT Yeong. Formerly from KKH but went pvt when i see him.
hi jackie,

base on the size of my bb, i was in 6weeks 2days during my last visit. (suppose to b in 7weeks 2days) gynae said he will let mi hear the heartbeat on my next visit.

hi okasan,

Dr Adrian do the blood test for u in your which mth? He told mi he will do the blood test after my 3rd mth.

how i understand y my urine are so yellowish. At 1st, tot i dun drink enough water.

welcome all new dec mtbs.. take good care.. we r all here to support one another..
i also duno which gynae to go to???where is your Dr Chen located?

my Colic & frd also seeing LA Ang. i heard waiting time is very long even if u have book appt.maybe his price is realli reasonable lor. he just told my colick the difference of natual & cersarian leh. then i ask my colic isit he encourage c section she say no leh. I think pvt are lidat so can earn more $ isit?
hi Jenny, how was CT Yeong? why do you not consider going to him? I am thinking of looking around an trying another gynae then decide which one I am more comfy with...

hi Serene, who is your gynae?
Ying Ling,
CT YEong is the best liao.. best best doc i ever see. He response to SMS & email quite immed one. he give patients his personal HP no one. haiz... he leave SG to go UK to do research dunno when come back. ask me go see his wife tracey lim at his clinic now lor. but i dun prefer lady gynae wor...

Find gynae also headache hor..
i tomolo gg to JE to see a gynae his clinic is London Clinic & Surgery for woman. Dr Tho.
hi Jenny, interested to see that you are one rare one who prefers male gynaes... any particular reason? more gentle? less fierce?... anyway, too bad.. I was thinking of trying him out... maybe you can share with us your experience with Dr Tho after you visit him...
Dr. Chen at Chompang central. Haven't asked him ab the package. Heard some get $598 , some even up to $2000. The range so wide ah...? ( I mean diff Dr. chanrge diff price)Dr. Chen delivers at Mt. A or TMC.

I visited him this morning without appointment (The first step into the clinic). So waited about an hour. My luck consider good kua:p

I am 7 weeks 6 days and the foetus 14mm. tot at most only 9mm for 7th week foetus...Really hope he/she will be kuai kuai, dun be like the first one...
hi Kelly, not to worry so much... since it is growing well, it should be kuai kuai... best wishes! Me going back to see my gynae on monday to see if the foetus has grown... or it is a abnormal/false pregnancy...

does anyone have any idea if the baby is not growing, will you still have pregnancy symtoms? becos i have irrgular mensus, i am unable to predict when I actually conceived... from the scan, the pregnancy sag looks so small and my gynae says looks about 5 weeks plus only... finger cross... hopefully it is really 5 weeks plus only and not that it has stopped growing weeks ago... fingers crossed..
hi all, so many posts i really cannot catch up...
ying ling,when i first go gynae, she also say my bb is extremely small,but after 2 weeks its growing liao.. muz stay positive this period.
take good care,eat more nutritious food and dun carry heavy things all that.. better be safe than sorry...
wow, really alot of posting and cant caught up liao..

Yingling, Kelly, Jenny,
Welcome to dec MTB club. Do take care and stay positive. The BB is much stronger than what we think
hi all mtb,

hav u start looking n buying maternity wear? Jus now went to spring maternity to look look. the sales person attend to mi is friendly and quite knowledgable on preggie stuff .. I quite paisei as now still dun look pregnant.. The sale person ask mi how many mths i m in. She recommend me to buy bottom 1st. As my tummy will oni reveal in 2 to 3mths time, top can buy later. When I try on each tops, she will inform mi the top can wear up till which mths.. She even remind mi tat my breast will eventually grow bigger, therefore when looking for tops, must also take note the chest part must not b too tight.. As her service is really good, i bought a top n pants from her.

Spring Maternity clothes are quite nice. I suggest next time we can go shopping for maternity clothes together so that we can easily reach certain amount to get the membership discount card..
For Spring Maternity, a minimum purchase of $250 in a single receipt or $350 within 2mths to be a member. The member get to entitle 10% off.
Morning ladies!

I just came back from my gynae visit and I am so so excited now! I heard my BB's heartbeat and could see its heart flickering on the screen. Gynae said everything looks good and ask me to me to come back 1 month's later.

My BB is now 6 weeks 4D and it about 0.72cm. EDD has now been pushed out to 1D later which is 12 Dec 2006

Where is Spring Maternity?
ya, Dr Adrian did a blood test after the 3rd mth...he will let u know when to do what test...don't worry...

although his visits always chop chop, and he din say much...but that's actually a good thing, coz a short gynae visit indicates your pregnancy is ok
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">December 06 MTBs</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="aa00aa">Name</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">EDD</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font color="aa00aa">Hospital</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>yipee </TD><TD>28-11-06</TD><TD>Tan YG </TD><TD>Raffles </TD></TR><TR><TD>pokemon</TD><TD>01-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Lim</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Muahchie</TD><TD>01-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Tony</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>och</TD><TD>02-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Mary Rauff</TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>kiost</TD><TD>03-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Theresa Cheng</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>feire </TD><TD>04-12-06</TD><TD>Dr See Tho</TD><TD>Gleneagle </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jackie (dogggies)</TD><TD>05-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Kek Lee Phin</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene (coolman)</TD><TD>07-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>berry (merryberrys)</TD><TD>08-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Theresa Cheng</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irene (cloubhappy) </TD><TD>08-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>peppermint (c1tyger)</TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>rnjt</TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>fizz </TD><TD>10-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>dey</TD><TD>12-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>MBB</TD><TD>14-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles </TD></TR><TR><TD>starluster</TD><TD>15-12-06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>kermit2006</TD><TD>22-12-06</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>wenzhu (c1tyger)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy (mum2be2006)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr. Jocelyn Wong </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>puipui80</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy Wong (wwmilo)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenny (freesiajen)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geri Zoe Lim (sweet_heart) </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shihui (isishui) </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Mary Rauff </TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ying Ling (stormmie) </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
BTW, do any of you ladies intending to do a down syndrome screenning?

My gynae just told me there are 2 such screenings. The first one is a first trimester assessment done during 11 - 14 weeks with 85% detection rate while the other is a blood test done during the 15-20 weeks with 65% detection rate. The one with the higher detection rate will cost more.
I still does not have the courage to step into a maternity wear shop cause tummy still not obvious..Worry that the sales person will give me the funny look. I actually intent to get some pants 1st cause can feel my current pant getting tighter by the day

Thank for updating the table n website...Will see see look look

Can understand how u feel when u hear the BB heartbeat.....Amazing right
....I will be doing the down syndrome(DS)screening cause above 30 and consider as high risk catg.....Yesterday i was reading some other posting about DS and end up getting MS and cry.....Suddenly feel being responsible for getting married late and subject my unborn BB to unnecessary risk
...Hubby was so shock and had to assure me everything will be fine....Can only pray hard....
Hi Jackie,

I almost cried when i heard BB heartbeat..this is so amazing!

Dun be too worried. I am 30 this year too. Think the risk for DS shld be low if there is no family history. If you are still worried, go for the test..
wah.. i onli half day din come in and there's already so much to follow up.. :p

serene, i'm quite interested in the maternity wear too.. but i'm not showing yet... paiseh to step in... i can't wait to start buying maternity wear... since young, i always believe tt a woman is at her prettiest when she's pregnant.. so i can't wait to start wearing maternity wear n annouce to the world "pregnant woman here".. heee~ :p but i intend to wait until pregnancy stable liao den buy...

jackie, dun worry too much abt DS lah.. my mom gave birth to my youngest sis at 33... she's the brightest among the 3 of us... :p
I din go for any down syndrome test...

firstly coz I'm still young so risk is low...

secondly, we thought that what ever the result is, we still gonna keep the baby, so might as well dun do the check....

lastly, when u are at your week 20-22, you will be scheduled for a detailed scan...during this detailed scan, the scan will also check for potential down syndrome symptoms thru the ultrasound scan....
dey, shuihui,
Thank for the encouragement. Guess the breakdown is part of MS ba. Will keep a positive outlook

I was browsing throught the sassy mum website and found the pants rather affortable.....@ $29 per piece. Will arrange to go fitting one of the day cause never feel safe to just buy online...Never try how to noe nice or not...hehehe
Jackie, i was looking at sassy mum too... the price really attractive..
thinking of going there for fitting too.. i'm not born with perfect figure.. so better dun play play... :p hahaha...:p
hi ying ling, my mil was really unhappy when i lost my 1st bb. she blamed me for it, she spent days criticising my lifestyle, how i lost the bb bcos i drink caffeine, work long hours, eat irregular meals etc. n when i went for d&amp;c, she didn't call me to ask me how i was. basically ignored me for a whole month.
i was so hurt then. n i actually told close friends n colleagues abt my pregnancy, so i had tons of pple wondering why my tummy din grow. this time round, i'm keeping my pregnancy secret. it's not pantangness, but i dun think i can bear going thru all the explanations if things go wrong again.

i read up a lot on first trimester miscarriages after i had one. all studies indicated that our chances of carrying a full term bb is the same as one without a miscarriage b4. my gynae tells me the same thing too. ur gynae should know abt this n shouldn't be giving u the impression that this pregnancy might be unsafe lor. if u do not feel good abt continuing with dr fy, do consider switching to someone more reassuring. i think our fears r normal n gynaes should realise how worried we will be.

i so wish i can hear my bb's heartbeat every day.
when i found out i was pregnant again, i went googling for home machines that will let me do that. but unfortunately, i still haven't found any for the first trimester.

kelly, so sorry to hear abt ur previous loss.

hi dey, feel so excited for u! r u going for the test? i'm the same age as u. i haven't started asking my gynae abt tests though.

serene, what's the price range for spring maternity's clothes?
Hello gals, can I ask : when you say ultrasound scan can only see the sac after 6 weeks, how do we calculate the 6 weeks? from the day of the last menses or the day of conception?
