(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Smiley74...no prob lah...u can come any time after 2pm

Baby Gathering

Date : 7 Jul Sat
Venue : Punggol Field (Peng's hse)
Time : 2 pm onwards .....POT LUCK

Pls list down attendance

1) Serenemeow, Hubby & Jun Kai
2) Hurray, hubby, Danessa
3) Stacey & Brandon
4) Smiley74, hubby & Nicole (sorry MIA for awhile - been wanting to join in the gathering but no time) I can only reach there after 3 or 3.30pm Hope it is ok? :p

xiao yang
I will cut the brocolli, spinach to small small pcs together with the rice, meat n water all throw in the slow cooker to cook.
alamak! my PIS spoilt liao. it doesnt start pumping when i switched it on last night. siao liao...must go service ctr asap. it must be "striking" cos it overworked.
ok.. then we charge 10% each..spread out the cost? :p
then each one pay $147.6 per pax......
wait I ganna sue......
Will feedback to see if it's useful after I attend.
I heard that initially we will be blur blur cos duno wat they are trying to do... until we attended the parent seminar then will know. I hope I wun be too blur!
xiaoyang, I just steam the spinach (or any other veg) and use some water from the steaming to blend... then I blend till smooth and add to the cereal or porridge.

so far I have fed her spinach, brocolli, potato, carrot, pumpkin, sweet potatoes only....
I'm going to feed cauliflower, avocado, butternut.
Morning Ladies

Broom (hee..no angry kakkaka),ur ah ger sooooo cute bui bui i like..feel like pinching her little tummy.

Bearyhugs, we no plan for no. 2 so no need er ren si jie liao
yah with a little one, she can get cranky..but always standby Biscuits..keep her quiet

Twendy, how..ur pump spoil den u rush hm to get ur ger to suckle ar?
hi owen_cutiepie

the booth ah, kept me there for almost 1 hr! i was getting very irritated already and wanted to leave then the young chap attending to me, called his manager to talk somemore! make me miss out on grabbing cheap Pampers offer from 7pm onwards. angry.

I recall one lady coming near the booth and saying she only wanted to buy one book. hehehe, dunno if it is you or not.

Anyway,finally i pass them my contact and tell them to contact me 5 years later! hahaha. 7 month baby how to read encyclopedia? Buy now, later books all turn yellow.
pa&ma, it happened last nite ard 11pm. heng i got another single electric pump at home. took me double the normal time. and i almost went deaf from the "ormg ormg" engine sound. my gal dun latch on at all. if i try, she will wail, machiam torturing her like that. i gave up latching long ago.
Hi Eileen,

Can I check with you? You give your child brown rice right? May I know which brand did you purchase? I bought the JUST Organic Brown Rice from NTUC. When I cooked it to porridge, I find that there is dregs like texture when the porridge is consume. Is yours a smooth like paste?

hi PaMa,
ya loh..she was pinching her own tummy when I took her picture.

heehee..ashley was wearing her "grandma-made shorts".. now she got 4 different designs..
hi all, my baby's currently taking brown rice that's blended into powder form by medical halls, just wanna know if anybody's baby having the same? coz it seems most i know / read about bought the brown rice from eu yan seng or those si shen brand from ntuc? :D
back from medela service ctr. my PIS came back to life! guess i was too "rough" with it. the technician said the alignment of the pump was off. now that it has revived, i must sayang & treat it nice nice...

and hor, during the wait there, sigh, i had my retail therapy again. bought a plastic washable bib. *shake head*
Hi reyne,

My mil brought the brown rice with si shen grind n packed by medical hall, however my gal dun like, she gave a yucky look. So we didn't feed her and now she's on porridge (two meals a day)...
peng, hmmm... maybe i should mix some veg or fruits puree into the brown rice then...
mil was saying, waste all her effort buying the good stuff...
Baby Gathering

Date : 7 Jul Sat
Venue : Punggol Field (Peng's hse)
Time : 2 pm onwards .....POT LUCK

Pls list down attendance

1) Serenemeow, Hubby & Jun Kai
2) Hurray, hubby, Danessa
3) Stacey & Brandon
4) Smiley74, hubby & Nicole (sorry MIA for awhile - been wanting to join in the gathering but no time) I can only reach there after 3 or 3.30pm Hope it is ok? :p
5) Dumbger, Mr Dumbger and BB Dumbger
Hi Reyne,

May I know which brand of brown rice you bought? I am currently using the JUST Organic Brown Rice from NTUC which I grind into powder. Does your brown rice have dregs like residue?
Thanks for advice on walker earlier. We bought it and baby JK is crazy over it. He's rushing ard the hse but we're quite worried at times.
By the way, any of your babies esp cranky lately due to teething? He's finally teething and has been very grouchy. Not sleeping well and last nite even woke up in the middle of the night to play. all the adults knocked out except him...
wonder how to handle it as not sure if i should let him use bonjela.
Toothsome, that's what I use to feed my gal, so far ok leh... but mine is cooked rice powder....steam, dried(using over low heat) and grind...
I mix with room temp water before boiling... that way wun have lumps....

Hi bunz,
My gal had an episode of crankiness for one day.. and it's gone.. not sure if it's teething but she has been drooling at lot....
I was told to use EYS Bao Ying powder. but didnt use it cos it was gone the 2nd day. :p
hi mummies

I always mix Rui Chuan's cereals with fruits and vegetable purees. Like that then tastier ma. I'll mix at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable. So far, he has tried apples, bananas, pear,avocado, zucchini, sweet pea, sweet potato, butternut. I've started 2 meals a day when he turned 7 mths as well.

Rui Chuan has 5 teeth already. 2 on the upper gums and 3 lower gums. He's still ok when he teeths. Just drool a lot a lot..

Fish cracker is yummy!
thanks elmo and strawberry

I will try again

Eileen, wah..ur bb eat so much har? Mine the last time i onli used 1 tbsp leh..still refuse to eat
hi xiaoyang

i think maybe u added too much water hence it became watery. me oso cook the porridge in slow cooker for abt 6-8hours till it became mashy. so far, my girl likes it and can finished one bowl of it (which is abt 6-7 rice scoop cos i use the rice scoop to scoop it into her bowl). her record so far is 1.5 bowl. our neighbour's baby (bigger than her by 1.5months) also dun like porridge cos i think they dunno how to cook (heard from mil that neighbour say their texture is like those "teochew porridge" kind) so for the past 3 days, MIL gave our neighbour some of our porridge (the texture is like those yum cha porridge - can't see the grains liao) cos got excess and their baby finished it up and told us the baby likes it alot and that our porridge smells very nice compared to theirs.

so far she is eating porridge twice a day and i have given her "gor he" (fish) or cod fish with lean pork mixed with sweet potato or pumpkin or carrot. each time we only mixed with one veg. 2moro will be giving her mashed potatoes mixed with fish for a change.
Hi elmo
Good idea! So many more choices hor..sweet potatoes, cauliflower, avocado.. but dunno wat is butternut?

Must be me liao, blur blur ask to buy one book when the sign put package deal...hahaha

Haiyo peng, now the gathering so near my house. But dare not put my name in liao. 3 times put all fail to turn up... wl sms u if I can make it when the date comes close. Might be as late as Smiley.


heehee... another cookie monster! The bib looks familar.. think I bought one for my Owen too.
Hi Elmo,

Thanks, maybe I did not prepare the Brown Rice the right way. I will try your routine.

From my understanding, these are the steps that I should follow right?

1. Steam the JUST Organic Brown Rice (how long?)
2. Then dry over low heat (pan dry or oven dry?)
3. Grind rice to powder
4. To serve, mix with water (room temperature) before boiling (how long?)

Do I have my steps correct? Really keen to learn
hi toothsome, we bought the brown rice from medicinal halls, not sure of the brand thou, just normal brown rice. and then grind with sishen and dang sheng at medicinal hall.
will mix with milk powder when served to baby and she quite like it
strawberry, you can find it in NTUC. It looks like a big pear with heavy bottom! :p Looks a bit like beige colour...supposed to be in the same category as pumpkin, but better.

for steam, try to use those heavy stainless pot if you have those (cook faster)... for every 1 cup of rice, I add about 3 tablespoon of water to steam with the rice.
My MIL uses those AMC pot (steam for 1.5 hrs).
Just steam till you see the rice is well cook can liao....
After that put inside oven and use 55-60 degrees annd dry for 4-6 hrs... turning every hr.....
Then grind when cool. After grinding, need to cool for a while cos it gets a bit warm after grinding. After that, keep inside an airtight container in the fridge.
To cook, I add approx 2 level tablespoon of the powder with 100ml of room temp water and mix well. After that, boil for 10 mins, stirring continuosly. I also add the frozen puree i prepared before I boil... cos frozen puree need to get heated thoroughly to kill all germs.

If you think this is too time consuming, you can also do away with the steaming, just wash, drain dry, oven toast for 2 hr to dry. Grind into powder when cool, then when cooking, just cook for 20 mins.

Somehow the toasting bring out the fragrance of brown rice.
Good morning mummies!


U feed your bb lean pork or just added it in the porridge fot taste only?
hi toothsome,

I'm using the short grain Lunderburg Organic Brown Rice (made in US)to grind into powder. I didn't steam it, just wash, fry/oven dry, then grind into powder form. It takes about 20min to cook. Very smooth paste no lumps at all. The lady told me to get the short grain for making porridge cos' the texture will be nicer, like thick paste...the longer grains will not be so paste-like.
Hurray, the long grain one I use is ok leh... the paste is very smooth......

the lunderburg rice also quite nice. I eat before... but didnt use that to make porridge yet. :p
toothsome, forgot to mention that is you didnt steam, just use oven to toast dry, you got to add more powder....about 0.5 tablespoon for the porridge, cos the rice shrink more after being steamed becos the grains inside break liao.... so shrink more.... after cooking it will thicken as the rice swell...know what I mean :p
Actually he can eat even more but I don't let him eat too much. He always cries for more after finish 1 bowl n I check his one bowl is about 8/10 of our normal rice bowl.
any mummies interested? All mummies are also welcomed.

Venue: Rivervale Crest (Beside Rivervale Mall)

Date: 17th June (SUN)
Time: 10.30am

Activity: Swimming of cos! and makan at Rivervale Mall or somewhere else later after the swimming session cos all mummies and daddies and babies should be famished after that!

1. Stacey, Hubby and Brandon
2. Babyblush, Maid and Chloe
3. Pama, hubby, and BB
4. Babygal_1,kenise
5. Jaline, Dragon and Nouvelle
6. Hurray, hubby, & Danessa
7. Karin, hubby & Gabrielle

We fixed the date on the 17th June this sunday ok?

After the swim, we will proceed to Karin's house. Lunch wise, either we ta bao or we order delivery. what do you all think?

Please give me your hand phone number so I can sms u the details.
Look forward to meeting all of you this sun! Delivery sounds good and more convenient, cos after swim, the babes will be tired (read cranky!).

haiz! My aircon guy say need to redo the house trunking cos the last piping done badly... faintz!!
need to spend more money... I want to faint liao.. broke!
