(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs


just celebrate my jeanette birthday last friday!
wow so many cakes here...finally see something movement of the thread with the cakes now

Aiyo poor JK but gd to noe tat he now on the way to recovery.

ya lor poor kenise but tat day was the worst lah anyway she now fine liao juz tat still have slight cough.

Me yet to visit ur kitchen diary leh but will go check it out soon ya.
Btw i am interested to know how to do icing.
CC...jeanette handles her utensils very well :D

Garfield...i just started to learn icing...can share wif u wat i know jus drop me a email or msn me :D
whao, peng. Your art and craft v good leh, can make those 3-D cutie figures. What are they made of?

CC, the last photo.. is it for real? Jeanette can use both fork and knife to eat?
Strawberry ..
my art n craft not bad in school days :p the figurines are make from homemade fondant (mixture of melted marshmallow and icing sugar)
Peng can open house a day on sat/sun for some mummies to learn from you this figuines. So nice..also teach us to bake cakes and cookies..ingredient we can provide ourselves.hehehe

Aiyo strawberry.. 2 years old already lei.. she can somemore dip the pancake in the maple sauce non stopping..the aim is to eat the maple sauce not the pan cake..
Hi Mummmies,
hope you have grabbed your stocks from the Crocs sales... crazy sales i would say...
now having a post war rest at home for a day... SIONGZ!!!
Hi serenemeow,
I went to the sales on Fri too. Really made full use of my maternity leave. Saw a few mummies there too, MeiLik, Doggymum n Twendy. Twendy, I was waiting for your call to pay at the cashier leh. The sale was really really crazy. Everyone was snatching shoes machiam like FOC. Took me abt 2.5 hrs just to Q for cashier. Did some of my christmas shopping frm the sale already. Haha..

Some of my buys:

Hello mummies,

Ho say boh!! I m back to work today, time flies 3 months just passed... Just to say a Happy Birthday to all Nov babies...

Here an update of my latest pic, taken when we r celebrating Nouvelle's 2nd birthday (can see Nouvelle can't wait to eat the cake, hahahaha). Will post more of my younger gal, Leraine's pics tonight.

bearyhugs ah!!! i was waiting for u to call me. i gave u my number but i dun have urs! how to contact u like that? end up i have to trouble meilik to pay for me 1st. super paiseh leh, i was back in office only at 3+. heng my boss not in that day. but my other colleagues know i took a super LOOOONG lunch lor.

i wanted to get the pirate crocs too. but thought it was too early to get for my SB. anyway, i'm expecting my SIL to pass me her twin boys' crocs, i.e. 2 pairs of crocs per size in 2 different colors. hoho...

by the time i decided to get myself the disney beach & islander, my size is OOS!!! end up i only buy crocs apparel, duh...
yoyoz bearyhugs, twendy, mei lik...
thanx for your patronizing to the sales man... met up doggymum during my breather time around 5pm and then i know the payment queue is damn long lor :p heehee.. seems like u gals have missed me
I'm one of the siao cha bor at the women's counter hahahaha

but it's really crazy.. saturday and sunday even the worse man.. lucky u gals come on friday.. most of the sizes are OOS by end friday liao... sandals best, OOS by end saturday..

glad that you all got ur loot... now me back in office with a very backache and sleepy eyes... zzzzzz
Your 2nd one looks exactly like your HB! Machiam photocopy face.... haha

Serenemeow, u working for Crocs? I din know leh! Aiyo, then we should hav asked u to reserve sizes n shoes for us right?! Anyway, i bought 4 pairs of Ithaca crocs cos it was selling at only 20bucks per pair. Selling price outside was 59.90. Later, I realized tat Ithaca had been discontinued in the market. Any reasons why?

But I luved the crocs clothings. Din know tat Crocs also sell clothings leh.

Zavier in the crocs shirt n berms.

Twendy, I called u! cos your number was reflected in my mobile. Did u check your missed calls? I still hav your dialed number in my HP leh, 14 Nov at 1.42pm.... :p

Anyway, my bb junior just reached 2 months old on Sunday, brought him to shave his hair..


Don think the two brothers look alike at all.
yeps I'm in Crocs... hahaha lucky u never get me to reserve cos I'm too busy selling and didn't have time to reserve even for myself :p only to manage to get the last few pairs of Mary Janes which are in my counters...

yeps Crocs does sell clothes but they did not market in Singapore.. actually those apparels in the sale just arrived from US not long ago.. direct unloaded from the containers... they are cute rite? esp those ger ger ones.. hahaha i got the same set for JK as well :p

yeps Ithaca is EOLing... cos they are not very hot cakes like the Athens and Capri mah... so we decided to focus on the old Athens and Capri lor.. then come out with different versions..
bearyhugs ah, i really dun hv any missed call on my HP leh. maybe u have keyed in the wrong number when i was ranting off to u :p but luckily managed to get meilik to help!

i "siow" also, get more apparels than shoes. my sis went on sat & help me get one sandal, that's all. the apparels also slashed prices on sat. me bought on friday $10, my sis got on sat 3 for $9!!!! i "lu-gi" until "siow".

jaline, saw the same photos posted in sep08. also want to comment that ur SB looks just like ur HB!

Recently Wayne loves crocs also. Got staff discount bor. Last weekend we walk by the shop, and he drag me in so hubby wanted to buy a cayman for him but have not buy.

If got staff discount, can help me buy? Thanks...
my staff purchase got alot of restrictions one.. e.g. long waiting time, no guarantee of availability, only applicable to old styles...
if u gals don't mind potential empty promises, I am glad to take orders... but only open once in a quarter.. next one coming in Jan or Feb bah...

if want newer styles and confirmed stocks, my official staff purchase is only 15%.. think bearyhugs' discount is much more than mine :p
hi all

how's everyone? think most of our November kids have turned 2 already or turning 2 soon ... Happy Birthday to all!!

we just came back from our 9days Japan trip last week. It was fun and tiring especially for my hubby coz he had to be the porter to carry the bags.. We went to Tokyo and Hakone..weather was good and Ashley enjoyed herself. She has been telling people where she had gone to.

Luckily, Ashley had no problem sleeping, PS and eating so that made our trip a lot easier. Here are some photos.

Mount Fuji and Hakone


Enjoying Japanese food

Eating Mini-hotcake from McDonalds

Moving restaurant signage from outside the restaurant to inside.

She loves to stand outside the restaurant with the waitresses to greet "irrashaimase and sayonara" to the guests!??!
hi cc,

we usually order the kids' set for her. They are usually very colourful so can catch her attention well.

Usually comes with a bowl of Udon..pasta or sushi rice..eggs..meat..miso soup..some side dishes such as tofu and stuff.. with dessert

The best part is if she can't finish, we can eat her portion..haha

Some days she also took adult food like ramen..she enjoyed the food a lot...coz everytime, they served her ice water or juices.
wow...sound good. think l will go and buy some japanese cultery and cook some colourful sushi myself to make my girl catch the attention
hi ladies

long time didnt log in...just to share...here's a picture of the chocolate cupcakes i did from scratch....everything is edible. today just brought to her cc for her classmates. I also made some chocolate frosting cupcakes for her teachers.


Hi all
Just celebrate Zhe Lei 2nd birthday yesterday. Ordered buffet from OrchidThai n I baked a pirate ship cake n some cupcake for his birthday. ZL was very happy the whole day, hehe!
Starmoon you cupcake really look sweet and Cute......feel like having a bite.

hehhe eileen, your pirate cake look like an ice-cream cone to me..nevermind la..as long as it taste goodddddd....yummy yummy
hi chinchin
thanks....they r sweet cos made from marshmallow and icing sugar. :p the kids like it cos sweet mah. my girl chose a very simple one for herself...3 daisy flowers...no ladybird or bumble bee.



she was crying cos suddenly all her classmates crowd around her. hahaha...prob not used to the attention.


her favourite minnie mouse ice cream cake.
hi eileen
wow, can see the effort u put in here, no wonder zhe lei was so happy. he can feel mommy's love & effort in making his special day a really special and nice one.
hehe, didn't know from the other direction it looks like a icecream cone. No wonder at 1st sign my sil ask me is it a icecream.

thanks! U also put in a lot of effort on your cake n they look very lovely. I have tried mmf fondant but mine was very ugly.
Eileen...hehehe now they understand whats is happening unlike when they are 1 yo :D YH also like that..beaming all the way when see the cake n starts 'digging' out cream to eat b4 we even start to sing bd song..hahaha
hi mummies...
brought my gal to stanchart marathon today. she completed the kids' dash & collected her 1st medal in her life!!! i so damn proud of her cos she ran/walked the full distance w/o daddy or mummy carrying her. a future marathoner in the making!

consider bringing ur kids for it next year, yah? we might wanna sign up both our kids next year.
just to check with all of you who already has a 2nd child.

Is your elder child still sleeping in the same room as you or did you move him/her to another room?

Now my gal is sleeping in the same room as me. still wondering if I should move her to another room when the 2nd one comes along. But my gal is very sticky (at night wake up will look for me), afraid she will not be able to sleep on her own in another room. Yet on the other hand afraid if she sleeps in the same room as my new born, they will wake each other up.

Any advise?
Hi mousypig,
When's your due date?
I understand your situation cos I was in the same plight as you previously. Zavier is quite sticky to both me and my HB too, so we continued to let him sleep on his bed beside us when my 2nd one was out. My junior sleeps with my maid in his room. Easier to train them from birth rather than try to train our toddler cos they would jus keep whinning and waking up to look for you when you move them to another room. It takes time for the toddlers to accomodate. We tried to move him to his room but failed as we ended up being more tired than him.

My 2nd one just reached 3 months old today! He's an easy baby, actually sleeping thru the night at 2 n half months even though he's on total breastfeeding. I'm still quite amazed cos Zavier wasn't sleeping thru till 6-7months.
Hi bearyhugs,

My EDD is early April.

Yeah did thought of this option which you suggested also. But dun plan to employ a maid so most prob my junior will have to sleep on his own in the other room. sounds quite poor thing.

So how did you manage breastfeeding at night if your baby is in the other room? You go over or bring baby over to your room?
Hi mummies,

Have not posted here for a while. Just want to wish all Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings. Well... not yet, but I'm already in the mood liao.

Chloe is officially toilet trained!!!! YAY! No more dirty diapers. It took us 2 weeks to train her.

How many words can your toddler say now? I brought Chloe for the 'interview' by Chiltern House and met up with other kids her age (although being a Nov baby, she is one of the youngest), and was quite shocked to find that the toddlers can't speak much. Maybe they are afraid of the teacher. I am amazed at Chloe's vocabulary, although she has picked up a lot of Singlish from my mum, and funny Philippino accent from maid. :p
chitern house seem like very strict leh muz interview by them somemore huh?

Tat gd u have a easy baby and i am amazed he tat sleep overnite at such yound age.

bearyhugs....me envy u got an easy baby. my #2 till now still need nite feed! my girl easier to care for and slept thru at 5 months old....this boy on comparison is so so much harder to care for and some nites can be super cranky.

chinchin, yr girl so adorable & pretty in the outfit.
