(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

mbb, i'm also starting a journal. but think i will only be a simple one to record some of the funny things that happened during pregnancy.

jackie, wah, 0.925cm already. totally agree with u. i was so happy to hear the bb's heartbeat. cannot describe the happiness really.

Yap my BB is 7 weeks......Already an embryo
...What abt yours??
Hi Dey...

Yup...I tink my breasts grew bigger...hahaha...both my hb n I r happy abt tat...

Hi Geri...

I dun really feel tired when I m workin...but I felt so lazy durin my mc last wk...I still sleep at midnite every day...

Hi Jackie...

Wow...yr bb is so big liao...hope tat my bb wil grow well when I c him/her next wk...
wah.. read tt so many of u experiencing sypmtoms liao... me still nothing leh.. no MS, no bigger breast.. :p i onli grow fatter... but tt's bcoz now got excuse to eat slightly more... :p

seeing gynae next week.. hope able to hear heartbeats by den...
hi everyone

i just went for a scan at TMC this morning...was not expecting to have scan because i am supposed to be only 4.5 weeks. anyway, Dr Yvonne chan did a scan for me and i saw the sac! it was so amazing that the little black dot is my baby! hehehe! she estimated my EDD to be 22 Dec.

she also assured me that my crampiness is normal as long as it is not persistant and not too painful.

can't wait to go scan again in 2 weeks' time at 7 wks to see bb's heartbeat...

Oh so u r 5 wks liao...fast hor???...din ask yr gynae to gif u bac the scan pix ah???...I look at my pix everyday...
Fizz, kermit
Was told by gynae that can hear BB heartbeat by 6 weeks. Anytime earlier than that still sac cannot see much.....

if going by my own calculations, i should be 4.5 wks only..hehe..

yeah yeah! i got the scan pic. think i am going to look at it everyday too!!

Finally u heard your BB's heartbeat!!! Must be really excited right? I think I will cry too if i hear my BB's heartbeat. I am so worried if it is growing well..


You should ask your gynae for a pic! My gynae gave me 2 pics when I went for my first scan..Super excited when i recd the pics even though can only see a black dot... hee
jackie, i should be almost 7wks, 5 days now. cannot wait for my appt in 1.5 wks time to see how my bb is growing. i read that the hands start to grow in 8 wks, hope i can see that in the scan. haha.

kermit, i cannot wait for my next visit too. haha.
feeling tired lately...coz of the big belly...walk a bit, tummy will tighten up...

luckily I already more or less done with the preparation for baby liao....can't imagine having to shop around with this big belly..*LOL*

so ladies, remeber to do your shopping in your mid 2nd tri....the best time coz not too heavy and MS gone by then
re: pregnancy journal

can also take a lot at the pregnancy journal sold at spring maternity....it's a singapore-style journal, think it's called "Making of Me"....

a lot of journal I saw are ang-moh style, some parts are not very relevant....
i am using a plain dairy given to me by my church to jot down my day to day activities of this pregnancy.
i saw a few baby journal in Taka, it's real ex....and like wat okasan mentioned, very ang moh lor.

btw, abit of white yellowish discharge, normal??
i am going back for second visit next thursday.
past 2 days been having tis discharge.
i read somewhere, tis may be normal. anyone can comfirm?

u still nds newborn clothes?
Shen Kwong Trading #01-246, next to Bugis market have very reasonable cotton baby wear.
average $9 for 6 pcs. (limited colors tho')

do you need the timing for Raffles hospital tour?

thanks for the info

wow, $9 for 6pc is certainly good deal...if got energy, will go and take a look....the shop only sell clothes or got sell other baby products?

I got a lot of new clothes for my baby liao...dun think he can finish wearing them...*LOL*

also got hand-me-downs clothes too, though not a lot....was hoping my relatives can give me more hand-me-down clothes coz these are better as the clothes are more comfortable than new clothes.....in the end, got a lot of new clothes from relatives....so I'm planning to wash the new clothes at least twice to soften the material...already done with 1st round of washing....hopefully can finish the 2nd round soon, coz these days, raining heavily....
btw, on the discharge....it's norm that discharge will increase during pregnancy, esp towards later stage...but the discharge whould be white and odourless....if it's greenish or yellowish, better to check with gynae....
Cannot imagine everyday got to carry a big tummy ard....Now breast swollen already feel heavy....Keeping my finger cross

I am actually recording my journal in excel....Just type down my feeling

I saw the book "What to expect when you are expecting" at Amazon...sellin at USD8.37 for the paperback (third edition)...anyone bot the bk fm Sg?
tks geri, shihui,dey, MBB for your support.

i have no appetite for proper meals 2day.. oni interested in snacks.

i also realised my tummy area getting fatter n fatter.. shld b in my 8weeks 2day.. but based on my bb size, i m still at 7weeks.

sometimes oni one breast feel sorer, the other seem to be normal.

jackie, i asked my gynae whether can hear my bb heartbeat during my last visit. Gynae said too early n most properly might mistaken mommy's heartbeat. BTW, how the gynae let u listen to ur bb heartbeat.. i m so curious
Hi everyone,

Really need ur advises. This is my 1st pregnancy and current in my 6wks. For the past few days, I experience my tummy abit blouted and no appetite. I'm also feeling my breast starts to swell or grow bigger. But today, I'm feeling stomach not so balloon and breast not so swell anymore. I'm worry, is it normal or have anyone experience that before?
The gynae do a v.scan for me as the embryo is still very small. Somehow the machine is very advance lor, she just on the volumn and i can hear the BB heartbeat and see the movement from the TV screen
...Really very amazing. BTW, how many weeks are u during the last visit? Cause can only hear hearbeat after 6 weeks...U must take care and try to eat balance diet whenever you can
Gong xi gong xi and welcome to dec MTB club. Most of us are 1st time MTB and is sharing alll info. It normal to feel blouted and no appetite. So long as there is no brownish or red spotting/discharge yr BB is fine. Do visit a GP to get folic acid and visit a Gynae. Should be able to hear the BB heartbeat

I am logging in my feelings and experience in my personal blog. More convienient.


I am curious to know how we can hear baby heartbeat too! I am so excited to hear my Baby's one tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing. I also experience bright yellow urine and green when past motion. Is it normal too?
Hi Westin,

are u taking any supplement lately? some supplements will result in bright yellow urine (for eg, vit B complex).. not sure abt green poo..
Welcome Westin!

Bright yellow urine could be due to vitB complex. Could the green poo be due to the multi-vit too? Why dun u check with yr gynae ?
hi all.. i'm sooooo tired today... feeling bloated.. keep burping.. but stomach keep churning... n there seems to be food in my throat waiting to come out...
hai~~ shdn't hav said yesterday tt me experience nothing yet... :p

westin, agree with dey.. better check with ur gynae...
Hi Dec mtb, me too

Juz discover this site today so interesting to read..now I know many pple has the same symptom as me.

My EDD 4 dec, Dr See Tho, Gleneagle.

I think my condition very much like berry, feel vomiting and very discomfort during atnite normally. and feel vomiting oso when im hungry, after food i will feel better, but feel hungry again very quickly:S

I really got shock when i found out of my pregnancy through a family doctor, I thought it was juz normal gastric pain or food poisoning coz to vomiting, but i do notice my period was late for 2 weeks. so Dr did a preg test for me and result was possitive, my god...I went home do a test myself, it was possitive too. The next day I went to gleneagle to look for a gynae and did a vscan and really comfirm that there's a BB in me and it was 5-6 weeks already..wow! it was 2.1mm so cute...

The problem is, me and hubby juz got ROMed in feb, we was still busy with hse renovation, and planning of customary in Dec. now seem like we have to do everything at once
hse reno, customary wedding(so many tins) and honeymoon before my tummy get bigger. and I feel so weak and tired to do all this now
hi all,

do u all got problem sleeping at nite.i nowadays vri tired but can't sleep well at nite, always dream and wake up a few times..have been like tat for past 1week plus...sign...last time when i hit the bed, i will immed fall asleep until next day...now like so different...
Better ask your gynae abt the green poo....

Dont worry so much abt the customary stuff. Just have a simple dinner lor...Though it easier say than done. Anyway do good take care

Me too. Use to sleep through the night. But now need to wake up and urinate. Cause the embryo is pressing on the bladdle...Life will be very difference once we are preggie. One thing for sure is that i got more love and attention from everyone around me
Jackie, u very cute leh.. i oso hope for more love n attention leh... but my mom ask me to wait 3mths b4 i can annouce to the world tt i'm preggie.. now can onli express my happiness in this forum (my mom dunnoe abt this.. :p) but i think i won't be able to wait so long.. will tell my colleagues immediately aft my first check up... hahaha.. :p

feire, Congrats!! dun worry too much.. make ur hubby help u.. guys usually quite bochap during wedding prep.. if he able to help, it will be so much easier for u.. :p
bleeding last nite, so very kancheong, initially wanted to visit gynae 2 weeks later (9th w) but had to go for an tau yao today since bleeding. any one use dr. chen lin han at chompang?
hihi.. new here... second pregnancy after last miscarriage... this seems like a very hot site... I am actually a little worried about this pregnancy due to the last miscarriage... the baby's heartbeat just stopped at about 12 weeks... worse still, cause of heartbeat stop unkown... so can't help it but to worry about whether the same thing will happen again... anyone has such a problem before?
Hi och,thanks for all the tips.

I just went for my 2nd appt yesterday. This time can see BB already 1.85cm and hear the heartbeat
Gynae estimated maybe 8wks instead of 7 wks so EDD may be 28 Nov 2006. Shall remain in this thread think the EDD may shifted around. Confirmed my maternity package and my gynae allowed me to start on my package already so it really help us to save some $!

Welcome! You need to rest more and take good care of yourself so leave the wedding preparations and hse reno to your hubby. I am sure once u declare your pregnancy to your family. They will be happy to help out

I agree with you! One thing good abt preggie is that everybody will treat u with care and concern..alot of priviledges!

Welcome! Pls take good care of yourself. Let us know your progress after your gynae visit ok?
Jackie n shihui, thanks! yea will have to keep everything simple now, my poor hubby is doing everything now as i cant even help on hse moving stuff too..finding banquet, find bridal shop...
im juz feeling sick everyday.

rnjt, i do have this problem too, can sleep well keep waking up atnite, mainly due to stomach wind. worst thing is i cant get any medi from clinic to relief stomach problem, so have to wait for my next appt with gynae next week, hope he will give me something.

Beside all the sickness n hardwork, me n hubby really feel joy in our inner heart, esp the moment v saw the bb heartbeat..its amazing! its belong to both of us! i can see he really happy
can share with me how much is your package?

the shop also sell baby nappy,towels,botties etc.
dun expect alot of fab design hor.

welcome Feire, Westin and Cheng Ying Ling.

dun worry too much abt your customary. if it gets too stressful, scale down the event. remember that it's a celebration of your union, so both of you have to enjoy it.
i was supposed to go on a 12 days cruise (my delayed honeymoon) next mth. since now preggy, we cancel it.
hopefully, we can go in the future on a family cruise instead.

Cheng Ying Ling,
dun worry too much! keep reminding yourself that what is meant to be yours, will be yours.
it's easier said then done but stay positive.

do give your gynea a call.

hmmmm...last nite, i took over the duty of Merlion. was puking for hours. haiz
welcome, kelly, yingling,

ying ling, i had a previous miscarriage too. also feeling v. apprehensive abt this baby.
yes i think they have certain timing for the tour. I am going for the tour at 4pm before my next appt 4 weeks later. You can call 6311 1222 to find out the timing for their daily tour

For those experiencing constipation, think can eat guava. Heard from a friend and it really helps for me. But still have a lot og gas though so trying to avoid cabbages.
Hi Westin...

I hv sore breasts...sometimes I din experience any soreness when I woke up in the morng...at first I really panicked...but I realised later tat the intensity of the soreness might vary thru out the day...sometimes...the soreness oni came bac b4 I slept...but if u do encounter a loss of symptoms for consecutive days...pls c yr gynae asap...

For those who were takin BBT b4 conception...some webbies actually recommend the continuation of takin BBT up to the 1st trim...the BBT shld not drop drastically...

Hi Dey...

Rem to tell us abt yr visit to the gynae tom k???!!!...

Hi Rnjt...

Ever since I tested +ve...I hv been unable to sleep thru the nite as well...I wil norm wake up a few times...but nothin to do wif goin to the toilet...

Hi Sihui...

I oso cant wait to share wif my frens the news...but rite now...oni my MIL n boss noe abt it...not even my family...I tink I wil b more comfy in announcin it oni after 12 wks...

Hi Kelly...

Hope tat u r okie...take care...
Thanks MBB... will try to stay positive..

hi och, i am only about 5.5 weeks.. how about u? which gynae you see? does he/she make you feel more at ease?
Dr YG's pacakge is $2000 which covers all your antenatal visits (suppose to start 12 wks onwards but surprisingly he let me start now), supplements, urine tests, scans, normal delivery fee and 1 post-natal visit. He allowed 50% payment ($1000) upon confirmation. Of the $2000, $450 is claimable thru medisave. So the balance ($1000) will be charged together at the delivery with the hospital charges etc. Hospital charges can also be claimable up to 40% using medisave I think.
hey hey. u are here..
how r u?? how long are u pregnnat??
which gynae are u seeing now?

anyone just got pregnant recently? what are ur symptoms & what do u all do 1st thing when u test bfp urself?

hi Dey, i was actually quite worry in the past that i couldnt hv bb for my hubby coz he is the only son, and i see so many friend that couldnt get bb when they get old.

When v declare to his parent last week, they were so shock and surprise...keep saying us how come dun hv family plan bla bla bla....but they actually more excited than us...make sure v will keep the bb and plan things for the bb already.hahaa
